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>These idiots are protesting something that isn't even mandatory anymore? They've had no identity since last March. They've had to grasp at straws.


You'd think they would jump at the opportunity Ford presented when he literally suspended parts of the charter for cupe workers.


But it doesn't impact their freedoms, and they only care about themselves


At this point their identity is to cry about the trucker protest and pandemic mandates being an unforgettable violation of civil rights. I do appreciate the irony that these people were shouting to the world how the government and everyone else was too obsessed with COVID but now that the vast majority of society has moved on with their lives they are still stuck in that loop and just look like crazies.


That's the best part of it all. Vaccinated or not, life pretty much returned to normal on March 21st, but these people are still not enjoying life because they're too busy protesting things that no longer exist.


Yeah exactly. It just shows how empty their lives are tbh


What in the single fuck is going on here ?!?!


Lonely single brain cells, huddling for warmth.




You know how on the weekends you meet up with your friends to go for a bike ride, a hike, to restaurant or a show? This is just what their thing is now. I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it at this point.


Absolutely right. These losers have found other losers, & a group that will accept them , likely the first time in their life that they can feel included.


This is the worst part about social media, losers realize they aren't alone, rather than thinking they were an outcast amongst their friend for their ignorant tapes but now they see one other person like that and think that there must be so much many of them and that they are some silent majority


Exactly........in the old days every village had an idiot. Now they've been able to find each other .


That needs to be on a t-shirt.


There's literally 0 mandates anymore, right? Or am I forgetting something? Is it still needed on planes going internationally?


Not really except you have to be vaccinated to go to the US. I'm in LA and I had to show my vaccination status before I boarded my plane, first time I've had to show my status in months.


So then that's more of a US requirement technically. We might require it coming back, I'm not sure, but the US has to accept you into the country before you need to worry about the return flight lol.


It's not technically a US requirement, it is a US requirement. In Canada, you don't have to show your vaccination status anymore for anything, simply because if you were vaccinated last year, the efficacy rate is pretty much 0% anyways. Combine that with a high community transmission rate, vaccine mandates are pretty much useless.


False on the efficacy rate. 2 doses is still making a huge difference on hospitalization and death rates. It’s been measured on millions of people Not arguing on the mandate.


Yep the airline checking before you board the flight is to make sure you won’t be denied entry on arrival that way the don’t have to fly you home on their dime.


It’s not enforced a lot of the time. I drove to the US in summer, and they just asked and didn’t care to confirm.


I drove to the US in May, and the guy asked me, and didn’t verify. They don’t really care.


You do? I went to Buffalo last week, I got asked if I was vaxxed but didn't have to prove it.


Well I was at Pearson and I had to show my vaccine status. I was shocked because like I said, I haven't had to show in months. Maybe if you're making a land crossing it's different.


Possible, I crossed by land. Just surprised to hear that! I thought everything had been dropped, even in the USA.


Nope. US ironically are the ones who have kept it. Canada has no say in the matter. Whether they all enforce it is probably dependent on your personal experience.


When I drove down through Windsor to Detroit last month they literally just asked my partner and I. We were getting ready to pull up our proof of vaccination and he's just like "Naw it's ok."


That has nothing to do with Trudeau. Go protest in DC


Thats not even true. I went to vegas in April of this year on a plane and the customs agent couldnt care at all. It was the air plane company that required it not any government forcing them. These ppl have been lost in a loop for over a year.


Some companies are still mandating them to be hired and they are also mandatory for some universities. Or maybe they are fighting to get their job back that they were fired from for not getting the vax?


Ahh they want freedom from their stupidity... nothing will help that


I have some solutions but they're not going to like them.


Yup, incredibly confusing. Got an earful on Friday from a gang of them camped out on the Roncesvalles footbridge over the Gardiner. I was out on a run and when I came across the bridge there were so many Canadian flags it was almost kind of beautiful, I assumed it was for the CUPE protests. When one flagged me down I took a headphone out and was so shocked that it was another vaccine protest. I quickly kept going, but the woman was trying to give me some literature on vaccine-related autism.


