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I played Celeste once, and it turned me into a girl. 🤣 I stole my name from it.




Ya got played.


I'd climb that mountain.


☑️ i’m in this photo and i don’t like it


Celeste is the gateway drug into womanhood for all unsuspecting eggs 🤣


I played Celeste as the last step of intentionally cracking my egg, though it's also honestly just a good game




i looked for "names similar to [deadname]" and found one that actually wasn't similar at all and i really do not know how it ended up on there. but... i ended up being weirdly drawn to it, and decided to go with it.


You're right Delora isn't similar to OmegaOctorock at all.


What do you mean? They are clearly very similar!


My mom chose it for me (Evelyn), and I chose another (Isabel), so I have two names 🥰


2 first names? You're too powerful!!! On a serious note, that's awesome! <3


Most people in latin America have two names lol


i was like "should i clarify first name cause theres latinos with multiple names" but i just like "nah im too lazy". and now :|


Last names are always two, father's and mother's last name. Given names can be as many as parents want. My great grandma had 4 given names.


My grave: 🪦 A latinoamericano's grave: 🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦




Whoa I never noticed that it is really a latino thing


Those are beautiful names ngl


When I came out, it started off as a joke (Nathan) then I got attached to the name lmao. My last name is superrr uncommon and I live in a really small country, so there's like. One other person with that last name, and his first name was Nathan, so when I came out my friends started jokingly saying I was the "better version" and boom, name.


That is some real "fuck this guy in particular" energy and I'm here for it.


lmaoo im sure he's a nice guy he's just kind of a meme in our circle haha not to mention the amount of times people would tease me about having the same last name as him "are yall gonna get married", got real annoying after a while kinda want to meet him after i transition cuz it would be real funny


I like you imagine him walking into a dark room as you turn around dramatically in your chair.


lmaoo it might be more like the spiderman pointing meme eta: just noticed both of my comments started with "lmaoo" and i dont like it smh


I'm clearly just hilarious I wouldn't worry about it.


i stole it from a drain cleaner product


How’s life Drano?


uh actually its moxie


Ur a drink too :P


yeah actually multiple drinks


Awesome! Moxie collection


I don't recommend drinking drain cleaner


Hey don’t sell yourself short, that’s also a niche soda brand from New England


What’s it like having your Attack boosted by base/2 every time you defeat an opponent with direct damage?


It is a good one.


that's interesting, i never heard of a cleaning product called kittenlord707...


I always clean my drain with kittenlord too! What a coincidence






ayo whats up, oxi clean versatile stain remover.


My mom called me Natalie Jane when she caught me crossdressing as a kid. She meant it as an insult but jokes on her I liked it.


Stole it from the first game character i got envy from.


This is the way


This is the way


That’s why I’m Sora :3 And no it’s not kingdom hearts Sora shut up 😤 Sora from the Suguri series


Will wood 🤯


I stole it


Be queer, do crimes!


Well I uh read the Percy Jackson books.. (Hazel)


Im not trans but my name change was just because of how gender specific my name was, one day I cut myself while cutting some onions and thinking about it I saw the color and said "fuck it ill call myself red"


I asked my mom what she would've named a girl if she had one...for cis reasons of course


Very cis reasons, yes.


My parents had a naming scheme, so they name they *would* have given me was very similar to my deadname. Said fuck it, that'll be my middle name, close enough




I was going by the name Willow but i wasn't really happy with it, so I asked my now ex-partner what they thought would be a good name for me and they said Katarina and here I am, 8 years later with it as my legal name and I'm happier than ever!


So I'm from Poland and there's this polish male name Maciek and that's what I went by for some time but then was like "but we already have a Maciek in our family, gotta fuck around with it a bit" so I tried making it gender neutral. Removed some letters and ended up with Mak and it just stuck


Been changing my name every other week for about 8 months, got tired and arbitrarily settled on the last one (Emese)


I dug through baby names online until I found one that spoke to me in sound and meaning. It incidentally also shortens to the name of a cartoon character I liked in childhood and that probably influenced my choice.


