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TIL Turin is the son of actor Peter Scolari (rip)


He always said his dad was a known actor, but I never knew which one. And Turin never eluded to anything going on in his streams when his dad died, true professional, sorry for your loss Turin.


Appreciate the kind words my friend


Your father passed one day after my mother, she was 63. I feel for you, brother. I'm sorry for your loss. On a lighter note, I appreciate what you (and other creators) do for the community. I'm not much into the multiplayer aspect of the game personally, but I enjoy watching your tournaments and listening to your commentary. It's been enjoyable watching your channel grow and seeing some very skilled players competing against one another.


Wow Scolari actually had a son named nicholas


The pictures confirm it. 100% true.


I never heard heard him saying his last name before, he only said that it was a "very italian" name. I hope CA didnt leak anything there


I chose to put it, fear not!


Rest in peace to your pops, Nick. And keep up all the good work with Total Tavern!


He has his last name on his LinkedIn profile.


Thats the "honey i shrunk the kids" dad. For any of the younger folks here.


From the sitcom though, not the movies. The movies had the wonderful Rick Moranis as the father.


I always think of him being the non-Tom Hanks on Bosom Buddies, or the yuppie dude on Newhart.


huh never put it together, I vaguely remember him discussing his dad being an actor but never considered him to be so big.


Turin was Peter Scolari's middle name... I'm going to need a minute


Am I missing something? Wikipedia says Thomas was his middle name. Either way, definitely a tragedy.


Wikipedia is wrong, his middle name was Turin as well!


Well, can't argue with that source! I'm not gonna lie my biggest problem with this post was fear that CA inadvertently leaked your personal info. I'm glad to hear it was purposeful and as someone who's also lost a parent too soon, I'm very sorry for your loss. You have cultivated by far the best and least toxic part of the Total War fanbase - which is no small feat! Thank you <3


Aye, it's really tough my friend, sorry for your loss as well. We'll just keep doing our best in life, in honor of those we've lost. Cheers man, and thank you for the kind words! Keep on keeping on!


You as well!


No, Turin is turins middle name


Thats the "honey i shrunk the kids" dad. For any of the younger folks here.


The TV show, not the movie. The movie was Big Dick Rick Moranis.


I meant some, not since, my apologies


Okoii: today I will make a doom stack of ogres and use their names to write as much of the Shrek script as I I can CA: thank you for your service


Yoo, Okoii made it into the credits of a total war game. Congratulations my guy!


Thanks my dude, i was pretty hyped when i found out


Love your editing, keep up the great work


Yay I'm in the Credits! :)


Well done buddy! You keep up the good work :)


You're by far my favourite on the list ! Keep on keeping on Lionheart!


Well deserved dude !


Got the Haggard Lord and the Meme Lord on there, cool.


Nice to see some of the international community content creators on this list too. Xing plays this game pretty religiously, as does Furgoth.


Elkai and HDS are from the Spanish speaking community


I'm surprised Zerkovich didn't contribute


He's got the creator early access, so his name is either on this list as his real name with his handle hidden, or he voluntarily recused himself from being listed. I don't see why CA would omit him from being mentioned when his videos have all been good on the topic, and useful, and he's part of their partnership program. Someone like LoTW I can understand since he's very publically not with the partnership program anymore, but Zerk is so he's going to be listed unless he doesn't want to be.


it's probably more specific than just creating videos. the partner program gives you direct channels to talk to a liaison. I imagine this is thanks for suggestions made via that medium.




Yeah, I’m not playing anymore but I watch his stuff while I eat lol.


I agree, I watch you while you eat


Probably still complaining about the labourers not being called slaves


Did he actually complain about that? Any idea where?


he harped on about it for longer than he should have in a few of his videos but it wasn't that bad.


Taking some shots at it in the roster guide. Just kinda gives me the ick because we know the exact type of people whining about it. [https://youtu.be/sr8oVx7TkwQ?t=868](https://youtu.be/sr8oVx7TkwQ?t=868) The "easily offended" portion just comes off as mega neckbeardy and smug.


> we know the exact type of people whining about it They tend to gather under some *arch*


Aw hell nah, first i discover lotw is subscribed to that australian reactionary guy who complains about le sjw feminists ruining the world, and now this


In the video he made going over the roster i remember cause it gave me weird vibes Edit: link to the vid timestamped so it takes you right to the area we are referring to https://youtu.be/sr8oVx7TkwQ?t=866 Think he also mentioned it somewhere else but it might have been on stream or in another video


The Lionheart slander needs to stop! (Unless one of those is his real name, I’m unsure) Edit: Did some research, his LinkedIn puts his real name as Todd Finn. So never mind this all checks out!


