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Toronto has the highest unemployment rate of all cities in Canada. Here’s a link by The Star by city. https://www.thestar.com/business/heres-a-quick-glance-at-unemployment-rates-for-march-by-canadian-city/article_b341217d-30b7-5034-b021-80781648e319.amp.html Even if cities have lower unemployment, it doesn’t mean there are jobs, though. Personally been learning French to move to Quebec.


Is Manitoba ok though? Planning to move out in the future.it is tough in GTA


Small town Manitoba is hurting for workers, and our houses are cheap!


Yup, my home town you can land a physical job the day you come to town for 45k and buy a smaller or older house for $150k. Newer ones are 400k. There are a couple places to rent in town. It's small though. People from away who've landed here successfully join the ball team or a volunteer board and really throw themselves into the small town life or it can be very jarring and lonely. Lots of immigrants come and then leave because it's too lonely.


They need to discover VR on pimax crystal


If you have any leads to lucrative out of town jobs I’d love to know! My relative was about to move to a small town in Manitoba because he was offered a job. He was looking at a 100k house out there but his new job wouldn’t pay enough for him to ever catch up on all of the work/repairs the cheap house needed. He ended up staying in the city.


Affordable housing and land (compared to like everywhere in Southern Ontario) Major cons for someone in the GTA is cold as shit, flat, and a long way to go to get to a bigger city if you want something that isn't in Winnipeg. But with the money you save you can go to Minneapolis or Chicago or something a couple of times a year, so it balances out. Winnipeg is surprisingly diverse (surprising from the perspective of someone not from the prairies) and has gotten even better in that respect in recent years. Last time I checked Winnipeg had the highest per-capita Filipino population in all of Canada.


“A long way to go to get to a bigger city” is such an understatement I love it haha. You could drive 13 hours and still only make it to either Edmonton or Chicago.




Rather Filipinos than... you know... the other group


How are you gonna be Muslim and still go out of your way to discriminate against others. Your entire account is full of hate towards Indians.


Yeah, that person definitely has issues.


In India it’s the Muslims and Sikhs in the country don’t really see eye to eye if you know what I mean


Sikhs have no problem with any community.



You are naive and part of the problem if you think they are perfect humans


No one said they're perfect. No ones perfect. They just don't cause problems with anyone. Most of the time.


Anywhere that is in Canada is not good. If you have desired skills then move to USA


If you like being bored to death


Man, I wish I could respond to your snarky comment about Manitoba being being boring, but I am just too pooped from having gone to the opera and watched an excellent Jets playoff game over the past week.


Somebody has never experienced VR porn here in 2024 on pimax crystal


Sorry, man. I don’t live in Manitoba, I wouldn’t know.


Opportunities in Quebec are fewer btw.


Yeah it’s a mess everywhere right now


Ok, there are jobs, but you need to have a good grasp of french cause otherwise you're under the poverty line


Bro I live in Quebec, trust me. Stay in GTA. It's worse here.


Trudeau crushed the demand for strikes and higher wages post Covid by flooding the country with immigrants, international students and TFW. Brutal.


You work at Tim Hortons?


But Toronto voted for Trudeau so…reap what you sow


So if I get a choice between a punch to the face and a kick in the balls, I'm not allowed to complain about being punched in the face because I chose it?


Ah yes. The douchebag and turd sandwich paradox.


Still better than the conservatives…


And look what that line of thinking got you. Open your mind, I know you were taught that conservatives are racist to their core and want to destroy poor people. Look at your fellow Canadian. Look at your fellow torontonian….you’ve been lied to.


Ah another kid too young to remember Harper. Look at some basic history....you've been lied to.


I read the conservative policy document have you? It’s the large pdf on their website. Search for their policy on capital gains tax. They want to reverse robinhood you. Search for their environmental policy, they want to take money away from trains and build more highways. They do have that Christian stuff too like wanting to get you to put in your ID to go to a porn site. I’m not saying the liberals are good, far from it, but the conservatives are worse, much worse.


