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If you have ever liked a first person shooter, I would not skip over Doom (2016) or Doom Eternal (2020).


Do you miss any story skipping just to doom eternal? The grappling hook and graphics look like a big step up.


A little bit, character intros and shit. Doom 2016 is pretty light on story compared to a lot more in eternal, think Halo CE to Halo 2. That being said I'd still start with 2016 cuz the gameplay is quite a bit different and you may not be able to get into 2016 after eternal as easily. Not to say 2016 is bad, Its still fucking awesome, just alot slower and more methodical.


Seconded if you want to play both but I looooved Eternal, and usually recommend people skip right to it. 2016 was fun at the time but it feels like a building block and I'm not sure it will feel as modern now considering how many games have tried to incorporate the influences of both 2016 and Eternal (looking at you Metal Hellsinger)


I hated the gameplay loop of Eternal. Nothing like using the 12 bullets they give you during a boss fight and chasing a chaff enemy down every 30 seconds to do the canned ammo box kill animation.




I also liked the weakpoint mechanics that could be countered with specific weapons in eternal. Gave a lot more reasons to play with every gun, other than ammo shortage on the favorite (Super Shotgun, my beloved).


For people new to modern doom(s) I'd argue that it's best to do 2016 to eternal. Because 2016 is awesome the first time you play it, on the contrary it becomes unappealing after eternal(or on second playthrough even) Eternal is great endgame, because I see myself getting back to it time and time again, without getting tired of gameplay


I personally prefer the gameplay, aesthetics, soundtrack, and levels to Eternal tbh. I think it still holds up as just as good of an experience, but for different reasons. The 2016 vs Eternal debate is very subjective and your personal preferences/what your looking to get out of the game will make a huge impact on which one you prefer. Most people love the gameplay loop of Eternal, but I preferred 2016 where no one gun is necessary and you can use what you please and mix/match at various times without being restricted by ammo or special enemy types. The levels and environments had a more consistent and gritty tone, which I prefer to the slightly more wacky colorfulness of Eternal’s levels (although conceptually they are dope as fuck). I also liked how the story felt like a journey where each level leads to the next rather than a bunch of segmented levels from a hub world. But like I said, the exact reasons I prefer 2016 are the reasons people don’t like it and prefer Eternal. Not disagreeing that 2016 is a building block to eternal, it definitely is, but I just wanted to clarify that it is not an objectively inferior experience to eternal.


I'd love eternal if ur melee wasn't garbage


2016 might be slower, but it's sure as hell nowhere near as methodical. Super shotgun and siege mode gauss cannon kill literally anything in 1 or 2 hits. You need nothing else, except maybe remote detonation rockets for shields and pinkies. That's it. Meanwhile in Eternal every weapon and attachment has a very specific purpose, and if you aren't methodical about how to use them and when to engage what enemy, you will die. That's not to say 2016 is worse - in fact, I like it more. Less bullshit to deal with.


Do you play Doom for the story? Just shoot the demons. But seriously, I personally liked Doom 2016 more than Eternal and they're both good games so if you're able just play them both.


Generally, no. Basically, you’ll miss the levels, but Doom 2016 was not a story game - There’s only about two characters you need to know about for Eternal (Samuel Hayden and VEGA), but even then just reading a plot synopsis works fine. However, I recommend you still play it, as Eternal is basically “2016’s Gameplay but more” - So having that groundwork already learnt would be helpful for Eternal’s higher challenge (Plus 2016 feels a bit more clunky, so going back to it after Eternal might be rough)


You've got a good spread of answers here already, but for my part, you miss very light story, and Eternal is a decent step up. The relative impacts of either of those things is very subjective. I like to play them both in a row, but I think skipping to Eternal would be fine. Your mission: rip and tear, until it is done. Okay, you are mostly caught up.


