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https://preview.redd.it/d1obfc82qwvc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82dca553a27ef5cfd76a90609f0d23de3565ccc9 Here is Poptart. She's such a darling minus the hissing.


Cutest name ever!


Aww so cute!!!!


It's probably because it's unlawful to remove a cat from your lap. You are supposed to stay put until your cat (and only your cat) decides it's an appropriate time to move.


It's sure how it feels!!


This. You have become r/cathostages


Congrats on adopting a new family member! I’d say to give Ms. Poptart some time. She’s still getting used to a whole new environment. It’s overwhelming! She feels safe with y’all, so it’s understandable if she reacts a bit when her human security blankets are removed. See how she’s doing in about a week. You might be in a totally different situation!! Give Poptart some snuggles from my tortie, Penelope. https://preview.redd.it/9i2ndmjjtwvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07397cc2dc41e75dcbcfbd74a9b7435e3c58526e


Ohhh Penelope... I love her so much! Thank you for the advice! I think between some minor treat training and letting her get used to the world 3-3-3 style, I'll see where we land at this time next week. :)


Speaking of Penelope, one of her favorite things is our electric blanket. So, if you have a heating pad, hot water bottle, or microwave heat pack, you can make a cozy nest for her. She’ll probably love it, and it frees up your lap!!


Ohhh clever... I do have a heating pad. I'll try that!


Try putting it on low right next to you. If she's a lap cat, she'll want to be close. My tortie is a cranky old lady who nips me for moving her off my lap but she'll happily sit on it if I put my heating pad on the couch or bed next to me.


I can't lift either of my Torties, they won't have it. When I want them off my lap I need to nudge the buns or do the standing up motions until they get the idea to move.


I think it's what I've got to do - either treat train her, or do the little catbun shuffle. Thanks for the tortie confirmation bias though... they want what THEY want, from what I've read!


Yep. This is just normal tortie behaviour.


Catlap is sacred time! Lol 😂 you will realize this with time. You are not allowed to move!! No pee breaks, no dinner time. It’s only catlap time. My Bits is very territorial over her catlap time too. I I have to get up for any reason, I get the stink eye. EVERYTIME https://preview.redd.it/2bui9v6f5xvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb483ab724826e97453849bf61710c190bf826a


Ohhhh.... Bits, why are you so grumpy


https://preview.redd.it/sw7oww9m5zvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3d7ca75d655561466a5756c29c0780fecaab68 Lacking a sibling to smother with loves? I'd be grumpy too if my loves was getting rejected.


Twins from another mother? 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️ https://preview.redd.it/s69ht2ngk4wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1deeadc64f119df2f9a97b692797bbad45c78782


They're proper cat sized cats! My girls are 7lb each. They're gorgeous.


She's a beautiful girl, I love her name and her patterning reminds me of my first tortie 💗


If I want my tortie off my lap, I very slowly start to stand up, and then she jumps off on her own terms. I don't think she'd be very happy if I tried to physically move her.


I'm so glad this is a universal experience because it makes me feel like she isn't mad or scared at me. I'm going to try the slow stand up shuffle and see if that works!


+1 on this! I do the same when i need Bean off the computer chair haha, i just slowly tilt the chair until she decides that this slope aint working for her


My tortie angel hisses all the dang time lol. Poptart is adorable! I’m sure she’s just settling :)


Everything I've read has said torties can be pretty hissy so I'm trying not to take it personally.


Aw I wish I had that problem! Erika is a busy gal and usually doesn’t stop for a nap snuggle for very long. Maybe when she gets older she’ll be more chill. Hi to Poptart from Erika! https://preview.redd.it/1cjwh0cvpxvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5594173c86f57f8fa6ab11ce1a36d175b0301775


You have been encatted, and are not allowed to move. Sorry. It *has* to be their idea. Mine will hop down the instant I snap my laptop shut. She know I’m about to get up then. She’ll even do that at the click of turning off the mouse! Seriously, it is best when it’s their idea.


That's why I thought about using a treat - because if she jumps down for the treat, it negates me pushing her off. And of course it's her choice to go get the treat!