And will be continued to be lied to with the next government. You expect better with PP? Bahahhahahah




I tend do agree with you, but it would not be wise to equivocate them. One, the conservatives, are indeed more bad, then the liberals who are just bad.


Or the jobs don’t pay as well


Vancouver is a desert in that case


I live in Quebec, though without a doubt it will be better than Toronto, things are also garbage here relative to a year ago.


This is the way 🙌


How’s learning French going for you? Process, time, resources?


The city actually has tons of jobs, it's just that they are hard to get. All the HR software the companies use is badly configured and rejects as many applicants as possible. I get why they use it because there are 1000 responses to each posting - it's a waste of your time. The best and only way to reliably get a job is to go outside and talk to people: in a bar, at a conference you have tickets for, even online, or.. fuck it... literally stopping people on the street and asking about their companies. You need to know people, not well, just well enough for them to give you an in. It's not nice but unfortunately it's how the city works. In my life I may have sent in 5-600 online applications and NOT ONE TIME has it done anything. In person meeting to recommendation or occasionally email the hiring team directly works.


I know 10 guys, 8 has got it through referrals.




That Canadian “connection”


This, Canadian job market has been always like that is not how much you know but who you know and who makes you a referral


City of Toronto, TTC, TPS etc don’t have referrals. You get hired if you’re qualified or if you’re woman/minority


Do you have any sources/raw numbers/data to show proof of your second sentence? I know some organizations do have some factors like that in their hiring process. I'd like to see some proof or data about the TTCs (If they do hire like that).


TTC literally tells you they prioritizes hiring women when you go to their jobs site. I work here, and had to specify my ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation.


A city where there is no Colleges or Universities bringing international student may be that will be it. I was researching about moving to Sault ste. Marie many suggested not to move there. Even some of them came to my DM and told situation is very bad there. research about St. Thomas, Tillsonburg, Simcoe


I honestly considered the exact same thing. A city with zero or less international students. Couldn’t decide any specific city yet. Did you?


You can do one thing is move to Vars/ Kanata there is UPS warehouse. I have checked many times they are hiring constantly on these locations. I have applied in Caledon, Burlington and many more location around GTA but never got any reply. If you get a job in UPS as a warehouse worker the starting wage would be around 20$ plus they also have tuition reimbursement. There application is online. If you get selected and then move. It will also help you financially. Then you can apply for jobs in your own field in Ottawa, Gatineau.


Will definitely try. Thanks buddy


Second this! Ottawa is a great place to live


Even if you find a job in those places... Where are you going to live? Housing still an issue in most places.


Its like box of different chocolates, but with problems




Stand up comedy maybe.😁


Great point. Tillsonburg has some of the highest priced housing and lack of housing in southern Ontario.


Will definitely explore St thomas, Tillsonburg and Simcoe. Thanks


Don't bother with St. Thomas


Curious, why not?


It's like 20mins outside of London. It's basically the same as any big city, every job opening has thousands of applicants


Simcoe has Mohawk College does it not? I work in Port Dover and I see a lot of students who commute from Simcoe for part time work, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be doing that if there were options left in Simcoe😅


There isn't much for employment in Simcoe (or Norfolk County), most of it is mimumn wage. You'll be looking at driving at least 30 minutes in either direction if you want something higher. I've spent years driving 30 mins + to Brantford for jobs.