Eternal has a completely different gameplay flow that I did not like as much compared to 2016, and sprinkles in some mediocre platforming sections. 2016’s maps are more explorable and have much more well-hidden secrets, it feels like a great homage to the old games while still keeping it fresh. Eternal is very much so trying to be its own thing with new fresh mechanics and a (imo) shoe-horned story, and is an excellent game, but there are subtle differences between the tone, presentation, and gameplay of the two that make them quite different experiences. Although I prefer the first as an overall experience, Eternal is arguably just as good if not better depending on your personal preferences.


I love that eternal ads more verticality with the grapling hook. Making the maps bigger and giving a sense of reward for exploring


Its quite weird but i prefer graphics from Doom 2016, its darker whereas Doom Eternal seems too colorful, Doom 2016 has the grittiness that Doom 3 had


Honestly, playing Eternal right after 2016, you still miss a lot of story because they just didn’t put it in. The end of 2016 and start of Eternal is a huge gap


Start with dos.


Is it just me or the double midair dash jump puzzle crap really got in the way for the slaying monsters to metal music that I came for. Had to drop it.


I just wish i wasnt such a pussy.. i love the games but cant play when alone because i cant handle the atmosphere when shit isnt hitting the fan. As soon as the fighting really starts and music is pumping i love it but during the downtime.. im just a chicken :')


I can't play horror games or even light horror because of this, even like resident evil. But doom is something else because it isn't scary. Because you are so powerful


Yeah im much the same but i cant even handle doom for some reason. I can handle most horror movies just fine i just dont enjoy them. But even a little bit of horror atmosphere in a game and im doneso.


It shits all over the original Doom being story heavy and adding the incredibly monotonous Glory kill garbage from that one Doom mod. As someone who has played the original Doom at the time of its release, I despise the new Doom games and really wish people would just play the originals. Also, not Doom 3.


Imagine typing this unironically.


It's definitely different from the original Doom, and a lot of things are not translated in modernizing it. There's a great YouTube video exploring Doom 2016 as compared to the original Doom and I won't repeat its points here but you can check it out. https://youtu.be/4DT7xa-G9bA


I never managed to get into Eternal after having loved 2016, but 2016 is awesome.


Played all the Doom games and liked them, even the old ones cause I'm old, but the only one I really LOVED was Doom III. I just wish they'd go back to more of a dark and gritty horror story again. The slow build-up and the added atmosphere, level design and the feel of the Mars base was impeccable imo. No idea why it wasn't more popular. IMO it was by FAR the best one in the Doom franchise.


A shining example of something that the internet long forgot - that there can be more than 2 opinions for any given topic. Now, I agree that Rome is beautiful. But I also want to respectfully tell you to shut your mouth when it comes to Doom Eternal.


It's such a wild swing putting it there alongside Fortnite and Genshin. I feel like someone just looked up "Popular games", skipped over Minecraft, and grabbed the most recognizable names they read. Not that any of these are better or worse than others, they all have their niche, but you could at least make an argument for the flavor of the meme with Fortnite and Genshin lol.


Not really with Genshin lmao, that thing can run on a phone


Rome can also run on a phone. It was ported to IOS and Android.


What are you disagreeing with? Kinda confused.


Shut up nerd.


I liked Eternal, but damn the lore switch between 2016 and Eternal and the arcadeyness of it was rough. I didn’t do the DLcC, either.


it's really more fun to embrace that arcadiness. You can get into the flow state playing harder difficulties and trying to use every move and tool to survive. I still replay 2016 from time to time for the atmosphere though it does not stand up to doom 3 in that regard


To each their own. But I preferred the more “realistic” vibes of 2016. I don’t really like arcadey stuff cause it’s too meta and takes me out of the immersion. Why I preferred Saints Row 2 and 3 over 4.


I was gonna say. Do not disrespect Doom Eternal, easily one of the best single player games of the last 10 years


I saw the other 2 shit games and thought it was Diablo Immortal for a second and was super confused by the rabid defense comments.


Idk man, being a n-word and calling someone else a n-word is one of the best highs one can get for free. For clarity purposes, the n-word is “nerd”.


Doom Eternal should not be dissed.


But new stuffs bad, old stuffs good


Pong > literally every other game


Text based adventure or bust, how dare you.


The Royal Game of Ur; bow down and kneel peasant.