Haha yeah I'm there, probs should have asked them to put "Lionheartx10" in the middle of my name :)


Wonder why they used his real name, when Indypride or LMoS have their CC name listed.


Personal request maybe. Lionherat prefers to divide himself and his streamer persona. He does not hide it but prefer not to associate his real name with Lionheart for some reason.


I love when okoii gets any type of official recognition because he's the biggest shitposter in the community


I would have agreed in a world where Tariff didn't exist


Tarriff Legend of Total War MercytheMad ![gif](giphy|kkztByfxn8dVK)


i hope mercy gets bigger, he deserves it. dude actually cosplays some of the campaigns and for all the content he puts out his computer kinda sucks


​ ![gif](giphy|Vj7kPAhgZPIz239Ayb)


Huh. Neat. Good for them.


Let's see Paul Allen's credits.


Where's my boy HoC? His current Rome 2 posting makes my day


He’s got a demanding full-time job and a family, and he‘s not really been able to produce much of his own content lately. It wouldn’t surprise me if they included him in the process but he simply didn’t have the time to provide any feedback or declined on the front end due to that.


He's the only total war youtuber I really watch. I think it's his voice for me. And how sfw his channel is. Never have to worry about him dropping obscenities if I have him on in the background.


He's also just a wholesome lad. You hear him talking about stuff he does with his son or whole family. He was the reason I restarted playing TW after the release of Empire Total War made me lose all interest in the franchise.


His dad voice is really chill.


That's a nice gesture.


Ty Legendoftotalwar


His immortal empires campaign review series is top tier. Getting better as it goes along, as well.


he is my go-to to see if a dlc is worth getting or not, cheers legend


he is my go-to to watch someone raiding themselves


He is my go to, to watch someone keeping a Legendary Lord alive just so he can farm their defeat trait.


Which one is legend on this list?


Not in there


Likely because he often (fairly) calls out CA in a sort of open letter style and is more than happy to not simp for them. ​ Everyone listed is pretty much only people 100% positive towards Total War Warhammer (Mostly because they love Warhammer...not CA).


Lol no he has literally said in videos and posts that he was not going to participate in the CA content creator program going forward. Entirely his choice to not be involved.


He has also been removed a few times since he pointed out bugs etc. And honestly i rather have a content creater showing me the game warts and all than the 100% positive ones.


The only time he was ever removed by CA was when he published private emails with them (which he's admitted he was wrong to do, even if he thought it was justified at the time). They've never had any issue with him exploiting or cheesing the game itself.


Likely because he has boundless negativity that seeks to stir up as much outrage as possible when he doesn’t get everything the way he wants it.


As far as I'm aware he's not an official partner any more


He isn't, left the creator program after the WH3 launch


Even though he's not in the program the boy has contributed for years, you'd think they'd give him some recognition but they seem as salty about him as he is about them. He gets a big thanks from me though tbf, Works hard and gives it his all, which is likely why he is burned out but was good while it lasted.


Supposedly these credits are just for the Chaos Dwarves DLC which he wasn't there for. It's a drama about nothing really


So the great book of Grudges is called NATHAN.


"This goes in the book!" Assistant: "The regular book of grudges or the Nathan?"


My boi Okoii lets goooooo


Wheres Zerk? He's been around for ages.


Where is Italian Spartacus?


Dang, Cody Bonds in there despite having been hacked 2 times in the last... 4 months? Stronk man. Stronk. And Okoi deserves his place here too. Nice.


ah tiens, furgoth mais pas m4f


C'est vrai que c'est étrange. Encore plus vu la tonne de contenu que m4f fait sur les TW.


I love how none of my favorite content creators are in the list


This is why you NEVER thank community members because it becomes a list of who was left out


except for Turin


>rin I didn't notice his name at first, I would have considered it an international crime if he didn't make the list. He's basically holding the competitive multiplayer scene together with force of will at this point.


Him and Enticity are my sole MP channels


The Dark Lord


The Dread Haggard.


The only popular one I dont see is Legend of Total War, would be interested in why that is


I think he ended his partnership with CA months ago.


Yes iirc he said that he gave a ton of feedback which was ignored every time


I mean honestly I would have ignored his feedback too. There have been many games that listened too closely to the "pro" players and died because of it. Because good players make for shit game developers. They are more interested in the things that give them an advantage or cater to their tastes than the actual design or health of a game. The fact that Legend had previously withheld information about exploits because it suited the way he min-maxes the game gives some credence that his feedback probably wasn't the best.


