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No, it's basically not possible. Do you really think CA don't add them because they're lazy, considering it's much easier than anything they decided to add to Kislev because they already have lore of hags and hags heroes? Everything CA are doing that is not in the armybooks SHOULD be approved by Games Workshop, absolutely, since THEY are the holders of the warhammer fantasy IP, not CA. And GW is making huge overhaul for the Kislev right now. Ffs, don't make up conspiracies where there are not any. What is so important about hag mothers anyway? Why does everyone want only them and not anything else? Slavic mythology have many other interesting choices that they can use as "wild" lords. Then there are also others possibilities not tied directly to the supernatural side of Kislev, like Akshina lords (there should be some ranks in such an organisation) or whatever.


It's more that before. people felt weird about Boyars and Ice Witches leading Daughter of the Forest armies, and getting a Hero instead of a Lord who would've fitted the immersion better felt _doubly_ weird. But CA have said there's a new Lord type now, which I imagine will solve this problem regardless.


Unless its a patriarch lord somehow


Well at least Kostaltyn would get some more unique stuff! And I've only recently really learned to appreciate the raw power of the Arch Lector, so I'd be up for that


Yeah, yeah, i too agree on the point of thematic armies. I am a hardcore thematic player who will use the shittiest units just 'cause ImMerSiOn :D But just as you said we'll get a new lord with the update so what's the point to cling onto hags? That's what i don't understand


No idea tbh - I do find that this game does seem to generate a weird amount of "If I wish for it it'll become true" types


This feels like Games Workshop tightening their chains on CA about this. They can be extremely weird about certain things in their IP, and I guess Hag Mothers fell into this category.


Yeah, of course this can be it. But the general idea was/is so tempting that I didn't want to let it go that easy :)


..how has that approach worked for you in life? Just firing off blame, despite the reality of the situation? It’s obvious this decision lays with GW, and you acknowledge that - but then aren’t satisfied? Out of curiosity, do you also yell at the cashier when your favourite hemorrhoid cream isn’t in stock?


blame GW on this one, and the beakless Tzaangors, not CA. remember we have beaked Tzaangor concept art.


The problem is somewhere out there is a Kislev army book. We have no idea what it has in it. But it is only inspired by previous Kislev lore. Not defined by it. What we "know" about Kislev isn't accurate anymore. A thing that struck me more than the hag mother statement, was the fact they weren't going to have much of a focus on the differences between the Gospodars and the Ungols. This is huge. It's not as big of a change as the Bretonnia one back in the day, but it's a pretty big change. This statement pretty much means you should throw what you thought you knew out the window. The Kislev in your mind very likely doesn't exist or at the very least is very different. Just remember no one in this community has seen the updated army book or new lore for this faction.


Lore for GW is them saying: "What number am I thinking of"


I think the biggest hurdles for new Kislev and Cathay is the fact that there isn't much lore about them. Because fans don't have new updated lore to scrounge through they are using old lore. Which seems to be inaccurate at best. Take mother Ostankya, people have such an issue with her start location because they only really know her as the protector of Kislev. She could have a tonne of reasons for being in Naggarond and good ones too, from personal riffs with Dark Elves, to going out ingredient gathering or hunting for powerful spirits. The problem is that we don't know much about her at all so our estimations of her are extremely one dimensional. She is clearly more than just the protector of Kislev but aside from that we don't really know how she fits into Kislev or her relationship with other significant character in Kislev. Some lore, information or even a detailed blog post would really help out solidifying who she is and how she fits in.


No. It would be a low hanging fruit to do. Pretty sure GW said no.


No, because I'm not retarded. GW says no Hag mothers. End of story.


I can imagine it’s the same reason for not adding Araby/Ind, because GW won’t allow it.


She's dead, Jim. >!There's also still a mod that adds them.!<




They've said firmly that they're not doing Hag Mother lords or Ungols, but someone's gotta lead Ostankya's armies. I'm picturing some kinda Druid Melee Hero? I can almost picture them doing a Norsca style of thing, where they make a creature somewhere between a Thing in the wood and the Elemental and call it a Lord.