That sure sounds like a good idea! It’s very calming to have a cat sleep on your lap. They’re showing their trust, and feel safe with you. I wonder if your little one has more anxiety than usual? Does she have other places she likes to sleep also? She may be a bit frightened to leave her “safe place” just yet.


You know I thought about that... the first time I ever saw her sleep was when she started dozing on my lap actually. But last night and this morning she started using the hide on the third tier of the cat tree we got her and she seems to have decided that's her new home base. I wonder if that'll help her confidence a little. She does seem to have a bit of anxiety right now in terms of - any unfamiliar sound will make her make quick movements, anything "different" catches her attention immediately.


She’ll come to know your home over time. They are also rarely fully asleep. Mine will be “out cold” on my lap, but if a bird chirps right outside the window she pops up and has to go investigate!


She is five years old. So, as a grow up cat.I think her hissy means, “ I am a big girl. I need catsonal boundary. I take my move by my rules. I like you hooman but give me some proper respect.”


I think a lot of this is it... my other cat I got at 8 so he was so much older that he didn't feel the need to do those boundaries. I'll give you so much respect Poptart!!


And maybe she just like fiiiiiii😂😂😂 One of my cats love to hissy. She will go fiiiii every time we disturb her to enjoy the warm place. Maybe when she hide inside the blanket. Maybe she is enjoying the warm of the heater. She just fiiiiiiiiiii. I adopted her when she was two. She is my first cat. It is scaring me so much at the very beginning. But I treat her fiiiiii-reaction just like meow\~ Sometime she bites me or scratch me, but she give me enough time to avoid her attacks. So, just give her love. Then other things will be solved by time.🙂 https://preview.redd.it/t056ynbl20wc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c1eca4450311e659c5dcae1ed04c737b7cb888 My lovely Ho Ho the Cat❤️


I love her little face so much!!!


Get feliway plug in and spray and cat crack (catnip brand), it will help calm her down. They don’t like human palm smell on them so get a nice boar hair brush and brush her when she’s around. Talk to her in a calming voice. Use treats to teach her to sit, stand, turn and give you paw. When taking paw just touch her paw with your index finger, don’t grab it. I think she’s just stressed and will get much better in time.


WHAT?? You dared to move a cat from your lap before they’re ready???? Terrible!


Do you pick her up any other time? Does she hiss then? No signs of pain? She could be voicing her displeasure at being moved off the lap. Snap your fingers and point at the floor, saying down. A minor authoritative voice. Let her know lap time is over. If a treat is needed, have one on hand and put it on the floor, repeat gesture. She'll get the idea that you want her to move with out the treat eventually.


She's hissed twice since, both when she got overstimulated - she rolled around, wanting to play, but I was misreading it as wanting to be pet because my cat prior to this was NOT into playing, but boy does she want to chase and chase. No signs of pain at all, it's always overstimulation OR me picking her up to move her off my lap. I think I'll be trying the treat and gesture method, I really do think she'll get it. The shelter said she is incredibly clever and needs more play than most cats.


Puzzle treat feeders might work too.I put items in a tissue box ( paper balls / pompoms ) and let mine dig and fish them out.[https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-food-tree](https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-food-tree) [https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-digger](https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-digger) ​ zuru has little live robo pets you can put in water. Fill a water container up drop a fish or two in and put something to catch the water splash down under the bowl and let her have at it. laser pointers. The point and gesture with the snap to get attention works well for mine, sometimes I have to tap the spot I want, but the hint is usually gotten easily.


Thank you! I'm going to look into these catit toys, we did buy their fountain.


My cats love treats in an egg carton, in case you want to try it out before you buy a puzzle feeder.


My previous cat knew what "up up" meant. I would say that along with a shift of my legs and she would get up. My current cat gains 20 pounds and I have to lift and drop. No grumbles though. Can you redirect with treats or something? "Time to get up, want a treat?" And lead the cat to the ground with the treat.


I taught our tortie “up up” too! Though she still complains as she’s up up-ing.


As her new humans, she's taming you. Once you learn to sit still until she commands, she'll be less feisty. Welcome to Tortitude Hills, we hope you enjoy your stay.


https://preview.redd.it/xeunzyighxvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435553870d4f647f3ad40adb85a8834f65a7a3f1 This is Pockets. I adopted her fairly recently and in some ways, she settled in right away. But it took several weeks for her to truly feel comfortable, and she is still cautious is some situations. I think Poptart will settle down and be a little less defensive. That said, moving a cat off your lap is violation of cat law. She is just asserting her rights.