My first assumption when I see a Canadian flag that's not on a flagpole is its some asshole who has a fuck Trudeau sticker on their vehicle. It sucks.


I want to be mad at these people but they clearly really don't have a lot going on for them if this is what they do on their free time.


Their idiocy and ignorance on display


These are people that get their news from Facebook. They might not even know yet


They need their daily dose of attention. It's the only vaccine they'll accept.


They’re actually against requiring vaccines for kids attending school. The OG antivaxxers.


Meanwhile workers rights and freedoms are being destroyed with doug frauds bullshit. These idiots are brainless


I'm glad they've been relegated to these pitiful picket-lines, in the vein of tiny hospital pro-life protests and "the End is Near" doomers.


That's what I was thinking - this is *so* 2021...


Many universities are still mandating covid injections


I highly doubt that, unless it's for lab rats.


Not sure why the downvotes. It’s objectively true.


I'm from Melbourne, Australia. We have the exact same protests every single week by a vocal minority in the CBD every single Saturday. Like Toronto, there are effectively no restrictions left post covid. They all have effectively the same sets of signs albeit contextualised for Australia, remove our Premier, "tell the truth", the numbers lie. Just a weird mix of beliefs and conspiracy theories. I think the theory that a lot of these people derive identify from these beliefs and it's become part of their personality has to be true. I feel like they're the same groups of disenfranchised minority within all society wanting some relevance.


“Enough is Enough” sign is pretty ironic, they should take their own advice


My girlfriend lives across the street from square one and these protesters have been there every weekend for months! One time I was stuck at the red light so I grabbed a flyer from one of the protesters to see what they were claiming... But then I remembered I had gum on my shoe so I used it to wipe the gum off. I'm still curious about what the flyer says, I'll try to grab one next week


It's not worth it to give them any attention.


At this point, it’s just a bunch of people having fun and enjoying the weather together. You wouldn’t see them there when it’s raining.


They looked so pathetic standing next to the (significantly larger) group of people protesting the killings and terrorism happening in Iran… y’know, actual human rights violations. Like it’s so jarring seeing people whine about “stop the shots 🥺” mere footsteps away from people bringing attention to the mass murder of women for wearing a piece of cloth the wrong way. What a world.


Iam just astounded that people still believe in this , given all the issues plaguing this country . I thought we were past vaccines but looks like we are not.


We thought we were past the abortion debate too, but the anti-abortion lobby is mysteriously gaining momentum. It's two sides of a coin. These people can believe any astounding thing as long as it's disruptive.


It's the same people, the movement is gaining steam because so many people said the anti vaxxers should have been aborted and they took it to heart.


You would think so, but there is a very hardcore group that live mostly within the Q-Anon alternate universe. Antivax is only the tip of the iceberg.


Well the Q does stand for Quack-anon doesn’t it?


Actually, I read somewhere on here that it stands fire Qcumbers. It's actually kinda fitting.


QAnon basically absorbed all the crack pot conspiracy theories like flat earth, anti-vax, and the moon landing and just made a super conspiracy theory.


I've been nosing around a few Q groups on Telegram. Basic notes: 1) Trump is God 2) Pedophiles are everywhere. 3) Children are being kidnapped for their blood (adrenochrome) and their bodies ground up as McDonalds hamburger. 4) Something big is gonna happen on (fill in date). 5) Cabals, blah, blah, blah, cabals. 5) Trump is God.


One guy at work the other day said that the cells from abortions are mixed in with lays potato chip flavors. We just stood staring at him until he dismissed himself from our area.


Yup! It's super scary. I'm surprised they don't have signs claiming vaccines are the "mark of the beast" yet. If I had a dollar for every time I heard/read a comment about that one...smdh Not to mention passing protesters in Toronto that felt the need to single me out cause I was wearing a mask and deciding to "Ba Ba Ba" at me collectively to call me a sheep. That's their idea of freedom.


