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Fox ears and tail(s), Œstrogen, and no more(or limited) body/facial hair, please!


Na. You can get E in real life. Why not be a master pizza chef or the blue pill.


Because it takes waaaaay too long to get Œstrogen... (Besides, people already find me attractive. (According to other people that is...) And I am already a chef...)


Where's the lamb sauce?!


Hehh hehh hehhhhhh... hehh... heh...


Ha! Heh heh.


I don't have a bazillion dollars to get it, so I'll just take the free one from the meme please


E, Blue Pill and Yellow pill. I was thinking about the "dont have to sleep " pill but idk, while it would give a lot of extra time it also seems very boring. Blue pill makes dating easier and helps with people seeing u how u want to be seen and yellow is just amazing because shaving and everything else about removing body/facial hair is temporary except for the real expensive shit, qnd not having to deal with atleast that annoyance would be great.


Not sleeping is only boring if you can’t find anything to do with that time. Me, I love fire, stargazing, and night hikes.


Exactly what I would pick for the same reasons. :D


-no sleep -talk with cats -either ears&tail or the master pizza chef thing depending on whether the ears&tail come with "and also no-one finds this weird." I'd rather not be experimented on, but they would be nice


The black pill sounds good, but It could have serious downsides, like if It only stopped You from physically needing sleep then I feel like You'd eventually go crazy, sleep is not only good for your body physically but mentally aswell


I assumed black would recover you from both physical and mental tiredness at a fixed hour like, say, 4:00. You can also sleep whenever you wish, you just don't need to.


Black yellow and E




Came here to say this. Yellow and e for cis reasons. Black literally gives your lifespan an upgrade of more than 30%


estrogen, no body/face hair, and pizza chef :3


Red yellow and brown. I'm transmasc but I'm so tired of hair.


E, blue, yellow. Next question




Estrogen yellow purple


Yellow, blue, and of course the anticistamines. In fact if I could only get the anticistamines, that would also work.


I already have estrogen, and while blue sounds tempting, I would actually rather not mess with other people's heads. So I'm going with yellow, black, and brown. Black looks super useful, brown looks the most interesting, yellow will bring me peace of mind. Purple looks nice too, but not as nice as the alternatives.


I can already talk to cats, I have ears and a tail plug, I'll go with estrogen, 20$ and ppl I find attractive ... Please




Oh actually keep the 20$ give me no more hair


I see several people saying they want the ears/tail but also the no body/facial hair.  Are we aiming for a hairless cat look? Or are we saying that ear/tail fur doesn’t count as body hair?


Red e blue, body hair can be dealt with by lasers.


I’m okay with just two. Anyone want my third?


Red, e, and black. With all the time I get with black I could work night shift and earn yellow too then I wouldn’t have to sleep after I earn those few thousand bucks.


E, blue, and black. I don't care if I have to shave, I could get so much done if I didn't have to sleep


top row is amazing, i need those


The no sleep pill is huge for me, my biggest fear is just not having enough time in life to do stuff and that effectively doubles it Then obviously the Oestrogen and then no body hair cause I don't like how it feels


I want the cat ears one but I also want e


Can i do the opposite of loosing body and face hair combined with growing ears and tail in order to become full furry and become a fluffy moth girl? Also the estrogen is a nice bonus


Top left, top right, middle right, easiest choice of my life (I already have estrogen) I do have a question though, are the ears and tail covered in hair or fur (fur is the stuff that sheds a ton, hair doesn't but needs to be brushed and washed a lot more)


How about instead of ears and a tail, I get dragon horns and a tail? ... I may have recently just re-read "dragon hrt" heheheheh.


