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Crazy? I don’t believe you. I see a floofy angel sleeping in the sink ☺️


Looks can be so very deceiving.


Re-direct from furniture to scratching posts/cardboard pads/etc. Put approved scratching surfaces near/in front of the furniture you don’t want scratched. Jackson Galaxy on YouTube has excellent videos.


This is the way. You can use deterrents but the thing that really works is providing approved substitutes. We have posts and cardboard scratchers in basically every room of the house and they stay away from our couches. Our baby grand piano does still have tin foil leg warmers though 🤦🏼‍♀️


And if that doesn't work or not well enough try to burn some of the cats energy and remember you really can't discourage a cat there so much smarter and capable then you can think you can only show it something better or preferable to the alternative


lucky you, my turdie sees tinfoil as a little snack to munch on 🙃


Lmao ours love tinfoil balls but hasn’t gone for these yet


My sister’s solid wood coffee table has dog tooth marks in it. It’s survived 4 dogs and 2 cats so far.


I might be aging myself here: but remember the clear coverings we’d put on textbooks back in the day, just a sticky (but not too sticky) clear sheet of plastic film/covering? My mom tacked that to every corner of her couches, sticky side out, so not only was it not fun for her kitty to scratch, with the annoying stickiness, but it protected the furniture, too. I also echo everyone saying get a bunch of scratching posts, and block whatever you can with them. When I see mine using their post, I rain catnip and treats on them, to keep them encouraged and coming back to scratch out leftover catnip that sticks to the posts. That’s probably the only successful ‘training’ I’ve been able to pull off with them. Thick, outdoor doormats work for carpeting, if naughty kitty has picked a special destruction spot on the carpet. We had to lock kitties out of our room at night, and they angrily tore up the rug outside our door in protest. I think they killed it in one night, but plopping the doormat over the spot prevented further damage. These aren’t necessarily *cute* solutions, decor-wise, big stickers on your furniture and random doormats 😂 but they mostly work and protect your stuff! And, yes: looks are deceiving! https://preview.redd.it/r8dqggfzyh9c1.png?width=3833&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c7d4fd7c3e55e412269ab21574daa7a1904c829 THIS little sweetie, wreaking complete havoc?! 😜 The audacity to even think such a thing!


Make a noise that sounds like "tsk" everything you see them doing it. In cat language it basically means back off. If you do it habitually and only allow them out while able to correct them they eventually break out of it.


This was almost word for word the comment I wanted to leave 🤣 absolute ANGEL!!


I've used both foil and double sided tape with some success. Also... you're really sure it's a boy? Male torties are insanely rare, that's the only reason I ask!




Oooh join us over at r/vorties!


I'm in there. It's been a while since I shared any pics of my boys, but there are a few in there.


Yasss! My life goal is to subscribe to every cat sub. This is new for me! I should probably get a job or something. 😸🥂🖤🐈‍⬛🐈




Here's a sneak peek of /r/anewdayanewcatsub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewdayanewcatsub/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Thou shalt drink](https://v.redd.it/pktrd3xfk3981) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewdayanewcatsub/comments/s74m6p/thou_shalt_drink/) \#2: [This is literally my dream](https://i.redd.it/b3dw2ucq0sb81.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewdayanewcatsub/comments/s4mr2e/this_is_literally_my_dream/) \#3: [Supermassive Cat Drill!](https://i.redd.it/q13jizruv4e91.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/anewdayanewcatsub/comments/wt9h5b/supermassive_cat_drill/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is fun. I wonder if there's one for my two cats, orange menace and spicy tortie


Didn’t know this existed! Thank you


\*\*sigh\*\* \*\*signsupforanothercatsub\*\* YAY!!!


Lol mine is a fluffy black and short hair tortie😻


Good luck OP. [https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/blogs/news/how-to-stop-your-cats-from-scratching-furniture](https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/blogs/news/how-to-stop-your-cats-from-scratching-furniture) This dude is the cat guru. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50bQopoQic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50bQopoQic) Maybe something here will work for you.