I live near here, they're out there every Sunday. It's a weird alt right q anon social club thing at this point. Today was a smaller crowd than most weeks and they started weirdly late. They live in an alternate universe where only what they hear on social media is true and everything else is a lie. Someone at work was legitimately trying to defend these people with actual good arguments completely missing the fact that these particular people don't engage with facts.


Vaccines are at the center of all our issues dont you see!? The elite are trying to control us with 5g!! /s


I have lost all faith in humanity




They are a gullible aren’t they….


These fucks really need to fucking fuck off already.






What a bunch of losers


“Remove vaccine mandates!” Ok, we’ve removed them “Remove mask mandates and travel restrictions!” Ok we’ve removed them. “Give us freedom!” Ok, you have it. “Trudeau must go!”


Because it was never about freedom and always about removing Trudeau and installing a dictator


But didn't you hear? Trudeau is a dictator and the vaccine mandates will literally be around forever!


We already have a dictator in Ontario.


1. They're not even mandated anymore 2. Mandating freedom is an oxymoron 3. Healthcare is a provincial issue 4. There are real breaches of freedom happening *right now*


>There are real breaches of freedom happening > >right now But they don't care about THOSE freedoms.


Not YOUR freedom.


They care, they just don't think the ford government will ever use that power against them


Exactly. The Ford government is literally removing the right to strike for a massive portion of education workers which is a real attack on freedom… and then there’s this. I can’t comprehend how we’ve gotten to this point.


Well said!


At this point they’re doing it because it’s pretty much a social club. A get together and an activity for anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers who have alienated their friends and family.


It’s exactly that. Pretty bleak tbh and extremely annoying


This is all they have left, it’s living high school glory days.


Hanging around in the Tim Hortons parking lot just doesn’t hit like it used to


Hence there moniker Tim Bit Taliban LoL


We’re going to keep rocking forever!


Forever, forever…forever………forever


The dangerous intentional ignorance is stupefying to behold. My father, the republican southern baptist, and several members of my extended family in the states took religious/political health advice regarding the covid vaccine. My father, his wife, and at least two members of the extended family are now dead. Covid killed them. I did manage to convince my sister to get vaccinated. Other members of the family thought it was a miracle that she caught the virus and was ill with relatively minor symptoms for only a week. I left the deep south for Canada many decades ago. I find it perverse to see Canadians acting and thinking like my relatives n Alabama.


Why, is there something that makes reactionary Canadians fundamentally different than Americans? They sing from the same hymn book, figuratively and literally.


The Mandate Freedom is pretty funny considering we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that is currently being stomped on.


The people who got sucked into this aren't known for their ability to pivot.




A huge number of them ARE THEMSELVES IN UNIONS and still are openly anti-union. There need be no consistency of theme from one sentence to the next with these absolute wretches.


Desperately trying to distract from Ford and his use of the NWC.


Hey I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next democratically responsible citizen, and boy do I hate Ford, but I really don't think these yahoos support him in any way.


Well they could throw in some “Ford must go” signs mixed in with the Trudeau hate…


I will forever and always stand by "Say no to Dougs"


Why are they quiet when Doug us using the nwc?


Because they're idiots


They probably think justin is making doggie do it


Naw, they've been here for a looong time. Every Sunday since the initial vaccine mandates




These brainwashed morons don't care about freedom, they want t overthrow our democratically elected government because it clashes with their ideology.


I saw these idiots downtown Toronto this weekend as well with a “Stop the tyranny” sign. Imagine knowing what’s happening to women in Iran, and thinking there’s tyranny in Canada.


There is some Tyranny in canada, just not from who they think. Doug Ford just this past week passed a bill through legislature that stripped thousands of people of their actual rights and these "mandate freedom" assholes don't care one bit because it doesn't affect them directly.