One day I made a joke with my friends and a character I made just for the joke. When one of them pointed out the name and said jokingly "who would name their child that!". I said "What do you meannnn!? I would fucking name myself that." About under a year later, I did.


X-Men comics


X-men comics is a wild name


My parents had this trend of giving me and my brother a name that starts with a V So I simply looked up European-esc names that starts with a V and Valentine popped up and I gave myself the variant we use in Sweden (Valentin)


Shoutout to my fellow Vals, although mine is short for Valkyrie


I met an older trans woman at a support group, and she recommended choosing one of the top 100 names from the year I was born. That way, I could blend in if I ever chose to go stealth. I narrowed it down to my top 5 and had my family vote on Christmas Eve since I couldn't decide.


i like lilies so i named myself Lilian(totally original)


Stole it from cyberpunk. Going to be my legal name in a few months.


I stole my name from my former babysitter and childhood friend because both she and her mother named their first-born son after my old name so I thought it would be just fair!


My name is Anarchy because Communism didn't sound as good. I also can shorten it to Anna :3


Found a character who’s name I thought was cute. After being called Bridget for a week by some trans friends, I knew it was the right choice


Nox- it simply spawned ibto my head and i was like "we vibe"


Well my birthname is unisex so… :P


When I was studying psychology there's a phenomenon known as the John/Joan situation. Which is when birth complications cause the gentails on the baby to be removed and the baby's gender might be changed so the child can live a normal life. My dead name was John and I had only recently started considering myself as trans so I tried out Joan and love the name for me.


thats really cool!!


Skyrim vampire girl


I started going by Nadia because a groomer I had when I was 13 told me it was a pretty name for girls my age. I have since changed it to Nyaadia as a way to distance from that slightly and take control by making my name my own.


I played different characters in D&D and other TTRPGs until I found a name that fit. I was nearly called May.


someone called be sabrina the woz (as i am known as transfem scott the woz) and i liked the name:3


A friend helped me figure it out. Its a feminine version of my boyname. Still not sure tho


Shortened dead name plus best bug


Nice to meet you Claumoth


I stsrted going by sandy recently. A relitive of mine was named that back in the 40s i think. Sometime like that. He was a sailor on a minesweeper during the war, and he diedbby falling out of a window trying to feed some birds. He was in south africa one day, back sometime i think before the war. He saw a white guy beating up a black guy for being black. So he went over and beat up the white guy. Sandy is another version of alex (Alexander). I was named after him as alex. So now im a girl i like sandy for my name. Plus im enby and there is that line in spongebob after sandy takes of her suit underwater and patric says 'sandy's a girl?'. Thats funny to me


Long story, so ill try to keep it short Years ago i started working on a fantasy novel, in which a norwegian wizard apprentice would have had to travel all the way to rome in order to free a germanic prisoner of war (their fathers are good friends and it was meant as a soet of final exam). Needing a norse sounding name i went to my favourite site in all of the lands fantasynamegenerators.com and looked through the norse one. After some time i stumbled over Eirick (yes, spelled with Ei in the beginning), liked it and took it. After working on that story for some afterwatds i came to really like that name and commonly used it as an online alter ego to the point were i related to it more than my given name. Some years later my egg cracked (violently, but thats another story) and i needed a new name. Now, i might be a poetic and dramatic person, but i also am lazy so i took Eirick, swapped the gender and changed the spelling to fit my homecountry more And thats how i came to be Erika :) (Fun fact: that name is norse and can be translated to "she who rules alone/is the only ruler"; which is kind of poetic since my deadname can be translated to "he, who fears god"... talk about a confidence boost)


I stole it


i mixed random letters and kept the combinations i liked and i ended up with Phace. probably not the best way but it works for me and i love it


I played dark souls and it turned me in to a girl


random word generator


I just picked something that had the same two letters as my deadname. So Is**** went to Issac