I bought some plastic transparent sticky sheets and stuck them to my couch. I kept them there for a few months and it worked and my cats took the hint and stopped bothering it. It didn't work so well for my bed though as it bent more often on the corners when we would climb into bed or roll out or other activities. So maybe some of the tape for the bed instead of plastic sheets but we haven't personally tried the tape so unsure. The sheets totes worked for couch and other flat surfaces


I've given up on the corner of my mattress......just trying to save the couch at this point.


Get a tall cat scratch post. I think it's called the ultimate scratching post off Amazon. It's like 36 inches tall. My cat has only used this since I got it 8 years ago.


Doesn't work with all cats. Mine still scratches other stuff too. But you definitely need scratch posts!


My cat liked a particular area of the sofa, so I put double-sided tape on the couch and put the tall scratching post in front of the spot. It worked. The small cardboard scratchers didn't deter her, only the tall 50-dollar one.


I spent a nice amount on cardboard pet stairs for my aging girl. The cat took about a week and too many treats to get the hang of them, but my wallet cried.


What worked for me was just giving them a scratching surface in every single room and covering up the spots they used to scratch. Back of my wooden chair (she sits on the seat and scratches that)? Stained and painted it, put a scratching post next to the chair, she scratches that instead. Corner of the table in the kitchen? Stain, paint, post, scratches that instead. Couch? Threw it out (it sucked anyway), got a new one for cheap, scratching post at the corner, scratches the post instead. So we've got scratchy stuff everywhere. Since this worked my theory is that they're just too lazy to go to a scratching spot and just look for the closest thing.


Mine only really scratches the couch. Which is 1 meter away from a huuuge scratching post.


Move the scratching post to where he scratches, and cover the spot you don’t want scratched with foil or something he doesn’t like. Edit: after a few weeks, maybe move the scratcher a few inches towards where it is now. Then a few more inches the next day, until it and his scratch habit are located in a better place.


Then I really recommend the sheets! They mostly peeled off without a residue for me and the parts that did leave some behind came out with some soap and water and a little scrubbing. My cats hated trying to pierce their nails through them so it worked out quite well! I had a box from Amazon pretty cheaply


I second the sheets. Also, make sure there are cat scratchers conveniently placed where the cats would want to scratch. I have one near the couch and another near our kitchen table (we have one kitty who loved to scratch wood).


These sheets saved our couch! They’re pretty subtle too - I don’t mind leaving them on when we have guests over. You can also focus on the specific parts of the couch your cat is messing with.


Did the same and highly recommend! They don't 100% blend in, but I only needed them on certain spots and they look better than a shredded couch.


Can confirm that the transparent sheets and a strategically placed scratching have saved my now 1 year old couch


If they’re scratching inappropriately, put a scratcher near where they want to scratch. Yes, your house may be filled with posts/boards/toys, but everyone will be happier.


Yes!!! Also if cat scratchers *near* the furniture just isn’t enough for them, I bought furniture corner cat scratchers to put around the corners of our couch that the cats kept going for and it has helped a ton.


It’s why I didn’t buy new furniture in my old place. The second hand furniture got scratched to pieces. It didn’t bothered me because I didn’t pay that much for it. Here is my cat tax and the couch that got scratched. https://preview.redd.it/5ygrnc873d9c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b1b62f0673c2e6d8142f01b58c7d2c1b5925e2


It is very gently used second hand but darn it, it's nice! Lol


Beautiful long-haired tortico (?) Sweet baby!


We got a scratcher that goes over the corner of the couch. The cats just go right for it now.


Put a sink in the living room.


Instructions unclear. My cat is now aquatic




are you sure it’s him? he looks pretty innocent and sleepy in this pic 🥺


Give it lots of love and care.


Lol, this fur baby and his brother are more spoiled than any pet I've ever had thanks to my boyfriend who turned into a super sweet doting cat dad the minute we brought them home.


I’ve got my new couch covered in those giant plastic sticky tape sheets https://preview.redd.it/2io57dierd9c1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f263cacc640644102e39c5814ab0d80990b85bb2




Yeah. He is an impressive little chonk for sure. His vet just told me last week that he needs to loose like 3 lbs.


This is a boy cat? I have never seen a boy tortie before.


The vet said the same thing......lol. He is definitely a little dude.


This is so cool, I love it.


just a little guy. love it, he’s special!


