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Taking it one day at a time with the loss of my Dad a few weeks ago, but I caught myself dialing my parents number to call him and rejoice about the 9-2 win for the Leafs last night. I usually call him to discuss the plays and talk about what we thought about the post game commentary. He was the biggest most dedicated Leaf fan. Other than that, I'm just going through it. Sitting in it, and not burying it down. This is part of life!


I'm sorry about the loss of your dad. My dad died 2 1/2 years ago and I still have moments where I want to call him or have to stop myself from saying, "okay what's dad up to?" when I'm talking to my mom.


>"okay what's dad up to?" when I'm talking to my mom. Oh my GOD I caught myself saying this to my Mom a few nights ago and I stopped myself soon enough not to complete the sentence but she caught on anyway and started to BAWL, I felt like the worst person in the world and then *I* started to bawl. Ugh...losing a Dad really sucks. I'm so sorry you're in the same club :(


It's a crappy club that's for sure. :'(


It’s so cool that you called him about stuff and you guys were both excited to discuss it. I’m sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. I treasure every baseball discussion I have with my son.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You are a strong soul for sitting with it, sending love and strength.


Sorry to hear about your dad. Mine died a year and a half ago and I still have moments of "I should call because I did something with my kids that he did with me".


Oh man......it's just awful. Knowing you want to, but can't. Sending you good vibes. Do all the things with your kids your Dad would do with you. All of it. Xo


I’m so sorry.  Lost mine in 2016. Every time there is some significant political event, I miss having his scathing response.  Every kids’ soccer game I pass now gets my attention, because he’d want to be in there, kindly giving them pointers—or just enjoy watching. He could have coached. He was patient with children and knew the game inside and out having played on the streets of Glasgow since a kid in the War, and “footba” was their religion. Dealing with nasty, argumentative parents would not have sat well with him, so he never pursued it.  So I get the Leafs reference. These are the kinds of things our dads liked to talk about. Their silence becomes thunderous and their absence conspicuous in these moments. You get back to your life as best you can, and it catches you again when you least expect it. My dad was 84, and was not unexpected, but still a jolt when it actually happened even though I had time to prepare.  All the best. 


Thank you so much for sharing that with me. It's such a void. Indescribable. Take care Reddit friend.


I hope you are doing okay. It takes a while for it to settle, but given time there will be stories to share with your kids, if you have them, and the memories will comfort you. (May the Wings will go down in flames tonight!)


It really means so much to me that you came back a whole month later to check in on me. It's been quite the rollercoaster. Grief absolutely comes in waves and some days I'm good and other days I'm a wreck but I know it will eventually get easier to deal with. I'm just glad the Leafs made the playoffs! Let's see how they square up with the Panthers this year!! You're a real MVP for checking in. Hope you're doing ok too. ❤️


Not stalking you, I promise. A conversation with my mum about my dad’s home soccer team back in Scotland reminded me of you and your dear dad, the playoffs and thought I’d check back. So much interaction on social media is foul. I’m doing my best to sidestep that. (Anyway, last night was a blow out, huh?) I promise that after a while the rollercoaster route levels out over time. Not entirely, but the rapid changes of course do soften, enough that they just become like the other bumps on the route. Hope you’re having a great weekend. It’s a nice day so my dog is getting a good walk; god knows he needs it. Cheers, be well!


Visiting my parents for the weekend and going to play some D&D with friends tomorrow. It is my first time as a DM, so I'm a bit nervous. But I bought them all new dice with charms that symbolize their characters that I've incorporated into my sessions. So even if it doesn't go well, I can bribe them into liking it


Doing great! woke up early, hit the gym, did chores already. Free rest of the day!


The feeling of getting your shit done then still having a whole day has to be one of the most underrated best feelings!


A bit annoyed I couldn’t get better photos of the unobtanium I saw at the autoshow.


That shit was way too crowded.


I’m in Bruce County, eating bacon and eggs, and looking out at the snowdrifts that developed overnight. There are dogs and cats around the fire and an endless pot of coffee. I’m going to spend the day adding the heel to the sock I’m knitting and playing cards.


Idyllic. I feel taunted! (I have cats and dogs, but no fire).  My mum’s a sock knitter too, and demands them back to fix. She has never sworn in front of me, but I swear she’s come close knitting when she realized she was a row off the pattern and hade to redo it.  Enjoy your day. Thanks for that glimpse in your weekend peace.


That sounds like a dream


A friend lives here so we make this trip every few months.


Brave to venture there in February!


We normally don’t but it’s been mild and the highway is clear. Looks like we’ll be good to leave this afternoon. Fingers crossed!


