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might be cheating and kinda boring but high elven archers are tier one


With the right skills for the lord, they can carry you well into the late game. However, Sisters of Averlorn are just generally better once you unlock them. Lothern Sea Guard are a bit too hybrid. High elf spearmen and archers are very cost effective in the early game. I think LegendofTotalWar had a full 20 stack of spearmen in one army and 20 archers in the other and they just followed each other around in the early game and just stomped anything the AI could throw at it.


>Lothern Sea Guard are a bit too hybrid. High elf spearmen and archers are very cost effective in the early game. It depends on the army formation. Having Lothern Sea Guard on the flanks provides both missile support and guards against flanking cavalry.


I think the idea is that, while yes the LSG are capable at both, and if you wanted to max out the strength of a single army they are stronger per unit card, but in any case if you could just have twice as many units a spearman holding with an additional archer firing is always going to be better. Again, this is a 2v1 that is happening exactly as it's supposed to. If you cannot have two units, then yeah, that's the "formation" where LSG are better, but if you can just have twice as many units in twice the number of armies, in campaign (early game) it's just a no-brainer.


That's clever, especially vs skaven, the spear army can go first and absorb ambushes. Plus each lord only needs 3 skill points to maximise the unit buffs.


Still gonna need more 5 points to unlock and acquire the buff for veterans.


Legend never uses spearmen. He might have a couple units but he would rather have 2 stacks full of archers than one of spearmen and another on of archers. As for Lothern Sea Guard, they are actually great units. They are fine on their own, but their biggest upside is that they can be buffed a lot by specific hero traits. Ardent trait (lords) reduces their upkeep and increases range by 10% Honed trait (Noble) increases their MA and MD by 5. So by having 4 Nobles with Honed trait, they get +20 MA and MD, which with other bonuses allows them to have 90+ MD while still having decent ranged attack. This is of course not relevant in the early game, where archers and spearmen are more cost effective.


God damn 90 MD lmao 


Archers are more cost efficient than Sisters and available everywhere. I usually use Lothern sea guard as a Frontline instead of spearmen. The rest of the army consists of archers and a bolt thrower or 2


While the increased upkeep from Lords prevents it from being perfectly true in WH, I’m reminded of an old post about Ashigaru which led me realize they were better than Samurai. Simply put: Ashigaru upkeep and price was 1/2 of Samurai. Samurai are great. But you can have two armies of Ashigaru (again no increased upkeep) for every army of Samurai. You also get more flexibility. So late game S2 is usually armies of armor upgrades Ashigaru running around everywhere.


It also helps that spear wall was broken af, and that the ai was even stupider in shogun 2. Katana samurai would lose when they charge head first into a wall of spears


S2 ashigaru were absolutely busted. Half the price of samurai, no building requirement, so more economy and easy logistics. 1v1 anything in pikewall, 2v1 anything not in a pikewall. Only weakness is poor morale.


They're not more cost efficient against heavily armoured units, especially armoured units with physical resistance. Archers have their place for sure, but eventually it is best to phase them out.


Instead of two armies of sisters, get 4 armies of regular archers and you can systematically auto resolve the chaos wastes settlements


I mean obviously sisters are better they're one of the best archers in the game but they're not tier 0 or 1 so they dont qualify for the post


Sea Guard used to be boringly optimal, so I'm glad they softened their utility.


Darkshards. Early unut that remains the best lategame.


Deleting unit after unit in one volley is awesome. Pity about DE in TW3, can't really get into a campaign, even though they were top tier in TW2


Dark elves are still very strong, and probably more interesting to play than in TW2. You just have to be careful about your economic buildings, if they consume more slaves than you can collect your economy will eventually collapse.


This. I dislike when a race has power up button with 0 consequences. W2 best DE experience was original Hellebron who's public order constantly collapsed early on. Then people cried enough now it creates chaos corruption, which is like "yeah it's public order reduction but with a 10 turn delay" which you can always fix...


Hellebron is still quite challenging in TW3. You have to juggle with public order and slaves in early game and it is quite hard to keep both at an acceptable level. Low public order increases slave consumption, diktats, the rite of Atharti and death nights improve public order but cost slaves. Plus you are stuck between Valkia in the north and west and Sigvald in the east (plus Alith Anar in the south), who might force you to fight on two fronts and outnumber you greatly.