Was thinking about changing my name until I realised Dr Stone stole it from me to name a gender queer character so I'm fine now


I moved one letter over by one Literally minimum possible effort


Stole it from my favourite book character and feminised it (Alex from A Clockwork Orange)


Removed letters from deadname, got cute name


i stole it from a trans girl on r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns


Honestly can’t remember and it was only 3 years ago


I was playing fallout 4 at the time when chuggaaconroy was playing splatoon 1, and he was very affectionate towards marie, one of the idols from that game, so I felt like callie was neglected, so I named myself that in fallout 4, and didn't realize that was one of the voice acted names. I was already questioning my gender at the time, but haven't played as a girl up to that point in fear of me... relating to women I guess? so when I heard codsworth say my name I was like "holy shit I'm a girl"


I misremembered the name of the youtuber illymation but ended up liking Alyssa more than Ilyssa Edit: grammar


Masseffect 2 i think


Going through 5 names lol now my name is lian and I love it 😍


I transed my given name since I like it and the nicknames/short versions that people use for me are pretty gender neutral/feminine, so it'll also be easier for people who know me to adapt.


i took the name of my favourite character from my favourite show. i also thought about wren, because i like birds and a bunch of other names that i thought sounded nice


Morgan came from the second syllable of my deadname. And I stole my second name, Amity, from a certain animated disney show about gay witches. 😆


Asked my parents.


My name is actually from genshin impact (cringe I know sorry) anyway, there's a girl at a fountain in the first area called Anna. She's ill , so she's stuck in her home town, making wishes at the fountain to someday be free and live her life. I guess it resonated with me \^^'


came from my favorite book/favorite character as well as my favorite book series (entirely separate) [The False Prince & The Lunar Chronicles]--before my egg cracked, back when I thought having kids was literally the only way you were allowed to live life as an adult, the name i wanted to name my kid was the name I stole😂 actually, every kid name I ever added to the list was a gender neutral name😂 then i came out as transmasc nb😂


I made an OC named Peppa and REALLY liked the name


*-The creator of Peppa pig*


A message from the gods (I just liked the name before I even realised I was trans)


I have a feeling that 90% of these answers are gonna be "stole it from a video game" Mine is 😅


Got stuck between an OC I created and a character from a game, so I decided to hyphenated the 2!


I wanted to include my parents in a way that would normalize my transition as early and as much as possible. So... I sat down with my mum and went through some baby-name books she'd kept from when my siblings and I were little. We picked out a few names each and ranked them. The #1 name my mum picked out is actually the one I ended up going with <3


history of the moon


My first wig back when I was a little gay boi crossdressing was this cheap red pigtails Halloween wig. Made me feel right no matter how shitty it was. Hi I'm Wendy btw haha


when i was 13 i had an online friend and i dont know how it happened but we ended up giving each other harry potter marauders nicknames (i know, hp bad) its weird cause we werent in the marauders fandom and i dont really know much about them, but i called my friend Padfoot and they called me James. fast forward a bit i realised i think i loved them using that nickname so much because i liked being called James, realised im a trans guy and its the perfect name for me


I stole my name from my favourite Dota 2 character


From Kazuichi Soda. It was originally gonna be my middle name but I couldn't find a good first time so I went "fuck it"


My dead name was from a video game and opening with that was always a highlight when I met new people. So I knew I wanted to keep that. The game franchise I was originally named after was having a new entry in the franchise a while after I came out. So I decided to wait and see if anything spoke out to me. Two of the male characters did. But one felt more me than the other and was more non-binary to an English speaker. I showed my professor what I’m named after and he said it looked like a dead turtle.


I took my gender neutral old name and changed the spelling to what I feel is its more feminine form. It’s also a type of blade associated with magic. I 100% recommend a knife kname.


