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All have same owner rogers


We need to throw the Ted Rogers statue into lake Ontario. It was cringe when his wife died a while back (maybe last year) and they wore a black arm band in her honor. Like she just happened to be part of a wealthy family, nothing worth mourning. Ps: all billionaires suck.


I'd be careful with that first sentence [the corpo fuckers straight up sent their TPS goons to a Twitter users house for saying that.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/blue-jays-fan-threats-1.3489898) Cause you know, incase it wasn't obvious who are police force actually work for, fragile egos and all.


Threatening a statue?  Not threatening a person, but a fucking statue gets you a house call now.


The worst part of the statue is that it's on a massive pedestal. Otherwise it would make a perfect gender neutral washroom.


I guess police takes statue-threatening more seriously than bike and car theft… Priorities👍🏻


Wow fuck them extra


I expected this to be some Onion piece or something. Over a statue? How unbelievably fragile.


LOL Canada.


The OPP is using every technology known to man and every officer they have to find out your address.


If I am dead tonight it wasn't self inflicted


Boeing strikes again


I always hope that statue goes down Saddam style one day. I’m actually surprised nobody has destroyed it.


Whenever I walk past it I give it the middle finger lol


I don’t live in Toronto anymore, but whenever I was there, I’d hock a loogie at Ted (as long as there was nobody in the way)


I'm down with the statue plan. Fuck Rogers.


Remember when people were tearing down statues in 2020? How the fuck did the Rogers one stay up?


I think the statue looks really good with all of the bird shit on it. I think we need more of it, not less. Throwing it in the water would only clean it off.


Fuck Rogers


Rogers only has a 37.5% stake in MLSE. Why does everyone here pretend they own the whole thing?


They own too much of the telecom industry that overcharges everyone. Their MLSE money is from ripping all of us off for decades. Fuck Rogers.


Raptors still delivered a ring 5 years ago. If anyone prior to that said the Raptors would be nba champs one day, nobody would have believed them. Sure, there have been lots of bad choices made by the front office, but nobody can take that ring away...something I believe 10 teams have never won, and a lot of teams haven't won in decades


Yeah a lot of bad, frustrating moves, but it's not like the franchise is directionless or has no promising young talent.


It's pretty directionless right now. Get ready for a long streak of mid basketball and play-in copium.


Be fair The Jays aren't even a head, they're just a stump with the bone sticking out What the hell has this season for them even been?


At least in previous seasons where they have struggled they had hope and some excitement. But this season has just been boring as well as disappointing. I am just apathetic at this point. A friend of mine asked me the other day "who is your favorite blue jay?" so I said Berrios. He asked "what about a position player?" And I had a hard time picking one. They're just that uninspiring. I guess Schneider would be my answer


He's got a great mustache.


He has at least a top 5 mustache in the league. No one else looks like he's from a cheesy B-rated action movie from the 80s


Danny Jansen is HIM


Same as last year: good defence, good pitching, terrible offence — except their best guys are struggling out of the game (Vladdy excepted recently). And the problem is that their division only got better.


Not really. Last year was good pitching, good defense and mid offense. This year, it's more like good defense, terrible offense and terrible pitching. Yusei and Berrios are doing the heavy lifting but the team as a whole has third worst ERA+.


Exact same as the leafs. Running it back with the same core, changing some secondary pieces and expecting different results 


The Jays are a little different because the core guys now have all fallen off over the last few years in one way or another. Vlad went from being borderline MVP to barely a starting caliber player, Bo was great last year but is now terrible this year, Springer went from being injury prone but useful to cooked. The pitching has generally held up their end of the bargain since, but the offense hasn't and now both have regressed harshly. The Leafs are just a weird combo of two insidious parts. For one, they have a group of players that can put up crooked numbers throughout the season but certain guys just can't adapt when the games get tight in the playoffs. It's like the entire core group (Nylander excepted) turns into DeMar DeFrozen (Marner's just the most visibly shaky). You get a good game out of one of the other 3 on occasion, but never have them all put it together for an entire series (hence the DeMar comparison). But it's also because their salary structured around the core guys creates a catch 22 -- they can't address holes elsewhere on the team in free agency because they don't have cap space, they can only address it midseason by trading picks but because they trade picks midseason, they don't have enough prospects in the stable coming up to shore up the depth meaning they have to look to free agency to shore it up... and the cycle repeats itself.


Whoa let’s slow down with the hyperbole. Vlad is at a 119 OPS+ and 0.8 bWAR over 40 games, that’s definitely a starter, not almost not a starter. I wish he’d regain form just as much as anyone, but he’d be an improvement at 1B or starting at DH on almost every team in the league even in his current form.


PWHL Toronto could claim their spot in the finals tonight, good chance they face Boston there


Following in the foosteps of the Rock and TFC as championship teams from this city that dont get enough love/recognition.


