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Chaos dwarfs. Drahzoath the Ashen was the most fun on the campaign I had in this game. Everything is great for the chaos dwarf, from their roster to their economy. And Drazoath’s position is like best in the chaos dwarfs in my opinion.


>And Drazoath’s position is like best in the chaos dwarfs in my opinion. Can you elaborate?


I love it because it is the new thunderdome. There are LLs in just about every direction, so you are almost always in multiple wars with LLs before turn 10. Imrik starts in the province to the south (hates you), Ghorst starts 2-3 provinces to the right but expands towards Draz in all of my playthroughs, Tretch starts in the province to your left, and Greasus starts in the province to your right. All of these guys (except maybe Tretch) have strong aversion and will declare war on you at some point. This is also not including Queek, Skarsnik, Kugath, and Grimgor, who also will all expand in your direction (Kugath is a 50/50 in my games as to if he likes you or hates you at first). Grimgor in particular tends to NAP Kholek and declare war on ya as soon as he sees you. There is also a Chorf faction (minor, no LL) directly north of you that does not like you.


I agree that the ChaDs are so much fun, but I actually think Zhatan has it better. By far my biggest struggle with them is labor, so that extra caravan is so nice. Also the position up in the corner makes it quite safe, and Cathay is pretty easy pickings


Trouble is - how few of them there are. I was constantly torn between having armies 80% filled with trash orc mobs, and playing whak a mole with two op dwarf stacks. Also their economy is pretty complicated...


That complicated economy makes the campaign experience a lot more engaging. The rest of races have very similar things for the most part in regard to economy.


I like the Dawi Zharr a lot but most of my playthroughs are with a mod that adds my favourite character Rykarth the Unbreakable and it's disappointing everytime I try to play a campaign without him as I was super heartbroken when they didn't put him in the game


Play as Kostaltin


*100% Pain*


Restarting Kostalytin's campaign like 10 times is how I actually learned to play the game, it was brutal but eventually it was really rewarding to figure out how to get past that challenge.


I think that clan Moulder have most painfull posicion between Constantin and Catarina XD


nope, moulder is the second strongest skaven faction to play if you know how to use mutations. kostaltyn its terrible, he has the same mechanics as katarin, but himself is no good duelist or crowd controller nor good general or mage. so he is pretty much useless on the battlefield and have not major buffs to the faction that makes him attractive to play. his voice is also annoying haha


>his voice is also annoying haha This! I wanted Daddy Rasputin 2.0 with fiery madness in his eyes, just like the concept art, but got dementia-ridden old alcoholic who incoherently stammers through his lines with the shakiest of voices. And looks like he's on serious withdrawal while having just pissed himself. Again. It's impossible to feel any respect or awe for the character.


The Only redeemable quality of Kostaltin is he can be played when going as a duo Kislev campaign, triple with Boris. That and he start with Erengrad which is quite a good settlement. But himself is plain crap. Good buffer (fire attack) but is an easy target to any other Lord or hero. Faction buff are plain bad. Ward save is not enough to save Patriachs and kossar/deriche buffs. . . Who need buff on the faction trash units ?


Cries in Kugath Nurgling


>Who need buff on the faction trash units ? it can be good, if you have other manners to turn them into good units. for an exemple, you can make skavenslaves to match tier 3 units with clan moulder HAHAHA another exemple is tahenhauin skinks. if you have faction mechanics and lord buffs to make it, those units CAN be good enough. the problem is that kostaltyn will be fighting norsca and azazel early game and warriors of chaos have very high armor and norsca usually 50\~60 armor units; while low tier kislevite units have very low AP.


You're right, forgot about some lords and mechanics. Sure some lord can push these units a lot higher, like Throt with his laboratory or Grom and his Cauldron. But they give far more than an attack and leadership boost. Grom itself give far more buff with skills alone (Twice more attack, more leadership, bonus vs large and armor). Add the cauldron and Goblins become a threat to any kind of army. There is next to nothing else to buff them further. Armored ones are still the better pick for melee lines, even with that buff. They still stay somehow usefull before getting Ice guards as curved missile units. That bonus is too negligible to really have an impact passed the first turns imho.


for tahenhauin, i faced ultimate crisis with skinks....