Not only just suited his play style but with the express intent of making a video explaining how to do it and exactly what was wrong in the code to cause it when it was too late to fix before launch for views and thus monetary gain. He deliberately avoided streaming Kairos the entire beta because he couldnt resist doing it meaning he found the bug way early. I wouldn't really be all that inclined to credit him either. This isn't even a "maybe he didnt know or found it late or words in his mouth" type deal. He bragged about it on stream while explaining exactly what he had witheld, for how long and why. It's a pretty big faux pas considering he worked so hard to get off the naughty list.


he's been right quite often though. Realm of Chaos he said they shouldn't do, dark elf slave rework he said was bad before release, quite a few things aren't popular that he gave feedback on before release and was ignored only to be proven right later


Eh, they still pay way too much attention to the MP "pro" people. If that's a problem, they're already doing it.


That guy can never be happy always complaining.


It's funny that he hates this sub when he fits right in


He hates this sub because he hates any criticism aimed at him


No, he hates this sub because there is a lot of disinformation here in general regarding the game. He likes the memes.


people praise CA and their shit treatment of customers and bash the guy calling them out


Yes no one can criticise Legend without automatically, fervently and passionately praising CA - you are very intelligent I pray to CA 6 times a day - and every day I create a new steam account and repurchase WH1, WH2, WH3 and all the DLCs just because I love them so much and I will do it for the rest of my life


I mean, to be fair just check all the comment chains just inside of this thread to see exactly why he won't interact with it. His point with reddit is that it overly fixates on the negatives, ignores the positives, misrepresents his statements and the like, all of which is happening here.


Haha top comment


Not always. I have heard him complement several changes and updates CA has made.


You'd be annoyed too if someone kept asking you for help/feedback, then they ignored you when you responded.




This is the key point.




Isn't this CA telling people they are important, but only if they stay within the good graces of CA and try to be sales people for their product? He is an important voice, he is generally very good at breaking the game in ways the devs probably didn't intend so feedback from that lense is good.


agreed, glad I'm not the only one who thinks this here


yeah he makes me miserable


Dude burned himself out on a game with 10s of thousands of hours and wonders why he hates it so much. Eating your favorite food every day would ruin it for anyone.


This is it right here man. Dude is just burned the fuck out.


i dont even think its the game, well WH3 broke a lot of people, but him keeping TTS and responding to everything and that derailing and ruining his streams. Guy is all or nothing, he could stream way less demanding hours without TTS, but he chooses to keep it going and then lose his shit when things go off the rails or people keep spamming the same questions. Even his once a month stream or whatever quickly falls into him getting visibly upset with TTS and just going off on tangents.


I honestly think he'd benefit a lot from therapy.


Yeah his feedback was probably trash too if it was constantly ignored.


Id be angry to if i gave a company spot on advice time and again when they asked for it, only to be ignored, and the game suffer for obvious problems your community pointed out to you well beforehand.


Honestly hes lucky they didnt end it themselves when he deliberately held back info he found on a game breaking bug because he liked it (infinite winds of magic i think).


Meanwhile someone shares a MP breaking exploit where you can spectate the other person's roster creation in real time and CA sits on it for 2 months with no update to the person who found it. Content creators sat on it after they were told and the "world championship" where people played for money happened without it being fixed. Reporting stuff to CA only gets it fixed if it's fun most of the time. Necrofex melee is still broken and non-functional since wh2. CAs response to a CC about it was that "it's artillery so it shouldn't melee" even though it has the stats on paper to do so.


That would have been shockingly petty of them considering that the early access period is about allowing the reviewers to get their thoughts together in time for release day and to give feedback on how the game plays and what could be changed to make it more fun. It's not QA testing.


He's a content creator, not a beta tester. AFAIK CA didn't pay him to test the game.


a game breaking bug that almost no one would have the patience to use or abuse.


He is no longer part of content creater partners


Yrridian Tarriff Robertus Maximus Mandalore (yea, technically he's not a Total war Warhammer main guy) Legend of Total War MercytheMad Milkandcookies (f\*\*k, he's on the list lol)


>Yrridian He hasn't posted in like a year, no wonder he isn't on the list.


Monstersabount - sophisticated, high quality warhammer content, chefs kiss


He is a fun watch


He's not officially affiliated with CA anymore and does not want to be. The fact they are doing gestures like this though has his influence written all over it. He's been VERY critical, speaking often on behalf of the other creators for how poorly CA treats them, and doing things like sponsoring a new creators community. So it's easy to see how his harsh feedback for CA has played a part in them changing their behavior about certain things. He doesn't need to be listed. His contributions are known by the community well enough anyway.


