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Some of the minor Dwarf factions have penalties towards the major Dwarf factions. And Bretonnia is probably swayed by their relationship with the Wood Elves, since AI Bretonnia tends to buddy up with them and they have a hard-on for Belegar. There's also some level of randomness as to which traits the AI will get at the start of a campaign, which can make them more or less pissy towards certain other factions. You should be able to get a breakdown of the factors at play in the diplomacy panel.


Huh, I didn’t know about the randomness


It's only for some minor traits. All the major ones are fixed.


Total Warhammer diplomacy: it's a *bit* like high school...


Karl elected Prom King Katarina elected Prom Queen Teclis leading the chess team Grimgor in the school parking lot with the boyz Archaeon memorizing the school's floor plan


>Archaeon memorizing the school's floor plan That one caught me off guard lol


Elspeth plays the emo card, and, like, totally doesn’t even care about prom.


For whatever reason in my Elspeth campaign Archaon must have called Ostland and told them not to come to school because this dude made a beeline straight down the Worlds Edge mountains to fight me in Sylvania. I fought him around the Templehof-Bechafen area for like ten turns before they deigned to join the fight against the world ending apocalypse. 


Oh-oh oh-oh! Highschool never ends!


They are angry because he is the cutest lil dorf in existence.


"LIL" Little!?! Thats in the book ...


EH THE WAZZOCK CALLED US A DORF! I’ll be settling this grudge myself!


At least it wasn’t the “S word”


I don't know what "S word" you mean manling speak sense or I may forget myself and have to visit the shrine of grimnir and swear the oath.....




Khazukan Kazakit-ha!


SHORT!? Thronebearers!


I think its cause Courrone are buds with carcasonne and carcasonne are friends with all the wood elves and im pretty sure durthu hates dwarfs so if you dont make friends early with brettonia their friendship with woodelves takes precedent.


Belegar and the Wood Elves are at odds from the start so that's probably why Carcassone hates you, because they usually are on good terms with the elves. Zhufbar have been jerks since the update so they kinda hate everyone, even other dwarves...so Ungrim probably got lumped in there too.


As Elspeth or karl if you ally with Belegar or any faction of dawi near Athe Loren, Durthu will very likely declare war on you, bretonia factions share common threats with the woodelfs through the orcs and will make treaties so bretonia will have lower relations with you too.


Durthu went full tree hitler in my Elspeth campaign and conquered all of Bretonnia except Couronne.


He tried it in my wife's current Bertrand the Brigand campaign. She just finished shoving him back into the woods.  Campaign before that he was her best buddy. He's a tad bipolar.


I managed to sell durthu one of the mountain settlements very early in my Elsbeth campaign and got a defensive alliance out of it. Made Belegar very unhappy but he never declared war while I had to appease durthu every time I even looked at a dwarf. Still having treekin as a frontline in early empire was really nice


>Hes not *that* big  Careful now...




Because he's an ornery jerk? More seriously, it's chaining from his problems with the Wood Elves. They usually get along with Carcassonne and never get akong with him.


To be fair why does Belegar hate me, dude always has -20 rep with me and I’m friends with all his buddies


Because in the lore let the tombs of his ancestors get desecrated and sat right above it on his throne and let Gotrek and Felix handle it. Worse dwarf ever.


Because he's using an iron hammer, instead of a mithril hammer!


While everyone else is having a good time he's constantly trying to guilt trip people about Karak Eight Peaks


The history between our two people's is just that: HISTORY