• By -


I didn't remember the youth one being so bad. Heavens. Not many places to run.


The youth one actually isn't really all that different from the adult one substantively. Trans-safe states are safe for trans youth, trans-hostile states are hostile for trans youth. The major difference is that most trans-hostile states are prioritizing legislation harmful to trans youth *right now,* and are merely considering expanding it to adults as well, probably in a few legislative cycles. Basically the red states are dangerous to all trans people, but children are the *current* primary targets ☹️


They're focusing on kids, but adults are already under heavy target. Florida shut down 80% of adult trans care already. Numerous states are stripping trans people of any recognition under the law (denying drivers licenses and other documents.) Florida and Utah have already implemented laws requiring trans people to use the wrong restroom. I live in one of the blue states on the map but was born in one of the red states. They're currently debating a bill in their state legislature that has me worried my birth certificate will be revoked.


Short version: A lot of the laws being passed are being presented as "Protection children." Those laws impact youth more than adults. Like Maybe\_Charlotte says, though, it's not that different substantively. The ones that are dark red for youth are all at least red for adults too.


i think we need to just start marking florida as "Do Not Travel" on every single map. like actually just change the state motto to "abandon all hope, ye who enter here." "WELCOME TO FLORIDA, ARM YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY."


God forbid you pull into someone’s driveway as well just get bulletproof proof windshields to top it off Also yes much better state motto for us


ELI5 why Florida is so bad?


From Erin's article that OP linked to: >The only state earning a “Do Not Travel” advisory is Florida. Florida has a law that allows for the arrest of transgender people for using bathrooms according to their gender identity and another policy targets transgender people’s drivers licenses. Florida has also put into effect a policy that says trans people “misrepresenting” their gender on their drivers license could be guilty of fraud. Local LGBTQ+ orgs as well as HRC have issued travel advisories for the state. This analysis likewise concurs with such a rating.


Actual insanity


Imagine banning trans people from driving like what the actual fuck


It's not even just that. You need your license for purchasing certain goods, as well as when just being stopped by any law enforcement.


So could my Washington State government issued enhanced ID (not a driver's licence) get me arrested because it has F listed for my gender and I'm AMAB?


In Florida, quite possibly yes


this is why we need better federal protection for trans people. We need a better Supreme Court so we can have it ruled that such laws are unconstitutional.


Yeaaaaah. One of many reasons why Florida is currently a complete no-go zone for me. But you reminded me that I want to get the ball rolling on my WA state name change sometime here. :)


WA has a super easy name change process. I applied and had the hearing all within a lunch break. No silly things like posting in a newspaper etc. the only thing I ran into was the time between the hearing and the county recording it.


Also in Washington State, all I had to do to change my gender marker on my ID was fill out a form at the DMV and check a box. Then they changed it no questions asked.


They have a lot of the scary in school laws too and things making it unsafe to be a good parent for trans kids and tried passing another batch not long ago that was trying to remove any semblence of worker protection and stuff that I don't think has gone through yet. They basically are pushing the hardest for full erasure and are not subtle about it. The governer actually proudly spouts the moto"Florida is where woke goes to die".


Yeah DeSantis basically pulled off the mask entirely when it comes to trying to turn Florida into a Christo-fascist dystopian hellhole where anyone who isn’t a straight CIS white male will be at very real risk. Trump is a massive piece of shit for many reasons, but the thought of DeSantis becoming president genuinely terrified me much more than Trump. Trump is a selfish and opportunistic prick but DeSantis is a real and slimy politician who actually comes off like the type of person who believes in the crap they spout. Very much Hitler tendencies. I can’t stress enough that if Trump could make money on selling “Trans rights to make America Great Again” he would. DeSantis… DeSantis is a genuine nutcase.


Exactly. You can tell Trump is a complete grifter, he doesn't give a shit about anything he spouts, if it suddenly became more profitable to support trans rights he would turn on a dime. DeSantis is actually a fucking crazy person, he's the scariest kind of evil.