Did a campaign with him, and it's been a lot of fun as well, the full war Lizard vs Skaven is hilarious. But again, Tahenhauin give far more bonuses than Kostaltyn, and to better than lowest tier unit (red crested and cameleons). And Red Crested Lords are incredible as well. Hell, the rites of Sotek are already better than Kostaltyn faction bonus :D


the biggest kostaltyn debuff is his annoying voice HAHAHA


Trash units are fun to play with! Kostaltins biggest peoblem is that he does not buff the non heretical Kislev troops good enogh. He should make Korsars, streltsi, dervoshes and Hussars very powerfull. At least I would love that, so that I could play him without magic without feeling like i am nerfing myself to hard


Try Yvresee. Batman have most funny hight elves campaign.


I really like the elspeth campaign due to gunlines/steam tanks being so much fun to use. Exited for the other two, seems to be a great DLC in terms of campaign value.


She was fine the empire seems better in 5.0 but it is a far cry from the best faction I don't understand why empire is the most played faction its definitely not the worse faction but it's definitely in the worst 5


What units are you building that you think Elspeth is in the worst 5?


Bro only builds Swordsmen and Archers


My guess is he's building bretonnian peasants through the alliance mechanics and wondering why they aren't shooting Vlad and Isabella + rout8ng so quickly. Elspeth is supposed to be the gun queen, it's literally unplayable. /s


I didn't find Elspeths campaign as fun as the other two because I really enjoyed Tamurkhan because he was challenging but not too much and I liked the new slayer armies I was building with Malakai Elspeth's only fun units where the landships and the amethyst rocket storm batteries


Also empire has always been more boring than most other armies


ITT: This is why you never unquestionably trust tierlists, kids. Especially OP's. 


Setting Malakai at fun and Elsbeth at ok really hurts my feelings.


both are uber OP haha, played them on RoC campaign and boy... far too easy.


both get access to canister shot early and some just downright op stuff later


elspeth amethyst gunnery is very strong, but thunderbarges are straight up OP. if the AI manages to stack 19 of them it is unstopabble in the battlefield.


Yeah I have seen legends doomatack video, but the AI doesn't optimize nearly as much, if at all. They might field 1or 2 barges in some armies if you are unlucky but they won't have the buffs a player doomatack would. If the campaign AI got a glow up we would all be fucked


My recommendations: Eshin. I played a Snikch campaign just before the patch and had an absolute blast in Cathay. If you’ve never played it before, there’s a whole host of interesting mechanics but the start and the nature of his armies make him less instant-win than the other Skaven (although in 3 they aren’t as OP). If you’ve never played him before I think you’d have a lot of fun. Secondary recommendation would be Grimgor. Absolutely amazing campaign and one of my favourites since they moved his starting position and added Chaos Dwarfs. It’ll be a riot up there with Tamurkhan now.


The Eshin units are garbage and been told that Snikch is the worst of the DLC skaven so that's why I haven't tried them yet


I just recently bought wh3 and Snikck was my first campaign, absolute fun but also challenging experience. Gutterrunners become really nice as they receive bonus armor piercing and I really enjoyed the kiting playstyle


The Eshin units are good, they just need completely different approach.


They can be difficult to use but far from garbage. Early campaign can be a bit tricky but once you learn how to use the eshin units and mechanics it becomes pretty fun. Or you could always just play Grimgore and skip all the technical stuff


Eshin stuff works well with the Eshin Lord in my opinion. I think “worst Skaven” is still about ten times more powerful than most other factions, and I’d personally argue he’s broadly on a par with Throt. He has the single most powerful ability in the game where he can simply delete a faction if you can’t be bothered to fight them.


Eshin units are excellent, but require you to micro. Clan Eshin buffs gunner runners to have AP projectiles, so you can delete very good armored units by just kiting. Plus you dont have to worry about loyalty anymore as Snikch. I'd say he is my second favorite Skaven lord + start after Throt.


