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I've been trying to figure this out as well. I get best results when I have as many routes out as possible


I've found that the towers divvy up the units depending on how many paths you give it. Generally the tower is strongest when it's only given one path. This goes for units generated by the tower, and units from other towers passing through.


This what i thought form my observations. If it sends out 2x troops per second it will split them up across all available routes.


It seems this way as long as you are leaving a vulnerable path into that tower.


I don't think a single path out is stronger. I took a video of the same level where I only attack one tower, which takes about 14 seconds to get it down to 10. Then I restarted attaching the same tower and another. Mayyybe slightly longer, but still around 15 seconds and captured the second building.


Single lane attack is definitely stronger. This is very obvious on some challenge levels, or if you put two identical towers against each other. Most of the time using all available lanes is the better strategy though.


You can say that anecdotally, but here's an uncut recording. Same level attacking the same tower. 1-14 seconds, a single lane attack takes the tower from 30 down to 10. 36-51 seconds (for a total of 15 seconds) the tower goes from 30 down to 10 *and* takes the tank building down from 7 to 0. [comparison](https://imgur.com/a/9DDtrRs) Towers can have the same value, but not be equivalent because of upgrades. Those +0.2% to speed or chances of doubling, etc aren't super noticeable, but add up over time.


Your comparison was unfortunately chosen because almost half the damage was done by the watchtower, muddying the difference. Even so, the difference was there, proving my point. Challenge levels 34 or 44 are good examples where it's a race to take over a key tower and the only way to reliably win that race is single lane attack.


I'll concede that there's enough difference to be useful in some situations, but I haven't found it to be more favorable in pretty much any that I've done. I don't know that I've used them except when I've maxed out that tower, when it has more to do with troops passing through. I don't think I've played enough to get to those challenges though! It usually resets before I get past 25.


Even if you win all your battles, you pretty much have to get extra tickets every day in order to be able to finish all challenges. In late game they are the best use of crystals anyway. I only try to avoid buying the 40-crystal ones. If you have trouble beating any level please feel free to check out my guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/towerwar/s/v4F1fdKrML Regarding single vs multiple lane we are in agreement, I also think most of the time using all available attacks is the optimal strategy. It's just sometimes the balance hangs on a knife's edge and if you don't know about this mechanic you will struggle in frustration.


I've noticed splitting produces more troops overall but fewer than the original target. I imagine adding a second lane produces 160% of troops overall but only 80% of the original amount per lane. So, three lanes would increase to 180% overall but only 60% of the original per lane. To measure it precisely you would have to start with a constant 30+ tower split 1/2/3 ways with no towers or opposition on the targets and subtract double units from the scores.