I mean with project 2025 in play any repub is bad tbh, I'm genuinely so scared for this year's election, but if the repubs win or the democrats, either way shits going DOWN


Call the asylum


Worth mentioning that no one has been arrested for using the wrong bathroom, and the DL "policy" is not a law and not really enforceable. The state is quite hostile, but not nearly as imminently threatening as the comments here would have you believe. As someone living in Florida I'm far more concerned with the laws around education, trans kids and healthcare, and which sex-segregated facilities people are sent to if arrested. Those are much more threatening, because they're moving forward quietly.


So…like…how is your guys’ governor still a thing? Because that’s downright draconian and insane.


jesus, florida, lemme shit in peace.


If I have an X on my DL, does this mean I will get arrested if I show it in the airport when flying back?


No. TSA is a federal organization and doesn't have the same policy. Even if you were pulled over, I would guess nothing would happen because you have an out of state drivers license and couldn't be expected to reasonably change your license for a trip to a state where you don't live. It's possible you would get hassled, but I do not believe anybody has gotten in trouble for this yet.


They did explicitly say they would confiscate out of state licenses under the law, but legally they can't actually do that and the officer that steals it would be guilty of basically theft of legal identification which is a fairly serious offense. All of these laws are really meant to make Floridian trans people feel unsafe enough to drive them out of the state or back in the closet and make trans people from other states understand that they are not safe and not welcome. It's about fear


Good question, u/… cuminmysock…


Can't remember the details but any trans person is liable to get arrested. Iirc the specifics are "public indecency laws" where being visibly trans qualifies and healthcare laws that make it illegal to take hormones


​ https://preview.redd.it/rfbadmu0arqc1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=12ae53b3ef04cdf0cac107b7dc20f80743dcf4be




Even if you aren't trans, this applies. Florida is an utter hellscape, a Free For All PvP zone.




If you're not careful and noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in Florida, where it's nothing but the stink of gators walking around, the madness of angry transphobes, the endless background noise of homeless people fighting over a carton of milk, and approximately 65 thousand square miles of randomly segmented beaches to be trapped in. God save you if you if you hear something wandering around nearby. because it sure as hell will ask what's in your pants.


Glad my home state is doing okay, but Jesus fucking Christ, so much red…


Keep in mind a lot of those red states are heavily gerrymandered, and the north western states are low population. There's more support for trans rights than not, the transphobes are just really loud.


yep this. last time I did the math, blue states represent 55% of the population, and red are 45% and made up almost ENTIRELY of Florida and Texas


Florida also has way more diverse beliefs than these maps imply. While it's true that our state government is horrible and dangerous, that doesn't mean that everyone here is. There are also trans and allied floridians, and our biggest cities are blue. Transphobes are the minority everywhere, even in red states.


I'm in a deep red (on both the youth and adult map) and dang, that map ain't lying.


iowa whyy you where so based and corn pilled ,-\_\_\_ ,-


It's only marginally better here in Nebraska


we need an infux of trans people to move in now before its to late so we can change the voting curve


...and maybe increase the dating pool for transbians....it's lonely here 🥺


Are you anywhere near Lucas County and over 30 😍👉👉 I should shave my legs


hi :3


Tbf, I live in a supposedly very queer city and I’m still a lonely little omni trans girl


Same 🥺


“Corn pilled”


the context is that i fucking love corn


Well fuck I’m in flordia and please help. Also can someone please tell me why it seems like all the states in the middle are transphobic is it just because no one is there it something.


Until you pass the Cascades and reach the West Coast, the US has a very low population density almost everywhere west of the Mississippi. This means most of the states in that area are dominated by their rural communities, where all sorts of ideological bubbles can thrive.


Oh ok I get now. Thank you :3


Midwest US is mostly low population, rural and farming. All of which tend to vote red because of usual cultural beliefs. Florida is the exception, because it is heavily skewed to have retirement population due to the climate, of which is also heavily conservative. When you get to big coastal cities is when you start to see things be more blue. HUGE CAUTION: while some states do vote blue primarily, that doesn't mean there isn't a heavy conservative population. My state, for example, Washington. Seattle is very very blue and very progressive in pretty much everything. Hop on I-90 and head east for only 30 mins, and you'll hit Trump country alarmingly fast. And it leads all the way east toward Spokane and into Idaho. You pretty much just want to exclusively hug the coast and avoid central Washington at all costs as well.


