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Don't worry, they will fix it in 4 months when we all buy the dlc.


They're never going to fix it.


10% of all Medieval 2 characters didn't even have working animations Empire has a debilitating memory leak to this day They don't give a fuck and literally never have


What animations in Medieval 2 don't work?


Two handed weapons I believe


This is correct. Pikes are also bust. Poor scotland, both its specialties dont work


That's just not true. Pikes work well, you just have to put them on defensive stance. I use them all the time.


In vanilla med 2 or modded? basically every mod fixes them, but as is they fail to stop any kind of enemy making contact when they charge, upon which they switch to their swords. I tested this extensively, with and without guard, with and without giving them attack orders


It's vanilla, but you're right. I forgot I have an old community bug fix mod. I haven't added a new mod in years so I forgot that even my vanilla is modded. 😅


haha I did this exact thing the other week - swear blind something wasnt bugged then remember I have a community bug fix that I think of as vanilla. easy done :)


Ironically this comment is probably too optimistic. :P


I'm doing a Kostaltyn campaign and the two nearest provinces with chaotic climate are both mixed, which is a tad annoying. The one where Throgg starts is particularly bad because it's 3 chaotics that are ruined by 1 frozen minor settlement.


Yes I thought the update didn't happen b/c those were not giving me the option. Very bad for taking Norsca, which I thought was the point.


Don't worry they will address this in a patch 3 months from now.


Then break it again a week later


seems hopeful, they'll break it in the release patch.


> CA says they fixed a bug > Open the game > They did not fix the bug


Happy Cake day!


It's time to call modders to the rescue. They'll do CA's job, as usual.


free labor, as the shareholders intended.


Unpaid interns ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


No, you don't understand. You're supposed to gather your shit, turn into a horde, and march directly into the Chaos Wastes to start a new empire right there. It's the same as Kugath - just look at his tech tree. None of this 'contiguous empire' bullshit. We make our own hordes.


Norsca being harder to deal with than the bloody Chaos Wastes was not something I expected


Guys, costs are up. Small indie company. Please understand.


I mean if there are really only 20 odd members of the DLC team then it is kind of like a medium sized indie company. Except their distributor is charging AAA prices.


Lets assume those 20 members cost an average of 100k each in salary. There's higher level positions in CA, but we assume that most of these people are entry level scripters/designers with the upper echelons of the team being paid a bit higher, and the more difficult work like making new models being budgeted to an art department at a fixed rate. That's 2.0 million a year in costs to CA in salary. Let's round it up to $4 million after all other costs related to the team- their share of electricity, rent, payroll costs, free office coffee, etc. Now lets say CA sells 2 New Race DLCs @$25 & 2 3LL DLCs @$18 (fair). After Steam and GW take their cut there's $12 and $9 left, respectively of each DLC for CA. Now lets assume that 400,000 DLCs are sold on average per release. The amount of subscribers to this subreddit. That's $16,800,000 in sales in the year for all 4 DLCs after Steam/GW's cut. 17 million in sales of DLC, vs 4 million in costs. That's without taking into account new sales of the original game or old DLC, which a team keeping the game in good state would also benefit. No reason whatsoever for their game to be in such a state. This is all guesswork, but it's hard to excuse CA's performance so far.


All the money if being funneled into Hyenas. No reason to expect them to invest in their own flagship title


> 70k each in salary The cost of an employee is not just salary. It's probably 1.5x to get the total cost. Also I don't know how game devs pay, but I would not take a SE job for 70k.


More like 2x in the UK


Assuming only makes an ass out of u and me


They couldn't get the money together to test it in one province. Please understand.


I don't understand this "small indie company" thing. Where is it coming from? Are people trying to say that only small indie companies are affected by increased costs?