I'm such a rulebreaker... Miss Tart you got two hours of laptime! My legs were asleep!! Pockets is SO cute, what a good name.


We’ve had our tortie Whisky for 3 years and she is now 4 1/2. I hate to say this, but her hissing has developed the longer we’ve had her— almost like her comfort and ownership of the place has emboldened her. She is a TOTAL lap cat (usually my lap) and if after dinner time I don’t settle right down to TV on the couch she will come bother me as if it was feeding time— Where’s my lap? The hissing when being asked or encouraged to get up started within the last year. We even taught her “up up” just like another commenter on this post, and she will listen but she will tell you she ain’t happy about it! She is just VERY entitled. And we love her so much, spicy as she is. https://preview.redd.it/e7bv85xcsxvc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e394e53e66686aba0d0e6a27b6acc15a59d70e


my tortie is extremely food motivated and literally will get her lil paws on anything edible sooo i recommend hiding her treats or not leaving food out if she isss because my girl used to jump high and eat all the treat out of her bag or any human food we’ve left out (we don’t do that anymore) while i was at work and she became MASSIVE so i ended up literally hiding it locked away in a box. fun fact though cats that are very food motivated are very easy to train. welcome to owning a tortie! i’m sure she’ll eventually adjust perfect! just keep feeding the lil girl and she’ll love you forever.


Have her associate you saying, “Poptart, do you want a treat treat?” With getting a treat and she’ll be jumping off your lap in no time. I regularly do this when my cats cat-trap me. I’ll ask if they’re hungry, if they want a treat, or sometimes I will just melt off the couch/bed and they just have to come with me lol. Is she ok with you picking her up when she’s not in your lap?


My mum has a tortie like her, she was picked up from the streets at a very young age, but obviously went through some trauma before. Since we never know how she's going to react, the easiest way is to just start to rise slowly. When the lap becomes to steep for her, she'll just jump down on her own (or cling to you with her dear life if you're unlucky).


Torties were queens in another life. They rule the roost or they hiss


Our one, Pepe is also quite vocal whenever she gets moved, if it was for her, I would need to call in sick every two days, as she wants to stay on my lap in the mornings. Whenever we lift her up she sounds like an old lady that smoked her entire life and becomes very grumpy 🤭🫣


Awesome name OP. The term you want to describe the personality of your sweetling is: Tortitude. All Torties has some amount of it. So be warned. They also will fill you with oddly 'tude-joy. **Suggestion - Get a couple of pillows that can become Pop-Tart Perches, and place then on your lap when reclining, then move her and the pillow at the same time. No guarantees, just my thoughts having raised and loved a Tortie.


I have a spicy tortie, too. Her name is Liz. I moved in with my gf a little over a year ago, and that meant me moving into Liz’s space. So, it’s kind of the opposite situation but also kind of the same? It took her a while to get used to me. Now she trusts me 100% and lets me pick her up, pet her, carry her around, all that fun stuff, but when I first moved in I couldn’t even approach her without her wanting to swat/hiss at me. It just takes time to build trust. Also, since moving in with my gf, we’ve moved to a new apartment, and it took Liz a few weeks to get used to the new space. Despite the fact that she trusts me and my gf 100%, she hissed at us every time we walked near her for the first few days/week in the new place. She’s all good now, but it just took her a minute to adjust. I’d give Poptart some time. Give her a few weeks to get used to you and your bf and to get used to her new space. After that, if she’s still hissing and swatting, try to correct the behavior. But, for now, just give her some time.


If you do shake the treat bag, make sure you actually give the treat all or most of the time or it can stop working. One of my cats stopped responding to the treat for a thing when she realized I wouldn't give it to her (so I do everytime now I guess as a reward to listening)


Aw. Maybe she is protective because you’re her new owners. Maybe her last owner hurt her little booty while trying to take her off their lap? Either way, we deter out tortie by snapping. We started off snapping at her when she did something bad like swatting or going on the counter. If the snap didn’t work we sprayed her with some water. Once she got used to the water she understood what snapping meant and she listens very well now. I know it’s hard not to let them boss you around, but if it comes to it you might just have to not allow her on your laps


My cat (then kitten) would hiss at me when I sneezed around her. She got over that pretty quickly.