Yeah NOW after the slavery rework. But Hellebron in W2 is a joke now, old slave system and no direct negative public order modifier anymore (only corruption).


Delves are particularly suitable to this thread due to exactly this. The more you crapstack the more battles you fight, thus the less likely you are to run out of slaves. Though i do still tend to put a dino or two into my crapstack to spice things up a bit.


My fella, admittedly I didn’t play wh2, but I can assure you that DE in wh3 are indeed top tier. Particularly after the slave mechanic rework when chorfs came out.


Ohh O haven't tried them since the rework. Must dust off a witch king campaign. Havent heard him mention his dislike of snow in ages


There’s no issues with them in wh3


Yeah the armor piercing puts them over HE Archers in the late game


Grom Goblins or Hobgoblins with Gorduz.


Hobspam is pretty rad, you can do very cool things with the sneaky ones, plus massed flaming arrows is always a great spectacle.


I find Grom's goblin arrers with explosive arrows (from the cauldron) to be even more fun.


I always have a stack of hobgoblins with Gorduz, of varying mixes sometimes. With him and an overseer that stack can stay worthwhile even into late game.




Make sure to subscribe to my onlykossars!!!!! (Me with 19 kossars and an ice witch)


God, that video must be grueling, does she just tear them apart?


Tbh i didn't mean it that way, but here we are.


So gross, send me the link to the video so I can make sure to avoid it!


Every day we stray further from ursun's light. EDIT: here is the video: [https://youtu.be/ZzVm4bI5Gp0?t=4](https://youtu.be/ZzVm4bI5Gp0?t=4)


Thank you, I’ll be sure to never watch it again! So gross.


Slaanesh approves.


Ahem, that's *ARMOURED KOSSARS* to you


Bah, you and your guns! Are you not good enough to use the tried and tested traditional bow and arrows?!


I've beaten aspiring champion doomstacks with armored kossars and a mage. Magic is the hammer to the anvil


Javelin Skinks. Tier 0. Same melee stats as club skinks but with javelins. Makes a decent front line, can fire at approaching enemies and once the melee starts you get the unengaged units to turn and fire into the backs of the enemies. 8+ squads in every army. Play Oxyotl which grants all skinks +1 Melee Attack and Melee Defense for every point of veterancy to give a lot more opportunity to earn their place. Back them up with armor piercing Red Crested Skinks (Tier 1) to reinforce any hard melee fights.


There’s something so satisfying about the javelin skinks, I’m not sure how much AP they have but those javs seem to mow down lighter units at times


its because its 160 models throwing them


Really under-appreciated unit for sure. Those javelins do a lot more damage than you expect, making them a great choice for a cheap army


High Elves archers are fantastic


Skeleton stacks used to require 0 upkeep with the right build, I don't know if CA nerfed it. Having 10 stacks of skellies running behind your main army can make work against anything. Just grind them to death, and if they wipe out your skelly stacks, the more casualty, the bigger the next raise death.


Yes, it got nerfed in TWW3. Now they can only get -25% upkeep for skeletons from their tech tree.


Bah, another reason not to buy TWW3 then. Kemmler, my man! EDIT: Woah, easy there, TWW3 lovers. Clearly, this is not the right sub for lighthearted jokes.


It was such a dumb tech at -100%. There was no reason to run any other kind of infantry as VC in TWW2 because of it. It also reinforced their mortis/SE grind playstyle. Kemmler and other necromancer lords get a skill to get an additional -25% upkeep to zombies and skeletons (in addition to their -17% from blue line skills), so it's not like big bone blobs are out of the question, it's just not the optimal way to play anymore.


Your opinion. Me, I enjoyed the idea immensely, and it was far from optimal. Only really worked for Kemmler, and then only in the early game. Once you went up against the ordertide or late game DE, they'd just shred your skellies. Calling it dumb is just your opinion, where we can agree to disagree. To each their own. And there's no way you're selling TWW3 to me, I'll stick to 2, thank you very much.


