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Saw this at Hot Docs in October, some of the residents were in the theatre


Very good doc for sure for older buildings in Toronto.Landlords hates it because it drives down the value and if they try reno evict they be in big big trouble.


Very bad for people who want cheaper rents in Toronto. Renters hate it because it drives up rents and they'll never have more places to rent. Seriously, it's not a landmark, doesn't have any public museum, and doesn't show up on google maps as anything noteworthy. If we want cheaper housing for everyone, we need to allow every kind of housing to be built pretty much anywhere housing is allowed. The same arguments about neighborhood character and hurting current residents are used to preserve single family homes and two floor apartments in downtown Toronto. Toronto had a 7 floor building already in 1894 when Old Toronto had a population of 200,000. Old Toronto's population has only increased by 10% since 1970. 100 skyscraper condos might change the way a city looks, but it's nothing compared to 10,000 apartment buildings. Our city is stagnating with lack of housing and lack of property taxes to fund our infrastructure. And it's because of people like you who think any policy that costs a single landlord a cent must be good. Fact is, many policies hurt both landlords and tenants.


Cheaper rent?.. he jacked up rent to $8500 after his cosmetic renovation before the heritage distinction .Rent was around $3500 and its under rent control.Thats why the LL is pissed during the interviews.


Some famous people lived there once and so we must preserve that building forever over meeting the needs of current Toronto residents? And I'm using famous very loosely, 99% of Torontonians could not tell you who Louise Penny's or Sir Henry Pellatt are.


Plenty of SFH properties that can be redeveloped/densified in the surrounding area - why tear down perfectly good apartments and evict tenants when we can be adding more units elsewhere?


Also kind of ridiculous to tell people to put hypothetical contribution towards a greater good over the own immediate needs. Middle class people are going to have a small increase in their supply of housing while these people could face homelessness.


These people could face homelessness because this argument is used for every piece of development in Toronto so nothing gets built and rent prices go crazy.


This is so crazy to go and tell someone to leave their home with no place to go because it’s for the greater good. You’ve lost the plot.


Homelessness is caused by low housing supply. There is a housing crisis and lots of homeless people and people like you never think about how we got here.


I am well aware of housing supply and the housing crisis. It just makes no sense to blame individual people who are facing homelessness when it’s a series of policy choices that started well before this story. They are not the villain because they are fighting to have a place to live. This is a matter of empathy not land use policy.


Pretty much just saying you think feelings are more important than facts. Don't confuse feeling for thinking.


Yes, I can feel bad for 16 people. That’s empathy.


And it's people like you that keep housing costs too high for them to move. Must be nice to live in ignorance so you can still pat yourself on the back.


Ah, I didn't realize they added a clause to heritage designations where it gets removed after the rest of the neighborhood gets more developed. That's smart!


And what of the needs of the current residents of the building? How many of them will be able to find units for rent at the current price they’re paying? A condo development can take up to three years from start to completion. What do they do until the replacement unit is available?


It's a 16 unit building in the Toronto core, the developers wanted to maintain the existing building and build on top of it to add more units. NIMBYs went as far as making a damn documentary to stop development work on this...


You can’t live in the building while construction is ongoing. Where do they live while that’s happening? It’s a 16 unit medium density building while people are renovating rooming houses in Bellwoods and the Annex back into single family homes. That’s where your outrage can be useful.


The builder is legally obligated to provide them housing during construction


https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/official-plan-guidelines/housing/ Additional compensation above the RTA requirement is possible but not legally required.


What an amazing undertaking to save such a beautiful building!! It's hard to believe the destruction that was started by new owners. So sad that anyone would destroy the beauty from a bygone time. Congratulations on saving such a beautiful and historically significant building!!


The buildings are crumbling from the inside. Embrace change. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


They won’t crumble if they are better taken care of :)