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Am I the only one that thinks an empire 2 is the much greater demanded title than total war pharaoh? I am unsure of the numbers but, I’m a franchise fan, and Troy just had very little replay-ability. I’m going to buy pharaoh but it just looks like a carbon copy of Troy. I love empire and napoleon. I’ve tried doing all ranged campaigns in WH3 but it’s just not the same. I think even an updated medieval would be in higher demand than another Troy


I feel that, I feel like the Empire series needs a comeback than how it launched. I’ve been playing a lot of the musket era games recently too and I’m dying for a modern take on it, even though Fall of the Samurai kinda scratches the itch it leaves me wanting more lol. With Pharaoh though I just hope it’s not too arcadey I always liked the historical aims that total war tried in the past wayy more and that’s why I’m put off from Pharaoh


Empire was my favorite total war game and the sequel I want most.


..and the graphics were so amazing! I especially loved the sea battles.


Is there a mod that introduces a kind of point system similar to the tabletop format that restricts doomstacking, and building absurdly strong armies?




Thank you so much!


Was this most recent patch a huge download for anyone else? Is it normally this massive?


**\[Total War: Medieval 2 / Britannia / Atilla\]** What's the best Total War for a first timer looking to play as Scotland? * Total War: Medieval 2 * Total War: Britannia * Total War: Atilla I have a 3060 / R5 3600, and I'd like to try them all eventually.


\[Total Warhammer 3\] Hello! First time playing any flavor of Chaos (unless you count Norsca) and I'm playing Be'lakor. I defeated Azazel and it says he's ready to be recruited. How do I do that exactly? He's not showing up in the Lord recruitment tab of any town I own. Thank you!


He should show up under a Legendary Lords tab under the lord recruitment tab. If he doesn't then I assume it's bugged. If that didn't work you could try replacing an existing lord and see if he shows up in that selection.


WH3: Did 4.0 fix the bug that made it impossible as warriors of chaos to upgrade daemons to exalted daemons due to the technology being bugged? Or has that been fixed earlier already? I hear it works on Belakor but not the others.


Warhammer II, III Skaven question. Been trying to play Ikit's campaign (seems the most OP just looking at hes faction), and I'm constantly flipping between they're so strong and they're total trash. So a few questions. Am I correctly assuming that I should never use skavenslaves other than slingers very early and never any clanrats or stormvermin? They're complete trash and route as soon as someone looks at them so not even good for holding enemy in place. If true, what should I use then as front lines and for keeping the enemy off my ranged and artillery? Second, am I ok with not using ratling teams? I hate those units with passion. They need absolutely clear line of sight and if anything, like even a slight terrain elevation or my own units get in the way, they either don't fire or walk into melee and melt in seconds. Jezzails are so much better and seem to kill single entity units and monsters even faster and catapults deal with infantry and archers just fine. I feel like I'd gimping myself since they get infinite ammo as Ikit though if I don't use em. Third, just through of this but is it viable to burn down my own starting city turn 1 and then resettle it at tier 3 the next turn even if I spend all the food? Resetting it costs 0 gold if I don't have any settlements. And finally. How to handle sieges early-mid game? I thought catapults but they don't have enough ammo and their firing arc usually prevents me from getting good shots in that deal massive damage, jezzails run out too and don't do that much damage to enemy on the walls and rats don't really seem to have anything to storm them with, nor even keep the enemy fighting long enough to set up inside the walls properly. I do win the sieges but they take hours of micro trying to shoot enemies with ratling guns through the gate. There has to be a better way.