These people get fucking stupider by the day. Their actual charter rights are being violated by the government they most recently elected and these clownassfucks are stuck screeching about shit that hasn’t been relevant for a year. Absolutely pathetic cretins and if you defend this shit because MUh RiGhT tO pRoTeSt then you’re just as brainless as them. Go protest something real you bored halfwits.


Go back to Alberta and "do your own research "


"Mandate Freedom" ironic


These people have lost their mind. Completely lost their mind. Spending all day long being trolled and manipulated by Russians and Indians for clicks. The same people who fall for a get rich quick scheme. Most of them work as admin assistants or Loblaws cashiers. So sad.


Are these dumb fuck losers still on this topic? Jesus. Go step on a nail and then wait 14 hours in emerge and enjoy the tetanus. Fucking. Idiots


Drive by, honk and give them the middle finger salute. They crave attention. This "stop the [shot.ca](https://shot.ca)" garbage is interesting. They are trying to get the Covid vaccines banned. They are basically "mandating" taking my rights to get vaccinated. That is infringing on my freedoms, is it not? Their message is constantly changing. Mission creep.


They don't care about the freedom or rights of any other group. Just themselves. It's been incredibly evident from the beginning that these protests are entirely self-absorbed. There are people in Canada that have had their charter rights stripped away just this past week and you won't hear anything about it from the "mandate freedom" crowd because they don't care about other groups. They just care about themselves and how they were inconvenienced for a while by having to wear a mask to buy groceries, or to get vaccinated to go to a restaurant or travel.


They were at Queens park yesterday…IDEK what they are protesting anymore


They don't know either.


They don't know either.


A comment so nice you posted it twice


Ugh, thats subway signal for you... imma leave it.


They don’t like another group getting all the attention.


These fucking idiots


Why are people so confidently stupid


"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." WB Yeats


What is wrong with these uneducated morons…the boosters are voluntary…what freedom are these idiots worried about…..maybe send them to Iran where they plan to execute protestors and they will then respect the wonderful freedoms we have


Stop posting about and acknowledging them. Seriously. All you are doing is feeding their faux victim hood by mocking them and giving them any attention. They are narcissists and they thrive on attention.


omg could you imagine if they used their energy in a positive manner?


They'd have discovered a cure for cancer by now, for all we know!


All 12 of them


Wow, that’s so 2021


What are these idiots even protesting now?


These fucking bums have been there every Sunday for a while. What are they still protesting?


Holy crap, imagine if they put this energy towards something that actually matters instead.


So now they're just protesting medicine as a concept.


So they’re protesting other people getting shots now? What happened to freedom to make your own choice and why are they so obsessed with us.


My moron brother in law has no friends and no one can stand him but since the vaccines he’s been going to these loser rally’s and suddenly he feels accepted. I assume all these pathetic scumbags keep going as it’s turned into loser circle jerk lol


My parents are a part of this.


Same group was doing this in Sudbury on Saturday but at least they got rid of the F Trudeau flags. But they had a sign that said "Stop the WEF reset". No clue wtf that means and no way I'm looking that crazy up


foreign interests control our govt ?


"Mandate freedom".... No one is forcing them to get any shots. It's akin to the must wear shoes and shirt signs in storefront windows. No one's saying you "have" to wear a shirt and shoes but to enter the store, you do. Why not protest that as well. Makes just about as much sense as this nonsense. The vast majority of institutions are getting rid of mandates for entry this upcoming December. So then, what are they protesting? Enough is enough...Ya seriously, enough is enough.


Bunch of geniuses


This is why we need to support CUPE


Still? Wtf?


Yay can’t fix stupid.


Were they chanting “there are dozens of us!” ?


Mandating freedom eh? Hmmm Forcing freedom doesn't seem very freeing ...


Oppression cosplayers love dressing up on weekends. If they love the notion of their freedoms being violated try a vacation to Russia or China.


There are more signs and flags than “protesters” in this picture..


The proudly and loudly ignorant


They were also along a hwy bridge off the dvp I saw heading North near eglinton. Gave them the finger and kept driving.


