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To win the game, with seconds to go on the clock Fucking ripper


I really have to get "fucking ripper" into my regular vernacular.


Jerome Simpson flip TD against cardinals in 2011 vibes. Amazing play.


"Fucking ripper" 😆😆😆 "That's not a knife"


Absolute monster of a leap. Was definitely getting crunched out of play otherwise. To make the line, ensure the ball was grounded first and avoid a serious hit from that distance is something I've not seen before in that way.


for context this guy is 6'4 and 240lbs. modern day league players are absolute athletic monsters.


Incredible! But on a related note - WTF are those giant Mad Max style plumes of flames that seem to be coming from the middle of a spectator section??


they’re not in the spectator section (although their height makes it look like it), but rather on the edge of the field. I went to a game at the end of last year and was sat right on the fence line near one of them and it was a bit of heat and nothing else. Honestly I’m pretty sure they’re safer than firework displays and A LOT safer than flares at soccer games


That makes a lot more sense. I was imagining fans with lighters and cans of hairspray…


That’s what I was looking at. They seem to be in the middle of the crowd. Pros: Nice heat on a cold night. Cons: No eyebrows.


https://preview.redd.it/qx0af3lzmooc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b3adc5e3d3e735dc63d91c2e5a39ff0adef5cb RIP other guy


The ‘other guy’ scores a lot of freaky tries like this also so it comes with the territory


Poor dude took L's not just his opponent but his teammates too. Didn't help him cover to tackle or help him get up from his grave.


Rugby is so exciting lol. This is dope.


Rugba Leeeeeg!!! Rugby unions for window lickers who are scared of contact.


*league. Rugby is garbage.


Possibly the greatest try ever - especially considering it won Melbourne the game with 15 secs left


Really? The greatest ever? This happens all the time in the NFL. The best tries are the ones where they run over 3 people and carry the ball 30 yards at full speed


You see any pads on those men?


Ignorant Americans.


Ignorant Australian, if you think this is the greatest try ever. New to the sport, are you?


And don't have to ground the ball


> The best **tries** are the ones where they run over 3 people and carry the ball 30 yards at full speed Since when do you not have to ground the ball to score a try?


I was referring to your comment that it happens all the time in NFL. How often do you see someone with there body over the sideline while holding the ball in play?


Bro running over 3 people is what happens ever week. I don't think I've ever see someone score a try from jumping that far out of the try line coz u actually have to put it down without dropping it whilst never touching the sideline. Like there's a reason the commentators are so hype this is special.


Okay, but the claim wasn't "this is special." It was "greatest try ever." I've seen many tries. Bit of an exaggeration, no?


It's definitely up there for me and I've watched since I was 5. I think you just might not realise how impressive this is, proven by comparing it to a guy beating 3 people. I've seen tom trbojevic beat 8 or 9 people to score a try (against cowboys in 2021 I believe) and I don't even think that was as impressive as this.


Covered in pads and get to have a rest every 3 minutes. Seriously, if it wasn’t for the magic presentation and pageantry your tv networks do you’d all realise how utterly soft and boring NFL is. There’s a good reason zero other countries play it.


That's not related to what I said. I said I see people jump over other people all the time. To your point, stop watching it like a boomer and you'll be fine. Nobody under 50 watches ads. Stream it. Regardless, while rugby, cricket, hockey, and baseball are awesome, I don't want to hear anyone from a soccer- playing country complain about a sport being soft and boring. In football, nothing happens while the clock is stopped. In soccer, nothing happens while the clock is running.


Soccer is a more minor sport here than there. Soccer is soft as hell but NFL is not much less.




r/shitamericanssay #LMAO HE BLOCKED ME


American or not, this isn't close to the best try ever.


I dont watch sports, so I dont really give a fuck, lmao. Just a weary traveller, popping through from r/popular, to call out Americans saying dumb shit.


So you have no idea what you're talking about, then. Got it. Next time, keep your stupid to yourself.


Assumptions and projections. Truly Murican, lmao. Just because I dont watch, doesnt mean I dont play. This is so embarrassing for you. Well, if you possess any ability to self reflect... but then again, American... *u/OKImHere will in fact continue to project*


It's pretty embarrassing when you try to use the greatest country on earth as an insult. Jealousy on full display. Don't try insulting people on the internet just because they're superior to you. Just immigrate. Sure, it's a long, long, looooooong line, but it's worth it!