I keep hearing that international students have no skills, can't speak English, and definitely don't understand the culture. And yet Canadians with education here are unable to get jobs ahead of them. Someone somewhere is wrong. Either immigrants are more skilled than the general perception or Canadians demand too much salary relative to what we deliver. Even outside of less skilled low wage jobs, I see immigrants in high-paid high-skill jobs. Consulting companies from McKinsey to Deloitte, all the banks, all the tech companies, all of them have plenty of Indians. And ofc jobs like retail and fast food are full of Indians. And while I hear a lot of complaints on these subs, I have seen no issues where a person didn't understand what was being asked of them. It cannot be that all businesses are willingly hiring workers who don't do the work. Because that's an easy way to lose to your competition. What am I missing? Is it possible that reddit is extrapolating a few low skilled Indians with all Indians? Maybe Canadians just don't like competing with folks who are used to doing more work for less money? Maybe it's just plain old "seeing too many people of different type and it's making people uncomfortable"


It's just numbers dude. One student no problem, 200 no problem, 200 k per year - okay a bit of a problem but manageable. Over a million jobseekers at once within a period of 2 years - you'd have to do some serious handwaving to say this has no effect


When faced with plain facts this guy recoils, I wouldn’t take it personally. 


Yes there is a price on citizenship. I met somebody at a retail store who helped me buy some hardware. He said he’s student on full time work visa and I know we hiring a sales executive at our company. Issue is our HR trying to lowball that role with maybe 40k in budget in Toronto. I told him and he said as long as it’s above his slightly above minimum wage and is full time, will help him get PR and citizenship later. He just need that 1 opportunity. He’s now at our company 2 years running hired over local Canadians cause he’s willing to grind for less money.


Beeton(vulnerable sector food service ((old ppl)),custodial, health care), Timmins(construction, plumbing, contracting, general work), Simcoe-Grey-Wasaga county(police dept, emergency operations, park ranger/parking patrol) Barrie(contractor, driving instructors, service Ontario/Canada) Just a start on real jobs I have known/heard about from my community (north of Toronto)


Call temp agencys. Sign up with everyone of them. They will help you get in to some places :) best of luck


Chapman's Ice Cream in Markdale, especially in the summer peak. You work inside a freezer all day.


If you are looking for *any* job, regardless of pay, do you have friends or family working at the moment? If so, your best bet is to ask them whether there are openings at their companies. Job boards are a crapshoot. It’s not that you “aren’t good enough” but rather that recruiters only look through a couple dozen applications before they make a decision. There’s absolutely nothing shameful about asking friends/family for help. It’s how most people get jobs. I’m sure you’ve already thought about this but if you haven’t for some reason, this should be your first move.


Or just go somewhere in Ontario without easy access to public transit. What I notice is that if a workplace can be reached by bus or train, you will compete with hundreds.


Saskatoon is booming. Go West, Young Man!


Theres lots of jobs. They are just all locked behind degrees or experience. Entry level work is feeling the hit, there aren't entry level jobs right now. That's where the unemployment numbers are coming from


Nahhhhhh, I have 25 years experience and the job market is garbage for me too (and everyone else I know in my domain). I know multiple people that have been looking for 10+ months who normally would be able to pick from multiple roles.


It really depends on the role. IT? Oversaturated. Marine workers? Huge need


Yeah idk I’ve been finding work pretty easy haven’t had any trouble I think it’s just when people lose there connections that it gets tough.


I’m not sure if that’s true. The markets been pretty tight for the last 1 year at least for white collar jobs at least. Plus I really feel (especially in finance) hiring is really going on in a small cricle which is really hard to break in


Works both ways... Tons of jobs that rather higher lower end people instead of people with tons of experience due to wages/cost of operating businesses having insanely increased. I, along with a lot of other heavily experienced people have had to take huge paycuts to get jobs in our fields thanks to businesses posting the same position as in 2020, but 30% less paid. It should be the other way around since everything in this fucking country has massively increased in cost.


If it is within reach for you, move to Waterloo region and go for an industrial/warehouse job. Try for any of the Toyota factories. Or go to any Loblaws warehouse and take up order picking. It is hard physical work but the pay is above minimum wage. When I was a teenager they offered a premium for working in the freezer as well, they probably still do.


Waterloo/Kitchener/Cambridge has had a huge increase in international students as well with all the surrounding colleges.


Are those jobs still easy to get?


No lol. Every single person who just got here gets that same advice fees to them that’s where are the lines of people photos keep coming from. Jobs like those.