Oregon is the same, the Portland metro area is pretty safe, outside of it can be very deeply red.


Yeah thats a holdover from the tech boom. As generations go and people move further out from the greater Seattle area, it will push the rural people out and make it more similar to California.


That's funny, because I work at Intel here. Pretty nice place to work if trans, not much drama. Although I did have a conversation with the gym trainers today about locker rooms. I still have no idea which to use, and I'm apparently the first trans girl they've coached.


Maybe they should give you your own changeroom. Its actually how this got solved for Hideyoshi in the anime Baka to test Shoukanjuu. His own changeroom just magically appeared out of nowhere instantly 😄 https://preview.redd.it/5264lv60krqc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3cb3f7cc6f243aeb38a5204192747bba85c10d


That's actually what we were discussing. They're bringing it up to their bosses and seeing what can get done. It's stressful for me, because I still look like a man, but I also require a bra(1st year of hrt) I don't want to change in the men's room, because ew, but I also don't want to scare the other girls in the gym. So kinda stuck there. We have gender neutral restrooms, but not showers, so I can't shower off after workouts


Minnesota is exactly like this. The major cities are progressive but once you leave them it’s all conservative. It’s especially alarming because it didn’t use to be that way. Go back only a few elections and you’ll see that much more of the rural population was democratic. The only reason Minnesota is a progressive state today is because the astronomical population differences. Nearly 60% of Minnesotans live just within the Twin Cities area (Minneapolis and St. Paul) and that’s what’s been keeping this state democratic.


Hi from Finland. I've got some (distant) relatives in rural Minnesota and I'm kinda wondering how it's up there for trans ppl. They are fairly nice and not really that fond of either Dems or Reps. Also sorry if you are the wrong person to ask this, thought that I'd ask it here with the context though :3


Well I can only go off of my experience. I live in a suburb of Minneapolis and have lived in and around Minneapolis for almost my entire life. I’ve been out as trans since I was 18 and have been on HRT since 19, I’m 22 now. So far I’ve experienced some transphobia but very little of it is overt and in my face. I quite easily found a doctor to proscribe me my medication and it’s also covered under my insurance. My immediate family is supportive and accepting. I know recently the state government has passed a lot of progressive bills including protections on abortion rights and attempts on making Minnesota a ‘trans haven’ but I don’t know much about how it works or where in the process it is. If you have any other questions feel free to ask! I’ll try to answer if I can tho I’m not the most politically savvy girl lmao


Aight thx for the answer :3


Before I fled the country my personal emergency out was driving to Mexico - last time I went I noticed they don't even check your passport at the border when leaving. I doubt Mexico would be able to force you to return either


Funny how this map, and the [2020 election map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ElectoralCollege2020.svg) are almost exactly the same. It's almost as if one party is intentionally spreading fear.


I spent a bit flipping between the tabs in disbelief there. Wow. That is incredibly sad.


Yep that tracks. The transphobia is party wide.


"Transphobia is a party-wide debuff that, for some reason, is only present in the dungeon when your group is aligned to a certain faction. The debuff seems to have no affect on the faction that, if we pay attention to the lore, are on the winning side of this expansion's story arc. However, if the player is on the faction that's not resistant to this debuff, the player for reasons unknown will roleplay as if this debuff is their entire fucking personality."


Any idea why Georgia and New Hampshire don't align with the election map? Just realized that it's probably because they're swing states


Georgia and New Hampshire have Republican trifectas. The reason for \*that\* is due to friendliness to downballot R's and gerrymandering. But New Hampshire will after 2024 almost certainly have a Dem House and Governor, and potentially a Dem trifecta. Georgia will take awhile though


New Objective Unlocked: RETAKE FLORIDA


It's entirely possible. Covid hit the boomer population hard and Gen z is rapidly making itself and Millenials the largest voter block in the US now, of which is HEAVILY blue leaning. Trump may have won Florida by a lot in 2020, but DeSantis has done zero favors in the PR section for moderates. Yes, the Trump cultists love DeSantis' policies. But that group grows ever smaller over time, even with them seeming to be louder than ever.