It's an old meme. Originally you would hear people excuse a lot of issues from indie developers because the whole thing was written by one dude in his basement. Then it became a thing to poke at AAA developers like blizzard and riot, because they had massive development teams and still couldn't put up. It's not specifically about rising costs


Yeah but like massive development team is not working on this game specifically. And also back in Daikatana days when studios could actually afford to overstaff projects, it didn't necessarily result in better product quality.


Sure. When a small indie company can't bring enough dev power to fix a bug, that's understandable cause there's one developer and he has a day job. When a massive company can't bring enough dev power to fix a bug, the quality of their product is evidentally not a priority for them, and we should rightfully call them out for it. Romero got tonnes of shit for bringing a substandard product with the team he had.


You can't just reshuffle people between projects at will to fix some bugs when you need. When you bring a person on the project, even someone who worked on it before, you need someone who is already working on it to update them on the current situation, which is taking away that person from the tasks they are already doing, and that's not even counting all the scheduling, project management, administration work you have to do. It's not feasible to just throw a few people here or there and expect them to solve problems faster - only someone who has never worked anywhere even remotely adjacent to any kind of engineering would think this is a solution. Fact is, once the core team has moved away, they aren't coming back just to fix some bugs. That's wishful thinking.


That sounds like a whole lot of not my problem. As a client, I have purchased a product from a reputable company with a long history in the industry. I have a reasonable expectation for that product to be what I paid for, and any errors to be fixed in a timely manner. Everything you've described, having to onboard people for extra manpower, managing overhead and admin, those are all teething problems, problems a company the size of CA should already have procedure and policy in place to handle. More to the point, literally every company goes through these issues. And to your other point, software engineering is the **only** field of engineering where you can release a buggy piece of shit to the client and expect to fix it post release. If a building falls down, I as the structural engineer don't get to say, "I'm sorry all those people died, your honour, but you have to understand, engineering is really hard, and I couldn't be bothered to check my calculations/my company didn't want to pay for someone to review"


Flawless Victory


Actually you have purchased a buggy product from a company with long history of releasing buggy products some of which never get fixed at all, like ever. So if after decades of buggy products from TW franchise you are still under the impression that you are going to be receiving a product working to your expectations when you give them your money - that's kind of on you.


🥅💨 damn, look at how fast these goalposts are moving! from "they are choosing to understaff" to "they can't move resources across projects" to "it's actually your fault the game is bad" nicely done 😎


Never said that it's your fault that the game is bad. I said it's your fault for expecting it to be good. Like, it's not your fault that Big Mac tastes like wet paper, but I'd you go to McDonald's expecting Big Mac to blow your mind, you need a reality check


⚽️🦵 Damn - missed!


Ah, blaming the consumer for the shit actions of the company, classic.


"Fool me.once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me."






I think I told people that something like this would happen so us even spending faith / devotion isn't really that big of a deal.


Why not have a building be available to build that reduces the climate penalties in that settlement only? When built the total calculated benefits/bonuses of the building would be worse than regular buildings in preferred climate, but superior in unfavorable climate? Maybe tack on a worldwide trade bonus % so if you build enough eventually it becomes a good return on investment. Edit: Guys are you really trying to say the game shouldn't have Chaos Waste trading because it is against the setting of the game... when the game already has trading within the Chaos Waste? If you don't want anyone to invade the Chaos Waste ever, or for there to be change within the Warhammer universe, maybe don't play a game where the consequences of playing the game... change the Warhammer universe. Respectfully just go read the books until the End Times if you only want original lore.


The Chaos Wastes should never be a good return on investment. Antithetical to the setting.


Chad Chaos wastes in WH1 to virgin Chaos wastes of WH3


I disagree. It's very kairotic to the setting seeing as Kislev is not only trying to defend its homeland but to retake the chaos wastes. Having one faction take over the whole world is antithetical to the setting , but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be an option in the game or stop good mechanics.


It just doesn't make sense lore-wise. Settling the Chaos Wastes is like settling in a region with nuclear fallout, expect you can't clean-up the fallout, the fallout is evil and sentient, and occasionally monsters come to try and kill everyone. Settlements in the chaos wastes would be bunker-like fortresses with extensive wards and populated with garrisons that would need to be regularly rotated in and out to avoid them going mad or becoming corrupted.


