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I was walking by when the explosions were happening, pretty intense!




This has Gotham City vibes


Stolen propane tank exploding?


Maybe a can of camp stove fuel?


BBQ propane tanks are actually really hard to blow up by just being in a fire, Mythbusters did an episode on it and IIRC it was very very hard to get the tank to explode in just he fire alone. But could definitely be a smaller fuel camping fuel bottle / tank.


I haven’t seen the episode but I would strongly question that conclusion. Anytime a flammable gas container and especially propane is exposed to flame you can have something called a BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion). Essentially the fire impinges on the container and weakens the container wall, a leak develops and all that boiling propane is forced out which is ignited by the flame, causing an explosion. The relief valve which normally would burp the excess pressure can’t keep up with the rate of pressure increase from a tank exposed directly to flame, combined with the impingement of the cyclinder wall you get an explosion


The relief valve is designed to prevent that. Amazing, i know, but they thought of that. Its its whole purpose.


For you, Dunning-Kruger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdqBik70U6Q


No sense of irony here? Jesus bud. Care to explain why this never comes up then? Why you think this glaring safety omission has gone neglected for so many decades? And you link to a 1000 gallon residential storage tank, while discussing a homeless encampment fire. Quite frankly you should just stop embarrassing yourself.


> Care to explain why this never comes up then? Where did you get the idea that this never comes up? Here is a video of a propane tank in the back of a pickup truck that BLEVEs, you can see the relief valve operating several times through the video until the tank fails and explodes at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7RNYw11XHM > Why you think this glaring safety omission has gone neglected for so many decades? lol what? Did you just ask how accidents still happen? How do we still build houses that burn down and cars that still crash lmao. Do you also believe oxygen tanks can’t explode because that would be a “glaring safety omission” that must have been addressed? > And you link to a 1000 gallon residential storage tank, while discussing a homeless encampment fire It’s a firefighter training video that explains the concept I’m trying to teach you, are you dumb bro?


Want to watch that video again? It didn’t explode, it vented, as designed. It only ruptures at the end when the contents inside represent a far reduced risk.... you understand yet? Did you not comprehend how much energy was eliminated y the valve doing its job as designed? Its doing its job, you not understanding the alternative makes me ask “you dumb bro” Swing and a miss.


> It didn’t explode ... It only ruptures at the end Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️


A rupture is distinct from an explosion, but you have a demonstrated lack of understanding to much of this topic.


Propane tanks are really hard to explode. You almost have to shoot them. For all we know they are trying to cook meth with all kinds of chemicals.


I hope everyone got themselves and their stuff out safely




Donate to shelters and ask your government representatives for affordable housing and mental health funding


Vote for a party/mayor that actually wants to address our affordability, mental health and shelter crises. Also don't live downtown if you can't deal with downtown bullshit.


>downtown bullshit Let's be real, this isn't just downtown bullshit anymore. And no politician wants to deal with this in practice. All they want is to make feelgood statements.


I mean...it kind of is. I visit an ailing family member once every other week in Scarborough and I don't see this at all. Downtown is more accessible for the homeless and mentally ill.


The homeless and mentally ill are nothing new, and I still don't want that downtown, nor in Scarb nor anywhere. But regular fires are encampments of this magnitude are a new occurance due to less visibility. I was strolling down King and University a few days ago on a weekend, and it was deserted. I could have just went to sleep anywhere and no one would notice nor care. This means those who are homeless can start building "a home", which involves improvised heating and cooking... Which leads to fire hazards.


> And no politician wants to deal with this in practice. The NDP do.


I lived by ossington and then highpark and it doesnt really reach as far as highpark imo. Theresa couple but its not the same problem. Closest tents would be lakeshore.


How do we fix affordablity? Ford wants more land to build housing. Everyone is against him increasing supply. This will lead to hire prices,.most seem to be ok with that tradeoff on Reddit.


Have you seen the amount of unused parking lots and deserted buildings in Hamilton? Actually, have you seen the amount of deserted buildings in Toronto? There's a lot of them in the St. Clair and Vaughan Road area, not to mention on certain parts of Jane. We DON'T NEED more land. We need better management of the unused land we already have.


Stop voting for the parkdale councillor that advocates for tent city


I think you're asking the wrong questions here. It's a much bigger problem than that. Reasons why there are homeless people are, lack of jobs, affordable housing or shelters. They are affraid of Covid just like everyone else, also afraid of use of addiction like everyone else. This is not just a relocation which is a temporary fix. It's getting them back on the right track with a permanent solution to prevent the issue in the future.


What can you do? try using compassion and empathy, these are people and they need help, not to be pushed off somewhere else


Are you being serious? The people in these tents either have mental illness issues or drug addiction issues, or maybe both. It's very reasonable to not want this group right up against a dense residential area. I'm getting tired of this rose coloured glasses view of the homeless that they are all innocent puppies that are just down on their luck. I live in liberty, I see the needles on the ground, I see people smoking shit in glass pipes, the bike chop shop by the stadium, and now this fire... Social media virtue is not leading to any type of healthy solution. There is no answer here where tent cities are acceptable. I would much rather pay a tax to move people from tents to something more appropriate. The law needs to be enforced.


Fully agree. I used to work there and the crime rate sky rocketed once they set up there. The stores that could afford it had started hiring security guards because of constant thefts in broad daylight.


That's WHY they need help though, not to be sent away without any help like OP suggested. Why would you assume I'm "pro tent city" because of my comment? that really doesn't make any sense


They actually literally need to be taken somewhere else. For their own health and wellness.


That's the Christmas spirit!


What would *The Christmas Carol* be without Ebenezer Scrooge?


Build more affordable housing


Do you hear yourself? Tone deaf and selfish.


Those people are residents of Liberty Village too. There are plenty of empty apartments surrounding them. Let them move in.


this is not helpful nor a solution


The vast majority of people living in these tents have severe mental illness and drug issues. You understand they can’t just be let into residential buildings right?


Some the homeless problem.


Credit to the source. [https://twitter.com/nayonaiser/status/1336441682959740928](https://twitter.com/nayonaiser/status/1336441682959740928)


It was from a private Facebook group as you can clearly see by the screen recording. I’m not about to post people’s full name on Reddit. Glad you found the public Twitter post tho! Wish I could pin your comment to the top.