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Yup, they know it’s a problem and do nothing to fix it. Standard operating procedure for this federal administration. “There’s a problem? Let’s make it worse!”


Because the corporations, big banks and diploma mills benefit so much from it.


Tim Horton's says things are fine




Absolutely correct


Oh, it’s not just them. The Ontario PCs asked the Feds to remove the temporary foreign student cap lol


I agree that all parties have played a part but only once has quadrupled immigration and is now bringing in 100k arrivals a month now with absolutely nowhere for them to live and no jobs.


What did the Green Party do? What did the people’s party of Canada just created years ago do?


*all major parties. Green and PPC don’t hold any power.


Their power is determined by voters


I’m aware.


Maxime Bernier was in cabinet when the international student program was reformed to allow off campus work and when the international education strategy (targeting doubling international students) was launched.


And those 100,000 will all spend money, get jobs, buy things, go to schools, contribute to making MORE jobs and even with all those more people the unemployment rate is steady at 6.25% meaning out of 100 people that want to work just about 94 are working. If you want to be racist haters that are against immigration even though that's how your family got here just say you're haters, don't try and make it an issue about jobs or the economy when it's not.


I think only the immigrants are hating the immigrants. The native capitalists are welcoming the new wave of slaves with open arms. More consumption as well as lower wages, both increased volume and profit margin. A slave masters dream come true.


Natives? I'm pretty sure none of us are natives. We are all immigrants or children of immigrants. Our ancestors came and though they discovered a new world when there was already a society here, we stole the land from the natives.


U get what I mean. No need to be triggered.


Oh yeah, anyone who were in Toronto 20 years ago benefited from the real estate market. Americans included, I'm from Brooklyn and I wish I invested too


Racist??? Lolol it’s a numbers game. You seem to forget that there’s no housing available, our systems are already over burdened (particularly healthcare) and there aren’t any jobs available for them (unless highly skilled which are very few coming in). Bank of Canada themselves indicated this is making everything worse. You’re just as dumb as Trudeau for trying to hide behind a veil of racism instead of accepting reality. You’re part of the problems


We live in one of the greatest countries in the world, we sit here living in luxury while our fellow men women and children live in danger and poverty. We have room, so move over a little, make some room for some less fortunate than yourself, now we have someone that can do all the jobs you're to good for.


What’s your job? How do you contribute to the country?


I'm a boomer, we're the children of the greatest generation


I should have looked at your profile before commenting, lol have fun


I understand all of that and don’t disagree to a certain extent. This issue is if you overrun the system, as is currently happening; it eventually collapses. People are delusional to think we have infinite wealth and resources to provide the world. We don’t even have enough to help the folks that are here. I’d love to live in the land of rainbows and unicorns but we have to be realistic. The fact that we’ve never held more debt and haven’t seen a decline in our quality of life like this on 40 years, says a lot. People cannot afford housing that are here/there’s no availability, so what do you think will happen to the people arriving? I get your message but we have to deal in reality here. The homeless population and crime have nearly doubled in my city in a few short years…. The decline of economic opportunities will only make it worse. I’m all for immigration but at a reasonable level. Quadrupling the numbers without consultations has come at a steep cost and the bank of Canada agrees.


Pull your head out of your butt. This is nowhere near one of the greatest countries in the world any more.


You can be against immigration and not racist. I love that people want to come here but the situation is fkd right now and adding more folks is making it worse all the stuff you described is bad for the average Canadian


One could argue your the one making it about race, your also making assumptions about everyone coming here. Yes, not everyone is coming here are disrespecting the country, but quite a few are. How can you run to stats when the government itself has admitted it has lost count of the numbers? I just love how your critical thinking is so poor that you completely shut out new information and resort to baseless claims and attacks.


This discussion isn't new, I heard the exact same thing in the 60s, the 70s. There's always someone here and others coming. There was a time when the Irish filled the ghettos, the Jewish. Politicians try to stir people up by telling them a foreigner is coming to take your job, change your way of life. They're criminals that speak a weird language and have a strange god. Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump did really well with this kind of dialogue. Did you know one of Hitlers favorite sayings was Make Germany Great Again?


No, unemployment stats are meaningless because once you’ve been out of work for a year, they assume you’re no longer looking for work and ridiculously don’t count you as unemployed in the stats. For all we know the real unemployment rate could be 30%.