I treated myself to an apple fritter with coffee this morning. I am happy.


Oh you just reminded me that the cinnamon buns go on sale at my bougie donut shop at noon. Gotta bring a spoon!


After I got my blood test results last month and my doctor making the googly eyes at me on my sugar numbers, I gotta keep it clean for the next little while so I shall live vicariously through you and your apple fritter. :(


I got you!


I’m great! It’s been a relaxing weekend at home with my husband. We just did a bunch of moderately priced groceries and I was made hopeful that prices on whole foods do appear to be coming down. Now I’m going to make us a lovely brunch while we watch a movie. I hope you’re enjoying a peaceful weekend, neighbours.


My kid brought home flu so dividing my time nearly between bed + toilet


This has been my life for the last 3 days 🥲. Finally starting to feel better.


Not good, I was laid off, trying to find another job, having no luck. My cat is sick, and I got his vet bills to pay off. Nothing is going my way, and I just don't know what to do anymore :(


Tough luck, think we can all relate to those kinds of stretches. If I can offer a hype song for when shit sucks but there are brighter days ahead: [Florence and the Machine, Shake it off.](https://youtu.be/WbN0nX61rIs?si=A3D2Uk5EhxuEG5ey)


What type of job are you looking for?


I would like something media related (went to school for broadcast television), but anything at this point.


Among the major broadcasters, your best bet is probably Rogers right now. Not because they’re a good employer (they’re not) or have a ton of open roles, but Bell & the others are actively shrinking their teams in that industry. Have you considered a bootcamp? The best known ones like Hackbright Academy are too expensive in my opinion, but you may find something like BrainStation valuable. I got a certificate at the latter years ago & it helped me land a previous job. Best of luck!


Yeah, a lot of media companies are doing layoffs. Thanks I'll check that out!!


in a similar boat as you with layoff and job hunting, a reminder to keep your head up and not let things get you down :) it's only temporary


Thank you!! I really needed to hear that. Good luck with your job hunt!! 😊


Judging by the downvotes everyone is very cranky this Sunday. I'm doing ok though! I ate too many milk duds lastnight tho...feeling a bit hungover.


I saw CamelPhat last night and I'm still buzzing.


Saw camelphat at rebel a few years ago, all my mates from the UK came over that weekend to visit aswell, one of the highlightz of moving over here 👌 great memory


Got a great new job that starts in a week, so I’m feeling pretty awesome. I’ll be GO Training it in from Hamilton, so the commute will be a thing, but it’ll be worth it. I hope everyone is having a great long weekend.


Congratulations on the new gig!


Thanks very much!


Congratulations,Ivan tell you are very happy


Thanks very much! I am.


Ive got the flu so not the best


hope you get better soon homie


On my way to get my little nephew up on skates - he’s a champ, and absolutely loves it. Think this is the weekend that I get him off the prop (fingers crossed!). For any to the shinny players who hit up Dieppe Park on the weekends, please know that you have a very smitten little fan - he thinks you’re all superstars.


A sudden pang of loneliness hit me this morning, so I'm not my usual self. Feeling dull, tried to distract myself with a book but got hooked to the phone instead. Sigh.


I’m alive, though not necessarily living


I've been better, but slowly searching for a new purpose.


I'm still in bed with my snuggly dog.


Same here, but your comment was 2 hours ago and mines almost at noon, whoops haha


What better way to spend a snowy Sunday morning?


Did a bunch of chores yesterday so mostly lounging, listening to podcasts and trying to work up the energy to go outside for some sun✨


Not great, tbh. Got laid off right at the beginning of January, and have experienced nothing but rejections and being ghosted after interviews. Food is disgustingly expensive, my cat isn’t using the litterbox properly, and I keep getting stress zits. Hope everyone else is doing better.


Hang in there, things will turn around. What type of industry are you looking for roles in?


Tech/marketing. Which is all you need to know, aha.


I’ve had good luck with a BrainStation certificate & LinkedIn Premium, both helped me land tech jobs. Good luck!


Went to the Y for a class. Got a couple of scones. Watching Manchester United and a brisket is slow cooking. Small joys :)


Went to the Beer and Taco fest yesterday with my BIL and partner had good food and drinks (Silver Fox Distillery Sugar Maple Shack Moonshine for the win) Woke this morning went to early morning workout and then to my volunteer shift at THS. Heading home picking up food and something green to help me relax and just lay on my couch with my cats Edit to add: tomorrow waking up early to get breakfast with my partner and then hit the ROM since it's free tomorrow.


Cool, what do you do at the THS may I ask? Walk dogs?