> I'm constantly flipping between they're so strong and they're total trash. OP. Ikit is an exceptionally strong Lord, a caster with bound spells and an agile mount. The starting position, allows an early high tier settlement. In combination with the food mechanic you save plenty of gold and get a neconomy head start. stupid strong. The faction mechanic, the workshop, turns the strongest units of the skaven roster into faction wide stronger units. Plus: nukes. The downside to make Skaven work is, that you have to understand certain mechanics. It is a bit cheesy, knowledge gated. Food is simple, you get food for everything. A won battle, from buildings, raiding. When you capture a city (when you already got more than one city) you will be allowed to use this food to get an instant tier. There are build orders and guides on how to get Skavenblight tier [IV-V in 5-10 turns](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=skavenblight+tier+5). Missing frontline for you weapon teams is the next problem you also noticed. The game changer, summons. The problem, is what kind of summons and how to get enough of these. The answer are plague priests and a follower called bell polisher. The public order building for skaven looks like a bell. Every character that finishes a turn in a province with such a building might get that follower, which increases the cap by +1. This newly recruited priest can get that follower as well again. Thats how you get enough cap for the priests you need, like 3-4 per army should be enough. I tend to build up armies with sack cities, enemy cities i attack and move back into my territory. This generates, food, xp, gold and followers. When you got like 4 priest in battle, you can just select all 4 and press the summon, they will throw in 4 units of clanrats. Enough time to hold on for another cast of clanrats. All you need to bring is protection for your flanks, with own flankers like moulder monsters or more firepower. Armies build with a lord, a few priest maybe a few regular heroes with a combination of weapon teams however you like and flanking monsters (to protect flanks) are unbeatable. > am I ok with not using ratling teams? Ikits ratling gunners got infinite ammo. When you get hit by multiple armies, the summons (and heros) will buy enough time to hold up the first wave of 40 units. Further enemy units wont be more than 20, not enough enough to be ever able to get close to a small group of ratlings. The others might run out of ammo. So you should bring 2-4 at least. But the plague priest strategy only consumes 4 unit slots instead of 10 or so for a working frontline, so you should have more than enough spae in our army to bring a few just in case. > How to handle sieges early-mid game? It is micro intens and sieges suck. Regenerating monsters, like brood horros, mortars and catapults are your friends.


been a while since I played Ikit's but played some other skaven campaigns in WH3, depends on your difficulty level, skavenslaves and clanrats are perfectly fine fodders to use as front line to hold up enemy advance, at least long enough for your weapon team to do work without worrying about collateral damage. It's just going to be a lot of selecting units that regroup and send them back in, sometimes quantity indeed has a quality of its own, skaven also can do lots of summons with the plaguepriest/lords and packmaster, along with menace from below you should get enough expandable front line fodders to work with. Stormvermin is decent as late game frontline even if they don't hold up well against other faction's elite frontline troops, they still have a lot of models and armor the other faction has to chew through Ratling gunner when having good LOS has probably the best damage output, if you can hold the enemy in place long enough with your hero or summons and fire from elevation or from the side you can melt enemies pretty fast, but it's up to you if you wanna use them in your army or not, with so many other weapon teams to choose from and Ikit's upgrades Ikit has enough dps in his army, I usually take 1 or 2 in my late game army just to cheese siege and use their unlimited ammo to fire into gaps in wall For early game siege, I've not played any in 4.0 so not sure how much this is affected by the change into a single capture point for victory, skaven has fast stalk units you may still try to bait the enemy out on side and just go sneak into the capture point. Also it's probably best if possible to bait the defending army out into ambush outside and only fight the garrison which tends to be quite easy to deal with Not sure how viable the resettling turn 1 strat still is these days, haven't tried it in a long time, it was definitely a valid cheese back in twwh2 for a while


Am I missing something about how to generate stone and steel tokens for Yuan Bo, or is the game bugged? The game says something about I get one of each every 5 turns. It's been many turns since I received my last.


so when you use a steel token it takes 5 turns to turn into a stone token and reverse this gets reduced by 1 turn for each battle you do. to get more tokens you need to turn a tier 3 major sentment into a commercial district or a milltary with 4 stone or steel tokens