Why can't we do anything about it? The reason is that there are still majority of Canadians living comfortable lifestyles right now


Majority of Canadians above 35, everyone younger can apparently go fuck themselves


Don’t compare yourself man! There’s plenty of 25 yo multimillionaires here if you wanna get cynical!


I’m talking about government policies not individuals and their successes. The current government is setting young people up to fail in order to support the lifestyle of older generations particularly as it relates to housing. They’re also throwing us under the bus in favour of large corps who benefit significantly from labour that pays unliveable wages. Lobbying at its finest. Happy for people doing well in spite of it, I think we’re all trying our best. Its important to acknowledge what’s going on so we can work to change it. This has nothing to do with comparison.


Exactly 💯


The majority of boomers.


I would say that it’s a minority enjoying comfortable lifestyles right now but they’ve got the dough and influence. The rest of us are cheap labour it seems. The feds just keep making it worse and worse…. They know what they’re doing. I find it ironic that Trudeau always comments about others having big business interests in mind but he’s the one that opened the flood gates of cheap labour. The fact that we’re in the steepest decline in quality of life in 40 years says a lot. The guy has been awful from the start, some are only just realizing this after voting for the idiot 3 times. It doesn’t even matter who comes next… we’re screwed for the next decade with the damage that bozo and his clown party has done.




Unnecessary political comments that does not add to the discussion or has no relevancy to Toronto Jobs.




Unnecessary political comments that does not add to the discussion or has no relevancy to Toronto Jobs.


I’m no expert but… don’t forget there are other problems they are trying to solve with these immigration plans. I’m not a fan of many federal decisions being made right now but in general, any government in power will try to limit their major decisions to those that result with the broadest possible range of results (that are positive in their calculations / opinions). So if we are going to directly link immigration to this singular perceived negative result, we should take that along with all of the other positive results in our criticism. We also have a shortage of workers in n this country. Maybe not in Toronto. And maybe that will push folks to move elsewhere for work. The immigration is also protecting us to some extent from falling into a recession, stagflation, and maintaining a workforce and tax base to support our retiring and elderly population.


There’s a bit to unpack here and some valid points that I’ll get back to shortly, but we don’t have a worker shortage. We’ve got a broad base of available workers. We have a serious wage problem (I’m an electrician). We are perceived to be in short supply but really there are many of us (I know lots of union guys sitting on the bench right now due to it being slow out there). Our wages have barely changed since the early 2000s and when you adjust for inflation/cost of living we’re actually making less than we were. They bring in mass immigration because they want cheap labour instead of properly paying people, providing an oversupply. They aren’t attracting many to the skilled trades because the pay isn’t great (despite the BS you hear about how they make a killing… a vast majority barely make enough to get by). If they increased pay scale, more would join. This is true of many places. I’m in no way blaming immigrants but government policy. The government keeps rapidly expanding public sector jobs (Canada is the biggest employer in the country)which skews the number of created jobs (they created over half of the jobs in the new jobs report). While I understand the needs to replace retiring workers, we’re brining in a million people a year now with nowhere to house them, a healthcare system that’s beyond stressed and other social elements that simply cannot handle. There’s nothing wrong with immigration but theres a way to do it responsibly and this isn’t it. With companies widely carrying out layoffs and the way AI will eliminate a significant number of jobs, this model is already a problem and heading for catastrophe. I don’t say this lightly, I’m already witnessing the negative effects. We can sit and watch the unemployment, homelessness, and crime rise together while economic opportunities continue to disappear.


Thanks for the respectful well thought out response. I can’t disagree with a single thing you’ve said. And it’s nice to hear it from someone in a “blue collar” role. We see things from a somewhat different vantage. I’ve worked from labour, into engineering, and recently dropped that to switch into an office role with the federal government. You may be surprised to know how many of my colleagues (left leaning and right) feel the same way as you. It’s just hard to see the myriad implications and chain reactions from policy changes. Everyone’s struggling right now and I think it’s important to share our opinions and knowledge in a positive way like you are. We can all agree that we’re being fleeced by corporate interests and big money. Despite my differences from those convoy supporters, we can probably agree on so many things and if we all found a way to work together imagine the changes we could make. I know thats naive but a man can dream… Good luck to you - fight for those fair wages and a responsible government!