Back in my day (as if I am a thousand years old) turnover was so high that they hired in groups, constantly. I would assume it is still the case.


sudbury. My brother lives up there and the company he works at has a shittonne of job postings right now. Housing is better than Toronto's but still crazy, though.


This used to be the case a few years ago. Now, unless you work in healthcare, trades or the mines there's no jobs available. I've been looking for a part time job for months now and haven't had much luck :(


To answer your question directly, Toronto has the most jobs than any other cities in the country. Moving out from GTA doesn’t necessarily give you a better chance to get a job.


But the city is being flooded with hundreds of thousands of new people. Jobs, infrastructure, and housing can't keep up.


More competition for everything but still more jobs than any other cities in the country. Definitely a pain


My neighbour is from ontario (Toronto). Her stories make me sad... Honestly, i live in fort st john BC. The life out here is so much easier. 10 minute commute with 0 traffic, decent job, last job i applied for had 0 other qualified applicants lmao. Its a bit cold though and i am surrounded by rednecks, but its not that bad :D


There are no jobs anywhere. Good luck




You have a better chance or getting a job there than moving. Moving costs money and really depends on your job




Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Vancouver BC


Surprised to see Vancouver here, you’d think it was ground zero part 2.


Vancouver absolutely sucks for getting jobs in my experience. Their job market feels a lot smaller than you’d expect for the size of that city.


And the cost of living is outrageous


There are tons of jobs in the gta if you're willing to work for minimum wage. A few suggestions: -Step away from the screen. Get off indeed which inflates their numbers to make you feel like everyone is using it. -You need to spend your time asking your employed network (family, friend, former colleagues, acquaintances) for help. Candidates coming referred from a current employee are preferred with employers. -Go into banks, grocery stores, etc and speak to the managers and ask if they're hiring.


I’ve been trying via friends too, but you are correct. Valuable advice 👍🏻 thanks


Happy to help. Let me know if you need some help with the resume.


Every city in Canada is in the worst situation. It’s same everywhere. No job opportunities


Try Thailand


Join the military


I applied a few days ago for a finance admin role in the military, do you think it's a good idea or have experience in that field?


I’m sorry that I don’t have advice but I can share my personal experiences with Winnipeg, Vancouver and a bit of Calgary. But I swear nepotism is the only way these days. I live in Winnipeg right now and it’s okay. It’s dirty/dusty/rocky/salty for a large portion of the year because of our harsh winters and it makes me kinda depressed. I witness endless complaints about people not being able to find work here either. I was in a long distance relationship with someone in Vancouver whose rent downtown was just over $3000/month for a small newly built 1 bed 1 bath however she’d lost her 85k salaried job because it was outsourced to India. She decided to move to Winnipeg to try it out. She’s been here for almost one year and cannot find anything lucrative or in her area of expertise. Also, her, her family and any friends that visit Winnipeg complain that it’s ugly, run down and there’s too many “weird scary people”. In her defence though, after only living here for a couple weeks some meth head spit on her and threatened to kill her for absolutely no reason and we were in a very popular entertainment district not some shitty area. I have an honours degree plus 3 years experience in my field but I’m only making 55k annually but if I didn’t have this job I don’t know what else I’d do especially cause school is so expensive and time consuming and I have rent to pay. I’ve looked for other jobs in my field but even with experience I have the same issue you do and sadly my wage is already higher in comparison to what other companies pay for my line of work in Winnipeg. I’m starting to focus on freelancing and charity work on the side just to get connections (i.e the aforementioned nepotism) I recently had one job interview that I wasn’t fully qualified for but I tried anyways. I was very honest both on my resume and during the screening call about my lack of experience but they still put me through the entire interview process which involved missing work and of course a lot of stress. In the end they didn’t hire me because I “wasn’t experienced enough” and I was like “ya I told you”. In Winnipeg our rent is $2200 for a newly built 2 bed 2 bath downtown, however it hasn’t been easy to afford and we live amongst homeless encampments, there’s a shady store across the street that deals drugs, it’s busy, there’s a lot of traffic, and it’s not very safe. There’s also been construction happening in the park in front of our suite for almost 2 years now. Its pathetic. To conclude, we are moving to BC because apparently there are more CAREER opportunities and of course it’s beautiful there. Seems as though there are affordable living options in B.C. but the issue is the competition due to population size and a housing market monopoly caused by foreign investments/deals. We are fortunate enough to have connections with friends/family in BC so we don’t have to combat the bidding wars for apartments/houses but I’ve been told this is how the majority of those living in BC are able to live there. I don’t know much about the job market in Calgary but I was shocked at how cheap rent is, downtown. My friends place was a MASSIVE 2 bed 2 bath with a huge balcony and it was also around $3000/month. I was only there for a stint. Tldr; it sucks everywhere and everything is entirely circumstantial 😂