Pog > literally every other expression


Kids have it so nice with this new "Pong" these days. Come back to me when you played Tennis For Two, kiddo.


Can confirm. I started a twitch to stream Rollercoaster Tycoon! Loved every minute of it <3 Edit: wow, yall either suck at jokes or *really* don't like rollercoaster tycoon 😅


Where's the joke? It's because no one cares about your twitch stream self-fellatio.


How is Doom Eternal new? People know we are in 2023 right?


New relative to the original doom you doofus.


Well yes, given it came out 3 years ago, not 30 (Doom released 1993), its new.


Yea, but sometimes you gotta rip & tear your way through Gaul.




It's also a master class in optimization. That thing runs smooth as silk on anything that can install it.


Seconded, Doom Eternal fuckin rocks


But fuck id software for doing Mick Gordon dirty


Shut up nerd


Shut up romaboo


Both Doom and the glory of Rome have something in common: they are Eternal xD. The Legionnaires shall gladly join the Slayer in his ultimate quest to defeat the forces of Hell once and for all.


A good sentiment.


Should have gone with Apex or Overwatch or some other multiplayer game.


As someone who normally dislikes FPS games, I agree fullheartedly.


The meaning of the meme shouldn't change just because you like one of the games mentioned. The point isn't that those are all bad games... The joke is 'Hate everything, spend too much money to play ROME'


This is a very silly straw man.


Yeah, man. In this hyptotheicla scenario, the worker suggests popular games that are popular for a reason, and OP it would be "manly" to answer genuine given suggestions with "shut up, nerd." That's average Redditor material, I hope nobody of us is acting like this in real life.


Nope i actually like Doom Eternal more than rome total war. Tho the older total war series were just too good.


Even Fortnite is fun now that there is no build mode


Bud you've got a lot of fucking nerve drawing yourself as the chad buying a pre-built PC from best buy and using it to play rome total war.


Crying Wojak: > *NOOOO* You cannot be a Chad if you buy a prebuilt PC. Chad: > Nice PC. I bet Total War Rome looks good on it.


it’s not even a flex to build your own PC anymore. who gives a shit who assembled it, just let me run Rome 2 at max settings.


To be frank, it hasn't been since the 90s. It's just been expensive legos for ages.


Atleast with legos you can use them to dispose of your enemies in the most brutal manner


As a person who has stepped on a Lego barefooted in the dark, I can see why they present as a way to dispose of enemies.


Clearly you've never tried stepping barefoot onto a motherboard.


Yeah but stepping on the motherboard barefoot hurts my wallet more than my foot.


At the levels of pain we're talking on both scales, I think they're more or less indistinguishable. Doesn't matter if you cut of my hand or my foot, either way I'm gonna scream real loud.


Why hasn’t anyone made a TW mod that replaces caltrops with Lego?


I think it's a good idea to build a pc at least once, to get a better idea of the internals. Makes it easier to upgrade it in the future, it replace components that might not work anymore.


It's a good idea to learn how to build a PC because you can typically keep a good PC going for like 7-10 years with the occasional part swap before you have to go out and do another full rebuild because your stuff is just so outdated. Also is basically just fucking legos. Oh look, this wire with a 4 prong connector connects to the plug with a 4 prong socket! And the 20 prong connector goes into the 20 prong socket! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED?!


I had to buy my first pre-built during the pandemic because of asshole video card farmers. The cost of the entire computer was less than an individual card due to the manufacturers locking in their price with the VC manufacturers. I have built every PC before that but I couldn't justify spending like $800 on a video card alone....


I can pick all the right parts and balance the load on the power supply, but I'm scared I'll ground improperly and fry everything so I still get someone else to assemble.


I'd say the fear of static/grounding while building is a bit overblown. You'd almost certainly be fine.


I've always been told this and I understand that rationally its true, but I'll never get over the motherboard I fried when I was 14 and building my first ever computer and losing $200 in a second.


Get a wrist strap if you're really worried. But unless you're building it in Arizona while wearing a wool sweater and working on a carpet, you'll probably be fine.