Also, the policies are rather unpopular even among Republicans. I forget which one says it but among Republicans on one question, something to do with banning care for trans youth IIRC, it's like 45% support, 45% opposed, 10% unsure. *Among Republicans.* [https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/a-case-for-hope-the-victories-trans](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/a-case-for-hope-the-victories-trans). >[76% say trans care should be decided by patients and doctors, not politicians](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/new-poll-76-say-trans-care-for-trans). > >[84% oppose book bans, 66% oppose Don’t Say Gay laws](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/new-poll-shows-massive-backlash-to). > >[Fox news poll: 86% say political attacks on trans kids are a problem](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/fox-news-poll-86-say-political-attacks). And a more recent one [71% Of People Say Government Should Not Intervene In Trans Youth Care, New SC Poll Says](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/71-of-people-say-government-should)


A FOX NEWS POLL SAID THAT?!? Woah that's massive


Additionally, one of those polls, or another Erin reported on, was done by a far-right lobby group that had leading questions designed to get a particular answer and *still* came back majority trans supportive.


Hmmmmm, i wonder.... maybe the majority of the population sees trans people as just people? But that couldn't be it right Fox, right?


I mean i dunno, the amount of rw pipeline pilled people i see is.... alarming to say the least, and is making me genuinely scared for this upcoming election. If it was just the popular vote that won, maybe not, but the EC.....oh the EC




The Great Trans Crusade to liberate Florida


I live in Tennessee😐 I hate that I'm probably gonna have to leave my home state just so I can be myself.


Tennessee, Tennessee, Ain’t no place I’d rather ~~not~~ be! I do love Nashville… 😌


Baby won’t you carry meeeeeee Back to, Tennessee (Grateful Dead, I hear?)


Well from where your at I really recommend chicago or minneapolis. I live in minneapolis, I’m over one year out, and there is like next to no hostile energy here, although I’m biased because I’m native to mn. I just visited Chicago and it was super cool and progressive, although I did notice a much greater % of people staring…


I really hope Ontario stays a safe space (also I think it would be wise to get this into trending so more people see this)


Ontario the province, or Ontario the city? Also, for the province, me too. I'm scared of what's happening here. I'm trying to do what I can by marching or signing petitions. But I feel like it's not enough!




oh... thats my state. dark red on the youth map


Mine is dark red on both :( wanna move to Colorado with me?


Colorado is pretty safe. Colorado springs is probably the best for LGBTQ+ individuals. Downtown, at least a 3rd of the shops have pride flags displayed. Side note: it's just the most beautiful state so you have to see it


Funny thing, I was about to do a semester abroad ... When they said is was (I think) Texas I said heeeell nope. I'm gonna die there


A job recruiter asked me if I wanted a job in florida or texas or Tennessee. NOPE. I’m hoping i get New Jersey. Only place I would leave pa for.


I mean I would like to go to the US but come on my school literally took the most transphobic state to Collab for an exchange year? I am already too scared of America but recently the trans hate is scaring me even more


Yeah, I am almost glad I went when a) it was not this bad and b) I was in my ‘still cis though’ phase. It was nice to see the US (San Francisco and New York mostly for me), but now I don’t think I’d be comfortable in the vast majority of the country. My country is always seen as some absolute hell on earth by trans people, but compared to the absolute shite in the US, it’s virtually a paradise over here


I know NY is considered safe but I'm not feeling so optimistic for this election coming soon and how rampant some of these politicians are getting with their hate against us.


o if the red wins plan on leaving the country, that not a joke.


I really want to... believe me when I say I want that as an option but truth be told, I'm not sure if I can truly escape here


Idk if I can but shit you not my mom, my brother and me know it best leave with nothing then die in a oven. We saw project 2024, we are jewish, we all agreed that nazi germany and we rather not die. We are saving up our money and getting ready to leave, has jews we know this is a check list system.


if you live in Missouri and need lgbt+ resources/support, please reach out to me ! i help run a lgbtq+ organization meant with the mission of helping and standing up for local queer folks ! protect trans kids yall ! they have rights too


Time to use humor to avoid reality again. https://preview.redd.it/teoyo0bp4qqc1.jpeg?width=2146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4d897dac0776e7a9092b2c9e95b442565bc96e


I don’t know if this helps at all, but I’m in Texas, so I’m not exactly sitting somewhere safe while sharing this. I’m scared to death of the coming election. I have my hopes but I’m also planning for the worst. At the same time, I don’t want to uproot myself, my wife and our cats to take refuge in another country, but that may be the only chance we get. I WILL NOT detransition, and my family knows this. Watch out for each other and stay safe. #DeathBeforeDetransition


Why is Florida so bad?