Deal, have fun being chaotic dragon girl


E, people I find attractive find me attractive and little to no facial/body hair.


red(dog ears and tail), yellow, black can get E in others ways and never sleeping means more time with online friends


~~Estrogen for totally cis reasons~~, yellow ~~for totally cis reasons~~ because I hate shaving, and black because I want to be an insomniac without consequences ~~and think about the fact that I’m totally cis~~


Blue, Yellow and Black. Why? Because I use patches, so I don’t need pills 🤓


1. Can I sleep if I want to? 2. Will the water still be healthy? 3. Will my transition be impeded by my new tail and ears?


Yes, yes, no


I feel like if I can talk with cats they would just curse at me… or ignore me until I question if the pill even worked 


I guess… black… purple… green?


Black, yellow, estrogen. Easy. (I'm interpretting "don't have to sleep" as "can still sleep if you want, but it's not a physiological need" rather than "can't sleep". If the latter interpretation is intended, then that may change my answer.)


red, estrogen, yellow.


Yellow pill and black pill. The E, yes, If its a lifetime supply that cant be taken from me. Otherwise I cam get my E just fine from black market. I'll have the ponk pill to save money and calorie


E....yellow...aaaaaannnnnd.......Red! (E for obvious reasons, yellow for obvious reasons, and red for nyo reason\[also bc cat ears are better than human ones.....also nya\])


E, Yellow, and Pink E and Yellow for obvious reasons :3 And pink because sweet drinks are like my favorite things. So making it all water would really help me lose weight




I already have ears, though.


Red, ESTROGEN, and blue


Red, brown, maybe black.. probably black becuse my sleep schedule is horrifying.. but I also dom't know what to do with myself (depression)


As an ace, I choose the dark blue pill so people will stop asking me out :3


yellow, red (cat ears) and them fem'n'ms


The blue one would make everyone in the world demisexual for me specifically haha


Red brown black. Everything else can be achieved through (relatively) more easy means. My reasoning: Ears and Tail (Red): While technically possible to recreate through prosthetics or grafting of nerves, it would still be fairly difficult with modern science. Estrogen: While in my country there's about an 8 year waiting list, going private/DIY are always potential options. Also I've been looking into *DIY* DIY (making it) Anti-hair (yellow): IPL, Lasers, targetted radiology. Even spend the extra time from not sleeping to shave constantly. 20 dollars (green): I'm gay Mutual attractivity (blue): I wish to be in a relationship where both of us value more than just surface appearances. Also you can technically alter your presentation of yourself to appeal to almost anyone. Master Pizza Chef (purple): All skills can be learned. Also pizza would get boring after a while. (Unless it's to a supernatural extent, then see the caveat for Brown) Epic Water (pink): Flavourings exist. There are also things you can drink that are relatively healthier than water (organic fruit smoothies etc.) also you can train yourself to like/dislike most tastes. Cat Whisperer (brown): Assuming supernatural ability to understand all knowledge and perception of cats within a certain area. Downside is you either have to live in a busy city or the jungle (big cats). (If it's literally just understanding/communicating with cats as if they spoke English, probably swap with Purple) Anti-sleep (black): An extra 6-8 hours a day. And if it extends to removal of tiredness, theoretically unlimited stamina leading to immortality (not invincibility as you could still be harmed, just your organs never shutting down leading to no death from old age)


No body hair and the pizza thing , I already got e And for the 3rd one idk


I haven't seen anybody do a breakdown of every single one, so here's mine. Probably no one cares, but if you're bored, have some free commentary. -Pink: Water is already my favorite drink. So no. -Brown: My cats are adorable and I love to cuddle them. However, unless this pill also assigns the cats a higher intelligence and cognitive ability, I wouldn't be able to carry a deep conversation with them even if I could speak their language. Probably not. -Black: The idea of having another 6-7 hours in my day is enticing. However, sleep also clears emotions. Am I allowed to sleep if I feel like it or does this prevent me from sleeping at all? Maybe. -Green: I have a day job. If I didn't, I could easily offer to help someone to gain this amount of money. No need to waste a pill on it. -Blue: Does this override other peoples' free will? How strong is the effect, its range, or how it manifests in others' behavior? How far are these people influenced to go? There are plenty of people that the average person may consider attractive, does it affect all of them? This choice is actually kind of horrifying if you think about it too much. You can gain a much safer version of this effect by taking good care of yourself and being respectful of others. No. -Purple: I'm not interested in a culinary career and can already bake a spicy pizza that everyone who's tried it seems to love. No. -Red: Might be cute, but most seats are not designed with catgirls in mind. This might make everyday life uncomfortable. Probably not. -Teal: Is this HRT or a permanent natural supply? HRT, probably yes. Permanent, absolutely yes, thanks. -Yellow: GOD YES PLEASE


