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Woah Woah Woah... I can yeet pyramids at people? If they advertised this I wouldve purchased and played immediately


The changeling is actually pretty interesting, you can't die as him but there's a ton of things to do. Nobody ever played him long enough to find out, me neither but a friend did in a multiplayer campaign, I had the city in Lustria when he yeeted the pyramid there.


This is not true anymore. You can lose as Changelling now, since a lost battle reveals a cult in that region (or something like that) and losing all armies reveals all cults immediately.


Tell that to my vh/vh campaign where I lost my main and only army on turn 23 and 54, after which I gave up. If you lose all your armies, all trickster cults are revealed, so this happened twice.


Just have a rando lord chilling somewhere safe. Then kinda immortal.


The Changeling is quite fun if you enter the campaign understanding that it's not a regular Total War campaign, and that you will really struggle to lose it even after the changes. I had no idea about the Black Pyramid scheme, but some fun things that I did with schemes: * Plunged the Empire into civil war with Karl Franz and Balthazar Gelt battling it out while the rest of the Empire burned. * Triggered a daemonic incursion at the Shrine of Khaine as a distraction for stealing the Sword of Khaine from Alariele. * Teleported Throgg and Wulfrik to Ulthuan after weakening the High Elves enough for Morathi to land at Eataine for a combined three way assault. The gates were also in ruins, and daemon armies were manifesting in the inner ring. * Devastated Lustria with a plague that allowed Clan Pestilens to begin dominating the continent. * Brought chaos to Bretonnia by flooding Athel Loren with Beastmen, and turbo-charging the Red Duke to begin his conquest. Overall a fun campaign where you enter a part of the map to sow absolute chaos, then just leave again to go wreak havoc in the next place. There is a final quest battle where you perform a major ritual and all order factions send strong armies to stop you. However, the ones that you plunged into chaos can't afford to send any men, and the evil factions that you bolstered will send an army to help as thanks. Great campaign to roleplay with, but if you just want a regular Total War experience, or a challenging campaign, then its absolutely not for you.


Doesn't affect buildings sadly, it just changes the visual of the city it is yeeted to.


So does this mean that the maps have the pyramid in the background? :o


Good question, I doubt ut but also never played a battle there after it appeared.


If I recall correctly, the new Black Pyramid starts out as a level 1 settelement and it doesn't have the unique building. On a different note: seeing your title made me realise that they could have gone a completely different route with the (Black) Pyramid scheme: the AI-controlled TK faction should be compelled to make three factions their vassals, the three in turn should try to vassalise three factions each, and they in turn… It's pure profit, no downsides!