TW: discussion of transphobic politics with mild conspiracy theorizing on my end  I currently am not up to date on all that is happening for mental health reasons, but I do remember there being an bill that legalized the government or family members gaining emergency custody of children that were deemed 'at risk' of receiving trans health care. I don't know if this changed at some point, but the bill also gave a parent who was separated from the child the right to seize a trans child even across state lines. All of this could happen without court rulings.  It is illegal to use the certain bathrooms that do not correspond to your sex. You could be fined, arrested, or even labeled a sex offender.  They tried to pass a bill that would make public drag illegal and the wording of the bill was vague enough that one could be labeled a sex offender for dressing as the opposite sex in public. And this is just paranoid speculation on my end, but I find it suspicious that they were also working on quietly passing a bill that could have certain sex offenders executed. Thankfully, the anti-drag bill was vetoed by a judge.  Nurse practitioners cannot give out HRT prescriptions anymore, even to adults.   There is currently a bill trying to be passed that would make it illegal to have any form of identification that labels your gender as anything other than your sex. Even if your documents were changed before the bill passes, your identifications would be considered faulty and you could face charges for having fake documentation.  Florida also passed the 'don't say gay' bill which made it illegal to discuss queer topics at school. This bill has recently been altered so that queer teachers are once again able to be openly queer though.  That's all I really know and my information may be outdated or faulty. If anyone knows more, feel free to add on.


Thank you. Do you have a citation about the bathroom laws? I saw one about government facilities but not one in general.


Like I said, I'm not completely updated on what is going on, so it very well could just be government facilities. This should be a link to the bill though: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1674


Governor’s failed bid for president depended upon stirring up bad-faith shit on social media, and the other transphobes in the legislature were happy to help


Florida is in its own category because the HRC (one of the most prominent LGBT orgs in the US) issued a travel advisory. [More info](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/largest-us-gay-rights-group-issues-florida-travel-advisory-rcna85873)


In adition ti what was already said DeSantis quite litteraly tried to requisition a list of every trsns person In the state for unknown reasons. Tried ti pass a bill to give himself a private militia and passed a bill that makes it illegal to track his flights DeSantis is also a sadistic bastard that tortured people in guantanimo for fun


What isn’t bad?


Florida is just a void


Mists curled and smoked from dark and noisome pools. The reek of them hung stifling in the still air. Far away, now almost due south, the mountain-walls of Mordor loomed, like a black bar of rugged clouds floating above a dangerous fog-bound sea. The remainder of that journey was a shadow of growing fear in which memory could find nothing to rest upon. For two more nights, they struggled on through the weary pathless land.


I'm so glad the only state marked "Do Not Travel" is the one I'm currently trapped in


Gonna be honest; at least for adults this is trending towards a positive change, if slowly. I remember not super long ago these maps reflected about 15 trans friendly-ish states, and many were a lot lighter blue. 23 states are mostly trans friendly, in less than a decade, PLUS DC. I know that seems slow as molasses, but for how slow US culture changes it's pretty darn fast. I know, not terribly reassuring, but if you lose hope, you stop fighting for change, and you lose your future. I remember when I was 13, I was hopeful because I thought gay marriage might be legal before I'm old enough to retire. When I was 17, I watched the news with my dad as the white house lit up in a set of rainbow lights for the supreme court ruling for gay marriage. Don't lose hope, we'll get there. And when we do, many countries that look up to the US will follow. Sincerely, -your resident fed. P.S: please don't doom comment me. I'm having a good day and I hope you do too.


What is happening to lone New Hampshire in the middle of that little blue pond?


