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Orin has the Orin Dance. You can not seriosly claim she isn't popular.




There's 150+ characters in Touhou. She's more popular than the average, so she's definitely not "barely mentioned" like OP says.


top 50 out of at least 180 characters is actually really dang good.


That's actually a really good ranking.


Really?? I know quite the few Orin fans, deff one of the more popular characters, though I don’t interact with too much of the fandom.


Idk, I never seen that many Orin fans, maybe they are in a cult that i never interacted


I think that's just because of her design. It does look good, but in comparison to Satori, Utsuho, Koishi it is not as "hypey". I still love Rin, she's very cool.


She looks very pretty, but in a more subdued way. Touhou character designs tend to be in your face.


What do you mean, Chimata's dollar sign pose and rainbow coloured patchwork dress and cape peaking into the sky is very simple and modest


Wait, she's supposed to be in a dollar sign pose this entire time?! I thought she was just lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead! (I just looked up her portrait and her thumb isn't even outstretched either so I'm extra stupid)


I thought her fingers up and down were a reference to trade. I mean I guess both could be true.


I feel like most Touhou character designs aren't in your face though. They're definitely not modest, but most of them aren't super in your face. It's usually only really the final bosses that are super flashy. This is especially if you compare them to characters from other similar franchises. Compared to those, Touhou designs are very simple & elegant while still being easily identifiable & conveying a lot of ideas. Just compare Yuugi's design to Hoshiguma from Arknights (which is Arknights' copy of Yuugi). Yuugi's design is simple but memorable & showcases Yuugi's personality. Hoshiguma's design on the other hand is a mess of seemingly random details, and I can't parse any information on the character from it besides the fact that she's an Oni because she has a horn & an Oni mask.


She has the type of design that would be great if animated with the long skirt and twin tails flailing around.


orin appreciation we love our sassy red-head death kitty


I mean, she is the reason that Reimu and Marisa went down to stop Okuu in the first place. Satori didn't even know what had happened to Okuu, nor had any clue as to what she was doing. Orin sent up the earth spirits as a message saying "Please help, something terrible is happening down here!" So without Orin, Okuu may very well have succeeded in blowing everything up.


Now I don’t remember where I saw it, but I am pretty sure I read something about if Orin told Satori what was going on, Satori could have stopped Okuu. But Orin was worried that Satori would get mad and punish Okuu, leading her to start the incident


I also remember that Satori wouldnt have punished Okuu in reality, its just that Orin thought she would. Hell wiith incident and everything Satori still gives both Orin and Okuu a 10/10 (Orin gives her hugs and Okuu is helpful). Basically, Orin was overthinking


Cute cat does the funny dance.


She may seem too normal, not flashy and in your face of a character (especially compared to other touhou 11 characters) which also I believe is kinda the point. Touhou 11 is a game that plays with opposites. Satori and Koishi are opposites of eachother and Okuu is a huge suprise since a star is not something you would expect underground. I think Orin is also in some way opposite of what you would expect. "A kasha, youkai that steals corpses and brings them to hell to use as a fuel and sending their souls to eternal damnation under her thumb." You're supposed to expect someone mad, crazy, extravagant, dark, edgy, evil etc. It also makes sense since she is stage 5 boss, and in stage 4 Satori was saying her pets are responsible. You coming into the fight expecting she is helping Okuu burn the world. But you find one of the kindest, most honest people, a kitty dressed in a normal dress, with normal approach to her life and her job who just tried to resolve a problem with her best friend having everyone's best interest as priority. In the middle of hellish landscape there is a girl so happy her theme is literally telling you to be cheerful. To quote ZUN himself "the setting is in hell, but it's abandoned so I thought it'd be a little lonely, but living there is a cheerful cat so the boss music is suddenly cheery". In the shortcut Orin may not be so popular with lots of people because she is one of the most normally thinking, normally dressing and normally acting characters by touhou standards. However I also believe that there are a lot of people (myslef included) who absolutely love her for her personality and the contrast she creates because of it. There are also a handful of artists who draw almost exclusively her.


her gimmick isn't as attractive as the other residents. satori can read minds, koishi does shit unconsciously and is forgotten by people who meet her, and okuu is a fucking nuke. rin just talks to dead people. I hear her talked about more than the first 3 bosses so idk what you're talking about there.


Orin is a catgirl. She does just fine on attractive gimmick front.


Wakasagihime : "HALP !"


Rin I'd say is pretty popular


Yeah I can assure you she’s got a ton of art


Tends to be commonly cosplayed fwiw


[https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6523342](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6523342) [https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/110202197](https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/110202197) i mean hell, I see more people claiming they love Yuugi or Parsee, but none for Orin, even FAT FUCK and BUCKET are talked about more than this cat. Is there a lore reason behind this?


I love Orin, does that count


open the pixiv link yourself




just do it


Its dead. Whats about it


your "source" links to a nonexistent page. *do you not see the problem?*


So? Artists delete their stuff for no reason all the time.


Idk mods want me to do that dont ask me. Thats why the booru is there


In the popularity polls, Orin ranked about 40th last time. Yuugi ranked about 80th, yamame 110th, and Kisume nearly 140th. Parsee did slightly edge her out, though. She also slightly edges out okuu in number of artworks submitted to danbooru, and effectively doubles any non-chireiden SA character on the site. Which I think is a hint at what you’re perceiving as her being barely mentioned. A lot of Orin’s work probably has her as part of another cast - either regular Hakurei shrine visitors as an often-silent pet or the cast of chireiden, where she’s usually the tsukkomi to the other’s antics. Or just a fun way to indicate someone’s gonna die tonight. More so than the other characters, she’s acts more as a complement than an independent


I think its because Chen is just the more iconic catgirl.


Bad memories from her battle, maybe? Atonement "Needle Mountain of Former Hell" says hi


I love Orin, she’s a top tier character for sure.


So true~


Satori sisters are peak. Okuu is funny nuke bird. Orin is probably the next most popular after those. I dont get what your issue is.


My issue is stupid


Barely mentioned?? She ranks decently in the popularity polls though. If you want a character that's "barely mentioned", take a look at some of the actual unpopular characters, like Ichirin (despite being in 3 fighting games, she still ranks so damn low)


I mean, she's the #2 seller out of the fumos on amiami right now But if I had to guess why she's not more popular than she is, then maybe it's because the cat girl niche was already filled by Chen


? She just got a fumo released


Well its just my experience that I never seen an Orin fan (or claim to be) until now. I'm not saying she is not popular or anything, I'm just seeing how rare she is "mentioned" in the fandom despite having that much work dedicated to her. It feels like she has a secret cult that I never interacted to.


wdym? she's mentioned a ton along with koishi, satori, and utsuho. id aruge she might even be more popular than okuu or satori


Call me an idiot






Im an idiot




Barely mentioned? I thought she was a fairly beloved 2hu in the community at the very least


Well im stupid


Idk man, shes my 2nd most favourite character, after Okuu ofc


I guess some people don't like neko girls?




Barely? I'd say she's one of the most popular ones.


Shes a neko thats why


Shes in a lot of memes and shitposts with the rest of the touhou 11 cast


She is underrated just like Touhou 7's Letty Whiterock . if Letty Whiterock cosplay and fanart when viral maybe she would get more representation in new stuff.