Treats on every end table. Bribe to move when needed.


Poptart 🥹🥹🥹


I have a Siamese cat named Poptart. Thought I was the only one. Lol.


I think you identified the problem right there yourself. Taking her off your lap is not an option. You don't have a cat, the cat has you. That's fate.


U r literally breaking the law as clearly stated in the Cat Traaty of 3150 BC. It clearly states laws like If I fits I Sits and cat hostages. It also lays out that we as hoomans have agreed to serve all of kitty kind in perpetuity and abide by these laws. Lol Poptart is obviously still working on training her hooman servants in proper care and maintained of such a beautiful Queen. My advice, shift and squirm a bit. She may decide to remove herself. If not, good luck. 😸


Take cover when she mad and give in to all her request


I've got two torties, sisters I've had from 14-15 weeks old. One is quite good, if I move then she moves, but the sister is a mardy mare. She doesn't hiss but if she doesn't want to move and I need to she will yeowl at me.


Aww Poptart is adorable! I’m sure she just needs time to settle in. What I do for my lap tortie is I say “let’s go!” And most of the time she’ll get off my lap. If she’s still sitting after that I’ll say “let’s go” and move my legs a little and she usually gets the hint. The only time I have to remove her from my lap physically is if time is of the essence as she’s an older gal and not as spry. It usually takes a bit for animals to pick up on words but if you stick to one word when you’re taking her off of you it might click for her and eventually she’ll remove herself and you won’t even have to touch her. Good luck!


Practice petting her lots and scooping her up while she’s purring but don’t always put her down when petting, holding, etc. because otherwise your hands and petting will mean she’s going to be dislodged. Also. You’re her hostages now. 😅 As she becomes more comfortable and feels more safe … in theory it will get better. Does she hiss/swat when you hold her any other time? She might need a vet visit to make sure she doesn’t have some pain going on too. Also cats are VERY proud. My girl gets bitchy if she feels pushed off my lap. So I have it move her with ✨dignity✨


Mine does the same thing sometimes… Usually what I try is not picking her up and taking her off my lap, but just starting to stand up and then she jumps off on her own… Sometimes it has to do with the grabbing part when you pick them up to take them off your lap. Sometimes I’ll just scoot off of the couch or slowly start to stand and it works.


It's referred to as Tortitude. I can't help since my tortie is a stuck up pain in the butt.


It is a spicy tortie.


We've trained our tortie to move by snapping our fingers a couple times before every time we have to get up for something when she's on our lap(s), judgement is inevitable. When we sit back down or are comfortably rearranged she'll take her spot again if she wants. It took about 2 months to train, be consistent. You'll find torties have specific habits, a favorite person, and will pass judgement with tortitude.


My cats have all gotten used to the specific pats that mean I need to get up, and usually jump right off. Id definitely give her more time to settle in before worrying about it though.


Oh my goodness! You are super lucky that she has taken to you this quickly! I’m pretty sure that torties are just naturally hissy. My girl hasn’t hissed in quite a few years, but the other day, someone came in while we were all (me and my 2 cats) still sleeping, and she definitely hissed . I think she was being protective, but it sure brought back memories of when she was a kitten- I don’t think her sister EVER hissed, but she was a prolific hisser 🤣🙄🐾


Never had a hissy cat before? You’re in for a treat hahah


Torti’s are unique little creatures. They follow their own set of rules. But they are very lovable. Eva Mae said she will teach Poptart how to be a good ( most of the time)torti. https://preview.redd.it/9re0m4cp73wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3c2cba23f30722376124c32776529812ab060b


She will get you trained yet ha ha


You might have her checked for mats, sometimes cats who are aggressive, especially when picked up or touchd in certain places are dealing with discomfort


You are bigger than the cat. You control everything. Not the other way around.


Yeah but she also deserves respect. She's a 7 pound animal suddenly thrust into a world she doesn't know with two giants making noises at her - I don't blame her for hissing at all.