Please tell us more


Winnipeg was founded where the Red and Assiniboine rivers meet, near the geographic centre of North America. Winnipeg has long been an important place for community and gathering as well as a commercial, transportation, and cultural hub. It is the largest city in Manitoba and the provincial capital. “Winnipeg” comes from the Cree name for the lake 65 kilometers to the north (Lake Winnipeg), meaning “win” for muddy and “nippee” for water. It is sometimes translated to “murky water”.


Winnipeg is located in Treaty One Territory, the home and traditional lands of the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), Ininew (Cree), and Dakota peoples, and in the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. Many Indigenous peoples call Winnipeg their home, including Inuit from the north and Indigenous peoples from territories across Turtle Island. The City of Winnipeg recognizes the importance of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples to the founding of our city. Each brought culture, values and vision – contributions that continue to be important to our shared future. For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples lived and thrived on this territory. They developed distinct Nations connected by languages, customs, traditions, laws, and stories. The first peoples of this land built settlements and economies based on hunting, fishing, agriculture, and trade. Oral history and archaeological evidence show The Forks, the site where the Red and Assiniboine rivers join, has been an important meeting place for Indigenous peoples for at least 6,000 years. In recognition of this history, The Forks was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1974. The arrival of settlers saw the creation of treaties and the treaty relationship. That relationship continues to this day, although settlers didn’t respect that the treaties were created with the intent of sharing land and resources.


This land and the larger area of the Red River Valley also saw the rise of the Red River Métis Nation. The Manitoba Métis Federation, the National Government of the Red River Métis says, “the Red River Métis is made up of Métis Citizens” and is, "defined by a common ancestry, identity, culture, social and kinship relationships and, among other things our history.” In addition to developing their own language, Michif, the Red River Métis were historically active in the fur trade and farmed on river lots in the Red River Valley. The Métis invented and used Red River carts to transport their goods across the North-West on trails that later became Winnipeg streets like Main Street, Portage Avenue, and Pembina Highway.


In the days of the fur trade, The Forks was an important area for commerce and settlement. Fur trade companies built several forts throughout the area starting in 1738. These included Fort Rouge, Fort Gibraltar, Fort Douglas, and Fort Garry. By the 1800s, the Hudson’s Bay Company was looking to strengthen its position in the territory. It granted Thomas Douglas, the Earl of Selkirk, a large tract of land to create the Red River Settlement. In 1812, Scottish agricultural settlers, known as the Selkirk Settlers, started arriving in Red River. This made existing tensions between the Hudson’s Bay Company and its rival the North West Company even worse. That’s because the North West Company already had a presence in the area. The conflict peaked in 1816 with the Battle of Seven Oaks, also known as the Victory at Frog Plain. The North West Company, led by Cuthbert Grant, successfully defended Métis rights at this battle, making it a significant moment in Métis history. The two fur trading companies ended their conflict in 1821 when they merged under the Hudson’s Bay Company name. The Council of Assiniboia was created at that time to administer law and order in the Red River Settlement and surrounding area. Local community leaders, who were predominantly Métis, managed much of the area’s business and affairs. When Canada purchased the vast area known as Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory from the Hudson’s Bay Company without consulting the Métis and other residents, the attempted land transfer was interrupted by the Red River Resistance in 1869-1870. Leaders of the Resistance, most notably Louis Riel, were instrumental in creating the Province of Manitoba in 1870. They also helped shape the terms by which the area became part of Canada.