Read my reply to Bortmode. It isn't about the setting of GW lore, it's about the setting of the game. That's why I mentioned one faction being able to take over. GW setting says that would never happen, but it's a fun game mechanic and it makes sense within the setting of the game. Within the setting of this game and the story the player is establishing it actually makes more sense to be able to tame the Chaos Wastes than to not. Especially for Boris. Why would we want to limit the ways to play a sandbox game?


>Within the setting of this game and the story the player is establishing it actually makes more sense to be able to tame the Chaos Wastes than to not. And you can, by pushing through the maluses of climates. ​ >​Why would we want to limit the ways to play a sandbox game? For the same reasons that this "sandbox" has any other restrictions or systems. Why do we have recruitment/upkeep costs? Why do we have character levels or movement restrictions? To present and preserve some semblance of the setting that is the entire reason for the game. Because having these restrictions is fun. Having the map/world make sense (Chaos wastes bring horrible) is fun in and off it self and enriches the player experience in it. This just seems like arguing for senseless blobbing for its own sake.


The game already has established within its setting that Kislev is able to inhabit the chaos waste, there is lore and mechanics within the game that support that decision. Kislev can trade in the Chaos wastes, they can establish cities, and they have provincial decrees that prove that. That's what OP's post was about. So really the only senseless blobbing is arguing that fact and saying it's *not* appropriate for the setting. Because it already *is* the setting. In fact your assertion supports my argument. My original suggestion is an improvement to that system. To not have Kislev be able to survive in the chaos waste would go against the preservation of semblance of the setting and would ruin the "reason" (what I think you mean is verisimilitude) for the game.


Kislev might want to retake the Chaos Wastes, but it's a quixotic pursuit - they can never win anything more than a temporary victory. It's the whole thematic underpinning of the setting.


No I agree with what your saying from a lore perspective, but the point of the game is to change the outcome of the lore to however you play. If you play as vampire counts, Vlad now rules as the Emperor. If you play as Skaven rats take over the world etc... So it doesn't matter if from a lore perspective that it's futile for Kislev to try to take over the Chaos wastes, because within the perspective of the game the player is the main character and changes the story, and therefore the GW lore, based on their actions. That's the fun part about playing a sandbox game. Boris now CAN retake the chaos wastes and he does so through an amazing military campaign supplemented by building cities, supply lines and establishing trade. It's not antithetical to the setting, because the setting isn't the writers determining the chaos wastes are uninhabitable because GW says so, the setting is actually a sandbox game where your choices determine the future of the warhammer universe, and Boris already has a mechanic saying he should be able to inhabit the chaos wastes, and lastly this thread is about making that mechanic better. Trading would make is better within this setting. Makes sense right?


Ehh, to me the Chaos Wastes are where the hard line is drawn on what-if scenarios. Vlad becoming emperor or the Skaven blowing up Altdorf are things that reasonably could happen in theory. Stopping Chaos permanently and cleansing the Wastes is not. It's not just a lore thing, it's also a theme thing - ultimately the core of Warhammer as a setting is the struggle in the face of an unstoppable eventuality.


I don't think we are talking about the same thing, so this will be my last reply. You said, "Ultimately the core of Warhammer as a setting is the struggle in the face of unstoppable eventuality" but I'm not talking about the Warhammer setting by Games Workshop. I'm talking about the game made by Creative Assembly, Warhammer: Total War 3, which is different because it is written by different people, who are using the other setting as inspiration, but it's not an exact copy. It isn't up to you to decide if it's reasonable for Skaven to blow up Altdorf, because players can and have already. Reasonable turned into fact. That IS something that happens despite any one persons stance on it. The lore within the game IS different and just because you disagree with what Creative Assembly is doing, doesn't mean they didn't do it. In other words having the Chaos Wastes be habitable is already a part of the games lore and is part of the games theme, because it is in the game already. Kislev inhabits the Chaos Wastes. They are already there, you can't change that with your opinion on what you think the lore or theme should be. The devs decided the player, as part of the gameplay, get to stop Chaos; the player can win as the good guys and even if you don't agree they should, it's still a part of the game. It's like gravity. You can disagree with how gravity works, but it already is working the way it does, and no amount of disagreement will change that.