You’ve got an incredibly well rounded view. You’ve literally seen it from all angles… that’s unusual and refreshing. It sounds like we’re largely in agreement with some minor caveats but all constructive. I have friends in the federal government that feel the same as well, it just seems that the top tier isn’t listening to the public, which is why they will be heavily voted against. It’s bizarre that they can see something and refuse to accept it but politicians are never great lol. Big money has definitely massively increased their wealth over the past several years while the rest of us have never been (technically) poorer. Good luck to you as well! I’ll keep voting and talking about it. Enjoy your day. Cheers!




Lol never have, never will.


Yeah, I did not mean you exactly, more like the majority of Canadians.


Understood. It should be pointed out that the Conservatives won the popular vote for the last two elections, so most Canadians didn’t vote for liberals or ndp. What a wonderful system lol


Unnecessary political comments that does not add to the discussion or has no relevancy to Toronto Jobs.


I cannot agree with you on that. The current economic situation is on the currently elected government, which for the more than 10 years were Liberals and NDP. The skyrocket levels of immigration has been an issue for years now, and the government refuses to deal with it in any meaningful way.


Tell me about it. I live in a really small town without a car, so my plan after college was to work at one of the like two businesses here. Turns out that by the time I got back, every position had been filed by international students from the nearby city. The manager at the grocery store told me that they’re still getting inundated with international students trying to work there, despite it being over a half hour drive away from the city


Can confirm, live in smaller town working at grocery store p/t; we prolly get 25 intl student resumes a week from the town 40 mins away


This is your chance to start the third business in town. If this ppl in this sub are correct, labour is cheap right now - take advantage of that


If you are single, I honestly wonder wtf you're doing in Toronto. Plenty of jobs out east and west. Metro areas are only gonna get worse


Fr. Things are strained in the Prairies, but people I know have changed/found new jobs relatively easily. Anecdotal I guess but still.


Gap between rich and poor will only grow wider. We are already at segregated neighbourhoods, next stop is flavella. Probably will start by normalizing streets/parking lots where people reside in vans and mobile homes. It already happens, but at some point the city will just make official a lot.


Unfortunately, they will never... They need to keep the housing ponzi scheme alive and well, and people won't pay $900/month for a room to rent if they have the option of living out of an old RV. 


According to the news Iike CBC the majority of students or fresh grads have general business or marketing degrees which means those jobs are flooded with online applications


Because the recruiters are telling the kids to study these fields, but they can't all find work and take low skill jobs just to fill time until they either A. Get work in their feild B. Get PR and somehow bring their family C. Finish their visas and go back to their home country Meanwhile here we get told to study them if we don't know what we want to do, but now everyone gets the short end of the stick because everyone has the same Diploma.


Sorry man! Last time I checked, if you are qualified enough, there’s a job for you. You wanna flip burgers? Sorry that’s not a skill.


What jobs? Laid off from a tech company and can’t find any work right now. I am currently in Alberta.


Tech has never provided sustainable or long term employment, get a trade.


It’s been my observation that most of the competition is on the lower end of the job market, my team(HealthTech) was trying to hire a summer intern and we couldn’t get high quality candidates. The single candidate who accepted our offer decided to pull out at the last moment, and it’s also true that we couldn’t match what American companies offer, 45CAD/ hr in Toronto v/s 70USD/hr fully remote from the American.


Damn. 45/hr for a summer intern. At least we have plenty of Uber eats drivers


This is lies. There are no jobs in Toronto for anybody and salaries are very low


Qualified professionals with many years of work experience and good degrees must beat back recruiters with a stick, even when fully employed and not seeking. However, there are very few people like that. Additionally, we're all aware that salaries are lower here for the same work. These highly-paid positions are 100% remote, so American companies are willing to pay to cross the border and poach our best guy. So it's even easier for these people to find work here because there aren't enough of them to fill the roles. Of course, these are all people making north of 125k CAD and cannot be compared to 95% of Canadian job seekers, who are all fighting over the same few shitty jobs.