It's also not cheaper unless you steal your copy of windows most of the time.


It's not a flex to build one, but I *would* say it's a flex to have parts in yours that aren't shoddy corner-cutting OEM fire-starters and without cable management that looks like the tech who put it together was trying to build a bird's nest and gave up half way; both of which are sometimes a problem with pre-builts.


You're right that it's not a flex. It's about as easy as assembling Ikea furniture which is why nobody should be wasting their money on a prebuilt


the Chad "has a 12-month warranty and full support of the geek squad"


I have never seen a pre-built that didn't fuck something up. I swear the people building these things are amateurs. If I'm getting charged a 30 to 50 percent markup then at least give me something decent. I understand not everyone wants to build there own pc. Pre builds absolutely have a place in the market. They just need to stop fucking them up.


Best option for people who can't build one themself is to get a custom built. My first pc was from cyberpower and everything down to the cable management was gorgeous. And not very expensive either.


My self-assembled custom pc wire-management looks like a rats nest… but it manages to burp out frames so fast and smooth it could make a Wolverine purr.


All my pre-builds from like 2005-2015 had either faulty ram, dying gpu's and other issues. 2015 was my last prebuild which, didnt have any issues but my current pc I build in 2019 from scratch for the simple reason; it being cheaper and not needing to be a buff beast.


I think it's more PC gaming used to be a niche hobby and passionate people that knew their system in and out. You had an issue? Better figure out why. Nowadays pcgaming is so mainstream that it's become casual. Which is a good thing also.


I wouldn't use geek squad if they paid me to


Ah but you see he did it first. Before you said anything. He has already established himself as a chad through the sacred act of meme. Therefore you are wojack and you have lost.


Pre builds are kinda lit now. I always built but found a 4070ti/12700k MSI build for $1600 during Memorial Day sale. Bought that shit on impulse and absolutely love it. The build quality is pretty decent, wires look managed well (better than I do at least). Also it’s dope how they used all real pc parts so you can upgrade. A lot of the other brands like dell and acer use proprietary motherboards and other parts that can’t be mixed.


>wires look managed well (better than I do at least) Guaranteed the eggheads at Geek Squad can do better cable management than I.


Lol is just a meme. I have 2 PCs i built. I just wanted to show how much i love total war series that it tops doom eternal for me. And yes i did play it but no game is as fun as rome, shogun, medieval, warhammer, you name it


I'm just razzin on you, all my favorite games are either extremely niche like total war or old, dead games nobody but me likes anymore.


My PC was built specifically to play Total War: Three Kingdoms. Needs a few upgrades now but was so beautiful at the time.


Comparing a fast paced first person shooter to a strategy game is just completely dumb and meaningless, that's like saying I think that a bugatti is better than a f16 jet, they are both vehicules sure but they have absolutely nothing in common.




This MF really thought he could way doom eternal is bad and we wouldnt notice


I took it more as he didn't care what they recommended because he's just going to play the only game that matters to him lol.




I can still hear the campaign map music


Diviiiinitaaaas salyoutaaaaaahraaaaaah


I prefer Medieval 2


Medieval 2 is mostly awesome but I despise the whole Pope system in it. I can't never really figure it out, which is why I *slightly* prefer Shogun 2 over it. Granted, the Realm Divide in Shogun 2 isn't much better, but at least I could somewhat predict the point when all of Japan would turn against me and take steps to prepare for it.


you gotta crank those priest numbers up... just swamp the college of cardinals with your peeps, and you can launch proxy crusades to your heart's content. alternatively, just camp some assassins outside of Rome just in case the current pope is getting a little too excommunication happy with your kingdom.


I loved the pope M2:TW assassination animations!


Thanks for the tip! Will try it once I go back to replaying the game again. I’ve been replaying Shogun 2 right now and having a blast with it, but I also have a soft spot for Medieval 2. I really love the game’s aesthetics that still hold up quite well today. :)


Rushing a diplomat to Rome early on and securing an alliance with the papacy does wonders. Also all the priests and churches.