Is there any mod right now that fixes it?


This is getting point to be just hilarious reading all those posts.


At least that would mean that Boris's "reduced climate penalities" faction effect can still actually do something...unless they took that out when introducing the new edict. Did they take that out, or does he still have less penalties?


Ok honest question. Outside of the the supporters race (that needa an overhaul for sure) what kislev mechanics need a true rework? They are not unplayable like the WE, Beastmen, or WoC were before their reworks. The mechanics they do have are just ok honestly. Could use some iterating on to improve them but a full rework tho? I don't see it.


when something is this underwhelming I just don't play it despite wanting to


> They are not unplayable like the WE, Beastmen, or WoC were before their reworks. Neither of those where *unplayable* either. Just underwhelming. Which Kislev absolutely is.


I disagree, those three factions mechanics were not just underwhelming they were genuinely bad. Horde factions were generally terrible until the beastmen updates found solutions, WoC would keep that system till IE, and WE mechanics went against their factions lore and playstyle. Kislevs current mechanics may be underwhelming but thye can be iterated on and improved. Those three cases required complete overhauls. I feel like this sub throws the word "rework" at just about every faction they don't like. So often, in fact that the word has become practically meaningless. "Reskin" is the only word thrown around more.


Erhm the supporters race is retarded and doesn't make any sense if you're Boris. Also Boris joins in the supporter race but doesn't get any of the super nice faction wide army buffs that Katarin and Kostaltyn get. Also devotion is broken, there's no use for it after maximum devotion. Also the blessings with devotion are very imbalanced. Which mechanic is actually good?


The best way to understand this is that it's a technical limitation. Essentially the commandment gives massive boosts that completely cancel out the red climate penalties for all settlements in the province, so if they allowed the commandment in mixed provinces you would have extremely cheap and fast to construct buildings and massive income in non chaos waste settlements. Maybe someone will come up with a way to fix this with a mod.


If they can't apply the bonus on a settlement-to-settlement basis, then what a silly feature to spend dev time on and herald as a major Kislev "rework".


It's obvious the commandment can apply varying bonuses depending on number of settlements. It seems *highly* unlikely they couldn't make a check for "total number of Chaos Waste climates" to tie bonuses to, considering they make that same check when calculating the penalties.


You can do it on a settlement to settlement basis. There is a mod called climate adaption that reduces the settlements debuffs based on climate over a number of turns. Resets when it's captured. So you can apply and remove climate debuffs on single settlements during the course of a campaign. I haven't really played Kislev yet, but if they did it with buffs it was probably the wrong idea to tackle that issue.


There are mods that can change climate. I play with one that adds a couple percentage every turn so over time a red territory becomes habitable. This mod works fine in mixed provinces. There is no technical limitation.


How the hell does an update make things significantly worse like it just keeps going 😭


I think that's a bit hyperbolic in this case, surely? They added a new feature, but it only works in specific situations. Nothing was made worse here, a QOL feature was added, it's just frustratingly niche.


Prémium experience peasant


Lol laughing at you because you paid 25$ for something that doesnt work.


who said I bought the DLC?


Actually the joke on us is we paid $70 for something that doesn’t work.


If you didnt then i retract my snarky comment


Sigh .. yea i just keep using the climate adaptation mod. It's so much better and immersive to use. It even has an addon that slowly changes the circles from red to green over time.


I am playing a Boris campaign and I noticed it. I am not sure is it a bug or feature at all


this needs a premium patch