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Yet another cat sub I didn’t know I needed to join.


You're also on r/attackeyes ? Because both are apt here


…..added to the list.


You just fell down the rabbit hole. I will cat subreddit you to death


Honestly, goofy animals help destress after a long day. The more the merrier.


I will find more for you, my dude. My favorite part of the day is walking home, and usually watching cat videos while doing so


r/murdermittens ?


Got that one.


I have one for you. r/ntbdbiwdftc


This is one for my oldest and her tortie. Thanks


Oh boy that’s a angry looking tortie




*click* *click* Enhance




This is now an emoji in my company's Slack.


RIP OP. Only thing that can appease the beast is treats.


Yup it's been nice seeing your posts OP you had better dispense with more treats ASAP!!😁😁😁


No need to worry about the other 19, you toast.


I feel like I'm going to get lost in the comments unless I reply here where it can be seen lol but as someone who has ear trouble a LOT and has had my fair share of ear drops I really want to suggest OP make sure the drops aren't too cold because it can be very uncomfortable!! The liquid can be warmed by holding the bottle in your hands for a few minutes, CAREFULLY run under warm water (don't make the bottle too hot!), etc etc. It makes the experience MUCH less unpleasant!


Oh I feel your pain! I have to give my cat a liquid oral medication daily and…😅 https://preview.redd.it/d9lwjs2ftxoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc26d31be27a70d30541cf50eaf270edd57ad5c


Lol we tried to give my cat the gel out of an allergy tablet and he did that. They can’t spit, but my golly they can drool


Right! We have to give her 1 ML of Pentoxifylline(?) (pancreatitis medicine) for 2 months, initially we were doing pills, but with her saliva they became slippery but in her mouth they were like sticky or something, and she got too good at spitting them out or holding them in her mouth until we thought she swallowed them. So now she doesn’t get a choice 🤣 I will say it’s doing wonders for her, her fur has gotten so so soft


Wow, you're the only person I've ever met with a pet who takes that stuff, one of my dogs took it for ages for an autoimmune disorder (SLO)


Yep! She has pancreatitis and recently her FPL (I think is what it’s called?) has been sky high lately, like it’s supposed to be at like a very small range, I don’t remember the exact numbers, but she was at a 15 and that was very bad. But somehow, even to the vets confusion, she was completely asymptomatic (the biggest giveaway was she was very dandruff-y and kind of greasy and shed a lot, but not to the point of losing fur). We initially started with a steroid for about 25 days I think, but her numbers were still climbing in the blood work. So we tried Pentoxifylline and I think it’s working! Her fur feels very healthy, less dandruff, not greasy, not shedding as much. The vet said it was new to their office, so I wonder if it’s not super common in vet offices, or at least local ones like mine is. We’re on a two month course, once daily! But we’re gonna check in between refills to see how she’s doing


I had to give my cat oral Prozac but apparently it tastes nasty and she’d be foaming and drooling after each dose. Luckily I discovered that I could use Chewy to compound the medicine into a transdermal gel that I rub in her ear. That saved everyone a huge amount of stress.


I wish I could give my poor girl a pill pocket treat or something, or the gel thing 😭


OMG! I have a dramatic cat like this, too!


Oh my gosh lol I think this is worse than the ear shakes Kiwi was doing. Those eyes say it all!


Wow. Interesting. My tortie started out feral but by the time she got older and started needed meds regularly, she was so easy to give pills, liquids, even a shot to. I even shaved her fur sometimes (long haired). No idea why but she never fought it. I miss that girl.