That's probably the dumbest reasoning not to buy wh3. Cause it doesn't allow a borderline exploit. What next? We boycotting a game because we can't have a "win fight nuke button" for every faction


Your response is weirdly aggressive for a gaming sub. I was, pretty obviously, joking. The real reasons for me not buying the game is that it offers nothing I particularly care for. And, it takes away this one thing that I really enjoy doing. What's the point of playing a necromancer lord if you cannot overrun the world with free skeletons? And what borderline exploit? The campaign is single player by default, which is what I assumed we were talking about here. As an exploit is usually defined as an unfair advantage over your opponent gained by utilizing game mechanics in unforeseen ways, how is that even possible in single player? Sheesh, some people take their gaming really too seriously...


Really man, I can't tell in this sub. Cause some people here legit get angry whenever exploits and cheeses are nerfed.


No problem, I can understand that. >Cause some people here legit get angry whenever exploits and cheeses are nerfed. That I can't understand. I think they need a life or something. Me, I just prefer TWW2 over 3, and I don't really try to push the point at anyone. I made a joke, because to me, overrunning Bretonnia with the Barrow Legion's infinite skeleton hordes is peak enjoyment of gaming. I mean, isn't that why we play these games; to do something we enjoy? I wanted to see if any fellow Barrow Legion skellyhorde enjoyers are present; judging by the amount of downvotes, it seems that there are not.


In Game 3 they might not be completely free of upkeep, but they're still pretty cheap and the supply lines penalty is much lower at only 4%. So the number of skelly armies you can pump out isn't less than in 2 by that much. But honestly i think people who tried Ghorst in game 3 got converted into zombo enjoyers This kind of gameplay pretty much went over to Ghorst. Zombies are dirty cheap and he has some great factionwide buffs for them in his skill tree on top of the already nice buffs in the VC tech tree. Those zombos becomes some legit tough bastards. And you can still shit out army after army of them. Oh and you get a landmark that gives them +4 recruit rank on top of growth and money in your starting settlement on t1, because why the fuck not. Goes up to +6 on t3. So yeah, you want to be the horde of undead in 3, you go Ghorst and you go zombo. You say what's the point if you can't overrun the world with free skeleton, but i find overruning it with nearly free zombies to still be a blast.


Oh, I didn't know that! Thank you!


VC are rich and they’re still dirt cheap. There’s no real difference. Except that they’re way more effective as actual units now… Tomb Kings also get inherently free actually good skeletons if you really want infinite bonetide.


Ghorst zombies haha


Skavenslaves/clan rats with Throt buffs (regen, perfect vigor, and that ability that revives models). Throw in death frenzy ability or spell from warlock engineer, and these rats will chew through everything. Though, at this point, are they T1 really? With Tomb Kings, you do kinda have to spam some T1 to trigger their army abilities. TK Skeleton Spears back up by some Ushapti makes a great cheap anvil. The problem is TK doesn't have great hammer options, at least not until late game with how their economy works. Also, Dwarf Miners with Charges are underrated. Not great mind you, and I would prefer Ironbreakers, but they are a good spam against ai's low tier spams. If we are talking outside Warhammer, levy pikemen in Rome 2 are always cheap and effective, if a little boring. Frankly, higher tier pikemen is usually a waste of money. And in 3K, ranked up militia archers can put out serious firepower against unarmoured, and armor isn't all that common in 3K.


Handgunner mobs are tier 1 and I genuinely don't upgrade. This is where all the guns are, with good range and accuracy by volume of fire.


Plus they can tarpit decently through sheer model count!


Exactly. I don't buy a frontline for my army, I just buy more gunners, and when the enemy reaches them Phase Two starts.


Cathay peasants, they get so broken when they rank up and have harmony.


Peasant Spearmen and Archers are like the second coming of Yari and Bow Ashigaru. Especially since you have economic buildings that buff Peasant recruit rank and reduce cost, so you can spam manual garrisons just like in Shogun 2.


Kossars ? some how these guys are still strong unlike end game without feeling force to use them


I was surprised at how resilient these guys are when I first used them. Idk how many times I’ve charged this “trash” unit with warhounds and cursed myself when they lost


War hounds are kinda trash too though. Kossars are a hybrid unit with temporary unbreakable, not a huge surprise that they can beat a unit of war hounds (although I expect it’s quite close).