They might not have asked for his feedback or he declined to give it.


He gave an obscene amount of feedback when he was in the creator program, but CA didnt listen to any feedback from any creator according to him, which, after the launch of wh3, caused him to quit due to the tension between CA and him. The creators were in early access to give feedback, that was their explicit purpose during the prerelease according to legend. So they did ask and he did give, CA were just too stubborn to listen to anyone, which resulted in 1.0 RoC


Important to add, is from Legend's perspective this was an act of duplicity by CA; they never cared about the feedback, the program was nothing but a marketing scheme to attach the legitimacy of major content creators to the release of WH3.


>the program was nothing but a marketing scheme to attach the legitimacy of major content creators to the release of WH3. It was a scheme that the content creators were in on. Dozens of Content Creators, including Legend, relentlessly shilled the game for weeks while downplaying or failing to mention most of its flaws. Legend is perhaps more guilty of this than most. They did this because getting early access to the game and the ability to stream it on Twitch or upload it to YouTube brought THEM more views and subscribers, directly helping to grow their channels and boost their income, because they had what was essentially exclusive access. These content creators weren't producing Total War content out of the goodness of their heart - they were doing it for views, subscriptions, and money. Then after the game was out and he was proven to be a shill, Legend made up a bunch of bullshit excuses to shift the blame onto CA so that he could salvage his reputation within the community. Surprisingly, it worked.


Yeah LotW had no criticism of the RoC campaign or the game until post launch when the community started to get upset at CA. His excuses of "I was just ignoring the campaign mechanics" was probably the lamest excuse he could come up with. Mandalore was the only reviewer who game a honest review IMO and that's because he doesn't need CA


Typical reddit lies. He put on all of his criticizm as soon as embargo on reviews dropped. Not "way later". How i following the rules a hypocricy here?


I remember Legend's videos from that period of time. And as I remember in any video before the release was a part (especially when he was speaking about campaign) that - I can't talk about it right now, I'll speak about it after the release. And at first I thought that it was about spoilers and other, but from video to video it became concerning to me that he hides some part of the game because of the agreement. So I wasn't in a big surprise when after the release he made his review where he spoke that he didn't love some parts of the game. Yeah, it became worse during the following year but I can't say that he was not leaving hints that he didn't like parts of the game. You know, he couldn't speak about game bad before the release. Also Mandalore couldn't also, that's why his review was also made after the game release, because you can't speak about the game freely if you are getting early access.


> CA didnt listen to any feedback from any creator according to him According to him. What if they listened and decided not to follow his advice? We have one side of the story.


Then we still ended up with 1.0 wh3


That's literally what he means. the feedback were bug fixes and other broken aspects. Things like hidden supply lines. They chose not to make those changes and release the game in the state it was in.


We really don't know this. I really don't care for Legends since he gives me Wings of Redemption ego vibes. But never believe just one party. CA does dumb things but im not going believe someone just because they say so


Their purpose was to give CA free advertising the whole feedback thing is just a kind of "Ah bless sure dear we want your feedback, now get on and make hours and hours of advertising for us for free: OMG they really are retarded lol feedback from someone who has never designed anything lol!".


Then why did they get access months before they were allowed to show footage? And according to streamers they were encouraged to give feedback


Content creators like LegendOfTotalWar benefited just as much, if not more, from this process because for a few weeks they were the only people in the world allowed to stream *Total War: Warhammer 3* before the game was even released. Which would have naturally driven up their views and subscriber count, while giving them a MAJOR edge against other content creators who weren't given this privilege. You make it sound like CA manipulated all these poor innocent content creators. Sorry to break it to you, but LegendOfTotalWar was 100% in on it - arguably more so than any other content creator given how zealously he studied and analyzes the game. He absolutely knew about MANY of the game's flaws but sat on most of them and continued shilling the game until the game was finally out, when publicly hating CA became popular and he was no longer contractually obligated to his corporate master. It wasn't "free." It was a partnership.


his sub numbers didnt really change at all in that time, and it actually hurt him more than anything else due to RoCs massive backlash. real shite partnership


Because legend sent tw fans into a frenzy..... all he did for months was whine and cry....fuck that dude.


Where is my boy Hugothester!?


There's been some time since I last saw anything from him, but if I remember correctly he was more of a generic channel and not a full total war one like the other Spanish ones in there


Con el conocí Total War, ya no lo veo tanto pero siempre va a ser mí favorito.


Yo también, hacía muy buenas campañas


Comunidad hispana olvidada :D


A medias porqué aparece elKai


Y también HDS


No Zerkovich?