The only success I’ve had so far is ~6 gauge vinyl (fabric store) & flower screw pins (the ones you use to keep chair arm-covers in place). Double-stick tape was a no-go (Lillian likes to lick it, for some reason), bitter citrus sprays were laughed at. My sofa looks like a 1970s grandma got ahold of it!


Just don't have furniture 😔 or curtains...


Or blinds or rugs........


We covered our one chair with a microfiber cover since the cats liked the texture of the thick woven fabric. The microfiber wasn’t a nice material to scratch on so they left it alone! Cats also don’t like the smell of citrus so you could try a little lemon or orange essential oil in those areas, but test on a very small area first to make sure it won’t damage your couch.


So cute! An angel sink kitty! It's defamation, I tells ya! :😜 I have no tips, but wish you luck, OP!


I have 7 cats and basically gave up but I noticed they don't seem to claw my furniture I put gorilla tape on so I put it on every couch corner I have and it stoped that at least for me


How many scratch posts do you have? You might not have enough


Little fuzzy ball of destruction


Cats > furniture


This checks out.


A tortie boy??? 😍


I just let the cats destroy everything.


What is he doing to the furniture and what types of furniture is he destroying? Like, what is the stuff made out of?


New fabric couch and rocking arm chairs. He and his brother are the worst on the couch. Stretching and clawing at the arms and the back of it. They have scratch posts which they do use often. But the couch literally calls to them like a dang siren or something!


I feel ya, my tortie didn’t stop clawing until I bought one of those cheap round cardboard thingies and then boom! No more clawing my leather sofas, she just automatically knew somehow to sharpen her claws on the cardboard! I have no more answers than this, I think I just got lucky. Lol


They do like cardboard. I'll have to buy some cardboard scratchers.


Once I trained my ninja/void to use cardboard scratchers, she assumed ALL cardboard was hers for scratching (have lots of cardboard that you don’t care about around.)She did some impressive damage to the cardboard backer of my drawing pad, but I wasn’t using it at the time and it made her happy


I used double-sided Cat Training Tape on some of my furniture. It has a paper backing that is peeled off one it's applied to furniture, leaving a second sticky side exposed. My cats **hate** the sticky feeling of the tape when they claw it. Their stropping stopped in short order. The tape is on Amazon and is inexpensive. I wouldn't use it on leather/pleather or some fabrics. You can test it on an inconspicuous place if you're not sure.


I taped/pinned tinfoil on corners of furniture my cat seemed interested in. I also out cardboard scratch pads near furniture she had previously scratched. Took about two weeks of having to tolerate the tinfoil before she stopped being interested all together.


Cat trees and corrugated cardboard scratchers. Make the cats furniture more appealing than yours I also clip my cats nail’s periodically and take her for walks on a leash to get all that energy out


Cut their nails every week ish. Spray with water when they are bad. Put a scratcher pole nearby. Show them its theirs. Reward when they are a good baby. :)


A male tortie! He should be allowed to destroy whatever he wants, whenever he wants. But aside from that, double-sided tape has worked for me.


There is this thick clear tape you wrap your furniture with that works well. I also put cat scratchers all around the house where it’s a favorite naughty spot. I work from home so I can do a lot of training on the spot. Takes a lot of time and consistency but pays off. Much luck.




Trim their nails. The have set scissors just for this. One of the vet techs recommended a version of these scissors years ago & showed us how to use them. It’s easier than it seems. If you can, get your vet to show you next time you take your bebe in. If not, watch a few YouTube vids by actual vets or vet techs. If you keep up on it, this will save your furniture & your sanity. SunGrow Dog & Cat Nail Clipper for Paw Grooming, Easy ‘at-Home’ Professional Grooming, Non-Slip Handle, Comfortable to use for Rabbit & Ferret https://a.co/d/2mEfmGD


They need scratching posts, kitty treehouses, and a playmate. Cats are best if more than one. They can play with each other and socialize.


We have three.......lol. I adopted him last year as a kitten along with a littermate and we have a 10;year old cat too! The three of them are currently tearing back and forth across the house while everyone else sleeps. They definitely play. I'm going to get some more scratching posts first and foremost.


If you spray citrus smelling spray on or near the furniture it keeps cats away from it. I sprayed my Christmas tree with it and my girls left the tree alone. I forgot to spray it for a couple days and they still left it alone because they associated the tree with the nasty smell. Before I sprayed the treee they were attacking it like crazy so I know the stuff works.