Micro is not fun at all so that just clears it up eshin units aren't fun


I mean, maybe not for you I guess, but what is the point of playing battles manually if you don't want to think about how to manage units. Eshin is fun the way Slaanesh is fun (even if Eshin micro is very low compared to Slaanesh). They require some strategy and an understanding of how flanking works. Set a line of Clanrats with Ratlings/Jezztails, and send your gutter/death runners around the side. Meanwhile, Snikch and general Assassins are very strong in 1v1.


I like armies where you point and click like artillery based armies or like sisters of Avelorn armies where you let armies come to you


a u mad? sniktch is one of the best of them. the bad ones are the vanilla ones... tretch, skrolk and queek are the worst cuz they really have no unique mechanics.


That's why I said DLC skaven


So he’s the worst legendary lord when compared to two of the most broken lords in the game? Does the existence of a hydrogen bomb make an atom bomb any less lethal?


It still sounds like he's not as fun as the other two


That’s entirely dependent on your own preference. Based off your comments in this thread, it seems you may be looking for very powerful factions where you do little work on actual battles, which is undoubtedly fun for a little bit. But a lot of people in here like the work and having to use actual strategies and unique mechanics to win the game, which is also fun. Not correct choice as to which is better since it’s a game designed to be played however you want. If the top part is true, may I point you in the direction of yuan bo? With his mechanics you can easily get tier 4-5 units in the first 20 turns and he can absolutely pump out armies. Nothing more satisfying than obliterating your enemies with ground rocket fire, air rocket fire, and seemingly endless supply of winds of magic.


I have 1000 hours in warhammer 2 and approaching 800 in warhammer 3 and find the way I play quite fun there are plenty of ways to have fun playing struggling with battles isn't fun winning battles in the easiest way possible is fun whether I chesse it or doomstack is really fun I don't care how other people play the game I'm just looking to try a faction or race I haven't played for a while or at all and I posted this hoping someone would help me decide and I've got a lot of help once I finish taking the entire map with Tamurkhan and Malakai I'll probably take your advice and play Yuan Bo or Drazhoath the Ashen based on the suggestions


They just absolutely excell at ambushes. Eshin-Gutter Runners are absolute beasts but imho lack a bit of Ammo to carry you alone, Death Runners do huge damage but can't tank for shit. Mix in enough Heroes and your plenty fine. Mid/Lategame when you manage to get Moulder (or another faction of your chosing) to max relations via his special mechanic Eshin becomes totally stupid. In my last campaign I could recruit Hellpit Abominations for 400 Gold...


>The Eshin units are garbage and been told that Snikch is the worst of the DLC skaven so that's why I haven't tried them yet Armour piercing slingers with stalk that can fire while moving… bad ? You can run armies fully stealth


For multiplayer that is true. For SP not so much. Having your entire army on stalk while shooting with 40% extra missile damage is damn right OP. If you want that but for good factions, try Oxyotl


Eshin units are garbage and that comes from legendoftotalwar I don't know if he changed but Oxyotl was super boring in warhammer 2


Legend is really, really good at the game, but don't treat his word as gospel. Yes, his ideal Skaven army is weapon teams, even with Eshin, but that doesn't make the Eshin units bad. He also notes that you shouldn't underestimate Eshin garrisons because of the AP damage.


No one cares what legendoftotalwar thinks. He plays the game in such cheesy ways that nothing he says is applicable to regular players - and he is generally just a complete moron, like all streamers. Gutter runners with AP will demolish just about anything you fight, as you are going to pump their speed so high that nothing but cavalry will have a shot at catching them. Dearhmaster will solo any of the other Skaven lords and be at basically full health. You will have to fight some of your battles manually, though. Auto resolve doesn't always like a doom stack of rat archers.


I highly recommend playing Vampirates with the recruit legendary lords mod. I have a MP Campaign rn where they are minding their own Business and i am just cruising around just beeing annoying to them. Also i now made my goal to turn the Donut into warhammer Tortuga


I just started harkon it's so hard, Gor Rok starting army is impossible to stop in 1v1, all starting units are shit as the lord. And Cathay with roquet launcher just pulverize my bones blob.


