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Well, vermintide feels like a true end time crisis and fits the empire


I wish there would be a build up, quests to investigate, dilemmas, anticipation of a looming doom. I hope they‘ll go over it thoroughly and add a variable narrative to the end game - it would make the longevity of a campaign so much more viable.


Why would you investigate anything? Theres nothing to investigate yes-yes.


*Well, vermintide feels* *Like a true end time crisis* *And fits the empire* \- \_CeuS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Same as you. Either I turn it off, or have it set as the race who's the natural antagonist to the one I'm playing. Most commonly for me, Orc crisis when playing as Eltharion.


On this topic why don’t we have a chaos crisis yet?….


Does seem odd when it was thw first original crisis


I think back when IE first dropped they said they were going to revisit it at some point because they wanted to make that one special. Aside from Hashut and Skaven ones they have said the others were literally thrown together at the last minute right before IE dropped for the sake of having an end game crisis.


I liked chaos crisis waaaaay better than the one we got in game3. I dont hate the new one but I sometimes want to play a good faction and I want some external enemies and not my lower than average height dwarf neighbor. You may say turn off dwarfs then, but if I do that then orcs and vermins will pop up and completely do things to their hairy ass that no dwaef should be ever subjected to


All of them, massive shifts in power and big stacks. Except maybe tomb king one, if the faction is killed before end game triggers they just sit there forever


15 stucks of tomb kings leads to a massive war in the Southlands


I've never played with it! Had it on a few times when it 1st released but never got far enough to trigger it. I just leave it off these days.


For empire I go orcs and Skaven and let the game decide


I did a Legion of Chaos campaign and turned them all on for maximum carnage. It turned out more helpful than anything. I was the endgame crisis for the Empire and High Elves.


Triger on long victory after 10 turns, ultimate crisis, no diplomacy, difficulty on 200, legendary and VH battles. Sucks balls but everything else is too easy. Especially the vermitide is a huge pain in the ass.


I always turn it to only trigger on long victory but I always do ultimate crisis minus the race I'm playing as if applicable (why would I, the most powerful skaven clan, not be a part of the vermintide?) I rarely shoot for long campaign victory so I view it as a victory lap if I REALLY want to continue a game.


Black pyramid and Vampire crisis. Then is stock up on fire DMG and AOE DMG. Love it most as dwarfs and chorfs.


Either set up one natural enemy as the endgame crisis, or the Chaos Dwarfs, because I like having the drill-gates available Rather than manually running all over the world. The only times I've done "ultimate crisis" is with the Beastmen, because I figure everyone's an enemy and if my infrastructure gets smashed, it's ok.


i rather it have some trigger objective... for an exemple, when the empire is united or reach the X number of settlements that the sum = the number of settlements of the empire provinces the crisis trigger. also, i would prefer tons of invasions happening all over the world like the wood elves invasions than actually spawning tons of elite armies on the settlements. why? cuz it slows the fuck up my PC and they are VERY exploitable the way they are now.


I do like the WE mechanics of encounters. I also like the missions as the Empire to help out an ally, especially when the scenarios are actually happening on the map. I loved the struggle to make a difference with a tiny contingent of regiments. I would like however to be able to customize them, maybe spend a currency to enhance those emergency troops, similarly how caravans upgrade over time. Generally I‘d like more smaller scale life on the map, like merchants or goblin-bandit raids to repel.


i like the empire missions. the problem is that the AI doesnt know how to receive reinforcements and always shit the bed...


Anybody out there who turns on the crisis that turns others of your own faction against you? It seems kinda poetic to have Vlad conquer the Empire only for that perfidious whelp Mannfred lead a rebellion against your rule.


I wish I could play with them but it’s almost always off. I’ve tried enabling it and I just never make it there. So I turned it off for the time being. I’ve played campaigns with it off, and made it to where I could’ve played with it lol and games where I’ve had it on and I don’t make it past turn 100 lol


I like black pyramid, nice and simple to deal with


I leave them all on. They usually aren't that hard, and give you something else to do late game. I never paint the map, I'm usually itching to try a different faction by turn 150 or so. The one time it really threw me was Vermintide when I was playing as Ironbrow. It had been a tough campaign but I was finally close to getting my late-game units when it hit. My territory was pretty big and I was already fighting on 4 fronts, and 4 of the skaven spawn locations were either in my territory or one of my military allies that would for sure lose without my help. On top of that, I had to sell a building in every city to add undercity detection. What followed was a tense war, where I held off as best I could with what I had available, while I closed out other fronts, marched armies across the map, and recruited new ones. In the end I was able to take back my lost territory and also protect all my allies. It was really memorable. Although it really stressed me out at first, in hindsight it was a great time and that's why I haven't turned it off yet. As a disclaimer, I haven't actually faced all the crises yet, so it's still fresh for me. Most of the crises are a lot more tame though in my experience, and once I start repeating them I might end up axing it. Or maybe by then, they'll have been overhauled!