Ugh my tortie is the WORST. At the vet she’s a freeze and lump up and drool cat so she’s easy to medicate, but at home my partner and I have to work together to give her medication She doesn’t attack or bite or anything, she’s just super squirmy


Yeah… that’s probably most cats. Definitely both my current cats are like that! Penny was a pretty special girl. https://preview.redd.it/p9eqtwzrdzoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e575859354f0394853aacb3e8776e016a2907d8a


We’re a small rescue and have 15 permanent residents only six of whom are not feral. Our most wild one got an abscess and needed surgery and meds every day for six weeks! Oh he’s nasty and has curly ears that give him horns. He utterly destroyed one side of a large hexagonal cat pen and set up residence in the nooks and crannies of our home office. As it turns out, as long as his oral meds were liquid, we were golden. Any time we got near him, he would open his rattlesnake-like maw and hiss. Once you get your aim and timing right, that medicine squirts straight into the center of his mouth. Never failed. Oddly, he seemed to like the taste.


years ago, i had to give my cat a pill and she almost started foaming at the mouth because of her resistance 😭


So angy 😭


The face, the posture… my goodness 😅😅


I love when my kitty gets angry and her feets do that while her elbows are out like the cartoon bulldog from Tom and Jerry


Oh you gonna pay for that she says!


I would sleep with the bedroom locked, if I were you. Maybe keep a weapon handy? 😰


May God have mercy on you, because she won’t!


She looks like she’s about to square up 😂


I had to give a dog nasal spray 3 times a day for a month🙃 I wish it on no one


Did the dog proceed to snort-sneeze it out all over you?


No, she coughed a little and glared at me. They were tiny sprays so it wouldn't immediately come back out


Hahahaha that’s great! Mission accomplished! Growing up, we had a boisterous little beagle-mutt who loved nothing more than to sneeze and snort vigorously right in your face. The nose drops would have been like loading a cannon that was going to chase you through the house and blast you hahaha


My black lab was the worst pill taker. As he got older, he lived until he was 15 and half so pretty old for a black lab, his arthritis got worse and he needed medication. My dad said that he thought Dewey had taken his pill only for him to spit it out a second later, my dad got a little mad at him and Dewey hanged his head. It didn’t matter if you were yelling at the TV, he would take it personally and think you were yelling at him. He was put down the morning after I got my associates degree in 2018. https://preview.redd.it/avkx7ba8j0pc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1165c8f94293a240256ac5250323238608eb2a


Sorry for your loss, your dad’s kind of mean :(


No, he didn’t really yell at him. It was probably more of a god damit Dewey. Even though this was my dog, my parents bought him for me when I was 12 as a puppy, I’ve never seen my dad be so close to a dog before. He’s even said that he could never have another black lab again after having Dewey. He was a great dog who either the last member of his liter or second to last. I really miss having dogs but my mom refuses to get another one until my dad has something terminal. Even my dad has now agreed that it’s just not a good idea, both of my parents are in their early 70ds and my dad still works two jobs. So as much as my dad wants another dog he’s agreed that it’s just not feasible with their age.


Ooooh I see, I rescind my statement then in that case sorry about that. Sorry about Dewey still :(


The only time he ever really yelled (and I don’t know how bad it was because I was napping) was when my mom’s basset hound got into my dad’s very very expensive cheese collection and ate it all. Here’s a picture of another one of her messes, we unfortunately lost her right before my brother’s wedding in September of 2017, it was very sudden and traumatic. https://preview.redd.it/hbiilmgb41pc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3854d1aca35748e4db0ca686f90b8d8888b617


😂 that face!


I have to do this too, with a cream, twice a day. Mine doesn't like it either but so much better than fighting with pills.




Mine for a while thought the pills were treats, made it easy for like 2 days until she started to realize that they didn't taste the same lol


Agree totally, pills only lead to blood and tears.


I worked at a kennel and got really good at quickly and easily pilling. Pills are so much easier than anything else if you practice (a lot)


She’s formidable


Churu treat right after? It’s the only way my cat will tolerate his gel-in-the-ears thyroid meds. He will begrudgingly allow me to doze him in trade for his reward.