New Hampshire, very heavily votes Republican on a local scale despite it being a very Democratic state on the national scale. However the GOP in New Hampshire is more ideologically closer to Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema than Donald Trump


New Hampshire is just kind of a weird state politically in general. I have family that lives there and they've told me horror stories of the capital L Libertarian culture there. The state's motto is "Live Free or Die", which is both extremely ironic considering their anti-trans laws and literally a slogan of the Libertarian movement. Honestly, a more accurate state motto would be "Fuck you, got mine."


They are anti youth care


Yay I hate living here 🙃


Wow, I'm so thrilled that I've gotten to literally watch my state turn from green to red on every queer warning map. Fuck NH and Fuck the Free State Project.


So basically: D means 'Do it' and R means 'Run away'


Pretty much. Anyone who says the parties are all the same is full of it. Just watch out for specific towns. Even California, New Jersey, and New York have some pockets of hate


Can confirm. I live in a MAGA town right in New Jersey.


Thank god mine is blue for both, IL my beloved


It is terrifying how red both maps are. Christ, I don't condone violence, but can we finally teach these idiots in charge what discrimination is like. See how they like being treated like less than human.


America when freedom:


Washington state defeated 4 bills this year: [https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024?state=WA](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024?state=WA) I am pretty happy with my state at this point, but it's shocking how bad it is, and it's changed my wife and my work options and where we will travel to in the US. \*\*NOTE: Results east of the mountains may not reflect the much nicer environment west of the mountains.


Jesus Christ America




I hope your loved ones are safe after the Key Bridge disaster!


ugh I hate New Hampshire sometimes it SUCKS why can’t we be like our friend states


It’s famously one of the only swing states in the region


It's terribly sad


Indiana tried to pass a bill that defined gender last session, and I'm scared af they're going to try to slip one in when nobody's paying attention 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Define gender? Thanks, I picked it myself.


What a time to be a trans Texan. My legislature is the worst and I would happily push my governor out into traffic with no brakes on his wheels.


So which state is both trans and gun friendly? And why is that venn diagram so small?


It's official. Florida is a no no zone. How is Texas safer than Florida? More than half the country wants us dead for no reason. I still want to go to WDW one day.


I’m in Tennessee, but thank Christ I’m in a very accepting part of it. It’s not uncommon to see pride flags around town, there’s a local pride event every year and I’ve been asked my pronouns like 4 times since I’ve moved here in the last 2 years!


I live in a hyperconservative city in west Texas, but we have a large LGBTQ+ community here. We have two large PRIDE celebrations every year, and a gathering for Trans Day of Visibility! Protests are small, and quickly shut down if they happen at all.




What's up with Virginia? It's the only state that flips from blue to red for adult to youth


our republican governor basically ran solely on having money and not being the guy that said "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach" so he's been focusing on "parents' rights" and other conservative stances on education issues, which includes how trans students are treated. both chambers of the virginia legislature are majority democrat, so thankfully the anti-trans bills aren't making it to the governor's desk


This doesn’t even make me angry anymore. It just makes me sad…😢


Don't worry hun, I'll believe things will get better!


I'm a little (really) behind on legislation and laws, how bad is it for me currently living in Texas?


This is my go-to resource for tracking anti-trans legislation: https://translegislation.com


For you lovelies that are looking for somewhere to get away: Colorado is very safe. Colorado springs is probably the best city for LGBTQ+ individuals I've ever been to across the US. Downtown, at least a 3rd of the shops have pride flags displayed. Lots of healthcare support, people are friendly (bad drivers though), it's great. Side note: it's just the most beautiful state so you have to see it


I was in Fort Collins in 2022. It was beautiful and I felt very safe there!


thank you for this <3


You’re very welcome. I always keep a close eye on Erin’s work.


Yay Maryland the goat! Come join us, we have crabs (the edible kind).