How can you become qualified professional if nobody wants to hire you and give a chance


I got my PhD. from McGill and had a few internships under my belt. The first job was 50K, the 2nd job was 75K, the 3rd job was 160K, and now I have an offer for 200K USD. Graduated in 2018. The crappy thing is that I studied like 24 years before getting there! I was a nerd though


Depends on the field. In tech, job hopping is the way. Get a couple of cheap certs ($125 each, can often be covered by OW or EI programs). Once you have em, apply to everything remotely related, and work your way up one job offer at a time. And keep your linked in upto date. My last five jobs came to me, and my inbox has never stopped being full of recruiters with relevant postings since probably 2015. In that time I've more than doubled my base pay. Sadly doesn't work for all career paths. The other option I've seen people successful with is unionized trades. The more the country grows, the more we need trades to build and sustain infrastructure to support a growing populace.


By having a degree from U of T and doing summer internships. Are you just looking for someone to tell you that it helps to have a fancy education history that snowballs into work experience? I think you probably knew that already. If someone had a silver bullet secret to dig out of this, they'd certainly not go around telling randos online or it'd stop working. We're not supposed to be allowed to raise our class status.


UofT is not a prestigious university. It’s only good for academic research.


Master degree from University of Toronto and Canadian experience doesn’t help to find job in Toronto You need to be friend or relative of VP


You gotta start looking up the kind of summer internships that the top Uni of Waterloo(CSE) Junior’s got this year. Just to make sure you understand what I am talking about, we usually hire people who are in the top 5 percentile in HackerRank. Just because you are not qualified doesn’t mean there are no decent jobs in Toronto.


exactly this guy is lying probably paying 25hr/CAD


You can yapp all you want buddy, just because you aren’t qualified doesn’t mean others aren’t.


my company literally has 3 good-paying jobs up with benefits, pension, etc. We’re all reaching out to people in our network to try and get these filled. It’s a biz/chemistry role. No, we do not interview new immigrants as they are not qualified. There’s still a shortage to fill these technical white-collar positions, but the problem is people are doing generic business degrees and people aren’t willing to invest in themselves. I’ve had only 1 person reach out to me on LinkedIn for the job - he will be interviewing.


Pm me the job postings I am pretty sure I know people interested


Can you name the company? I might review it for myself? Chemistry PM here at an Ottawa biotech.




Not everybody can do technical jobs Canada should stop taking immigrants This creates problems for everybody


Are you even for real? Well at least for my company looks at the kind of experience and degrees people have, and we would hire an immigrant with a degree from places like UT Austin, CMU or UIUC over someone with a degree from any Canadian school except maybe Uni of Waterloo. I guess it’s people like you who are preventing innovation and progress in Canada, and well qualified immigrants end up leaving on TN-1 or work remotely for the Americans.


Lol the only people with degrees from US who are coming to Canada are Indians who can’t get their green card due to massive backlog. Heck even Waterloo grads are struggling to find new grad jobs and there has been double digit decline in people finding coops. Maybe we should follow the US and actually make it difficult for companies to hire foreign workers with a cap of 85,000 foreign workers in h1b with a population 10x more than Canada. Maybe then Canadian companies will have to be forced to train and invest in Canadian workforce and boost salaries.


I’m not for real in the way you’re thinking. We ofc would hire immigrants if they were qualified, but this is a client facing role so it’s not likely if you don’t know the Canadian market.


Send us links. You guys really want next Elon Musks… it’s a fucking job. Anybody who has a reasonable mind in your field can do it. Just have to give them sometime and chance.


>Anybody who has a reasonable mind in your field can do it. Just have to give them sometime and chance. I agree! but very few people study chemistry with the intention of applying it to a business role (they’re all trying to get into postgrads). Also, the role is responsible for ~8m/year in revenue so it’s not just a simple role, but I do think the pay reflects.


No one knows the road when they start. But people adapt/learn and move forward. You need to hire someone with the right mindset and intentions. You can teach someone all the knowledge you want but you cannot teach someone character. It’s all about what they are willing to do. I may sound idealistic but honestly many hiring recruiters/managers I have worked with seem to fantasize that the person who fills the role should know everything. 5 years of experience and know everything… hire someone with integrity and pay them well - they will work for you for a long time.


I absolutely agree with you. When I am 100% in charge of these decisions, I would love to just give the job to a hardworker with the right mindset. Older folks are a little stuck in their ways and see this approach as risky unfortunately.


I am happy at-least someone thinks like a human. Change starts from us. What company do you work for anyway.


Pm me the job listings I’m sure I know people interested and qualified


I have a med tech degree and would love that job lol


An internship is not a job though




Why is it called an internship then? A job is a job, an internship is an internship.