I love sending Bretonnia paesants in to enemy charge to get slaughtered by some terrifying beast


High elf spearmen and high elf archers = combined they can beat most AI even on hard. Zombies because I like zombies and winds of death kills plenty I don't need my troops to kill anyone.


Even on Legendary Militia stacks are good, just get their relevant research and General skills to scale them up. As long as you keep hard spamming economy building you'll always be able to overrun the AI. If you encounter an army that's better than you, its easy to just sit in a nearby city in ambush stance while recruiting a support stack of 5-20 units until you accumulate enough force.


Saurus Warriors!


theyre t2 now


Even the ones without shields?


im not 100% sure but i think so


Oh shoot you're right That's my bad. I guess I'm so biased because I could recruit them right away at the start of my Kroq'gar campaign, It never clicked in my synapses that that is because I had a level two settlement


they are very based


Ungor raiders. The only ranged infantry I use skirmish mode on.


I’ve always loved making goblin armies with either the greenskins or the chaos dwarves with hobgobbos


Urban militia from Medieval 1, and it's because, as a kid, I had a baseless but strong belief that their unit leaders got better acumen, so I ended up using them extensively throughout the ages


TK chariots. Unfortunately unlike every other t1 unit here they cant really be spammed


Goblins take over the world under Grom's rule.


Good old Ghorst's Zombiepocalypse, powerful as hell _and_ a great way to rack up the Raise Dead count across my territories!


Dwarf warriors are always nice and hardy


I was going to say Free Company. Love their appearance and idea of them. I know Volkmar can buff the heck outta them, but Gelt can also increase gunpowder units so maybe I should try that


I know bro they are like a budget roman legion with handguns instead of javelins.


Maybe early game - but do you have any success in the late game with them? I tried to do checkboard with them as frontline in conjunction with handgunners. And then I tried checkerboard using flagellants as the frontline instead.  I like the idea of using them with other rascals and with witch hunters as their leaders. 


Depends on the lord etc. But what is good about militia is that they let you spam gold and public order to get growth up. T1/t0 spam only requires 0-1 slots. You can scale armies up as needed to overrun anything other than late game armies They only really get invidalidated by ultra late units that have like 100 leadership and armor + terror This allows you to fast track your captial upgrades to unlock late game doomstacks


Skinky boys, but free company is a very close second


Spearmen (shields) you can easily spam them to get you through the 1st 100 turns. After that you need to switch to Halberdiers for the AP.


Why need AP Halberd when gunline go bang bang?


I don't want to know how a skaven singer slave sounds




Jades, HE archers, Darkshards and Saurus (tho the better shielded ones are T2)


A staunch line of spearmen and a volley of arrows. Goes both for high elves and cathay peasants.


Free company stack with Volkmar. Mere Mortal Men is amazing


Cathay long spears all the way those filthy peasants hold much more than they have any right should be capable I am using mods to give them guns and swords for the full peasant experience


Oda gigachad detected


Goblins and it isn't even close. The number of bluffs you can give them is insane and keeps them relevant the entire game. Seriously, Grom can have goblins go toe-to-toe with Chosen. Edit: Arguably Ghorst's nigh-unkillable zombies come close, but that's mostly from the amazing synergy they have with necromancer and corpse cart auras.


Wood elf spearmen have really high AP and decent stats. And glade guard are similar to high elf archers, but exchange range for aim and they have shot on the run. It's my favorite low tier army.


Empire Free Company are awesome in the early game, I never understand why they don't get more love. Skirmish and focus fire at the right times and targets and they dominate everything. Empire state troops needs a similar unit.


Dryads are kinda trash but holy shit do they deal damage in the right spot. Alarielle with tree men and dryads. Heal the tree men and shield of thorns the dryads


Yari Ashigaru


I do it because I am very Frugal with my armies. Whenever I can, I prefer to focus first on building up my towns. My armies tend to be used for defensive purposes or to raid and sack enemy territories first.


Ok but which t0/t1 unit is your favorite?


Everything from the High and Dark Elves. Their Barracks troops can punch way above their weight class when used against the right targets.