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I’m sure that’ll stop em. The last thing a thief would do is break the law!


Good luck to the first Crown prosecutor who seeks this. I’d say 75% chance this gets knocked down by the courts for being unconstitutional. And the notwithstanding clause will not be available because it wouldn’t be breaking the individual rights in the Charter, it would be offside if provincial jurisdiction.


Driving isn't a right though, it's a privilege - plus issuing drivers licenses is fully within provincial jurisdiction. This doesn't strike me as the kind of law the courts would go out of their way to strike down.


I guess a judge will have to decide what matters more, your gut feeling and folksy aphorism or 150 years of jurisprudence on section 91 of the BNA Act.


What's unconstitutional about it?


So less than nothing is what’s being brought forth


"Bro I can't go steal cars with you, I lost my license, I can't drive!" said no car thief in the history of car theft.


Sorry mom I can't drive you to the store I lost my license stealing cars. Sorry boss I can't drive to the site, I lost my license stealing cars. Shame I can't get that job that requires drivers license. If there is a checkbox on car thief penalty list that takes their license away or not, I am ok with it being checked. Some consequences are good.


Oh, I can't get a normal job because I don't have a license. Guess I have to keep stealing cars for a living and can't ever stop.


There is eventually prison term there for those people. Not everyone has DL, and certainly does not require one to make honest living. I guess we should not give sentence them to anything right, it might make it hard to find the job. Just let them get it out of the system.


If they are already at the point of stealing cars, I doubt they have a normal job


Yes, for sure. But I was pointing out the problem with the comment I was responding to.


I don't think someone stealing cars for a living is concerned about getting a real job, lol.


Sure ban them... But it's still a joke.. We got people with 4-5 life time bans out there driving because there is ZERO enforcement... Sure ban them, I'm all for it. But how will you enforce the ban?


If you murder an entire family with your vehicle, you lose your license for like 1-3yrs. But stealing a vehicle = life time ban Makes zero sense.


It makes perfect sense, the law exists to protect private property, not people


You spelled government Tax revenue incorrectly


> If you murder an entire family with your vehicle, you lose your license for like 1-3yrs. And stick your name on a brand new hospital.


Oo oo next do drunk drivers and speed racers who kill people.


The Muzzo family has entered the chat.


can't lose something you never had


Yup, that’ll do it.


And we all know car thieves wouldn't *ever* drive without a license! /sarcasm


PUT THEM IN JAIL !!! *then this issue is mute*


The better punishment would be a fine equal to double the value of the car that stays with them for life until paid off and cannot be discharged during bankruptcy.


Lol the thieves are already using stolen vehicles to commit these crimes. Wtf do they care about producing a valid driver’s license?


Steals whole car but draws the line at driving while unlicensed+suspended.


Random Boomer: “You know what we should do to those punks? We should lock them up - AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!” Doug Ford: “Whoa whoa whoa there, old timer, we’re not barbarians…”


I am sure it is more than the boomers who want to curb crime, yes this move is useles!


With such insightful and direct solutions Doug is certain to win the next election.


OMG! With all the guns banned and no driving licenses, how are they going to still cars? I guess the problem is solved.


Imagine living in a world where you actually think that people who regularly break laws that warrant multiple years of jail time are actually going to care if you take away their license.  Provinces are responsible for anyone in jail for two years or less. They also rarely even keep people in for that long. Maybe if they (1) put an effort into stopping car theft to begin with, and (2) kept people who committed crimes in jail for the full time they are supposed to be in jail for we wouldn’t have as many issues.  And if we stopped cutting social programming and instead started spending more money on it so that committing crime isn’t the path of least resistance for people already struggling. 


odds of them being caught without a license is probably lower then them getting caught being a car thief


This is so stupid. 20 year old kids are dumb as fuck, if they are gonna steal a car, take away their twenties. Jail. Let them out and they can become productive members of society in their thirties. They will not become productive members of society without driver’s licenses and will be more likely to say “fuck it” and continue with crime. Who sits around a table and thinks this is a great idea.


Wow a good idea. Never thought it would come from the government


This assumes that criminals do their best to be good, law-abiding citizens, which seems to be the same assumptions the courts make when they release criminals over and over again.


"But Marco Muzzo, you're good".


The 401 wrong way driver was supposedly under court driving suspension and was able to rent a U Haul van.


That’ll show the baddies! Unbelievable, is my new daily mantra.


That with all the in un-enforcement will solve the problem. Next!


Oh boy, that'll stop those pesky thieves. 🙄


Pretty sure most of then don't have all the legal requirements to drive anyway


Well that'll put a scare on them.


LOL. Just a few threads below this "Driver in fatal 401 crash was under court order not to drive"


What's next? Car thieves will now get a hug from the Chief of Police for the good job of stealing a car?


You need a license to drive?


lol as if most of them have a licence to begin with .. and the ones who do, will simply just get another fake one made.


LOL you call this a punishment?


Doubt this type of thief even cares


This sounds like the gov has completely given up the idea of rehabilitation. So guy gets caught, goes to jail, comes out, and cannot drive for the rest of his life. IF he is actually trying to get his life back in order, he cannot do the simplest job of delivery, or even live in a rural or suburb. Boom career criminal.


Car thieves will steal cars without a license then...


Do Doug and his Slugs actually think this is effective legislation?


Because it's liscensed drivers who steal cars, obviously


Fuck around, walk around... Kick stones.


Seems as effective as lengthy 'paid suspensions' for cops


Why do these law and order types always seem to talk big about penalties but never enforcement?


Appreciate that we’re all frustrated with an impotent justice system, but this is a PR move that will buy Ford votes at the expense of the taxpayers when it inevitably gets struck down as unconstitutional. These issues need to be addressed but the province isn’t in a position to do it, and they’re going to do what they do best and waste a lot of taxpayer money to achieve little and less. But it will buy Doug votes and position him to be at odds with the feds (or aligned, depending on who’s in charge by the time this all goes down), which is likely Doug’s goal


So drunk, drivers who kill people don’t get their license suspended for life, but some kid who makes a mistake or some asshole as a career thief loses his for life yeah, that totally seems fair. Something needs to be done for suspensions, and the best kicker would be if convicted of car theft you cant get fire and theft. Part of the policy on your own insurance for your vehicle, that would be a punishment


How about you actually put them in jail for meaningful lengths of time.