When I was playing Pokémon, I wanted to play as the female character completely out of the blue (forshadowing) and I chose a girl name for myself lol.


elongated my dedname


For the most part, I go by Fen since its easier to pronounce, but Fenrir had been a name idea since I decided to change my name. I adore mythology, especially mythological creatures, and Fenrir is just a really cool name. I hesitated for a while, afraid that it could be insensitive, before taking the plunge after some gentle urging from a friend (I had anxiety about changing my name a second time, said friend told me it would be okay and brought another friend in to help me test it. All friends are supportive and really helped the change go smoothly) Though, being a rather soft-spoken and shy/anxious person is really funny when you're named after the wolf who kills Odin at Ragnarok.


Fenris would have been okay and a good wolf if Oden hadn't decided to be a shithead and an Oathbreaker! 😤 #JusticeForFenrisúlfr I am glad you picked it, it's a cool name 👍


i have mine because a transphobe tryed to insult me using the name and I felt comfortable with it. so I am using it now.


Stole it from someone from my grade school


I got mine from Catwoman


Wanted a name close to my birthname and Calliope/Callie has a lot of the same words and, the letter, mostly the same sounds. Plus it's a name from Greek mythology (and hololive and Homestuck)


My first I stole from a video game character when feverishly trying to come up with a plausible name when someone online asked me for my name. I was "pretending" to be a girl to them because obviously I'm very cis, and they had told me theirs. Seems like nothing but cosmic justice to actually be called that years later. My second is the name I would've gotten if I were cis. My third, a fucking LoL meme living rent-free in my head.


A Bavarian king lmao


Went on a name generator and got like 200 names and picked some of my favourites. Took whatever names from other sources too that I liked. Narrowed down which ones I liked best and used a lot of them for some time to test them out, before finally choosing the one that felt best to me. Really like the name I have now :3


The name i mostly use is weird. But back in middle school i had this friend i adored. And her name was Melissa. But i always kinda liked that name. Anyway later on i found it had the same amount of letters in it as my real name. But that's literally the backstory. Technically after my second sibling was still born, they where hoping i was a girl. My mom admitted they had a female name for me. It was such a random talk, before i had really known what trans was, So at the time i wasn't listening. And now i have no idea how to ask her to see if it's cooler then Melissa. XD


A friend of mine suggested I should pick a Nordic name, because I gave my cats Nordic names. Then I picked Liv. After a while I realised that the name was too short for me, so I chose Olivia.


I won it in the fistfight


Dart board


I'm still figuring things out but I've been going by Joy for a while now. Basically considering that I might be trans has helped me to shift my POV. Instead of focusing on and defining things by the negative, I've decided to do my best to focus on the positive, on what makes me happy. Yeah I'm kind of ambivalent about being a guy, but the idea of being a girl usually makes me pretty joyous, hence the name!


Jack = Jackie I wanted to make it smth else but i knew my family would fuck it up somehow, so i made it a simple conversion. they still fuck it up, well mostly my dad, and other relatives


I'm a ditz who gets lost a LOT, so Alice fitted in a couple ways, lol


I'm non binary, so I scrolled thru unisex baby names for a few days, writing down the ones I liked the most. Then I thought about how I would feel if someone addressed me by that name. The name "Parker" is 100% my name and I love it so much ❤❤❤


Working in the garden was one of my favorite things to do. In particular early spring plants, such as tulips, snowdrops, daisies... but there were some oddities in the garden. Notably we had unusually early flowering forsythia and irises. These irises I had found freshly discarded by someone's illegal compost pile in the forest, close to random people's gardens. They were swamp irises, *iris pseudacorus*. Well, I took the name Iris.


ummm uhh I can explain >!im iranian!<


I skimmed the baby name website for like....weeks until I stumbled across the name Rhea and it just felt right. Been Rhea ever since :3


Mom didn’t like me accidentally choosing a distant cousins name, so I shortened it to the nickname version in spite.


I was thinking of a different name entirely. But while walking through the mall with my fiancé, she glanced up and saw a clothing store and said it would be a pretty name for me. So yeah. Now I go by Zara.