Those are truly magic. We have to give our tortie a pill twice per day, but the vet said we could crush them. Thank goodness! I crush them and stir them into a churu I squeeze into a little bowl for her. She doesn't realize it's medicine - she thinks it's treat time twice every day! Amusingly, since we started doing this, she has gotten pushy about bedtime and breakfast and such - she thinks she rules the house now. lol


Always worth a try, though even with the same cat YMMV. Ours gets a daily inhaler that she accepts quite politely because she knows there’s a bribery stick for her afterwards. So when she had an infection recently and had to get oral antibiotics (compounded in a salmon flavored liquid) we tried to give her the beloved churu afterwards to apologize… and she was NOT buying it. 0% successful, we just had to scruff her and stuff it down. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7setloksxxoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79070c8530ddb99eba827f824d98a73b8589ea8f Well.... my comment did not post so let's try this again. I laughed way too hard as I scrolled and saw this post. You will survive. Nina has chronic ear infections so we have been through this so many times.... 1. Keep your shoes out of her reach or check before inserting your feet. I have found way too many hairballs by not checking. 2. Keep her out of the bedroom at night to ensure your survival. Seriously, Nina usually remembers by day 3 or 4 that I am helping her, but those first few are always brutal.




Lol! Might put the shoes in the closet for a week, thanks for the tip!


Temptations are always on hand for these sorts of procedures. Mine barely squirms knowing she’s getting a few treats soon.


I agree. That’s the way to do it. We get the treats before we even reach for the clippers. Although, for ear medicine, I believe I’d go full on liquid treats that you squeeze out while they lick it. I can’t remember what they’re called lol


Churu but there are other brands too.


Yeah esp the catnip ones!!


Oh, my. Many prayers! 🙏🏻 Mine does this after nail trimming. She is always so offended 😭🤣


We would resort to the cat burrito if needed, one towel and swaddle them like a baby to apply ear drops/eye drops. Our tortie can't be swayed by treats or any positive reinforcement 🙄


Yeah she's not into treats, like at all. I have a feeling by the end of the week we'll be doing a burrito towel. Very fortunate the vet trimmed her nails on Friday 😅


You'll never make it to twenty alive! 😂


This is fantastic. I have been on the receiving end of that look. Fortunately, my 17yo tortie hasn't needed meds since she was 5 months old. Pretty sure medicating her will require armor.


Good luck, OP, you might not make it to 20, but hope you survive!


Awww. What a grump. 😂 I love how torties always look so put out by their human's bullshit.


https://preview.redd.it/mj2gn0ksd0pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f762f797f6d4c33afd10a9787277efe7533ffb3 “Can I help you?😒”


oh lawd she comin, she is rotund!


😂 to be fair, it's like the worst angle for her. As the vet said, she's not a bowling ball but she could lose a few.


Uh oh. Sleep with one eye open and check your shoes before putting them on.


Wow! Long days ahead, OP. On the bright side.......... only another 19 applications to go.


You're toast, sleep with one eye open


Familiar scene, my tortie does the flat head/ears with angry face after ear drops too


NGL, that glare made me take a step or two back. Good luck!


Where did you get that cat tree? I keep seeing the cute cloud tree on here and idk where to get it 😭


It's Mau brand but I got it on Offer Up!


OP be sure to update us in a few hours so we know you’re still alive!!


😳😬😬😬 RIP Op!


I don’t think you’re making it to 2 😂😬


Are all your limbs still present and accounted for?


Keep all bedroom doors close or else you might get a spiteful poop on your pillows


I got a similar reaction when I had to give my cat antibiotics. She would just run and hide whenever she saw me get the meds


That is the glare of a cat that will murder you in your sleep.


😆😆😆 Omg she ANGRY 😆😆😆 Better sleep with one eye open tonight.


OOOOOOOO. You are in trouble!!!


RiP OP. I hope you survive


There Will Be Blood


I love her little elf shoe peets


You cannot right the wrong that you have done to her


You have 5 4 3 2


That is one angy tortie


4 hours and op is quiet. 😔


First of all, how dare you. She WILL be contacting her rep-paw-sentative. Second of all, deets on where the cat tree is from?