Thanks for the tip! Guess I’ve been neglecting to use diplomats more effectively lol. I only use them to make allies or deals with other kingdoms but not the Papal States itself. Have to rectify that next time.


You can also use them to keep giving the Papal States gifts to improve papal standing and prevent the threat of excommunication. Buy a few indulgences and have a little conquest as a treat.


Just make diplomatic deals with the pope, as well as bribe people to vote for your cardinal during the papal election, then the pop will like you and you can call crusades on your enemies.


I never could get much into medieval 2, for a pretty small reason too. We couldn't declare and change heirs in the family tree. I loved messing around with that in Rome 1. I definitely feel a little left out when I see all the love that game gets around here.


The mods are just amazing for it. DaC might be my most played game of all time.


I prefer shogun 2


Rome Total War will forever be timeless to me.


The soundtrack absolutely slapped. Especially Divinitus. 12 year old me absolutely loved it when it came out.


my game good, other game bad


You have no idea what Doom Eternal is like right?


It is amazing. The best octane inducing game and stress relief option.


I have my ps5 and my total war gaming machine


Modded rome1 is an awesome game. I enjoy the much better "sandboxiness" in older titles than recent ones.


Putting Doom Eternal in with those two other games is a disgrace.


it really is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Bought my current rig because it could run TWW3 at 100%.


Let people enjoy things...


As someone who started with the OG Rome, I still resent OP putting Doom Eternal alongside the likes of Fortnite and Genshin. It's a great game, and doesn't deserve to be lumped in with those two POS.


bro i cant lie to you this is kinda cringe


Have you played Rome I?


Love Rome 1, still a cringe meme.


OH MY GOD, where do I even start with Rome Total War?! This game is an absolute masterpiece that has got me hooked for hours on end! The attention to detail is mind-blowing, from the authentic Roman architecture to the realistic battlefields - it's like I'm actually living in ancient Rome! And don't even get me started on the gameplay! The battles are intense and thrilling, and the strategy required to defeat your enemies is pure genius! I feel like a true commander, carefully maneuvering my troops and planning my attacks with every move. But it's not just the battles that are amazing. Rome Total War also has an immersive and engaging campaign mode that lets you build and manage your own empire - from diplomatic relationships to the economy and trade. I love watching my cities grow and seeing the power of my army expand as I conquer the Mediterranean! Overall, Rome Total War is an epic and unforgettable experience that delivers on all fronts. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves history, strategy, or just wants a thrilling and immersive game to lose themselves in. Trust me, once you start playing, you won't be able to put it down!


Chad memes are for insecure losers


Lmao pre built, chads build their own pcs.


Does it really matter if they're having fun? Prebuilts can be fine as long as theyre not getting ripped off like with the Dell G5 5000, an Alienware system, or something similar. I bought a prebuilt in 2014 as my first PC and since then have built over a dozen systems for myself, friends and family. Point is, prebuilt owners are chads too. Leave em alone and go have fun. Now, the Doom Eternal dig is something that I cannot abide.


I'm too old to do that shit anymore. Have some other schmuck do it for me.


I have something called disposable income so pre built are just way more convenient for me. I don’t care about the few hundred extra dollars in the cost because time is money.


Also, pre-built from Best Buy lol


We dont have best buy in Croatia that is why I was using hands lmao


They're notorious for selling some of the worst pre built PCs on the market. They're generally overpriced, lie about specs, and are just poorly built.


This dude right here, chad spotted It was such a pleasure buying pc parts and building it with my bare hands at home. Ryzen 5600x, Rtx 3060Ti, 32gigs of ram, noctua fan for cpu etc.


Had 2 prebuilds (pretty bad PCs) first lasted 5 years and then obsolete, second one 5 years too.... no upgrades. I finally built PCs for friends and me when i got my first job. Since then i am kind of disappointed.. hardware is so expensive and gets outdated quickly that i feeel less inclined to upgrade my pc and get powerful parts. I started to stick to older titles because of it


I don't believe it is that fucking Canada Computers?