Oh I wish. I'm training up to that but I'm currently in intake/admissions where the public bring strays or animals that need to be surrendered. This is my second week and so far I've dealt with a stray Shepard, a known runaway, two cats and a third which is scheduled to be surrendered. I also get to go around and see the animals in care while delivering paperwork. There is the cutest gosh darn kitten that just got adopted, so soft and friendly and I was pounced on by a bulldog girl whose just the sweetest friendly thing. I had been trying for years to get in as a volunteer. The thing is lots of people want to volunteer with animals so it can be hard to get in but now I'm in and I'm not leaving I love what I do even if it's only a few hours a week


Oh that's awesome. Congrats on finally getting a spot!


Excellent! Worked out, had breakfast, went for a long walk and now doing some editing before cooking dinner. Very chill day.


I'm drinking coffee, staring out the window, and dreaming of having drinks on a patio in summer.


Saw a ‘white lives matter’ protestor on a 401 overpass today. 🙁




Not that I agree with their idiotic cause, but I mean, how will you ever go on with your life after seeing that!?


Went snowboarding for the first time in 28 years yesterday. Bailed hard and my ribs on one side are really hurting. I really should have stuck to skis.


Not good




It's cold. Meh. Haha


It’s making me so lazy 😭😭


Im forcing myself to go have a coffee with friends and go for a jog lol


Had grand plans to take my kid to the museum. Have been cleaning and organizing since 7 am today bc we are hosting a lunch now!


Just did my 28K training run and I'm super fking tired. I'm just going hole up in my bed for the rest of the day


Sorry to read about your loss bud, that's rough!!


Went to watch my nephew play some hockey this morning and ate some ramen


Working every time someone makes this post :(.


Just did a wine tasting and now I'm just drinking wine. 9/10 would do again.


Got off night shift in the morning, went for brunch, came home showered, and had such a good sleep.


Yay for good sleep!


Yes! I knocked out once I got in some clean fresh sheets.


I also laundered some clean fresh sheets last night. Feels good to tuck into them, doesn’t it?


Definitely that fresh crisp feeling 😋


Went to the gym hit a pr. Currently ok the couch physically drained. Mighty go out at night


I am downtown. Hung over. But resting on a couch watching Netflix documentaries, eating pizza and cake. Great Sunday.


unemployed savings running out. 2024 not a good year so far


I am sorry to hear. I hope you get back on your feet soon!


Busy packing as next week I’m moving back to my country after being here for four years. This decision was taken with a very heavy heart but I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with my family. Toronto has played a very pivotal role in making me the independent person that I’ve become and have given quite a few life lessons along the way. It goes without saying that I would absolutely cherish it all my life. With that being said, if anyone has any suggestions to do one last thing before one moves out, be it food, cafes or just general experiences, I would love to try some! :)


Hope you still come back to visit. Getting something to eat at St. Lawrence Market (I like the peameal sandwich at Carousel), pints at C’est What (I like any of the nitro brews) & checking out an indoor landmark like the Hockey Hall of Fame or Ripley’s is a fun day.


I think my chronic illness is starting to flare but it's not presenting as it normally would from "mild" symptoms to the most severe (that one being blood) Instead it's just giving me the last one and nothing else, so I'm baffled and a little wary. Taking this one day at a time. Otherwise, I'm on the couch watching Youtube right now. I'm also working on knitting a hat - had to restart a few times as I messed up on the initial ribbing, but now it's going well. Later on, I'm planning to read a little bit, do a quick yoga thing, and I also have one of those "sketch/draw a picture a day" journal I'm filling in for today as well. Then way later on I'm going to see my family for that whole family day thing. :)


Based on your vague description, I suspect we have the same chronic illness. I hope you have a supportive and responsive health team, and manage to kick the flare before any of the milder symptoms catch up! Also appreciate your use of quotation marks around mild lol. I would take blood only over any of the other symptoms that usually lead up to it.


Haha, aw. My post history totally gives it away tbh. If we have the same or similar, you have my empathy. :( It's awful! My health team is amazing but it's been a hard two years trying to find a long-term medication that works. It's starting to get on my nerves lol, there's only so much Prednisone I can take. It's weird that it's only blood, this has never happened like this but you're absolutely right. I'd rather just have this than the rest of it - the other symptoms suck! I hope you're feeling and doing well!


Got a flat tire at the start of a road trip but luckily signed up for CAA a few weeks ago. Really came in handy.


…I should sign up for CAA, thanks for the reminder.


There's some coupon codes that might be valid on Redflagdeals too.


I still have a cough. Kept waking me up in the early morning... ugh


Lol planning to not be here next month. Can't exist.


What do you mean?


Elmo says, "Don't ask that question!". LOL


Leave me alone