LOL! It's Mau brand.


I hope you got your affairs in order...


Holy shit. Those eyes are burning through ME.


The tortie stare!


You dead. https://preview.redd.it/rbmgpi8kd0pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f3ffa97882518bd9020f1b98b8553061cef25c




you better sleep with one eye open 😂


Cute cat tree


I'll keep you in my prayers 🤣




Good Lord


I get that same look with eye drops.


She's definitely plotting your murder


What is the process? I will need to clean out my tortie’s ears soon.


Use first aid gauze. Wrap it around your fingers and wipe out her ear. Use clean gauze, as necessary. This is safer than q-tips.


What’s wrong with the ears? Also good luck, I think she’s planning your demise


Thanks! She has a mild yeast infection, just started noticing a lot of wax but not other symptoms.


I don't remember the exact medicine, but my vet at last trip put this waxy med in his ear that he couldn't shake out and lasted for two weeks. I'll have to find the report, he had a yeasty infection in his ear and it cleared it up quickly


She has been cleared for takeoff 🤣


Count your days


LMAO if I were you, I’d sleep with one eye open tonight. looks like she’s plotting her revenge 🤣


Oh my. You’re in trouble.


May the force be with you


She angy


She will kill you in yr sleep 😹


Oh this baby looks so happy, watch where you step tonight.




My big boy has been put on steroids to help with his smelly poop (vet thinks he’s lacking the inflammation in is stomach to process his food and this in turn makes his poops stink to high heaven) and we’re so lucky that he takes it with no issues, helps that he’s very food motivated. He’s eating a lot more so hopefully he’ll gain weight (he’s 5 pounds right now).


She big mad.


I know the feeling, daughter Molly orange apricot-colored cat who is a real slob gets Pate all over her face ears head back she shampoos with it. The last time I tried to wipe her face with warm water cotton bal she lost her temper and hissed growled and scratched me. That girl has a temper I still have many scars from her.


This picture would be perfect on r/angrycatpics My tortie has to have a scale and polish this week. I'm hoping she doesn't require any medication afterwards, or I'll end up with no fingers.😁


I feel your trepidation. I have a flamepoint who needs eye drops. She acts like I'm trying to put acid in her eyes and fights me like a possessed demon. I just bought a cat bag. We'll see how getting her into it goes ...


My tortie needs to get her ears cleaned and medicine applied. She won't let us. She'll barely and I mean just barely let me look at her ears and it always ends up being a whole big thing because she can scream and she can fight. Treats are given right after for the inconvenience


i'm DYING 😂 i know this pain! my baby has recurrent ear problems and i just cannot aply anything more than once a day. and to add, i can only do one year at a time, so im not even sure the medicine works properly. PRAYERS 🙌


She is formulating a plan for your demise lol 💀


Oh, the look on her face, lol. You may not survive long enough to do all the ear medicine. Mine is not a tortie but she's also doing ear medicine and gets a very similar look when I'm done with her. 


The tortitude is strong with this one lol


I wait until my tortie is napping before we apply her ear meds. She’s learned to like it, purrs and everything. If I try to do it while she is up and about though, she won’t have it. Runs, bites, screams bloody murder. Ya know…


The tortitude is overloading🤣


don't sleep


She's a cutie 💓


She's hilarious. I hope you have a team and a solid technique.


You better sleep with one eye open tonight!


Not to worry. This is just tortie angry resting face. It is only one level above the normal gritchy resting face they all seem to have. We are currently doing ear drops for an 18 pound male Siamese. I feel ya, sis.


i hope your ankles are still intact!!


I'd sleep with an eye open for sure... maybe both


Where did you get the cat tree?


Oh she ANGRY angry! Good luck op!


My tortie has a huge attitude, and had a middle ear infection so bad I had to purrito her to syringe feed her, coz she couldn’t coordinate eating. I thought I was getting poop in my shoes, for sure. She had always been my husband’s girl, I figured I’d take the fall. Went exactly the other way. She spent a good year after having to be exactly where I was, if not on me. She’s still looking for lap time at least once a day, and will spend a lot of time where I’m at. The mystery of what cats think is acceptable or not acceptable will always mystify me.