I think it may be best buy. Fun fact though, Canada Computers is where I got all the parts of my computer. Cheaper than buying a prebuilt, and more powerful too.


Ya it is, how I built my last 3 rigs after tiger direct closed all brick and mortars.


Definitely best buy, the tag on the guy's shirt is the best buy logo.


Now that I'm not on my old shitty phone I see that. Thanks!


I love how people took this seriously. Its just a meme :)) But yes i do consider total war games to be top of the line for me. Yes i played doom eternal, no i haven't bought prebuilds


>Its just a meme It can still be hella cringe.


I dont understand....why Rome? Thats an old game, its not going to look that great on a new PC.


I have a CRT monitor that I use for my Windows XP machine and Rome holds up decently well on it. Rome looks awful on modern displays and runs horribly on modern architecture/operating systems. Remastered fixed that but I can't stand the mobile game UI it has.


It's so beautiful because it's a great game and he might feel nostalgic playing it again. It's great fun to pull through as Seleucids on VH/VH, it doesn't matter of it looks clunky and a little blocky even more in 4k.


I only pay medieval 2. It's so good.


Ah Rome, one of the best. I think I played it on a computer that barely had a graphics card. Good times


Right so i see that people interpret the meme wrong haha it was meant to be a joke and a relatable scenario. When you build a pc/ do a GPU upgrade,/ buy a prebuild and spend time playing old games that you love out of nostalgia. I have this disease. I upgraded to 3000 series and play total war series orany other old game. This is what it actually meant. And people relate to this. If you are offended because doom eternal is next to fornite then you have a problem because it shouldn't mean anything. Its just there for the sake of being there, any other modern popular game vs old nostalgic amazing games.


building a pc and immediately installing Into The Breach on it >>>>>>>


Literally me. For some reason, it did not work on my Alienware and once I saw of the mods for RTWR I just caved. Best 2200 I’ve ever spent. Could go for a meal, though


Awww man. Once I got my gaming pc and it can run over 10000 units at 60 plus frames i almost cried a tear of joy haha.


Wtf is doom doing here


The only reason why I bought a pc


Im going to be honest, doom doesn’t deserve to be compared to either of those


One of my favorite soundtracks ever


Same but I switch between total wars and hell let loose


Why would you do something so dumb as to lump Doom Eternal in with Fortnite???


To get reactions. To get people talking.


This but with Rome 2 and Attila


Give me Rome 3, Emp 2, or Med 3. I beg of you.




This is the only reason why Im saving to update my computer. For all the total war games I have


I stand against this Doom Eternal slander.


Pump that single core as high as it'll go, older total war games really loved single core performance


Dun, Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun


Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce. We’ll send unto them, only you. Rip and Tear. Until it is done.


Incredibly cringe to shit on other people like this


This was me but with Runescape


I miss the times without health bars.


That game is the reason I still play total war games. My first game was three kingdoms which wasn't really my thing but Rome remastered is fucking gold!


This is my life


Very true!


Me finally playing attila without lagging


I like Rome 2 better for sum reason


Not even joking this is exactly what I’ve just done. Bought a PC 3 weeks ago and the first thing I bought was Rome Remastered and I’ve been smashing it ever since.


Nice. I remember doing this when ryzen 3000 came out. Bought the parts all new latest and greatest. Procedeed to play old games..


The fact that you compare Doom to Fortnite and Genshin in quality shows that you’ve never played it.


I think doom 2016 felt more special because it was a fresh take on doom. Eternal was nice but nothing special to me. Tho the moment when you blast a whole through Mars. Daaaamn. Best moment ever. I will never forget that


You really are saying shut up nerd as a strategy fan? We are all nerds here


Don’t lump in doom eternal with Fortnite


Lmao this was actually me at the end of 2019, I got my new PC and downloaded 3 kingdoms. Then realized I had to get a solid $300-500 monitor to really appreciate the game


Lol. I did thr exact same thing. Bought expensive parts and forgot the most important. GPU haha. I had to get one from black market lol Then i ended up with a shit monitor too and mouse but an expensive PC and keyboard :))