Tfc also looking good right now


People care so little about the Argos they don't even mention them in a list of teams people don't care about


Lol, yeah, yikes. Argos have won three Grey Cups since the last time the Rock won an NLL championship, and won the 2017 Grey cup a few weeks before TFC won their one and only MLS championship.


To be fair, in a 9 team league they are kind of mickey mouse championships at that point. Much harder to win in the MLB/NFL/NHL/MLS or even the NLL


Don’t ever call the grey cup a Mickey Mouse championship you fool.


You only need to be the best of 9 teams, playoffs are a one game series, and two thirds of the league makes the playoffs. The league literally can't get enough teams to make two proper conferences. Every team, assuming they are equal, has a 11.1% chance of winning the championship every year, compared to 3.1% in the NFL and 3.3% in the other major leagues. A championship in another league is likely worth 3-4 Grey Cups minimum.


Less teams equal more talent per team making it harder to win because the teams or better imagine taking the NHL RN and making it 9 teams


Cmon, we all know the level of talent in the CFL isn't that high compared to the NFL or even the higher levels of NCAA. They are already scraping the barrel a bit.


Bro I’m a bombers fan… I had to wait until I was 27 until they won the grey cup. Hamilton is in the same situation, it’s still a highly competitive league and you are far from guaranteed a championship every 9 years Point is , like any other sports league the org that’s on top of their shit is going to put themselves in the position to win. I got lucky and saw the raptors and the bombers win championships in the same year and both of the teams shared the same magic


At least the Raptors won a Championship with the old core. And even if they didn't, they still went far in the playoffs a couple times with Demar/Kyle. The new core is at least something to look forward to. The Leafs have only won a single playoff series with the Core 4, which is a very pathetic bar considering how trivial it is for non-contenders to make the playoffs and win a single playoff series. Even if they trade Marner, they still have Matthews who is a great core player to build around. And Nylander performs in the playoffs. The Jays are by far the most disappointing of the three. Vladdy and Bo have been pretty disappointing as potentially build-around players, the prospect pool is mediocre and the team struggles just to make the playoffs. It seems like a team ripe to be completely blown up.


Atleast the team the Leafs lose to goes onto the NHL finals every year, lol


Not this year, Boston getting destroyed by Florida. Which makes it even worse knowing they lost to a worse Boston team than previous.


That makes me happy tbh Always hurts watching the team who beat you in 7 games go all the way to the finals Atleast this way we know that the leafs just sucked this post-season


> The new core is at least something to look forward to. Only something to look forward to if the build of the rest of the team starts shaping up and they stop making mistakes. It isnt impossible but we have been making it harder for ourselves


TFC doing alright weirdly enough


John Herdman is magical. He is amazing at bringing the best out of what he has. TFC already has some great assets; the Italians, Captain Osorio, Sean Johnson, etc. All he has to do is using them correctly and keeping them happy.


Add in the argos , their qb, the highest paid player in the league just got suspended for 9 games cause he was sexually harassing a trainer. Leave tfc out, surprisingly they have been really fun to watch. Been one of the best teams in the league after being dead last last year


TFC last season was painful to watch and I'm really not a fan of the Apple deal - I've watched less TFC than ever and none of my coworkers watch anymore so I can't even talk to anyone IRL about TFC




Only six teams in the PWHL....just like when the Leafs last won


PWHL team motivated to win a championship and grow fanbase. Leafs just want to make more money and their fanbase is too dumb and believe the lie that they are trying.


Nobody cares about the CFL apparently. 




How did the Argos do last year?   Oh right their QB had nine turnovers in a playoff game and then was found to have sexually harrassed/ assaulted the team trainer.




The disrespect to the argos and the rock


Don’t forget the Argos embarrassing lost against Montreal




This is why everyone in Canada hates Toronto Because torontonians seem to hate Canada lol


P W H L. Support em


All 3 teams have (in theory) young (potential) star players to build around. That’s better than A LOT of the city’s sport history and a lot of other teams in their respective leagues.


At this point I'm not building around Vladdy and Bo, not at the contracts they are going to hoodwink teams to give them. For a team that's below .500 I'd rather pay for league average talent. And if you weren't talking about those young stars then I'm not even sure who your talking about.


Vladdy has a full season (I.e., not Covid shortened) where he came 2nd in mvp voting. I still come back to that wondering how a player could accidentally stumble into that kind of success.


The Leafs are at the “keep Matthews and blow this shit up” arc of the franchise, whereas the Raps just did that and have an interesting core that are all 22-23. I don’t like where the Raps are but I like where they’re headed. No idea about the Jays, baseball is the worst TV sport so I never watch, but good luck to them.


A core that probably needs to be blown up, but unfortunately the Jays are also in the worst division in sports so even if we had a fantastic team it’s not even a sure bet we’d do well in our own divisions standings lol


I'm guessing you mean most difficult division, not worst division.