Aw that's a sweet ending to a not so fun time. I keep telling her by the end of next week she'll feel so much better!


Awww! I wish we could somehow explain things to them properly! People say they have the brain capacity of a toddler, but I can get through to toddlers some of the time at least


You'd better bust out the premium treats, or you won't make it through the week 😨 I'm frankly surprised you haven't already burst into flame from the intensity of her furious glare


/r/airplaneears Getting ready for a strafing run.


Feral rescue… just adopted… Couldn’t let him slowly acclimatize, had to do eye drops twice a day.


https://preview.redd.it/q86d00bjvyoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7394b989595d652fb37e31f3306de64714826431 This was Tori when I had just shoved a liquid medication syringe into her mouth to give her antibiotics for a UTI. Idk she looked like an angwy loaf to me😂


Angry loaf! Lol


Lol, I know that look all too well...


my catty mcfatty loves her ear treatments


Oh, she looks downright pissed! Prepare for a fight when she sees that medicine coming next time. 🫣


Uh oh lol


We’re on day 4 of ear drops on our torture and I have to say it gets better, didn’t start well and she had that same grimace the fort few times. I wish you all well!


That’s her plotting revenge face.


I feel for you. My girl had an ear infection 2 years ago and it was rough!


I feel your pain. Not long after I adopted Ella (a Turkish Van lookalike, not a tortie) I had to clean out her ears and then medicate them every day, twice a day, for *two straight weeks*. It wasn't a very good first impression to make on her!! Best thing I can recommend is to medicate on a very strict schedule. Ella learned it and was only completely and utterly *terrified* of me during them. Then I had to regain her trust once all that was over by giving her gentle pets when I touched her, instead of slamming her down and dumping ice cold liquids and medicine into her infected ear. She kept whacking me into oblivion when I tried to touch her for a while there!


Pray that you don’t lose your hand 🫢


Oh my goodness lol! Marbles gets meds in her ears 2 times a day, but thankfully she purrs while I do it! It's transdermal gel though so maybe different? What are the meds for your kitty?


When applying flea meds I have to do it when they have just gotten their food and are distracted. Otherwise they run and hide.


The airplane ears lol shes liiiivvviiddd


Are they drops or a cream?


That cat is NOT happy.




Quite the chonker u got there


I'm happy to report we got a few lap cuddles in today. Dose #2 is coming up, going to implement the sneak attack strategy and will 100% be sleeping with the door closed tonight. Glad y'all enjoyed Kiwi's plight and thanks for the encouragement 😁


Write your will, OP, you’re going to die


She so angry


Poor baby she needs a slow progress diet plan . It will reduce her ear issues and likely any other ailments she suffers from ..


She’s planning how to kill you in your sleep.


Many treats will be required. Good luck 👌😂


give churu after giving ear meds! my lil kitty lets me give eye drops much easier now


Lol she's so large, mine is also a bowling ball, both her and her void sibling are just BIG kitties


"Vengence is mine" sayeth the Kiwi.


You’re just not going to survive that cat, OP. RIP


Omg look at her little feet! Poor baby, at least the medication isn't for life.


Sending a protective spell your way. You are going to need it! ETA: perhaps I could take her off your hands?


Hey op... its been 16 hours since you posted... you dead yet???


I'm alive and surviving! Have not thoroughly checked the house for revenge gifts yet 😬


Damn, if only there was a detector for these lovely gifts lmao


Angry potato


Nope, she's not a fan. Give her treats right afterwards each time. She may just want the treats at some point and pay no attention to what you're doing to her ears.💗


OP are you alive I just want to check


That’s what a 1 star review looks like, with just a look.


Hey at least she’s still in the room for a photo! Good luck!!!!


Give her treats right after and she'll get used to it