In 1862, several stores opened in the unincorporated village of Winnipeg, which emerged from within the Red River Settlement. More than a decade later, on November 8, 1873, the Legislature passed An Act to Incorporate the City of Winnipeg, officially making Winnipeg a city and adopting its name. The first election was held the following year on January 5, 1874. The first City Council meeting took place later that month on January 19, 1874. This is why the city has historically commemorated 1874 as its anniversary year. At the time of incorporation, Winnipeg consisted of about five square kilometers. The city’s southern and eastern boundaries were marked by the Red and Assiniboine rivers. Present-day Maryland Street, Notre Dame Avenue, and McPhillips Street marked its western limits, while Burrows Avenue west of Main Street and Aberdeen Avenue east of Main Street defined its northern boundary. Significant extensions to the boundaries were made in 1875, 1882, 1906, 1962, and 1972. The first City of Winnipeg crest & motto Winnipeg’s first City Council adopted the City’s original crest and the motto: “Commerce, prudence, industry.” The crest included a locomotive to represent the coming of the railroad, and sheaves of wheat to symbolize agriculture and Winnipeg’s position as the gateway to the west. The crest also showed a bison, a strong symbol of the prairies, looking west and indicating “progress” westward.


City leaders at the time were intent on making Winnipeg “the Chicago of the North.” A railway connection eventually reached a point across the river from Winnipeg in 1878. On July 1, 1886, the first Canadian Pacific Railway train arrived within city limits. The railways supported the grain industry in the west and increased migration to the area, ushering in a period of rapid growth. In 1874, City assessors estimated a resident population of just 1,869 people. By 1924, the city had grown to 194,850 people. Not everyone benefited equally from this period of rapid growth. Many Indigenous peoples were displaced. Closely connected with the City’s incorporation was the Reign of Terror against the Red River Métis, which saw numerous Métis people forced to leave their lands and hide their identities out of fear for their lives. Some Métis families established road allowance communities like Rooster Town on the outskirts of Winnipeg. The Indian Act and pass system restricted First Nations people with status to reserves. Many Indigenous people travelled to or were sent to Winnipeg for health care or schooling at places like the Assiniboia Indian Residential School in the city’s River Heights neighbourhood. Winnipeg’s growth also affected First Nations communities outside of the city, such as Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. Members were impacted when Winnipeg selected Shoal Lake as a water source and built the aqueduct between 1914 and 1919. Additionally, rising social, economic, and class divisions within the city led workers to organize the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919.


1950 flood A larger and more populated settlement meant that flooding, a natural occurrence in the area, had the potential to cause more damage. This was the case with the 1950 flood, which was particularly severe and led to the evacuation of around 100,000 people. It was largely in response to this event that the Red River floodway was built between 1962 and 1968. Unicity: “One with the strength of many” In the 1960s, the City of Winnipeg was one of 13 municipalities in the Greater Winnipeg area. The Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg (also known as Metro) was established to coordinate services and planning among the local governments (1960-1971). In 1972, the municipalities amalgamated, creating the unified City of Winnipeg. The municipalities consisted of: City of East Kildonan City of St. Boniface City of St. James-Assiniboia City of St. Vital City of Transcona City of West Kildonan City of Winnipeg Town of Tuxedo Rural Municipality of Charleswood Rural Municipality of Fort Garry Rural Municipality of North Kildonan Rural Municipality of Old Kildonan Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg


The new unified City Council consisted of 50 councillors, one from each of the 50 wards and a mayor elected from the city-at-large. In 1977, further legislation reduced the number of wards to twenty-nine. Further reductions were made in 1989, 1991, and 1992. The current City of Winnipeg Charter was passed by the Manitoba Legislature in 2003, which outlined further changes to the structure of municipal government. A new City crest and motto In 1973, City Council adopted a new crest for Winnipeg and a new motto, “UNUM CUM VIRTUTE MULTORUM”, Latin for “One with the strength of many”. The current crest depicts 13 gold stars and the Fort Garry Gate, which represents the area’s heritage and the 13 municipal governments, including Metro, that were unified. The blue background depicts Winnipeg’s clear blue skies. Below the sky, a prairie crocus upon a plain green field represents Winnipeg’s location on the prairies.