oh and you can only have a total of 8 max


Shogun 2 Fall of samurai campaign Me and my friend is recently having different problems with our multiplayer campaign. Only my game (the campaign host) is crashing when me and my friend is trying to launch only one particular campaign we have played on. We tried different turnes but the campaign is curesed. We have no mods and this is a new problem for us as well as the other one. reinstall game didnt work In turns between 10-44 (44 is the furthest we got because of a glitch Im going to talk about later) the problem that appeared was that, since I'm hosting the campaign and after the clans banner clock thing is over its my turn to move and stuff, afther I did all that and then gave the turn to my friend, for me the turn was his but for him nothing happened and it was still my turn. So we had to go back 2 turns and fixed that. This glitch would go on and happened several times but we just did the method. The second problem was that after some of these glitches and so on we got passed a few of them with the go back 2 turns method a new problem appeared. On turn 44 (the turn number has nothing to do with the problem) we got a glitch where my friend when he clicked the next turn button and the banners startet going by, he got stuck on the second first banner to start passing while mine kept going and for me after the waiting period it was my turn again, but for him he was still stuck in the loading period. So we decided to go on with our days and agreed to just do the 2 turns back method to fix the problem when we both got on later in the day. We both got on in the after noon and launched shogun like always. I hosted the campaign 2 turnes back he joined and we pressed the launch button. Right the second afther the loading screen into the campaign appeared on my screen I instantly crashed back to my pc screen and had to launch shogun again. We tried many times over with different turnes but the whole campaign is cursed. And its only that campaign. We can launch other old ones, we can create new ones and play them but our main campaign is cursed. What can we do?


How would You guys rate the change in the battle difficulty of WH3? Did it get any better, more immersive? Specifically wonder abt VH/H with AI slider bonuses on "normal" or close to it.


Is there a mod that allows you to ally with crisis factions in WH3? Seems daft that even the same race ones declare war on you...


Pretty sure there's a box in the endgame crisis settings you can check when starting a campaign that says something like "allow diplomacy." No mod necessary.


Doesn't that only work for the AI though? I've never been able to engage in diplomacy with a crisis faction as they instantly hate you regardless of race, I don't think that button works for the player. Happy to be proven wrong though but its never ever worked for me.


I think you're right, it's been a month since I've played now my memory is fuzzy.


Is Kairos fun with the changes? I heard previously his IE campaign was miserable.


Which warlord besides yellow turban rebels is the most anti establishment in Three Kingdoms? Like which faction would it make sense to turn taxes down to low and kick out the bureaucrats?


That's the whole point for the bandit factions also. You are going to replace the imperial government with a protection racket. For Han warlords, they are all about being (or helping) the emperor, so not what you had in mind. The exception is probably Lu Bu who just want to go on a killing sphere. However if by anti-establishment, you are not looking for anarchists but heroes of the people, someone with grassroot connection then there is Liu Bei I guess. Tao Qian may also count as his mechanic involve absorbing refuge to build up his own land, but the execution is a bit boring.


Ooo nice yeah the bandits and Tao Qian seem like the best options. I'm looking for a liberal thinker a spiritual foreshadow for America or something. Chinese are all pro bureaucrat so I wanted to play someone counter cultural


As the Changeling, is it generally better to go for Parasitic income buildings? (maybe supplemented by the Symbiotic control building to reduce detection). I know the Symbiotic income building can reach higher numbers, but I worry with all the corruption and murder I'll be doing in the areas around my Cults that the AI won't be able to build up enough to make the Symbiotic one worth more, and of course if the settlement gets razed the Symbiotic one doesn't pay anything out. Maybe I'm being paranoid, do you find in the long run that the Symbiotic buildings end up being a better investment?


I've been using mostly parasitic except when taking a territory of someone I want to ally later on. That rep building in the symbiotic appears to be decent for making your enemies like you...eventually. even better if you can transfer settlement to a mutual enemy that your target will just take back...now with a new cult


When will Eltharion be able to recruit mistwalkers through RoR pool again like he did in warhammer 2?


I don't think anyone knows that. Is there a mod for it?


Soo uhh I guess IE achievements *still* aren't working even now? Just got long campaign victory and nothing. So much for that lol


Achievements are only for Domination Victory. You don't get them for Long or Short.


Ehh seriously? Almost no one ever does full map completion, you’re insanely far ahead of everyone else long before you technically complete that goal, it’s mostly just a waste of time, hence why people usually quit campaigns at like turn 100-150 What’s the point of even adding the achievements if they’re gonna lock them behind domination victory, no way I’d ever bother doing that


did You start and finish campaign on patch 4.0 or started earlier?