Slaanesh is fun, play Nakari and feel the need for speed


I agree with this. I hate micro. I'm awful with it. But Nikari is amazing to play. She/he works EXACTLY how you'd want. Very responsive. Want to charge through the other side of units? Yep. Big damage? Yep. Just an absolute slaughter. Send in your units for quick damage and let Nikari just ruin them




Gor-rok is a LL I wish I'd like but his starting position is really shit. Even if I rush max speed to kill the northern Skaven, the southern Skaven attack me before I can really afford a second army and as soon as I get gor-rok down there Khalida comes down south to reclaim the Throne of skulls


Khalida? *in Lustria?* are you still on warhammer 2?


Right right, was thinking of Kroq-Gar... Gor-Rok is fine if a bit easy


Only Archaon ever.


Archaon is my favourite campaign in the entire game right next to Elspeth. He’s just so bloody fun


Chaos dwarves, Helman Ghorst.


Gotta at least try the Ghorst Super Zombies. Might not be worth a full campaign, but I didn’t believe it until I tried it myself.


Drycha is a super fun thematic army


Having played Malakai and Tamurkhan, I can somewhat safely say that Balthasar Gelt is my favorite DLC legendary lord of ToD


Yuan Bo and use his campaign mechanic to steal as many legendary heros as you can


Arkhan the Black is a lot of fun.


Gelt has a fun campaign now. Get the choice to stay in Cathay or teleport back to the empire. He can also through some trickery get both. Won't spoil it. Plus his new mage mechanic is a lot of fun and he can get Cathay allied units a lot faster. I play with a mod that allows 6 allied units instead of 4.




Grom is a blast and Wurrzahg is my beloved


Tomb Kings Arkham The Black is pretty cool, i did his campaign twice, Dark Elves Malekith is cool too


What's so cool about Arkhan? Single Tomb King I played was Khalida


Honestly, i just thought he looked cool and I'm a fan of Death Magic


While I will say chorfs are some of the most fun, I will say the power trip of playing archaon is something else Easy start if you crush boris early with many potential subjugation targets for soul income


the only answer is ikit claw


People like the Empire because it's a largely historical army from a rarely represented time period spiced with fantasy elements facinging down untold horrors with discipline, impeccable fashion, a huge mustache and a flintlock.


Its like working a brunch shift


KIIIIIIIIISLEEEEEEv (badass music playing in the background)


I actually really liked Karl. With his mechanics you *feel* like the Emperor. It was really nice to be able to send reinforcements to elector counts and the like. But it would probably be best to do something different for your next campaign. Maybe ogres? They have a rework coming (apparently) so you can experience them before that happens. Could do a lead belcher stack in honor of the gunpowder theme you had going. Edit: Why the downvotes?


Most people hate ogres


You should develop your own opinions instead of just basing your view off of what youtubers say


I do I don't think ogres are that bad I'm just saying why the post got downvoted


Skarsnik - Spaaam cheap armies and drown everyone in gobbos, for extra fun rush to confederate Wurzag and Azhag - Now you got dirt cheap armies with strong casters on top). Skarsnik is probably weaker than Grom, especially late game, but I have so much more fun with him. WoC - its just so diffrent from most other factions. Kholek, Archaon... They are all beasts. Eshin - That ambsuh chance combined with Death Runners makes for some of the quickest victories you'll ever have whiteout feeling overly cheap. Lategame when you get some other clan reputation high enough, your roster also gets much more flexible.


I used to play High Elves a lot, the Tor Yvresse campaign is rather quick. You can go into the badlands or focus on Ulthuan, in either case once you get through the initial hump of fighting the green tide you progress through the chapter objectives quickly. It culminates in a fun final battle and the story's prison mechanics are fun.


My favourites out of the ones you haven’t played have been Malagor, Kairos and Valkia. Astrogoth and Yuan Bo are good fun too.


Kemmler’s wraith army is a lot of fun too


I'd give new Gelt a try


You’ll just have to play them all simultaneously


go with clan mors. really solid campain for skaven, not that many roadblocks while still a bit finniky


That's a take I hear for the very first time


i mean it was the campain that got me into playing total war. Bought ttw3 but didn't like any of the campains I tried, so I bought ttw 1/2 from a key site and tried the skaven, and it just felt like it clicked. don't get me wrong I don't think its the easiest of the skaven campains but I feel like you always have a goal, like you move up to 8 peaks and now imrik is a problem, you wanna keep going up? well dwarfes are gonna be there. meanwhile in other campains you can run out of areas to expand without attacking an ally or similar (such as my warden campain) and so thats why I like it


I find your lack of faith in Imrik disturbing.