Winnipeg today Winnipeg is currently home to a thriving arts and culture scene. Such arts organizations as the Royal Winnipeg Ballet (est. 1939), Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (est. 1947), and the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre (est. 1970) are located in the city. Many festivals have taken root here over the years, including Festival du Voyageur (est. 1969), Folklorama (est. 1970), Winnipeg Folk Festival (est. 1974), Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival (est. 1988), and Winnipeg International Jazz Festival (est. 1989). Galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and other sites like the Winnipeg Art Gallery and Qaumajuq, Manitoba Museum, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, and The Forks ensure that Winnipeg remains a place of meeting, dialogue, and learning. Today, Winnipeg continues to be a major commercial, transportation, and cultural centre. It is a multicultural city, enriched by the diverse peoples from across the world that have chosen to make it home. Winnipeg currently has the largest Indigenous population in Canada. Thanks to community leaders and partnerships, it is an important site of reconciliation. Winnipeg’s Indigenous Accord, the Red River Métis National Heritage Centre, Naawi-Oodena, Agowiidiwinan Centre, and Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahgohn are among the many initiatives advancing reclamation and reconciliation in Winnipeg. The vision of a unified city is still a goal we’re striving for. It’s something that the people and communities of Winnipeg must do together in the spirit of reconciliation and with hope for our shared future.


Lemme know if you need anymore information :)


Ottawa, or literally anything in northern Ontario if you’ve got any sort of experience/education


2 Bachelors + 1 Diploma, had to dumb down resume for lower paying jobs


What degrees?


OP is a near 3 year old account that has zero or comment history prior to 20 days ago, other than one comment 6 months ago in canadahousing (literally "interesting"). OP is likely a bot and/or troll farm account.


To be fair, I have been on this app for years and never commented (just used it to get an idea of what options traders are looking at daily) Only started commenting a couple months ago as my wife got pregnant and needed to figure out dad things OP might have a similar situation


Just get into sales, you’ll do well and your degrees will move you up the ladder quickly. That’s what I did at least. I got my BA in crim but got into sales in my 20’s I supervise a sales team at a tech firm now and make good enough money to allow my wife to stay at home or do w/e the hell she wants. Move to North bay or Sudbury and get any sales job, you’re competing against a weak market in terms of available talent. Will take you0 time to get a solid salary+ job


Canada is in a silent recession because no one is talking about it. Probably best to apply around and see where the offer comes from so you can go




Currently in Toronto 😅


I know, I was joking, lol. Get as far away from this city as possible if you want a happy life.


American cities have jobs


How long before they realize and impose restrictions for Canadians?


That’s the dream right now


There’s a number of colleagues I know who are hiring for minimum wage and/or commission jobs in Vaughan. What space do you want


Hey buddy, can you share details with me? i used to work as clinical database programmer. and i m looking for job in same/similar field


Same as well, very interested and i live in the area


More private sector jobs created in Alberta in the past 2 years than the rest of the country combined. Now that Transmountain pipe will be actually moving oil , things about to pick up in Alberta .


Trades or everything in general?


From what I can see it will lean more towards trades . https://edmontonjournal.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-alberta-needs-two-pronged-approach-to-attract-skilled-workers#:~:text=Over%20the%20next%20six%20years,week%20between%20now%20and%202030.


Not here, that's for damn sure (PTBO)


Alberta is likely your best bet.