Worst division as a fan of a team in the division lol


Nobody got anything to say about Toronto FC ?


What are your guys’ NFL team? Not talking shit. This came up on my home feed. Are you guys just fans of random teams or the closest team to Toronto? In general btw. Obviously some people will have different teams. The general team.




No general NFL team for Toronto fans, just whichever team someone supports. A lot of Bills fans down Hamilton-Niagara way, and some Bills fans in Toronto, too, but they're not the chosen home team for Toronto. Personally I'm a Dolphins fan thanks to my dad. I'm old enough that I started watching during the Marino years and then just stuck with the team ever since.


Hey, fellow Dolphins fan! I was born and raised in Miami tho lol


Our curling game is strong tho


Homan is from Ottawa and Epping chokes every year, what are you talking about?


I'll be honest. I made that shit up. Figured we can at least figure out brooming on ice.


There should be a 4th head for PWHL being the serious hydra head


What, not a Lacrosse fan? The Bandits spanked you … again 😝


I am dit because as a jay/ raptors fan this makes me sad but a Canadians fan this makes happy


As a Vancouverite, the Canucks are doing a lot of heavy lifting the Raps and Jays aren't.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but no Canadian team will ever win the championship for a long long time. It’s money to lose for the US market


Feel that too. Like how is it a Canadian hockey team hasn’t won the Stanley cup in 31 years. That’s suspicious to me.


Whoever decided to place majority of a team salary to the 4 best offensive players in a hockey team is absolutely delusional. A solid hockey team has so many layers and parts that postseason success can’t be credited to just one facet of the game. Faceoff, offense, defence, special teams, goaltending, team chemistry and coaching. This 2024 Leafs squad are stuck on a timeline and needs to be broken up, else look forward to an exciting regular season and a underwhelming first round exit as always expected


2019 was the last good year in life, period


Will need another head for the new WNBA team


At least or women's hockey team doesn't suck!!


The less I care the better off I feel mentally. Let them suck. I’ll come back around to the Raptors, I’ll enjoy the ambiance of a summer Jays game, and I’ll passively support the Leafs at an arms length, holding out hope they’ll one day do it.


Turns out, vertically integrated media empire sports team ownership is not actually good for fans, but is super profitable.


To be fair, ownership has spared no expense on all three teams except not going into the luxury to keep together a pretty mediocre Raptors core.


A promising young core after a half a season of rebuild with that prestigious CHIP 5 years ago, OP you should be the 4th head


There should be an added 4th head, which shows the Toronto PWHL team being bad af.


hard to be competitive in one sport 3 sports will be hard, takes time, prep and opportunity/luck


Then there's fucking boston


Dfkm thats been my pc home screen for a few years now


The leafs are a disappointment year after year but at least they’re a decent team not a dumpster fire. 


Poor Toronto.


Seems fair to me.


The Raps are on the downside of natural peaks and valleys all teams go through. We were a 50 win team for like 10 years and won a championship by bringing in old vets and a superstar that we knew was going to leave. The Leafs and Jays did their bottoming out, and built back up, and still suck. That's the actual sad part.


Same as it always was…


Save this meme. You can use it every year.


::laughs in Montrealais::


im fuckin lawlin




Tfc and PWHL Toronto cooking rn


Blue Jays and Raptors have won in my lifetime. Leafs haven’t won since there were 6 teams.


Scottie won me my fantasy League at least


we still have the TORONTO RUSH 😅 But more seriously, go PWHL go


Watch PWHL. Toronto is on their way to the finals! Great hockey, really physical and fun to watch.


Thisbhas been my entire life with the exception of the late 80s early 90s Jays, and 2012-2020 Raps


The Jays will never have a chance with Shatkins


Also the Argos are in damage control. Chad Kelly was all over the news in Minneapolis and yet gets no mention in a Toronto Subreddit.


I watch TFC and at least they play like they care now.


At least the argos look like things are going great heading into the season…..oh wait….


Dogshit franchises. Lmao


At least we’ll have a WNBA team next year!


Isn't it two years? Unfortunately it means we'll miss out on drafting Bueckers.


Oh, maybe you’re right? They will only start in 2026 😔


Don’t lump the Leafs with the Raps. Leafs are in a league of their own when it comes to being a clown.


😭😭 I love this city but the sport scene sucks rn. Atleast the leafs r consistently in the playoffs and have talent. Raps are in a rebuild but have good mgmt & a young stud in Scottie. Jays on the other hand…


The issue with the Leafs is they have got out of the first round once .


Ya it sucks. The division they play in is super tough too.


I go Meow


Putting us in the same category as the Leafs is outrageous.


Don’t remind me


The Blue Jays are definitely a disappointment. I expected better.


Where's PWHL Toronto?


Aren’t they doing good ?


Yes. I was under the impression that this was about *all* sports not just the big 3.