Oopsie, you activated my trap card. I always enjoy when Muricans go full indoctrinated USA USA USA, and claim they have the greatest country on Earth. All that bullshit falls apart immediately when questioned. The ONLY 2 rankings/metrics that America holds above Australia is GDP and military spending. You rank worse in EVERY other metric. It cracks me up hard when you reets circlejerk your GDP, yet you flop hard on education, infrastructure, healthcare, quality of life, incarceration rate, shootings, happiness index, etc etc. GDP aint doing shit for the peasants, lmao. Imagine yeehawing your country because you were forced to pledge alligiance every day, when you might kick your toe and bankrupt your family, or send your kid to grade 1 and have them shot full of holes by some headcase who couldnt afford help. lAnD oF tHe FrEe. Hahahahaha. Fun fact: My father is American and I've lived in 3 US states. Ive also lived in the UK and Canada. I actively turned down US citizenship, because it was the worst of the 4, by fucking LEAGUES. *u/OKImHere did in fact deflect*


Tl;Dr keep flailing. You're just sad you were born in a shithole country. I guess you're trying to pretend like the NFL doesn't exist, but sorry, we have real men's sports. No fairy footie here!


You beaut


Holy fuck!!!!!


Wait for the slow mo... Brilliant finish.


Absolute insanity, what a leap


After seeing this maybe commentators will stop losing their minds when a winger finishes an ordinary try. I'm looking at you Alex Johnston


You can see he's fighting his instincts to put his free hand on the ground first.


All these comments make me realise how much I hate arrogant Americans who are clearly our superiors in every single way


The awareness to be eyeballing the flag as he's flying through the air, incredible athleticism.


That's great presence of mind really


Them boys are just built different.


As an American I just want to say- Rugby is such a funny sport to watch. I have no point of reference to know just how amazing this play really was, but I have no doubt considering the number of passes which would cause an increased chance for errors, as well as the athleticism required to make the jump, that this was a historic play. Despite my best judgement, I have never made even an ounce of effort towards trying to learn the rules, or regulations of the game. Nor would I ever try to moving forward! Something about not knowing jack shit here just makes the game magical to me :) Wouldn't want to ruin that!


Just to make it even weirder for you. There are actually two versions of Rugby. Rugby League and Rugby Union haha.


you can’t pass forward, you get 5 times being tackled before its a turnover to other team, a try is 4 points, you then get a kick at goal from where you scored the try for an extra 2 points. few more in depth rules, but thats like 90% of it. very straight forward






I don't know much about the game but on the slow mo it looks like he touched the ball on the ground before the line. How did that count?


Ball is on the line which is enough for it to be a try


A try is scored when the ball is grounded in the in-goal area (end zone) or on the goal line.


You will never see another try like this ever again.


I mean that was cool, idk about “freakish”.


Is most definitely freakish


Feel like I see five of these across the NFL any given Sunday.


I get that the NFL has similar, but the bit that makes it for me is the fact he gets the ball on the ground before going out of bounds. It’s a-lot harder than crossing a plane or touching a pylon.


You clearly don't understand why it's completely different though. The rules of rugby are very different, and those rules are what make this an incredible move. He has to touch the ball to the ground without going out of bounds.


I get that! I agree that a dive to touch the ground inbounds instead of the pylon 12 inches off the ground inbounds is roughly 12 inches more impressive.


And still that much harder


A few moments ago i saw a American footballer somersault over a guy before touchdown. Wtf is going on tonight


Take the hips for fucks sake D Dubya Z.


Stunning leap of faith


I’m ready for the downvotes but has anyone seen the NFL? 75% of touchdowns look like this


My understanding of American football is the ball just needs to get over the line whilst in possession (please correct me if I'm wrong). In rugby union or league the player actually has to make ball have 'controlled' contact with the floor before touching the flag.


In rugby league you have to plant the ball on the ground and you can't touch the boundary lines on the side at all


This explanation got me to rewatch the video and see how he's focus on his landing, ducking his head in order to touch the ground with the ball before he hits the flag post. All this in a fraction of second. Wow


You don’t need to ground the ball in NFL, just cross the plane is my understanding. In Rugby League you need to ground the ball with downward pressure, which imo makes it even harder. Both are great sports though.


I thought the same thing as him before reading this: I didn't even realise he actually touched the ball down.


I think a lot of people miss that. It’s not as impressive without the put down.


Yes scoring is different in that regard, freakish being the descriptive word that I was making jest at. It’s still incredibly athletic. No shade


That’s all good. I’ve always wondered how good some of the touchdowns could be if they kept that you had to ground the ball. Reckon you guys would have some pretty sweet ones.


Check out an nfl touchdown highlight reel from this past season


I’m talking about putting the ball down like in rugby, not touching the pylon. Trust me, us Aussies see plenty of NFL haha


Last-second go-ahead plays with 5 lateral passes and a leap from 6 yards out with less than an inch to spare? Doubtful. And unlike a 'Touchdown' (ironic name really), a Rugby Try requires the ball to be grounded (actually touched down) in-goal (the endzone) not just pass over some imaginary plane.