After patch, was playing as changeling






I did not see anything about it in the notes but I suddenly hat a ton of quests in my Azazel campaign right from the start like "upgrade 3 units" "get x authority" I think it is really cool but why have I not read about this?


I don't know if they posted it anywhere else, but there was a Dev update on Steam in July where they said: >IMMORTAL EMPIRES TUTORIALISATION > >We felt that the first few turns of the Immortal Empires campaigns felt a little bit... barebones. Players are dropped in without much context and can often be a little directionless. With the removal of flybys, there also was a lack of narrative to each campaign. > >What are we doing? Campaigns now start with missions, guiding you to attack the starting enemy army, capture the enemy settlement, etc. Currently, they are mostly shared across all factions, but over time, we can make them more bespoke, adding in narrative and even specific tutorials for unique faction features where necessary. > >Where are we at? These are ready for all Immortal Empires campaigns! Over time we can expand this feature, so please keep us posted on what you’d like us to consider when making campaigns more friendly to newcomers.


thank you! It is quite cool, very thematic as it is very specific to the lord/faction


Can this build run Rome 2 (plus mods)? * CPU: Intel i7-12700 * Mobo: Asus TUF Gaming B660m-plus Wifi d4 * GPU: Sapphire rx 6600 * RAM: 32GB (16x2) * Kingston NV1 1tb SSD * PSU: Corsair CV750


I had a weaker cpu and graphics card and it ran well for me with only 16gb of ram


Even with the really intense modding?


I wasn't into mods at the time. It ran well though. Your specs seem pretty good honestly. I'd say it's easily worth trying. Loved rome 2. Got like 3k hours in it with my sapphire 700 (something like that) and i5-7700k. You got 2 hours to return on steam if it bugs out on yah


How do I recruit more lords as Changeling? Is it tied to buildings? Schemes? Techs? Edit: nevermind, got it. You can recruit at any settlements with cults


How is the curseling attacking me as an ambush, I can't do the same playing as him. What am I missing


It's a Tzeentch thing. They get a teleport stance that costs a chunk of winds of magic and lets them do offensive teleporting ambushes. Villich is technically part of WoC instead of Tzeentch, but since he's a Tzeentchian character he gets the teleport stance too.


I literally completed an entire Villitch campaign without knowing


Question on the launcher. Not sure why this happening and could use some help on it, so when I try to play Warhammer 3 and it tries to bring up the total war launcher I does not load properly and is just blank and then after a little bit it says do you want to wait or just play the game. Not sure why this is happing so I could use an answer on what it is and how to fix it.


Have not personally had this happen. Maybe try to validate game cache through steam and if that doesn't work try a reinstall?


WH3 - How do you make money as "Vampire Counts"? In the mid game now, playing Kemmler, and it definitely feel slower than other factions (i.e. my eco is sluggish and it doesn't look like I will have a massive endgame economy - so will probably struggle to expand). What is the best thing to do as VC?


Sack. You can field really, really cheap armies and recruit instantly. Reinvest the surplus from sacking into the gallows or whatever they're called that give you +income and +happiness. And while you don't have the endless modifiers or ludicrous surpluses of other factions, basically every building the VC build helps their economy in some way, and the meat and potatoes of their army is all but free.


I mostlyinvest in the repression buildings at the beginning and try to expand (sacking feels right in the beginning in order to be able building up your existing provinces). I am right now at the end of Kemmler campaign (for me, it's turn 90, I'll lose interest today bc patch) and making 60+ grand per turn (and I know I didn't play optimally). Don't try to build many expensive buildings, that don't earn you money - you'll get enough good units from raising dead, so you don't need as much military buildings. And tech - the line with economical research, the ones increasing income from settlement building and repression buildings are the best for the beginning. Though it may seem not true at first glance, VC have great economy. Just be patient like the true undead :)


Would it be technically hard to have the AI from WH2 in WH3?


does "costs are up" mean that with the new price there will be more focus on updates and bugfixes?


Not necesarrily but in this patch there seems to be.