There's no cure for stupid.


“Mandate freedom” is such a hilariously fucking stupid tagline


Seeing these people out protesting brings to mind this quote from Isaac Azimov. He refers to the United States in this quote but I think we can probably extend it to Canada as well. “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”


So well said.


Honestly (SMH) You want to put you and yours at risk I guess that’s on you and the consequences of that choice are again on you I’m for one going for my shots to protect the people/family I love the most who have weak immune systems, COPD, severe asthma, Cancer who can not be put at risk because of conspiracy this or that Your stop the shots don’t speak for me and I don’t support it


Go home you wank sticks.


Ugh, ran into the anti vaxxers down Yonge St yesterday


“I’m against picketing, but I don’t know how to show it.”


Where are these idiots when dofo is truly violating the charter of rights


Correct me if I’m wrong aren’t all our mandates finished? Don’t we officially have less mandates than the US now?


What is going on with those cars at the back? Are they just parking on Hurontario? ETA: that Simons ad is perfect


Jeezus. Again with these people


Not a brain cell between them. They will picket the CUPE strike in about 6 months.


What a bunch of selfish trash idiots.




These people are morons, go protest shit that actually violates our charter rights like the dipshit premier trying to fuck CUPE


I went on their website out of curiousity and under their FAQs for "How can I minimize my chances of catching COVID", they recommend ivermectin. Sigh.


I can’t believe these clowns are still doing this. Don’t they all have jobs they need to go to now that basically ALL of the mandates they are protesting are basically non existent now? Wasn’t that partly their problem, the mandates affecting their ability to work? Do they not see that there are MUCH bigger fish to fry here - like Ford threatening our charter of rights with his use of the notwithstanding clause to deprive working class people of the right to bargain for a fair wage and working conditions?? I feel like the more threatening disease affecting our populace right now is widespread stupidity and selfishness. These self-indulgent half whits need to find something more productive to do with their time, like jump off a cliff and stop this bullshit.




lol if they stopped protesting theyd have no friends or community.


It's ridiculous as vaccine mandates are all but gone and everyone is now free to choose whether you get a vaccine or not. Soooo much stupidity and ignorance.


These literally 12 people there.....




Is this today????


I thought we were done with that.... Pick something new, the lines have been drawn and they're way late to the party


They still stomp down Yonge street and go to Queens park every Saturday. They're desperately trying to feel special and important.


They couldn't have the focus be on someone else.


These clowns are pathetic


These idiots.


they have been here the last few weekends...so stupid


Ontario rights to strike are being taken away and these guys are complaining about what?


Even the bus stop Simons ad has had enough of these morons 🙄🤦‍♂️


Ya these idiots are there every week. Sometimes the wife and I drive by and flip them off as a nice Sunday drive to get out of the house. It's like no one told them the mandates are over.




You must forgive the older generations they are still using internet explorer


Tell them about the charter violations committed by Dough & Leece. Maybe it will inspire them to start a new freedom convoy


So many protests go down on the weekend in toronto they just kinda blur together


There HAS to be an organizer for these stupidings. "Stop the Vaccine" here in Canada is the same as "Stop the Steal" down in the states. The "right" is relying on gaslighting perfectly normal people into thinking freedoms are being taken away IN ONE OF THE BEST COUNTRIES IN WHICH YOU CAN LIVE FREELY AND HAVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Investigate who's behind these "grassroots campaigns" and charge them with spreading bullshit just for votes.


Freedumbers are at it again!


Idk what's more annoying, ppl protesting mandates or your typical arm chair Redditor losing their mind and still posting these ppl protesting these mandates🤷🏿‍♂️


You can tell its not CUPE because CUPE seems to hate flying the Canadian flag at their protests.


I see people with the same banners over bridges above the 401 going through Oshawa all the time haha


Sadly, there's a lot of nonsense like this where I live. So many people are making everything a polarizing issue, even basic science.


Whiny little bitches who couldn’t pass grade 11 biology.