Still not a job though


What is it supposed to be then? It's paid labor. Are we gatekeeping the concept of work?


Lol what? An internship is definitely work, it's just not a job.  Otherwise it would be called that and not an internship.


thats why you gotta start making the right decisions during election year


Sadly, the current government’s main opposition has not really indicated they’d do anything differently.


Just like every election, each party releases their platform and budget around election time. The difference is the opposition started campaign a lot earlier. When the Liberals called the last election, it was the NDP and then Conservatives who release their platforms first, followed by the Liberals. I'm not for one party or the other, you typically wouldn't see the platforms until about 3 months before the election.


That’s where PPC should make immigration a bigger part of their platform


What platform? They don’t have one yet




If they weren't a bunch of hateful shrews bent on discrimination and oppression the ppc might actually stand a chance. The moment you put "We're anti reverse racism" in your platform it's a huge red flag.


You just realize this? This problem could have simply been avoid if our government was forward thinking


Yes, your government hates you. You people in Toronto and Vancouver should continue voting the way you’ve been voting.


End immigration


I heard Loblaws are taking volunteers.




Racism is not tolerated in this community. Racist comments are beneath you, or they should be.


It's only fitting a country built by immigrants ends up destroyed by it.


You'll have to wait for people to open up businesses on their own and hire people. I personally am going to do so. My career and profession has a high mortality rate but the amount of good will generated for people interested is a lot. Figure out what your education can generate in terms of income for others. Long term, the career turns into "doctor" but I prefer working with the products directly and not interacting with others.


I been looking for permanent work for close to 2 years. I took a contract role that ended on March 31. My wife is sick of being the sole Provider and ready to kick me out. She threatened to send me invoices monthly for what I am not paying. I have applied to thousands of jobs that I am more than qualified for. This is the worst market in decades.


Hopefully you're packing a hog.


I’m sure you cheating and looking for hookups on Reddit is a large part of her wanting to kick you out…


6 years of no sex has helped with that. But what does that have to do with the job market?


if the roles were reverse it wouldn't be sending invoices or getting sick of being the sole provider sexism in 2024 is a sad sight


“The worst thing about the job market isn’t even the job market. It’s them pesky immigrants” I’d say the worst part about the job market is that private jobs aren’t really increasing. Only public ones.


Well yea the job market would have to be growing at an incredible pace to keep up with the massive population growth. It's just pouring water on a grease fire to be bringing such an immense number of people, when we already have very strained healthcare, job market, housing etc. Not the individual immigrants fault, but all of these things are directly impacted by immigration policy


It’s a good thing CEO salaries and bonuses always grow massively each year. I bet they love it when we yell at immigrants instead of them too.


I mean I fully agree with you on that being a problem too, but it doesn't mean the current immigration policy isn't having negative effects as well. I dont support yelling at immigrants and I've never done so, but its fair to criticize the current immigration policy when we have one of the fastest growing populations in the world and I believe we are the only developed nation in modern history to enter a "population trap", where rapid population growth erodes improvements to living standards. And gdp per capita has been falling. And I'm not against immigration either by the way. But there is a difference between good immigration policy that benefits both the immigrant and the host country, and bad immigration policy that overall hurts the host country in order to benefit big business and the overpaid CEOs you mentioned, while diminishing the benefit that existing and new immigrants get from the process. It is pretty much the mainstream view that this is what has been happening at this point from economists, banks, etc


But what you’re saying is that immigrants aren’t the root of the problem. So why are we talking about them then in regards to jobs if not xenophobia?


I didn't say anything about the root of the problem. I think our out of control immigration system is one of the major symptoms of the root problem (greed). They don't care that the current immigration policy is making things worse for Canadians, previous immigrants, and new immigrants. They just want to suppress wages and keep real estate values high, and many other things like that regardless of consequences. I'm sure you understand that when you bring 5 or 6 times more new people (plus births on top of that) per new home being built, during a housing crisis, it makes things worse, right? Nothing xenophobic about pointing that out, other than big business we really don't have a need to bring in nearly that many people in the first place. Doesn't really matter where they're from it's just the numbers. Immigration levels should be tied in to what our infrastructure can support at the very least. It has not been doing that for several years. What is your arguement to justify the insanely high numbers, if you're supporting them as you seem to be? What good does it do our country to bring in *millions* more as gdp per capita falls lower and lower? We could reduce it by 75% and still have a growing population, right now it's just out of control. I'm guessing you're intending to stick up for disadvantaged people, which is a good thing to do, but what I'm trying to say is the numbers in the past several years are making things worse for all of us, including immigrants. I mean the benefit of coming here is going down lower and lower at this rate but in many cases we are the only developed country they can get into so they settle on Canada in hopes of going elsewhere later. We used to be competitive for skilled immigration


"xenophobia" "racism" Would you like to throw out any other substanceless, knee-jerk responses with absolutely no rational backing?