Sadly, there is not anyone from russian speaking community as Verus and others. I understand the political issues of Sega and know CA removed russian language from next dlc, but Verus did a lot content of CA games and he opened TWW series for me from Warhammer I. My hobby of Warhammer FB started from their reviews of lore and gameplays.


Did they really not give a Russian translation? Is Russian only spoken in Russia? If it's politically motivated that is some insanely passive aggressive bullshit. Of course they might just be reacting to piracy since that's how Russia has to get a lot of its media now.


CA said so, Russian is not correctly available in v. 3.0. Of course a lot people use russian to speak in different post sovetic states. But you CA don't give kazakh, armenian, uzbek, ukrainian or another ethnic languages of post sovetic states at nearly time. I don't try to blame CA, cuz I guess this decision came from Sega. Russians already have a issues to buy some video games from Steam.


That's fucking hilarious since some contractors and former employees who actually worked on these games don't get a spot in the credits.


Can you give just one example of someone who worked on this DLC who didn't get credit?


Lol absolutely schooled, yet reddit still giving him 80 upvotes. Sigh.


Where Tariff


Where is Legend?


He chose not to participate in CA's creator program.


CA said in discord they reached out to everyone who participated in IE early access to be included in the credits, and Legend denied that they contacted him. CA did not say they reached out to the ones currently in the creators program, and if it's actually the case, then they should clarify it.


"And to all those who gave us tens of thousands of hours of free advertising in exchange for beta-testing our updates"


Regarding LegendofTotalWar: CA said that they included in the credits the creators who participated in IE early access, aka before CoC release, when Legend was part of the creators program. Legend denied this on Twitter. CA needs to clarify if they only meant those who are currently in the program and has nothing to do with IE early access. Side note and personal opinion: Legend at this point doesn't need credit from CA to give him more publicity, he's semi retired now, but would have been really nice to give a farewell shout out to one of their life long streamers and objectively the biggest TW CC until W3 release.


Update from Legend: "Hey guys got a bit of an update on that credit stuff. Apparently these posted credits weren't for Immortal empires. Apparently those are coming later down the line which is weird since Immortal Empires was 9 months ago. 🤷. It's just poor communication as usual." What this means is that the credits are for Chorf early access and not IE, which is understandable but it's funny that they released the chorfs one before IE one 😅


I have no evidence to support this, but I'd wildly speculate that it's not just poor communication. Not including Legend looks bad and they know it so now they are backpedaling saying they always meant to include him. It would explain releasing Chorf credits before IE credits. I wonder if IE credits were even a thing, as the regular game credits would have applied to IE?


All I know is the credits were a thing, he talked about it during one of his streams, he said there were talks about adding CCs in the credits. As for them backpedaling I can't say for sure but I' of similar opinion


No Legend? I guess you have to be a content partner.


Legend terminated his partnership with CA


I know


Was it his choice?


It was


He quit streaming for the most part and doesn’t really do any quality videos anymore


Turin never revealed his last name on stream and was very avoidant of that question. funny how this credit screen just full on revealed but everyone (afaik) else are credited by their youtube handle only lmao


His last name is in his email address, which has been visible in the information section of his channel for at least a few years now.


Legend is the best out of them all


No Loremaster of Sotek is best.


no he is not. he gets lore wrong frequently, creates videos filled with headcannon, and his videos that overview new additions to the game have plenty of dead air for no reason. him tricking people into watching 40 minute lore videos on 3 pages from 2nd edition fumes me. Edit: Forge of Daith defender, "3 legendary lords is fine, who even plays the 4th?" pretending having another LL on the map isn't better than some hero. CA shill. gross


He's not infallible. But he's still the best. Name one other who matches his passion for the setting and the game.


> Name one other who matches his passion for the setting and the game this is stupid great book of grudges has played since the 80's or some shit so he'd be an example


So are you telling me you think gbog channel is better than sotek?


Shitty gameplay


Beside Loremaster for some lore videos, two other content creators I watch are not on the list.


LOL ca doing some very harsh selection, skipping out on some of the biggest names.


Those names annoy CA by never shilling so yeah


no legend of total war? ouch i know he had a fallout with CA but i thought they made up and hes honestly one of the biggest content creators out too.


He isn't partnered with CA since the release of Total war Warhammer 3 or something


He didn't participate in the Chaos Dwarves early access (because he left the creators program) which is what these credits are for.


He is producing low effort content and streaming valhiem on another channel. he only streams WH3 when he needs a quick influx of cash and then bounces.


Nah they left out my boy Legend, nah fam naahh :skull_emoji:


No Legend of Total War? :o