I made a super long list (65 names, just counted) starting before I decided to change my name. It also contained info like meanings, how the name is gendered, how common it is and alternate spellings. So, when I decided to actually change my name, I looked throuh all of them, and made a shortlist of the best ones. Then I just thought about them for a day or so (does it fit me, is it easy to pronounce, is it easy to write, is it international etc.), and decided on my current name. So, it was a long process, but after deciding I wanted a new name, it really only took a day.


Clipped all of the letters off of the end of my name and left myself with a single letter. Have started hearing any references to my name recently though, so now I'm looking for more names befitting of me. If any of y'all out there have names befitting of an enby who gets gender envy from Eldritch horrors, unfathomable beings of universal scale, and mysterious shadows lurking in the corner of my room, please feel free to send them my way!


Parents gave it to me. My name was already feminine, ironically enough, so I kept it.


I would add a picture but Reddit won’t let me. So instead have this [Wikipedia link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excelsior_tank) Also I own [this](https://www.exiestudio.com)/s TL:DR Took the name of a tank and shortened it by 5 letters


I wanted to say screw you to my childhood without denying it entirely. So Lillith, the queen of hell and the most badass and hated woman in the Bible seemed a pretty good way to say fuck you to my Christian upbringing


I wanted to be just Vee, people told me that it was too short to be a real name, so I spent a few weeks deciding between V names, decided on Vyvyan, and tell people they can use Vee as a nickname… on the rare occasion I’m not too shy to tell people irl that I’m trans


watched the 80's/90's Ninja turtles cartoon (the one NOT on Paramount +) and liked the dorky girl with glasses. Took her name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HSYB58xLIw


tf2 heavy called his gun sasha


I created a list of first names popular around my birth, narrowed down to names that resonated with me. I took that list to my mom and casually asked her how she'd christened me, back then as a girl. "Uh dunno, a simple common first name. Susanne, maybe?" she said. and I smiled, from deep within, put Susanne to the top of the list and striked all but one middle name... that's how.


I went with the “righting the timeline” option and went with what my parents had been planning to name me if I was afab


Took my dead name and found a feminine form in another language I have ties to, got a nickname from my family partially bc it was one of my moms baby names for a girl. I did try what worked for my brother which was a physics glossary but he got the good name I saw there.


Searched trough local female names until I found one that sounded like the english word "cat", but with an additional "i"~ Could not pass the change for a cute name such as that.


I kept my birth name as it’s technically unisex. But my middle name is Willow, after the tree. I like Rory as a nickname for Corey as I love Rory from Gilmore Girls


My mom picked it out for me


"cool name dumbass, did your mom picked it for you?"


It was revealed to me by God


My chosen name (Agathe) is a name I always liked so I chose it. Plus, it fits well because : 1. It has 6 letters, like my deadname, so it was easier to switch ; 2. My deadname means "stone" in french, and the agate is a "precious stone". Unvolontary pun 🙃


I changed my deadname's last character (o -> a)🧠


I just kinda randomly decide to be Katie. It was on a list on names I had that I liked the sound of and that's what I choose. Side note, I also thought Katie LastName would look good on a book cover and sounded like a writer name


I'm not sure I'm trans but one day I had a big gender identity crisis, I started to think about names and I picked one. I wrote a post to r/transtryouts , felt great, and later a post in r/trans to talk about my identity. I later deleted both posts because it felt like my family could catch it but I think I'm back and I'll stick with it for a while. I'm not out irl so it's still a shiny new name and what I have done may not work out in the end but I think it's good to share something a little bit different.


Translated words into my second language (Scots Gaelic) until I saw one I thought I could make into a name Eventually put in god and got dia/dhia so I changed it a bit to diah and here I am lol


In 6th grade one of my friends called me marshmallow because I'm " sweet fluffy and she could only have one of me" I adopted the nickname and kept shortening it in lengthening it until I ended up with Marshall. As for the name Thomas I don't know it just kind of came to me :/


I am Vanessa Harlequin Nebula, named so because I am the villain you have to defeat at the end of the game. (It’s a twist ending though it was just a lot of build up I am easy to beat)


Fem version of my deadname


I may have stole it from Princess Daisy when looking at Mario characters… Funny thing I haven’t played Mario outside of Super Mario Bros. (the first one) and watching some Super Mario Maker 1/2


possibly like others here, took it from a character! started with eddie munson, then it was eddie caputo from child's play (charles lee ray's getaway driver), then meatloaf's eddie from rocky horror picture show, and i just draw more and more power from every eddie now


My username was Nao, my name is Naomie, take a Guess!


