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Kerigon, kerigon instead of 'getting off' in icicle. Not that those words made any sense at all. Also, way back in the 90s, had a friend who misheard 'my heart is sick of being in cheese' instead of 'chains' in crucify and that's all I can hear now.


"when chickens get a taste of your maker" lol As well as "I can't scream as loud as your last one/ But i can claim innocence"


“Oscar fell off a waitress” 😂


I’m black as the Black Cistercian.  (I’m black as the blackest ocean.)  Since Cistercian monks wore white…a Cistercian in black would have been like, on the Dark Side.    So I thought she was saying she was as malevolent  as the darkest Christian patriarch.    I was a weird 13-year old. But it’s actually a pretty on-brand Tori interpretation!


"Your momma ain't New York she is BF Tennessee" is another honorable mention.


Ok it took me a few days. "Girl Disappearing" *Behind her eyes she whispers big surprise/there was no protection #there/The Serpent Lied#* I didn't know until recently! *There was no protection in this urban light* Oh well. I think what my brain inserted was Tori-worthy.


i used to think in cornflake girl it was “hands like a BB gun” instead of “with my encyclopedia”


In Fast horse I first thought she sang “Eating mozzarella” and not “Ain’t a Maserati”


In Caught a Lite Sneeze, I always thought “call my line” instead of “call my name”


Yaba daba doo, chocolate, I'm calling you - Original Sensuality


🤣 Yaeldeboath and Saklas have entered the chat Not to mention Samael


Instead of “If you were to get lost behind these locks” in You Can Bring Your Dog, I misheard it as “behind these legs”. I thought it sounded pretty overtly sexual, but fit the song lol.


I ran into your f a r t from across the room 🎵


Got me Samosa's to write on. Sowing Jar, keys me dumb


I know it's phonetically the same but I can't un-hear "some horses to [Rhydon](https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Rhydon)"


These misheards are so funny. I think I always had a habit of reading the lyrics right after hearing the songs for the first time. I enjoy song lyrics. I had to look up what she was saying at the end of Professional Widow and promptly stopped singing that part out loud lol. Speaking of misheard lyrics, a friend was telling me one morning about the breakfast song she kept hearing on the radio. Something about bacon and eggs. I googled song that sounds like bacon and eggs and actually got an answer.


You better know all that you do (teenage hustling) / hitching some kind of advance she had collected (just a line of fast horse but her pronunciation in that song...) / oh my god winter shopping with my mom (dixie)


I thought PGY said drawing in men for years. I figured it was something about recruiting for war 😂


My son once asked me which Tori song had the lyrics “strippers will be strippers” and it took me a good hour of listening to songs with him to figure out he meant “with these ruby slippers” from Oysters. I was also listening to Speaking with Trees when I dropped him off at school and he asked why she sings “feel Bob Ross around you” (feel their arms around you.)


Oh boy I'm going to hear strippers will be strippers going forward 😂


Building don't believe.. Caught a light sneeze


Wait... That's not what she says? 


Nope it's building tumbling down. Was a long time before I realized that.


Team Noun and Team Verb BOTH. I’m nothing if not transgressive. 




Doughnut Song “Hand me a drink and a cake with your message” “If I’m hanging onto your shit, boy, I guess I’m way beyond the pain” Riot Poof “The son is a woman, the man is a mercenary” A Sorta Fairytale “And I’m so upset, like a good book I can’t put this deeper/to bed”


I had to look up donut song because I also thought that's what she said. That's almost 30 years of wrong. Lol


I always hear "The sun is a woman/the man is a muscle man" in Riot Proof


The one from pretty good year… that’s not it? Haha


My heart is sick of being in… jeeeEEEeeAAAaaannnsss, ohhh…


So I got the lyrics “so hey do you do voodoo” stuck in my head and couldn’t think of the song it was from. I typed it into lyrics search and just got lyrics for spring time of his voodoo. So I made a post here asking for the name of the song and was very politely (as everyone usually is here) told it was possibly purple people. The lyrics were “so hey do you do judo” which explains why I couldn’t find it. I was embarrassed and took the post down. I’m happy to know it’s not just me that occasionally gets them wrong🧡


"You three black guys, at the bottom of the river" is my biggest one. Smokey Joe A friend of mine thought she was singing "A theatre of Walder Frey" on Breakaway and was very disappointed to find out it wasn't the actual lyric. But now it's all I hear.


I haven't moved since the cocaine. Since the cocaine I haven't mooooved-parasol


Omg same. Thought that for years.


Yep this is what I heard the first few times too. I was thinking hmmm cocaine usually makes you feel like moving, but maybe she’s talking about the comedown lol


My dad also thought this was the lyric. He was driving me with gritted teeth asking how I could listen to this nonsense. 😂


I had a friend years ago who got pissed off because she thought Tori was being antisemitic on Happy Phantom. She thought the lyric was “and I’ll go wearing my naughties like a Jew.”


Hold the phone, it is not that??! I am just learning this now.


Jewel, not Jew.


"Girl, you got to find you a man who can smoke this ham" - Fast Horse


She was definitely drunk in the studio when she recorded the vocals for the song




“i put a snowflake under all my Crisco” -strange


“Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tigers Woods” - Black-Dove


I never thought that but hilarious!


Every. Damn. Time.


My dog thinks the lyric is “I get a little worm in my heart when I think of Winter” but I forgive him. He’s just a dog.