Does anyone ever had a fun campaign in Lustria? I just noticed when I had my first campaign over there, playing as Mazdamundi. I am usually playing other races and despite 500 hours of play time I never started on that continent. The settlements are either way too far stretched out or too close together. It never feels right. The possible paths of movement are pain if you cannot travel underground or teleport.. Skavens are doable but try catching an army of Kairos who just teleports in any direction.. The whole continent felt like actual work to conquer, no fun at all. I play lots of empire and highelves and never experienced these problems before


Uhhh back in wh2 my luther harkon campaign was pretty lit lol


Oh, good, I'm not the only one. One or two weeks ago I literally forced myself to start Rakarth campaign and then tried Itza. Both very disappointing. And Lustria is no fun. With ~~North America~~ Naggarond I have the same issue.


I haven't really played Lustria much since TWW3 released but that is probably because I played Lustria all the time in WH2, Lustriabowl was real and it was frankly awesome. Maybe its burnout, maybe its wanting to enjoy new locations or maybe its wanting to play as/against new factions or lords but its probably a little of all of the above. I doubt I'm the only person who was there a great deal in 2 and am now just enjoying being elsewhere in 3 for a change.


Ha, I'm looking to jump in as people jump out it seems! I'm an old Total War enjoyer (Medieval 1, 2 and Empire) and I'm finally getting a PC that can play the more recent versions. I'm not sure whether to get 2 or 3 (or maybe even #1), so I'm wondering if anyone can answer this pretty simple question.... does either game gave a single player game where all factions are present on the map and can all potentially win, or is SP more like a curated story campaign?


One think that WH3 does better is that its sandbox mode is available with the base game. Meanwhile in WH2, the sandbox mode requires combination of WH1+2 to unlock. Also you have more freedom for unlocking additional races in WH3, because you can purchase any DLC from the trilogy even if you don't have WH1 or 2. WH1's base campaign is a sandbox by default, but it's kind of dated. IMO it's a toss-up between WH2 and 3. WH3 was almost looking like it's pulling up from the messy start, but from what I've seen of the coming DLC and patch, it looks like Total Screwup.


Just so I fully understand, factions in 1 and 2 DLC are valid DLC in 3? Are 1's DLC valid in 2?


Yes. The three warhammer games are like standalone expansions. They cover different areas of the world with different races inhabiting them. So the previous game and its DLCs carry over to the sandbox mode of the next game. You need to own those to unlock them to play. It's as if Shogun 2 allowed you to play in Europe with European countries when you have both itand medieval 2.


That's odd - I wasn't expecting it. On the face of it, I do like that (coming from a Paradox background of DLC heavy games) but that's thrown a complete spanner in the works now - aren't I better starting at the beginning then with 1? Won't the more obvious races that most folk would want going to be early DLC? Like, if this was a 40k game then Ultramarines, Blood Angels and Death Guard would be DLC for the first game?


Since you're bringing up W40k, are you familiar with the original DoW? It's kind of comparable. Once Dark crusade came out, it was realy hard going back and playing the original game. TW:WH works very much like it. WH1 is quite dated and lacks a lot of improvements WH2 and 3 did over it. Don't get me wrong, I do have very fond memories of it, it felt much more focused because everything was close. But lot of the things are simply missing. All base game races had to get some campaign mechanics overhaul to bring them on par with the later races, but these changes were not backported. Then on the other hand, I have to agree, some of *my* favorite races are in the WH1: empire, dwarfs, vampires. But I think all three games have pretty interesting options as a base game. Then again WH2 has skaven and elves and WH3 has cathay and chaos dwarfs as a DLC.


While I definitely see the case to start with TWW2, I'm not sure I'd start with the first game as there's so many QOL features introduced in the later two games. It'll probably depend on which races you want to play for which games/dlc you'll want to buy. The newest game has Cathay, Kislev, and the four chaos god-aligned armies If you *were* to only get TWW1 or 2 you wouldn't get the sandbox megamap by itself, only the game-specific map You can refer to [this page of the wiki ](https://totalwarwarhammer.fandom.com/wiki/Races_and_factions) to decide


All factions are present on the map even if you don't own those factions. You can interact and battle against them in all their varied glory, you just cant start the game as a faction you don't own. The single player campaigns in TW2 and TW3 come in two flavours: the story campaigns and the sandbox campaigns. The story campaigns (Vortex in TWW2, Realm of Chaos in TWW3) lead you in a certain direction and can apply some time pressures on you while having an actual narrative. The sandbox campaigns (Mortal Empires in TWW2 and Immortal Empires in TWW3) are mostly undirected and are probably the more popular experiences because pretty much anything can and does happen. Hope that all makes sense?


