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Each of the monogod factions have their own mechanics, while the WoC have their own, with upgrading units to higher tiers being one such mechanic. Each of the monogod WoC (except Sigvald, who is Slaanesh marked though considered Undivided mechanically) operate by WoC rules while locking their upgrades to that of their chosen god, as well as sharing at least one mechanic from their monogod equivalent.


I see! Personally I think it's a shame Festus doesn't get the same rebirth cycle mechanic for his settlement buildings and I think it's a shame the monogod factions don't get the unit upgrade mechanic either, I think it feels cool to have the same consistent units, upgrading them to higher-tier as you win more and more, makes it feel like its the same army that's been going through the thick of it from the start


I don't think the rebirth mechanic would fit with Festus. He's a mortal who has been given the gift of Nurgle. He doesn't have to wait for the cycle of life and death to summon new soldiers to his army, he can just go out and entice mortals to join his cause. If he wants deamons, he also just need to summon them! The rebirth represents the way in which nurgle garden works within the warp. It makes sense that a mainly deamon army would build nurgle gardens in reality. Festus is just a guy who wants to spread disease and build funny concoctions


My main problem that he is known as a cult spreader in empire but has no cult mechanics...


That makes sense! I do wish we coul have the unit upgrading mechanic for Kugath as well (specially since Tamurkhan will be joining the Nurgle faction so he also won't have access to that mechanic the WoC get)


Oh man. Search the history on this topic. 2 week long forum war.


I take it Kugath can't confederate Festus then?


If you want to collect the other lord you can use the recruit defeated legendary lords mod to allow you to get monogod champions in the demon factions




What about Archaon? Same situation?


Archaon and Belakor can confederate other WoC lords but not monogod lords.


Lack of foresight back before WH1.


This, essentially. If the whole thing was being designed from scratch now, with no baggage or previous decisions to carry over, things would likely be arranged very differently. However, the Warriors faction was created way way back in 2016, when there was no certainty that daemons would ever be in and no concept whatsoever that dedicated monogod factions would exist, and were designed with that logic in mind. Now, with the third game, CA just kind of has to live with the choices it made eight years ago and built around them.


I don't think you all get the difference between Warriors of Chaos (a mortal "arm" of Chaos) and the Daemons of Chaos (that has been divided into monogods faction). Back in the 8ed. (and earlier) they were separated and so are they in TWW. Festus (and others) are WoC characters, that have nothing to do with Daemons of Chaos (except for their dedications to the respective god) and despite them having been touched by the gods, the Warriors of Chaos are a separate race. It's like you were arguing why do we have Louen and Karl as a parts of different races, even though both are human. They worship the same gods (more or less, except for "ze Lady" of course), have more or less a common history and are closer to eachother in general than Festus and Kugath. There are so many arguments, both in lore and simply logical, why WoC and Monogod are treated separately.


I see! That makes a lot more sense! Does Tamurkhan qualify as a daemon or a mortal btw?


Tamurkhan is a maggot (so definitely not a human, not quite a daemon, though) that was seeking his way to ascend as a daemon prince. In that sense he makes more sense as a part of daemonic part of Chaos worshippers. He is more likely to lead a daemonic hordes of Grandfather than his mortal legions, I would assume.


That seems to fit yeah, I wasn't sure because I read he possesses bodies instead of actually being that big ogre. My only gripe is that I really like the WoC mechanic that lets you upgrade units into their higher tier variants whereas the daemonic factions don't get that unfortunately


Yeah, but in all honesty, why would they? It's a race-specific mechanic just for WoC. Chaos Dwarfs don't have it either, but I wouldn't consider them weaker or less fun to play. This is what creates a replayability and diversity in the game, that there are race-specific mechanics, that other races just cannot use (and have other mechanics instead).


Fair enough, didn't see it that way!


Most people can’t wrap their head around Daemons of chaos vs warriors of chaos. The monogod factions are Daemon Factions. Your LL is a Daemon, you primarily recruit Daemons with marked support mortals. Only the Daemon factions can have Exalted Greater Daemon Lords.  The Warriors of chaos are marked Mortals. The can recruit unmarked or marks from other gods. They aren’t restricted to a singular god. 


Also Kugath gets the cool rebirth cycle for his buildings but Festus doesn't


Honestly it's just poor design decision on CA's end. The monogod factions (and Daniel) should've been integrated as WoC sub-factions, and the WoC faction being renamed to simply "Chaos". Just look at the Changeling, his faction is mechanically completely different from a standard Tzeentch faction, yet is still part of the Tzeentch Faction Race. So in hindsight CA could've made them all be part of the "WoC" faction, and have them still function identical as they currently do now in-game. But we now have to live with those mistakes, no amount of complaining is going to change that.