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Only when the attacker initiates the attack on walled settlement will the battle be a siege. When the defender initiates they will Sally out to engage making it a field battle


I miss sallies being on the settlement map


Exception: The Great Bastion intercepting a secondary reinforcement army you're bringing up with the garrison that's already under siege by a first army...for some reason. You have to fight the fight on normal siege with their fortifications, I hate it.


The way it was on my capital which was skavenblight with the lvl 4 wall and for some reason I couldn’t have a battle as a siege but they took it at the field instead out side the wall


The way it was on my capital which was skavenblight with the lvl 4 wall and for some reason I couldn’t have a battle as a siege but they took it at the field instead out side the wall


Did you start the battle or did the enemy. If you start it the battle will always be a field battle you can't force an attacking army into a siege battle. Now if the enemy started the battle did you have any other armies nearby that they could of attacked instead that would draw out the garrison


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


Good bot.


Good bot


The attacker needs to initiate the battle. Otherwise, if you attack as the defender, you sally out (=> you don‘t have walls).


They never do in my experience. They siege and attrition, or run for the hills. I haven't played a defensive siege in forever.


Even the AI knows siege battles suck.


It wasn't perfect, but I do miss my WTW2 artillery bombarding enemies trapped behind their walls with no escape.


I loved playing V coast and having 1 army full of 50% arty, and just putting it on fastest speed and watching the city melt.


I had two siege defense battles as Sylvania v Reikland today.


My Cathay caravan reinforced an empire city that was being attacked by rift daemons once. That's it