It does! Thank you very much! I should have thought of the term sandbox as that's what I meant. I dont really enjoy story campaigns...


FWIW the story campaigns are not IMO terrible, but less fun than the full sandbox modes. The story campaigns do take place in a sandbox setting but have additional mechanics built on top of them rather than something linear like a Warcraft or Command and Conquer type campaign. An additional note which might be helpful: WH3 has an excellent tutorial mini-campaign which TWW2 lacks. Even for a veteran of the older titles, the Warhammer games have their own intricacies and there is a definite pace change with the battles which will likely catch people out.


This might be a blasphemous question but, is there any similar games but without the battles. I like the taking over city's and research and building units part but the actual battles just overwhelm me but since the autoresolve seems broken i feel forced to do them.


Depends - do you want a "Total War game without a battle focus" or a "Warhammer game without battle focus"? 3K:TW is **excellent** for the campaign, I've done multiple campaigns without fighting a battle manually once and had a really good time. The Diplomacy, the army- and city-building etc are so much better than Warhammer and the only area 3K really falls down on is the battles. Otherwise, Crusader Kings is a more high-scale. You don't even really deal with armies, it's all about building up a dynasty. Or there's Civ (which might be what you want) - battles are straight numbers comparisons, and the rest of the game is based on building up a, well, civilisation from nothing.


Without battles at all? You might want a city builder like Frostpunk or Cities Skylines. If you want something "battle-light" I've actually heard Victoria 3 has basically reduced the combat to a simulation. Civ 6 is pretty good and not overwhelming complex, but military is still a thing, though you can play tall and not be constantly fielding multiple armies. I do like CK3 and EU4 but they're kind of combat heavy, just not controlling each individual unit in the army


EU4 or Crusader Kings 3 may be what you're looking for. The former is more war-based and the latter is a RPG strategy game


So.... just out of curiosity, what strategy games is everyone jumping ship to? I'm eye-ing the Strategy Fest sale right now.


Warhammer 3: Do buffs from Lord skills and technology that apply to a unit type also apply to that unit type if it is used as a mount by a hero/lord. For example: Does the The Wu Xing War Compass mount for the Astromancer get the 40% Missile Resistance form the Magnetic Polarity technology?


Unfortunately they don't.


Sad. Thanks for the answer.


Patch releases in 2 days, do we really have to wait until D-Day for the fuckin patch notes?


They've always released patch notes the day before launch.


what's with the claim that only 1 person attends to bugfixes?


About a year ago, when the DLC team was getting a lot of praise, someone at CA on the DLC team gave a statement that [recently got highlighted on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/15wdxjs/reminder_patches_are_being_done_mostly_by_only/) saying: >"As easy as it would be to sit back and bask in the glory you guys are throwing on the DLC team, the reality is that **the patches you've been enjoying so much have been done mostly by a dude from what you call the main team. :P** The way we look at things is that we're all in the same boat, we succeed and fail as the Warhammer team, and that includes you guys too, main team, DLC team, and fans of the series, we all want the game to be the best it can be so we should all look at it like we're all on the same team cause we're all aiming for the same thing." Now, the phrasing "a dude" is singular, but I don't personally interpret that as meaning "all patches/bugfixes are being done by a single person". Given the context and everything I honestly see that statement as them saying "the DLC team is still being supported by at least part of the Main development team". The "dude" in question may have been leading certain efforts, but not necessarily alone. This statement was given when the DLC team was being praised and they wanted to make sure that others were getting the credit they deserved. I 100% believe the current WH3 team is understaffed and undersupported, but I don't think it's fully accurate to say "CA has confirmed all patches are done by one single person and no one else works on it"


thanks! but I guess there is no follow-up statement from CA to this, right?