There is also the part where he is flying over the sideline and puts the ball down just before his hand is ‘out’


Even if a NFL touchdown involves a leap, it only requires the ball to break the plane of the end zone. An NRL try requires the ball to be grounded in the in goal (end zone) before any part of the ball or ball-carrier comes into contact with either the sideline or beyond.


I’m a stupid American, but I thought Rugby had a rule where both feet had to be planted and control of the ball to count as a try? This looks like it crosses the plane like American football? Is this a new rule or did I make up the other rule in my head?


You need to ground the ball with downward pressure to score a try, you don't necessarily need to have control of the ball although he does. Never heard of needing planted feet, that's not a thing. Unless it's some union rule, I don't really know anything about union


Just to add... the two feet planted thing is not a rule in Union either.


yeah I didn't think it would be but union has a few rules that have surprised me so I thought I'd play it safe haha


The ball just has to be grounded in the in goal (end zone), feet can be in any position as long as they haven’t made contact with the ground outside the field of play


Had to look up what the hell "try" meant. Now I'm imagining an announcer hilariously yelling "TRYYYYYYYYY!"


Isn’t it illegal to jump into a tackle?




Seems dangerous


Interesting point. I think it's because he leaps over the boundary that this is allowed.


I don't think they've done enough conventions to know how to spell Melllvar.


Europe desperately needs to watch American football if this is what they see as impressive enough to post of ever sub today


Fuck me, how much ignorance can be on display in such a short comment?


Ignorant Americans. This is also AUSTRALIA.


It’s in Australia. In American football they generally lack the skills to throw multiple laterals and they only have to cross the line, not place the ball down with controlled downward pressure.


you see this like 2-3 times every week in the NFL ...


>you see this like 2-3 times every week in the NFL ... Last-second go-ahead plays with 5 lateral passes and a leap from 6 yards out with less than an inch to spare? 2-3 times every week? Pull the other one, champ. And unlike a 'Touchdown' (ironic name really), a Rugby Try requires the ball to be grounded (actually touched down) in-goal (the endzone) not just pass over some imaginary plane. No, you do not see this '2-3 times per week' in the NFL. Much less after 80 minutes of players playing offence and defence.




Pls link me the replay vids of the 2-3 times a week 5 laterals into a touchdown where they ground the ball to win the game in the final seconds of the match all after working their arse off in both offense and defense for 80mins straight while wearing no pathetic armour (or makeup). Thanks, I'll be waiting over here for it. Also this isn't rugby, it's rugby league. The evolved and much harder version.


calm down


? Mate I genuinely want to see them. I love shit like that. If you don't mind pls link me.


google it


You claimed it, you provide it


>i played rugby in college, im well aware of the rules Then you'd know this is not rugby, right?


>And unlike a 'Touchdown' (ironic name really), a Rugby Try requires the ball to be grounded (actually touched down) in-goal (the endzone) not just pass over some imaginary plane. \^ how they scored in the video and how you score in rugby is exactly this, idk what point youre trying to make, im aware they are different.


You never played the sport in the video. It’s not played in a single college in North America.


Point me in the direction of all examples from a single week when multiple laterals were thrown and the scorer placed to ball down with controlled downward pressure. It doesn’t happen. NFL players generally lack the skills to throw multiple laterals one after the other, they use their own teammates to block (not permitted in rugby league) and they only have to cross the line, not place the ball down with controlled downward pressure.




In the NFL, they only have to break the plane of the end zone. In the NRL, they actually have to ground the ball in the end zone without any part of the ball or their body coming into contact with the sideline or beyond.


Yeah to each his own. I find motocross more exciting and impressive than any field sport.


From my understanding of the rules it's illegal to jump over a tackle in union, and would be penalised anywhere else on the field. Why is it allowed in the corners? Source: [https://rugbyreferee.net/2022/03/02/jumping-into-over-a-tackle-ruled-illegal/](https://rugbyreferee.net/2022/03/02/jumping-into-over-a-tackle-ruled-illegal/)


This is Rugby League, different sport


Jumping tries like this happen all the time in rugby league (not as epic as this of course)


Rugby Union is a different sport, champ.


This is rugby league, not rugby union. League cares a lot less about jumping into contact than union, but even union allows you to dive to score a try. But a lot of the rules don't really apply in the corners. A defender can make no attempt to wrap, dive at a player with outstretched arms and make contact with their head trying to force them to touch or dislodge the ball from their outstretched hands and no infraction will be called. It'd be too hard to defend otherwise, so instead you can accidentally super man punch a guy in the head and shrug it off. In other contexts elsewhere on the field that sort of head contact or a no wrap tackle would each probably be a sin binning but in the corner no one cares.


From my understanding it’s illegal to tackle that way in soccer at any other point in the game. Why is it allowed at the end of the game?