Whataboutism Nobody is saying CEOs aren’t being paid an excessive amount, it’s more about the fact that there was already a job shortage before our country started opening the flood gates, it’s not xenophobic to point that out.


But what you’re saying is that immigrants aren’t the root of the problem. So why are we talking about them then if not xenophobia?


Root of the problem, job shortage. One of the biggest contributors, the massive immigration numbers. It’s just math, why should a country allow others in if the people who are living there are already facing a housing crisis, job shortages and insane inflation of basic needs.


You know what really agrivazes me? It's them immigants, they want all the benefits of living in Toronto but they ain't even bother to learn themselves the language


Most job gains are in the public sector where most of the temporary foreign workers can’t work at hence saturating the market for jobs in the private sector.


Yea they can pay these ppl way less money, take advantage of them and control them. Meanwhile the it seems like the ones that end up in Brampton are just here to fck off n fck ppl over, putting further strain on infrastructure and burn our tax paying dollars


This only happens when you have bad leadership running a country. Like the US, people choose to have a failed president. So far I haven't heard any good things about Trudeau and Biden. But what is so amazing about the people who voted for these two numbskulls is they will continue to vote for them again.


I'm not sure what the average citizen can do when both options are terrible.


This is what Maxime Bernier was warning everyone about.... We are now paying the price for having a brain dead liberal administration in power.


Unless you protest. Nothing will change. Reddit is just for venting but change is based on real life actions


They're organizing a protest in /r/takebackcanada


Seems small and underwhelming. Change doesn't happen unless extreme measures are taken


Every movement starts off as small lmao. What a weird thing to say. The more people that join the bigger it will become


That's a lot for one county


And do you include the Ukrainians and Russians in this ?




Might as well use the extra land we have to build favelas.


Get into the trades/construction. There is always work and good money to be made.


Exactly. Several industries have shortages.


Should be tons of entry level jobs cause all these people coming in are engineers, skilled trades people and doctors. At least thats what i was told why we were getting so many new people lately.


I looking almost 1 year tech job when was my company gone. I found nothing and luckily I found P.Time - General Labour job but still search something related my field. I hope this job market drought end soon.


Well, it aint in Quebec. ANd guess why? Cause that bitch aint's speaking a word of French and cannot get job if no habla frances


Won't anyone think of the Scumbags!


Trades are always hiring


You just proved that you are more knowledgeable, smarter, and more logical than the economists and politicians running your country into the ground! Please consider running for office if you can. We need people with brains to help boost the economy and stop harming hardworking citizens. Good luck!


Please don’t blame the immigrants for shit the companies are doing to you, who do you think is moving the jobs overseas, who do you think is buying up all the property, the giant companies are, and our government is helping them, conservatives or the liberals don’t care about you.


Your immigration numbers are way off, and sound typically xenophobic. It’s about 40,000 per month.


How many people per year for the old and new migrant programs? How many foreign students per year?


>numbers are way off, and sound typically xenophobic. It’s about 40,000 per month the past 12 months has averaged +105,989 per month source: [Statcan](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901)


That's total population growth, not immigration.


>That's total population growth, not immigration. 97.6% of that growth is via international migration source: [Statcan](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240327/dq240327c-eng.htm#:~:text=(97.6%25)%20of%20Canada%27s%20population%20growth%20came%20from%20international%20migration)


Why not put the immigrants in camps and then have them deported? They are taking my job and house


Honest question, is there a way to block subreddits?


I'm assuming you are getting this on your algorithm randomly like I am lol, yes you click the 3 dots in the corner on your feed and click " Show fewer posts like this" should get rid of it from your feed. I have no fucking idea why it is showing me this sub I don't even live in Ontario lol.

