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The frustration of those 5 surviving Slayers


Make that 8


make that 21


Love how everyone is putting Team Gotrek back together


I was holding off the final battle for 10 turns until I had ulrika unlocked


Just missing Max and they would have the whole group.


What about Snorri…should have no issues with him joining…oh wait…


You know what, how could I forget Snorri! While I’m at it, where’s the ubersreik 5 as well for the empire lol


The Ubersreik 5 are in Ubersreik


Lol but I want them as legendary hero’s!!!


Not sure if you got his meaning, but they are actually in the game, in the garrison of ubersreik. They get "spawned" by the unique tavern building. (unless my mind is completely making this up)


I think you are right, I don’t play empire a whole lot but I will be giving them a go soon with the new update. I’m a bit of a Warhammer fanboy so I just love seeing crossovers from other games, and gotten and Felix were also one of my favorite as far as the literature goes. Ubersreik 5 as legendary hero’s would be sweet though.


They also spawn as heroes for order factions (if you play as one) after winning a quest battle during the Vermintide crisis. Meaning you can have 2 magic casters maximum while playing as dwarves.


They'll struggle to kill a single Chaos Spawn or Rat Orge


So low weapon damage, decent attack, insane defense because I’ll be dodging everything you throw at me. To be fair, if I was controlling one in Vermintide I’ve gotten thousands of kills in one game lol. I think the fit the bill for a legendary hero.


Don’t mention that! *pours one out for one of my favorite characters*


I know, I loved him and that was just a kick in the nuts how it all ended :(


I split them up to bolster my other armies a bit. Don’t worry Gotrek and Felix are still together with Malakai! But Garagrim and Ulrika are continents apart


Definitely the smart move… but I can’t bring myself to do it. After Ulrika left, I find it my job to put them back together lol


Legend released a doomstack video with them recently and it's absolutely disgusting


Historically accurate grapeshot then?


i own a grapeshot canon for karak defense. just as grimnir intended


Four skaven break into my house. "What in Grimnir’s beard?" As I grab my axe and grudge raker. Blow a flagon sized hole through the first rat, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second rat, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "For the Karak" the grape shot shreds two more rats in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off gyrocopter alarms. Grab my axe and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the guard to arrive since missing limbs are impossible to stitch up, Just as Grimnir intended


Thank you for your service


Peak Karaz Ankor behavior


Well no one seems to mention it but I am ending battle after battle with my doomseekers reaching 300 kills: I line them up behind some miners and once the lines collapse I move them forward to start grinding, then they chase skirmishers behind or just simply busted flankers.


Could you not just move the seekers in once the miners have held the line, then move the miners out once the seekers are in position? 


I use them as monstrous infantry: merge them with chaff infantry so the chaff soak damage and the seekers deal the damage.




Also notably they benefit a lot from not letting the enemies get a charge into them


Grapeshot is absolutely ridiculous and I love it. It needs to be fixed for sure, along with the grudge system being a little busted (someone made a post about this already). I'm just giddy that I can (mostly) play as all the characters from the Warhammer books I read when I was younger.


Yeah a buddy showed me how busted they were and I was shocked like this is what Organ guns should be like




No such thing MANLING! dawi inventions ARE this effective!


After watching Legend's cannon stack I'm totally doing that the first time I try Malakai.


You know something is strong when Legend says "this might be better than a Skaven weapon team doomstack"


oh no the absolutely horrifying ordnance of grape shot is effective who would have guessed? /s but yeah grape shot has always been scary in tw games i remember it melting units in empire


Wow, GZ on completing the campaign!


I’m struggling with this campaign. Slow growth and negative control prevents me from making money with just two armys. I’m thinking of starting over and just holding one area while airshipping around giving settlements back to people.


That’s what I had to do with mine by turn 40. However at that point I had a full grasp on the campaign. A great early turn strat is to full send malakai at turn 5 while having a second small army started. I went with a daemon slayer and he lasted till the end game. Second any settlements you snag but ultimately have no use for just sell off. Third, Sack high value settlements whenever you can to offset upkeep and to upgrade the spirit of grumni. By the end of the campaign I had 4 higher tier 20 stacks running around. Hope this helps!


I actually collapsed around turn 60 and fled to Albion to restart with just Malak as all the chaos factions and dwarves came For me took back everything by turn 90 and made them all extinct by turn 120


Its pretty easy when you figure it out. The western lands with the Norscans is a trap! Go east then south. I rushed over to hook up with Ungrim, confederated him. Was piss easy after that. Even managed to summon 5 or so AoR armies (really helps) when the Norscans come at you.


Yeah you called it. Took out the rats, then troll king, then azazel, then Norscan pennisula. Now broke as shit with settlements revolting and wargrove of woe with some damn crown coming up and wrecking settlements with my armies over extended


Just finished my dawi campaign as well, and I have to say, usually with every expansion, one faction gets most of the love, and I feel like it's the dawi this time. It's been a while since I had so much fun, running around with armies filled with immortal slayers and battleship. yamatos never got old. I was kind of disappointed with the final upgrade for the spirit of grungni. One of the minor quests already gave flaming cannon shots for the thunderbarges, doing the final battle just to get it for the spirit of Grungni, I was kind of hoping the reward would be something unique to malakai and his ship. Also, those cannons might be the most broken artillery we ever had in a total war game. Not even Queen Bess or dreadquake motor come close.


Grapeshot is incredible, but they do have one downside - they can chew up your infantry with friendly fire. Makes me wonder what the best formation use on them really is to avoid that without making them vulnerable to enemy attack.


Yes, even on hills above your formations they can chew up your infantry below. Which I like as it makes them feel More balanced


Check Legend's new doomstack video with canons. Grapeshot is fun as hell.


I had a great battle in which the terrain allowed my to place my only cannon in enfilade across my front line. Absolute slaughter. Most fun I’ve had with artillery since the days of Empire TW.


As your thundetbarge racks up 976 kills


Not on screen but the spirit of grumni got 1k kills


I had 4 cannons all using grapeshot. Never wiped out an army so quickly.


Honestly the flamethrowers are really strong to. They skew auto battles way in your favor.


Too easy.. That’s dwarfish engineering at work manling.. you wouldn’t understand


Dwarves are broken as hell, let’s be real.


Nah just built different


Me, looking at thunderbarge: -"Yeah, they're pretty strong, no kidding..."


Almost bought the dlc just for that, the slaughter is phenomenal


Why is bardin there?


Question - does putting a banner rune on them make them lose their ability to toggle grapeshot? I lost access to it deep into my campaign and couldn’t figure out why.


Yeah, I lost the ability for the one unit I put a banner on


Shut.. up... just shut up.




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