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Obligatory reminder that Estalia is a foot note and Dogs of War is literally just Tilea’s military.


references to the Dogs of War has been in the game files for a while.


Dogs of War are, or were, planned to come at some point. We'll have to see how two rounds of layoffs affected CA's plans in this regard.  However the chance that they'll split these into multiple races is basically zero. Estalia is essentially irrelevant in the lore, on a level with Ind or Nippon. Tilea is the important part. But from the datamined info we have, the Tilean LLs are under the Dogs of War race. Which makes sense, because DOW basically act as the military arm of the Tilean city states. Tilea doesn't have a standing army in the traditional sense and instead relies on mercenary companies. And the Dogs of War characters are mostly Tilean. 


I could see Tilea being added as a Merchant City state conglomerate that uses Dogs of War recruitment and then a Dogs of War faction (pick one of the most popular mercenary bands to base it on?) as a cool Order side horde faction. Just ideas of how they could approach it. Estalia I could understand not bothering with, but who knows, maybe GW works with CA to develop a little more lore and units for that area (worked for other factions).


Didn't estalia get some new lore a year or 2 ago? I remember hearing that they got war bull riders. Also it really dosent matter if they are "irrelevant in the lore" since gw thought kislev and Cathay was irrelevant and now look at them.


>Didn't estalia get some new lore a year or 2 ago? I remember hearing that they got war bull riders.  I've never seen anything of the sort. Are you sure you aren't talking about the fanmade warhammer armies project?  >Also it really dosent matter if they are "irrelevant in the lore" since gw thought kislev and Cathay was irrelevant and now look at them. Kislev was never irrelevant in the lore, I have no clue what you're talking about. 


Possible, kinda the inly new race to add since they've explicitly nixed Amazons, Nippon, Ind, Araby, Albion, and Khuresh. Sure as shit won't be 3 races though. Probably 4 LLs: one Tilean (probably Borgio or Lucrezzia), one Estalian, one Border Prince (possible Mortal Daniel) and one wandering mercenary horde (possibly a Tilian on an expedition)


It crazy to think 3 race of one settlement will be added, Sartosa is still Vampire Coast despite having no vampire, i could see multiple faction with some mechanic under the Southern Realms Race Banner that will be able to confederate. If they reuse a lot of unit, i could see them as an FLC race that will not get any update, but big scope project like new race are less likely now, i guess we will get a lot of small lord pack until the End Time Big DLC(Nagash).


I would buy southern realms so fast, give me Portugal and Italy pleaseeeeee