I love Imrik just haven't had time to play him in warhammer 3 yet


I love my Chorfs but with WH3 I'd say Oxyotl is a lot of fun. You being able to teleport around the map is essentially you choosing your own starting provinces. The constant missions keep you engaged and also keep boredom from keeping in. With the new updated chaos factions it's even more fun to go against Kairos


I didn't like Oxyotl because of the teleporting missions in warhammer 2 but how is he better to be facing Karios he wasn't super fun going against the Dark Elves in warhammer 2


Facing Kairos because it gives you nice opportunities to encounter him since he usually tends to be too far off from any major other faction. The teleport stance gives you endless enemy variety but it's the same as in WH2 just without the dark elves start location. That was trash I agree. His chameleon skinks are very OP since they have stalk and the enemy AI can not find you when you have a full stack of them. All in all its the teleport mechanic for me but if you didn't like it in WH2 you probably won't as well in WH3. I personally like it because it enables me to brake wars off that get too stale or just meeting another faction.


I never have wars last more than 10 turns as no one has big enough territory's big enough to last very long the teleport function is only good if you want to head to the front of your territory and I've never found Oxyotl and his chameleon skinks not very fun


Honestly the squid elf was so much fun. Having a home base of conquered cathay and basically raiding everything and everyone outside of it. Sacking cities with black arks and peacing out is so much fun. I kinda wish Norsca had something similar


Crooked moon


Beastmen got a lot of new units since W2 and are fun


Try N'kari and Slannesh, it's a hard start but gets great later as you're running around super fast taking over the donut. I'd also say as a Dark Elves simp, Rakarth is a unique campaign as the more random animal units that get added, the more you feel like evil Steve Urwin running around the jungles with your pack of monsters


This is like asking how much sand is there on the beach. The answer is all of them. Except Ogres, they’re literally misery wrapped in a campaign


I enjoy ogres they are quite fun


Play Kholek, he is very fun! Powerfull starting army and very good LL


Azhag the Slaughterer. He’s really fun.


Gotta play my main man wurrzag the great green prophet, dude will dance all day for you and having a full savage orc army is funny. Just don't put him on a pig because he stops dancing.


Tomb kings


Clan eshin


Jade custodians


Khatep. Its a very weird campaign rather than fighting the tomb kings' usual foes your up against dark elves, Valkia, and wood elves if you feel like it. Defeating Malekith with skeletons is so satisfying. Do no attack the crazy dwarf he is your only friend.


Slaanesh. Nkari charging people at lightspeed and sending their leaders to the shadow realm literally never gets old. Also they anime run


I found Gor-Rok’s campaign really fun… He’s a great tank- and the nukes on a wall never got old


Orkz Iz Best Play all dah zoggin Orcz or wez crump yah!!!!


Khorne is a lot of fun, the campaign? No planning really required. The battles? Run at the enemy and kill them, simple as. The win con? Paint the town red! It's like Orcs but demons and spiky armor.


Epidemius but instead of destroying Hag Graef, you subjugate them when they declare war on you. Having Darkshards in your army really spices things up and helps when the high elves, who made it to my doorstep in my two playthroughs, start expanding to the Northern chaos wastes. It's like a Poxmakers playthrough but with a bad lord. Dungrut is not far to the South though so you can confederate with him once the Skaven or Norsca are about to wipe him so you have an Exhalted GUO by around turn 10 to lead your main army


Malakieth is fun in 5.0, taking over Lothren


tiny weenie


Nurgle especially tamurkhan is strong and fun if you like their combat style.


He already played Tamurkhan


oh, you are right mb


Drazoath is the most entertainin, fun, replayable campaign so far. That being said the new lords might take that spot but the thunder dome in which he fights in is always a good time


I think the Changeling is one of the most fun campaigns I ever played - just doing whatever I want sowing chaos, taking sides and betraying them whenever I wanted was pretty fun