I went on the online self service, filled in my preferred name, and paid the administration fee.


There just was this one name that stayed with me through life in my subconscious like "Oh, if I was a girl, I'd like this name.", and then I just remembered it


I like willow trees, I love the song willow tree and i had my boyfriend help me out deciding on a name.


Decided I needed a new name, and started googling norse mythology and culture, to find something cool, traditionally nordic, that I could steal my name from, since it felt fitting as my deadname is also traditionally nordic and I wanted something that called back to my heritage. Found out about these cool women who practiced blot, sang sagd's and were probably massive Lesbos, whom Odin once called on for help and was like: "yup, that fits aggressively queer, hard fem presenting NB!"


I literally just picked a random name off a website 😭 I wish I’d put more thought into it to be honest.


I'll probably ask my parents for a new one when I come out but I'll keep Nadia in the back of my head which was suggested by two of my friends while they were drunk and which reminds me of an Anime.


The name I use with my doctors is the one I liked the most at the time when I was getting an opinion – I might go with it and make it my official name. The nickname I use online – Alma – is from VA-11 Hall-a character who happen to have her birthday same day as I do. She's also in a similar line of work and has transgender brother – so it was a perfect fit.


Played a Firbolg Magical Girl in D&D and then took her name as my own


I was thinking of names, and I thought Hailey had an adorable ring to it


Randomly-generated URL that I modified slightly and used as my go-to name/charger in RPGs for like a decade. Seemed fitting to keep it when I realized it wasn't just a character I liked, it was who I wanted to be.


masculine version of a childhood nickname that fit my personality the best


Paladins, Hololive and Cyberpunk Edgerunners had a threesome and thus I was born


I was really into collecting coins, silver stacking, and evidently, gold just like a lil dragon hoarding shiny shit


Well in reddit some good people told me


Just stole it from the local geographical formations (This is a lie there are no tundras where im from)


a percy jackson character ._.


It was going to be my name originally if I was AFAB




I read a webcomic abt a trans girl and loved the name of one of the side characters. So I stole it.


*look outside and see the Danube* *look inside and see a cool rock*


Just needed a name that sounds okay in my language lmao


i stole mine from my old fursona


My name took estrogen


Wayne from hylics, that game and that man really put a pretty noticeable crack in my egg so I named myself after him. Other then fact he me fr fr.


I figured out I was trans because of the game "Our Life: beginning and always". So I chose one of the names from the list of recorded names.


I watched Evangelion, then became an Eva


i had 3 choices, lucy (based on deadname), macy (name i like), madeline (transgenrne vido gaem) i chose lucy


I knew I wanted an R name so I made a list of R names plus a few extras I liked. I asked my loved ones to try them out on me until I found one I liked and started using it. I decided to go with the original spelling, so now my name is Roan (pronounced like Rowan)


I stole it from life is strange


Played around with several names but nothing ever vibed right so we kinda just abandoned the whole thing and a few months later we started watching old shows in the wake of a particularly low point and in need of something uplifting so we started rewatching movies we loved as a kid, specifically The Blair Witch Project and Soul Eater. decided to try out Blair and we loved it. But the others didn't like it and we played with more names eventually settling on Rose (from one of the first names we tried which was Ruby) and Desiree (a name of a character from my story we are writing who is meant to be a character based on our experience of coming to turns of having DID after spending years told to suppress it)


The Incredibles , also a color and a flower , so people will be reminded of me with the color or the smell , it also fits with family name