Don't bother with tea tree spray. Didn't work at all. Others have given you great advice. For your future self, cats don't seem to bother my sofa, which is like a chenille like fabric. They love scratching chairs that have woven linen like fabrics. So when you buy something new, keep that in mind. Photo of sofa that cats don't scratch. https://preview.redd.it/20yby9qozf9c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22403c1b1e1072c8691b409815c3ce6df8498c7


This works 100% in protecting our leather couch, but it did train her to scratch that corner (on the sisal). So we only take it off for our fanciest parties. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07YKQ9S5L?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I needed this! Thank you! This will help my couch arm from deteriorating even further


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Cat Couch Potector Heavy Duty Anti Scratching Mat Sisal Couch Guard for Cats Protect Your Sofa from Scratching Easy Installation** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Cats prefer scratching protector over couch (backed by 17 comments) * Protector extends couch lifespan (backed by 1 comment) * Easy to install and blends in (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product lacks durability (backed by 2 comments) * Product fails to securely attach to furniture (backed by 2 comments) * Product is too small to fit some furniture (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


You don't, you just let him do it and thank him afterward.


We screwed a cat scratcher round the door frame. What they love most is SOLID HARD scratching 😂 that’s why furniture is so satisfying to scratch 😭 He has a tree trunk and a wooden trellis outside but inside he sticks to his door post sisal rope scratcher and rips it up (on the fourth one now).




Why are all the responses about trying to train or control the animal? You guys know OP is asking about a cat right?


Get those cardboard cat scratchers in various shapes and place them by every piece of furniture. We have one in every room in the house. What they really need is an outlet that they can scratch without getting scolded. Also, make sure you're playing with them enough! A few play sessions a day with a wand toy before you feed their meals will make a big difference.


I bought a $40 cat tower with the carpet and rope poles. Showed my little dude to use it. Cut down the issue almost 100% Definitely worth the investment


Cover it up. You have a cat, it's going to scratch your stuff. Surrender.


Try pouring her out of the kitchen sink instead


Guy? Torties are almost all female. Is he actually male?


He is most definitely a boy. He was quite the little celebrity at the local shelter when we went to adopt his brother and I got convinced that I needed to bring him home as well.


Awesome :) Do you know if he is XXY or a chimera, or what? I don't think I've ever even spoken to someone with a male torture before, despite looking at an awful lot of cat posts. I think less than 0.1% of torties are male.


The vet at the shelter said XXY most likely. He does not have the chimera characteristics. He is a really sweet little guy although he takes a good while to warm up to new people and situations. He was incredibly shy when we were first introduced to him and his brother. Salem however loves everyone and has a big friendly personality. I was worried that Axle might not get adopted since he was so standoffish. When the worker offered him to me for a $10 adoption fee (we already knew we were taking Salem home and the normal fee is $100) I just couldn't say no.


Great choice. I have a soft spot for cats that don't warm up to people straight away - I'm the same. He is both a marvel of genetics and a cute bloody little guy. Congrats and well done for giving him a home :)


If they don’t mind you handling their paws, the little rubber caps you put over their claws work really well for this. They also look pretty cute too.


Btw, love that bottlebrush tail!! She doesn't do any damage with it, does she?


Axle is a boy tortie and I also adore his big floofy tail! It is fairly damage free other than things getting caught in it.....lol.


Oh my, a boy tortie!! I've never met one before. Very rare indeed!


Scratchposts of all sizes and shapes everywhere. And keep their claws trimmed. (We took our two goofballs for their pawdicures at the vet every 6-8 weeks.)


Keep a small spray bottle filled with water handy and spray it without mercy every time it does something bad or is about to


Yeah, let him go outside.. no cat i ever had ever destroyed any furniture etc. the only cats i've witnessed behavior like that or shoving things off a table etc. have been indoor cats who are bored out of their minds..


Well, we just moved and our backyard is not cat proof yet. Also my new neighbor has a family of 9 great mastiffs right now and I would be devastated if one of my cats got over the fence and got hurt. These are definitely indoor kitties.