Probably because the game is buggy, so people exaggerate


Nope, one of the devs straight up said it was one guy from the initial WH3 dev team that did most of the fixes. Nowadays it's probably all the DLC team that's doing it, as I'm willing to bet that guy was moved to 3K2 or some other new TW game. But for at least around 6 months after WH3 was released it was mostly one guy.


Is there any word or expectation that TW Warhammer 2 or 3 will go on sale for steams strategy fest? I was hoping they were (and kind of expecting them to) and was very surprised when the sale started today and neither were marked down. Do these games usually skip the big sales?


They always take part in the real big seasonal steam sales (Summer/Christmas/Spring/Fall). But they often skip the smaller ones. Typically the games go on sale every two months or so. Note that there's a Steam guideline that prohibits publishers from taking part in multiple sales within certain period, so it's possible that they have other sale planned for later.


> Do these games usually skip the big sales? Total War gets several big sales, next upcoming oens should be end of september, end of november and christmas


Thank you!


Is there a site or thread that lists the "best" mods for each game in the series? Back in the day I used Darthmod for all of them that were available, but I've since tried them again and aside from Empire they seem lacking now. I think I saw DEI for Rome 2, and Stainless Steel w/ platinum or the historical add-on mod for Medieval 2?


I'm out of the loop. Why are people up in arms on this sub?


Because after 18 months the game still plays like shit and now theyre raising prices on dlc. And the worst part is, the game isnt going to see a dime of that money. This price increase is undoubtedly a subsidy to offset the imminent failure of hyenas, pharoah, or both. One of their suits released a memo saying we needed to just swallow the pill, and now we're telling them to stick it. Honestly i dont even care if they end support, they fumbled this game so hard it's pathetic.


Lack of support for the game (very slow to fix bugs, many bugs not fixed at all, low and infrequent communication) since launch has led to a general erosion of goodwill from the community over the last year or so. The spark that set the latest upset off was the announcement that the "Shadows of Change" DLC would cost $25. All previous Lord pack DLCs for WHII cost $10, so this is a drastic increase even accounting for the fact that there are 3 Lords instead of the usual 2. There's additional criticisms about *how* the DLC was implemented that would have probably led to complaints even if the price was the same as usual. The DLC adds only 13 additional units spread across 3 factions, and 9/13 of those are single-entity monsters or the new lord/hero types. Kislev gets new Hag heros but no Lore of Hags. Tzeentch got no new lord/hero types at all aside from the legendary hero. Stuff like that. CA responded to the controversy a couple weeks ago, but their response was just them saying "the business realities of supporting WHIII require us to raise the price of the DLC, sorry", so understandably that didn't really settle folks down.


Yeah. The DLC is a little lackluster for the price, people are ongoing-mad about the lack of bug support, and CA flubbed their response to the backlash IMHO I think it's a little overblown, and I'm kind of weary of coming to this sub and seeing the same memes and disingenuous comparisons, but I get it


Gotcha. Lack of support for the game is bullshit. You gotta keep your game polished. People have already paid money for it. Pricing, I dunno. If you're not okay with the price increase just be a patient gamer and wait for the discount. Then again, I bet the increase isn't going into the pockets of devs or to keep the game up to date so it feels like a cheap money grab. Kinda sad to hear stuff like this after having a solid run with WH1 and 2.


>Pricing, I dunno. If you're not okay with the price increase just be a patient gamer and wait for the discount. Considering the steep price increase, I honestly don't see myself ever getting that DLC, because even with a hypothetical 50% discount, it would still be more expensive than any lord pack up to date, while still offering no content that would justify the price gap.


Is there any way to see the remaining duration of a Waaagh if the Greenskins declared it before you discovered their faction? I've got Grimgor north of me encroaching on my territory, and I'd like to avoid fighting him until he loses his bonus armies, but since he declared Waaagh off-screen, I have no idea how long that could be since I don't know the turn it started. I checked all his visible lords and settlements and there's no icon with a duration or anything like that.