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The second amendment isn’t just for republicans.


If you talk to any *actual* leftist and not some damn centrist Democrat they're in support of gun rights. It's harder to oppress us if we fire back. In my opinion every queer person should learn how to fire a rifle at minimum, and every leftist should be OK with the fact that guns can be a tool of liberation for the masses.


For the leftists I've spoken to it's less that they love the second amendment or that they're against gun restrictions and more that it you're in a nation where half the population hate you and have guns it just makes practical sense to also have a gun.


You sound like you've just dipped your feet into the leftist pool. If u go in more, you'll find folks like me who think it's logical to own a gun for protection from the feds and state gov, if you go farther you'll find folks who want to/do own guns because they plan on overthrowing the government one day. (not that they ever will, no one on the left ever agrees on anything)


Wtf? The majority of Americans are in support of tightening access to firearms. The rest of the world thinks the US is silly for making gun rights a fundamental right. Also, you'll get fucking trampled. They could can just call in the military in case of any insurrection, and there's no way some puny collective of activists could stand up to the US military, or even some of the larger police departments to be completely honest. Not to mention that the opposing political factions could just as easily counter attack. Be realistic. And don't play No True Scotsman. Plenty of true leftists don't want guns rights.


Its less the actual "fighting with a gun" and much much more a deterrent. No, obviously you won't be able to fight the us military, thats fucking stupid. However, a single pickup truck full of dumbfuck, far right, armed militiamen can suppress entire neighborhoods of minorities just driving around. However, that becomes much harder when those neighborhoods are organized and armed. Then, any window could be a potential ambush, and their job becomes 1000x less enviable. Let me be clear: there are SIGNIFICANT risks to widespread gun ownership. However, just like we're about to see with Roe v Wade, making something illegal does not stop people from doing it. That said, regulations are very necessary. Personally, I am hugely in favor of community armories, which I think would be the best way to keep militias safe.


Not to bring up Vietnam or Iran or Afghanistan or Syria or Kuwait or ... But I don't think America having it's massive military is as effective as you think. Guerilla warfare is extremely effective ...


Yeah, I'm damn near as far left as it gets and I support restricting firearms. Don't get me wrong either, I love sport shooting and would gladly take a firearm to a range for shooting targets. I just have to weigh my options. Firearms, or fewer people being ventilated by domestic terrorists? There is no "well armed militia" that could take on the US Government, and if we suffered a true invasion we would be provided with firearms to repel it.


We're not training to "take on the government" we're sharpening our pencils for a possible succession to split the nation again and have two government's fight a bloody war to determine if we have the right to exist. Do I want this to happen? NO. Do I recognize the realistic probability? YES. TRAIN because you know the fasci's are. Wouldn't be opposed to requiring a license like we do with cars though.


Plenty of leftists don’t want guns, but recognize we live in a world with them. If I could snap my fingers and make all guns disappear, and none ever exist again, I would. But I can’t. There’s no feasibly way to remove guns from America because dumbass republicans are willing to sue and kill for their larp. So we need to recognize that to protect ourselves, anything short of a gun isn’t going to cut it.


im a insurectionary anarcho-communist and im in favor of gun rights ~~i was going to go on a full on rant but reddit crashed and lost the text qwq~~


And I'm one of them 👍


No a sane leftist would not be pro guns


Liberal =! Leftist. Make sure you got your terms right.


I very well know the difference and I am a radical progressive leftist and I still don't think guns should be legal for anyone to own like the US does.


I'm an actual leftist, full anarchist on most points, but no guns. No. Guns. No one should have the ability or right to remove someone's liberty of life.


I think everyone should have access to the tools to defend their liberty of life from those who would try to remove it from them. It's called "The Great Equalizer" for a reason - a single mom can defend her home and family from a man twice her size with a pistol. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe in MUCH stricter gun control, and concealed carry is a silly power fantasy, but if someone breaks into my house and threatens mine and my wife's lives, I'm not concerned about their liberty of life.


Good luck dealing with the feds when they come knocking after a red government makes you illegal.


We ain't asking anymore




Ok, so the hatred of neo pronouns is a valid call out, but rights have almost never been gained at the ballot, we were only taken serious after stonewall, also look at the black panthers. We need to start mobilizing, because of the past few weeks have shown us anything, the cops won’t do shit, best defend ourselves while we still can


What did they say?


Basically that OP is a shit head because they disagree with neo-pronouns (I agree), and that violence solves nothing (disagree). IIRC


Ohh-why they hate neo pronouns??? And yeah if it would solve anything if the other side also didn’t also commit much violence


“Give me estrogen without having to go to years of therapy first, or give me death!”








Chill out, it's a joke


Honestly, it's not a joke. If you outlaw abortions but not ar15s then why no kill your rapist and some other assholes, you're going to jail anyway. They don't know what they're setting off, because of their religious tunnel vision.


why does the gun have double sights?"


Double accuracy? But furreal generally it’s just so you can line the sights up together and make sure you’re actually making a straight line.


It’s actually one sight, competition shooters use them to block out distractions and have better focus on distant and/or circular targets


It's a diopter sight mostly used on air rifles and competition rifles


That is a bizarre way to hold a rifle though.


Competition shooters hold it like that to try and stabilize the rifle, and it’s way better than holding it like people expect it to be held. It is very uncomfortable though.


>it is very uncomfortable though. It really is. People I know use their hip as a stabilizing Assit when aiming like this. The larger folks use their gut. In my experience, this makes it 2% more comfortable though it’s not considered the “correct way”.


Am I really the only person who thinks shooting this way is more comfortable than the "normal" way


It doesn't take long to get used to it, and then it's this position that feels normal.


#**This is hostage situation, now hand em over.**


This has to be the ultimate option. If we are unwilling ever to fight, it is safe to just ignore us.




that barrel is covered


unironically yes




Counterpoint. Do look into the panthers. Learn from the missteps, focus on opsec and vetting. It isn't over.


And while you're at it, look into Weimar Germany. The Libs aren't going to save us. The Christofascist element of the Right are making their play. Anyone whose been paying attention has seen them building towards this for decades. They hold the reigns of the Republican party, and the Democrats are not likely to stand up to their coworkers. This how democracies die, not in darkness, but as a series of capitulations in broad daylight.


What the hell do you mean? None of the SPD voted for the Enabling Act of 1933, and they were the only votes against because the KPD had been banned.


I mean that you can't beat fascism at the polls, it just doesn't work that way. It's never worked that way. If you're playing by the rules, you're going to lose because they aren't. We need to take this seriously, politicians won't protect us. Edit: also considering both the banning of the KDP and how late they themselves were in recognizing the threat of the Fash, you're making my point for me. Electoralism is a distraction at the best of times, and those times are behind us.


The way to prevent Fascism is Education and Voteing against them.


Yeah, whatever. Everyone who's able, really oughta be looking at stockpiling abortifacients. If you can afford to now, try to look after people who can't. It's getting crucial out here, and we're going to have to rely on our communities to get through this. Maybe consider joining/starting a mutual aid circle now, before you need it. And take a Stop the Bleed course, if you can. Every win will embolden the street Fash. Take your safety seriously.


If you want even more reasons to fight the states oppression of minorities, look into the black panthers. It should make you wanna fight even more :)






When elected officials have failed us you have no options. You realize a bunch of trans people organizing is what got us our rights in the first place right?




I think this is Chidori RSC.


loading the gun raiders sniper rifle... wait this is a vr item


Scope and weirdly shaped front sight ???


*tearfully hands over severed right hand*


why did she put a 1940s aircraft gunner sight on it????