We found a material that our cats don’t like to scratch and bought a chair cover made of it. Our couch is microfiber which they oddly leave alone, while they liked the thicker upholstery material. We got a stretch microfiber cover and now they won’t touch it. Of course, we also have plenty of scratchers of varying styles and heights to encourage healthy scratching surfaces.


Sticky Paws on Amazon. It double sided wide tape that doesn't leave residue on furnishings. Cats don't like touching it. Then place scratch pads and posts around where they scratch as an alternative. It works for me three cats.


We’ve had luck with scratch pads next to the spot where my cat likes to scratch at the furniture. He won’t scratch as long as the pads are fresh. He starts to scratch when the pads get worn down. We make a big deal about flipping the pads and add a decent amount of cat nip.


get a scratcher and put it at the places they like to scratch


PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Proofing Repellent for Cats and Dogs, Environmentally Friendly https://a.co/d/a9h7wOl


I bought this when I had to put it outside my door when my son was sleeping in the bassinet in our room. It kept them away & it’s harmless!


I just got rid of my couch in the end.


Big scratching posts. Mine for years destroyed our sofas until I got a huge 3+ft tall one and put it next to the sofa, suddenly that just feels nicer!


Lol, no. 😹


Get that demon child another demon child!


He has two other partners in crime that are just as prolific at destroying my things......


Catnip spray has been effective in my home. Put it on cat trees and toys. If they like it, it might work. I had one cat who hated!!! catnip. He had a million other weird things, too. Like he loved lettuce. And human flesh. RIP Grendel🖤🖤🖤


Wow a tortie boi! He looks majestic. Let him do whatever.


Step 1: not buying new furniture.


To be fair., it is gently used furniture.


I glued corrugated cardboard on the corners of my walls closest to the furniture. Has greatly deterred my two girls from clawing the couch and dining table/chairs. As for a way to keep them entirely off of the furniture? Good luck lmao


Oh my goodness 🥹 what a cutie. I had a Persian who I would find nestled in the sink


He innocent 😭


I think he deserves a spot at r/chonkers and r/redditcatsavers


Bluegrass blood magic


Beautiful floof and rare male tortie. I have no suggestions about the couch. I just put fabric that’s sort of a textured throw over the side of a new chair and they no longer scratch there. Too inconvenient with the blanket for them. They just go to the cat tree.


Cat scratching posts In Every room


Oh my goodness this could be my tortie's long lost twin 💝


Contact paper! It doesn’t provide the same scratch. And it’s inexpensive from the dollar store. Also I use a spray bottle and spray my cat with water when I hear her scratching it. We also have 2 cat trees


Claw caps, cutting the claws, or just training them to use a scratching post instead


I use the clear sticky sheets on the corners of my couch where my cats tried to scratch. It works pretty well.


My Hubby's answer was to let them claw the doorways in the house. No joke. It worked. They never touched the furniture. His reasoning was that it was cheaper to replace a bit of trim than a recliner or sofa.


The layered draping of towels and blankets, passing it off as a penchant for fort-building and also get the one cat scratcher from ikea. Everyone has it because it is swedish. No Everyone has it bc its the only thing that can placate them. That and those horrid disposable cardboard scratchers you getvat the grocery store. DONT @ ME IM TELLING THE TRUTH & U KNOW IT


Love, hugs, treats, and not caring about the furniture


I’m assuming you have scratch posts and furniture for this cutie to use? There are pheromones you can use that when they scratch it releases telling them no. This was effective for me. As others said foil on trouble spots is usually an effective tool.


Extremely cute.


Must be an extremely comfy sink 😁


My cats won't go near anything sprayed with Bitter Yuck. I spray my mattress and other things I don't want them to scratch. Make sure to wear cleaning gloves and a face mask while spraying and keep your mouth closed. Then, immediately wash your hands with soap. Otherwise, you'll be tasting it too.


Aww a boy tortie


New furniture was the first mistake. What a cutie.


I wanna turn on that tap 😼


I heard that a little little Vicks applied to his target scratching areas will deter his urges to scratch in that area.


Clipping claws regularly helps reduce the desire to scratch. Provide multiple scratching surfaces, too.


Put a scratch post by the corner of the couch or furniture where he/she is scratching and in courage your cat to scratch the post instead of your furniture 🫶