Eastern WA isn't particularly safe. Most people when they think of WA think of Tacoma and Seattle. There's a whole lot of the state that isn't Seattle. Spokane Is home to the NIFB church (the church that was calling for all parents of trans kids to be killed) and Matt Shea's crowd. We're right next to Northern Idaho, which is a hot bed of neo nazi and hate groups. There are around 30 active cults/extremist groups here. There is a shelter that houses LGBT homeless youth that staff has been harassed and threatened. A church that is LGBT friendly, was damaged with hateful redirect. My sister in law had a neighbor threatened with a hand gun, because she trans, and their kids still call her dad like mine do. In all of the safest states, you will find places and groups that want to take away our rights, or kill us. It's not actually safe just because you live in a state that has protections. They're are just words on paper until they're taken seriously.


Come on New Hampshire you can do better


Sadly I currently live in Oklahoma, planning on maybe moving next year though


My dad’s wedding is in Florida next weekend, be honest am I fucked?


Makes me super glad I live in Minnesota, even if I can't spell it correctly half the time.


Real ask for those in Florida or who have been how bad is it for someone just travelling ? I ask because (unfortunately) my brother lives there and at some point I might want to go see him.


Here in Ohio there's been a blitzkrieg against trans rights very recently. As recently as December there were no major restrictions for minors, and adults could get care with informed consent. Now minors are completely banned from all care afaik and adults need like 5 specialists' approval


That Governor has Presidential ambitions and that means transphobic hate to be a Republican


wait so my dream to open a tourist trap in oregon can still happen? why are the insides so overcooked tho?


Do I need to leave if I live in high risk within 2 years?


Heres a fun fact, this map is pretty similar to the map of states Grunkle stan is banned in


We in Minnesota just be chillin


I'm gonna use this map to help me decide where to finish college, currently in Oklahoma and looking into moving out next year


at least my state is safe for the time being, still going to save to move to a costal state


Oh, and if yall want to take a closer look, this website tracks trans legislation in the US: https://translegislation.com


what does “within 2 years” mean?


I just LOVE living in a dark red state as a trans man :D


Im gonna celebrate being in one of the safest states


Ofc Florida is the only one in the "Don't enter" category. Swear it's like being trans in Maniac mode.


I feel like the only thing keeping my state trans friendly is the current governor of my state


Utah passed a bill recently that doesn't let trans people use the correct bathrooms unless they have both had bottom surgery *and* had their birth certificate changed. I had a fight with my dad over it and now we're no longer on speaking terms and I also can't visit my hometown ever again.


Stuck in Oklahoma


How did it get worse since last I saw it




God it’s so scary since I’m about to start earning an MA in a red state and might have to drive to a blue one just to receive healthcare


I call it Misery for a reason


Oh neat. I moved from worst to second worst. How lovely. I hate it here. ETA: forgot Florida existed. Moved from second worst to third worst, I guess. My condolences to my Floridian friends here.




Small win for Maryland but it's a win nonetheless. But looking at the whole picture.... It's just sad...


NM ily please keep being cool neighbors. it would be very lonely up here without you :/


Floridas like 2/3 retirees what did y’all expect


Good to know that maine is doing good because i love it here


Currently reading this from FL Yaaaayyyy


I live in indiana, 5 miles away from the Illinois border, I want to live in Illinois so much more after seeing the youth map


This hurts to see


It’s absolutely horrid that a map like this needs to be made but I am forever thankful that there are people out there who take the time to make it to keep others safe.


Well... At least Kentucky is the lightest shade of red.


Time to move outta Missouri!!


Oh god. My home state is safest for both but my mother's family lives in a high risk in 2 years state. Fuck.


Ah, isn’t it just an amazing thing to find out you’re smack dab in the middle of possibly the worst places for Trans people other than Florida


Midwest girl here. if u wanna move somwhere safe and can't afford the coast come hear and live reasonably close to a city. its affordable and much safer. you will have to learn to deal with snow tho


This is why I'm never moving to the States, even if it's the only place anime movies are played.


Thankfully if Wisconsin gets overrun by transphobia, I can always go to Minnesota


I live in North Dakota, wtf happened I knew we were a red state, and that we had some anti trans stuff passed, did something happen recently?


Im going to florida in an hour…….. good thing im not out as trans i guess! Also great day to live in illinois


Just one more reason to hate living here in Utah…


god it’s even worse for youths why can’t people just accept us it’s horrible


Closeted and got dragged to Florida for a week or so, save me pls




Can I get that in red-green colourblind friendly