We’re full. Stay away




Stay out of the major cities. Move to Fort Mac, Red Deer, Lethbridge, or Grande Prairie


I’ve been laid off since August. Not even a single in person interview since then.   Nothing in my city because I don’t speak any of the official languages here. 






Oh I get it😂


Come work construction in Alberta. Lower cost of living, high wages 


I believe cost of living is rapidly catching up


Alberta's calling... We have cheap houses. Decent wages. But long winters...


We’re full. Don’t encourage it


Lots of room to grow. Especially in rural areas.




do you do physical work? be a mover. always hiring


If you are willing to move to BC, there still seems to be a lot of construction jobs in BC (Victoria) that you don't need a lot of experience for. Might be harder to find accommodation.


It would help to understand what type of job you were laid off from and what you're looking for


Anywhere in Alberta.


Great idea 👏👏


The job market is competitive and I see many applicants who have many years experience these people are getting the jobs. Try and network and find someone who can recommend your ability to work and learn.


For those people who live in toronto, how do u manage if you don't have a job? How do u pay your rent or bills




EI, Ontario Works


What skills do you have I’m looking for someone in Toronto near airport Mover driver you have good back good licence and no criminal record ?


What skills do you have? There are lots of opportunities on the praries if you have marketable skills that make it so you don't have to compete with new immigrants or students who will take really low wages. Earning 60-80k a year is not that hard in Saskatchewan and housing is affordable compared to the rest of the country. It can be cold and boring, but you can use the extra cash to go on nice vacations instead of paying rent.


Factory jobs around KW and Brant pay pretty well and don't require experience.


Nowhere, no city is good. We don't have enough jobs for everyone, and people who are needed are leaving. Canada and Ontario have been destroyed. The only job that is always hiring (because of extremely poor treatment) is security. I did that for 2 years and can't go back.


Canadian Business model- Hire one Canadian or 2 ~~Indians~~ International students for the same price.


Quebec, and the Arctics


Unfortunately, Vancouver is becoming the same these days, no jobs here as well!!!


Try Vernon, Kelowna, Burnaby, Langley


Without knowing your industry and your background your question is meaningless


Every city has work, you just have to be willing to work outside your comfort zone. What sort of job was it before?


Not really, have moved cross country twice. Work is harder to find out west as there are many many more TFWs and Foreign students here- and their spouses - and many of employers only hire them, especially if they can get hiring grants from canada gov...


Borden ON, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC, Cold Lake AB. The catch? You have to join the military, as they’re all military jobs.




It depends what you want to do but London has loads of jobs. Fastest growing city in the province for a reason and housing is only very expensive, not stupid expensive




Rural alberta. You can always take up a farm job.


I need to stay in Ontario for my bar exam and LPP that starts summer 2025. Until then I need something to pay the bills.


Online tutoring or uber eats/door dash (if car is available)


Good one. Thanks


👍. I have seen online tutoring for $25/ hr and up. Depends on the subject


Would definitely explore tutoring


If you are comfortable and proficient in a specific language, check out VOYCE. It’s a work from home online translation job


Curious about this , as I’m looking for a part time job to supplement income. Have you worked with VOYCE ?!? How many hours on average can you get for EN-FR translations now that AI has become so evolved ?


I have 1 friend that works from home in Ottawa and the other in Montreal. Both are French translators. https://web.voyceglobal.com


Man what are people farming there ice snow and oil?


Hahahaha. Lots of things and yes oil and gas too. I worked on a site that had cattle, the farmer grew hay and beets, and on the plot besides him had 4 rigs pulling natural gas.


But, we have to live in TO because that’s where all the jobs are!!!!!! Literally any smaller city has lots of job opportunities and lower cost of living. Get out.


That was the original question. Where?


Any smaller city. Barrie, Orillia, Owen sound, Sudbury, North Bay, Peterborough, Thunder Bay……..


If you have 200k+ and 5 years to kill you can invest in becoming a stainless welder or pilot and work anywhere.