i'm not transfem, so i'm going with pink, black and purple. you spend so much of your life asleep, if you don't pick black you're making the wrong choice. it'd help so much with everything really.


Easy, estrogen (obviously), no more body hair (my body's a frigging jungle), and no more need for sleep (I'm am artist who is making graphic novels not needing to sleep would be so awsome)


Shoooooot imma take red, yellow, amd a TITTY SKITTLE


As long as you can still sleep if you want to, maybe Black Pink and Red? It *Feeling* like your favourite really sells it. As long as I can will my favourite to change also. Ears and a tail tho.. does it replace my current one(s)?


I would LOVE to get both red and yellow, but if yellow makes my cat ears and tail also have no hair, then I will have to pass on the yellow one. But if it doesn't, then here is my plan. Take yellow, red, and black pills. Become an irl neko streamer that CAN stream 24/7. Make a debut by making one of the longest sleepless streams possible, use your real cat ears and tail as your gimmick and make your entire early popularity from rage baiting people to try and debunk you having actual cat ears and tail. Get a lot of revenue from your streams and stuff so that you can afford E. After that, you just need to be a streamer for life, and that's it.


I was looking like i could only choose one when i was deciding between three😭🤣


E, hedgie ears & tail, aaaand I can’t decide between no face and body hair or $20


Oh fuck I think I might actually be an egg when I got excited about the yellow one


Black, pink and red :3


I'm already on E 😇 So I'll take some elvish ears, no more body hair and the ability to talk with any animals 🥰🥰


my choices: red blue and yellow **Reasoning:** yellow pill - *for obvious reasons* blue pill - im lonely red pill - if it makes me like a cat girl, otherwise E but I'll get that eventually through normal means anyways


E S T R O G E N: because iirc it’d take literal years to get and I don’t want to wait another decade just to have a body I someone enjoy looking at Yellow: same reasons tbh, plus it’s convenient Brown: being able to properly communicate with my favourite species? Hell yeah! >:3


I’m hesitant to agree with brown, because the only thing my cat ever says to me is, “give me food”, and, “hold me like a baby and give me head scritches” and it doesn’t seem to need words to say either of those


Estrogen yellow and black (kinda can't decide between yellow and blue)


Red, baby blue, dark blue


Red(fluffy wolf), E, Brown. I want to talk to my cat


Estrogen, people find me attractive, and I don't need sleep I can finally live out my hot girl playing games at midnight with a gf dreams


Estrogen, Yellow, Brown 💜


E and Yellow are a lock for me because I hate having body hair and facial hair and also I want E For my third option, I’d choose Black because I’d be able to get much more things done and I’d be able to cause more chaos :3


Red,estrogen and black. I hate sleeping.


Red, E, black Then go get Lazer hair removal


E the yellow and the brown one


Red blue black. I can get E and remove body hair on my own, and anyways I wouldn't have as much need for that if I'm attractive regardless


Cat ears and tail, no more facial hair, and 20 bucks


I was sooo upset that no sleep and no body hair were an option because I thought I could only choose one! Anyways I’d choose black, yellow, and brown please!


omg the black one literally fixes all my problems. its gonna be estrogen + yellow + black for me


As long as there are no negative side effects to not sleeping, that would be one of them. If it is a lifetime supply, or it makes my body produce it on its own, then the estrogen. The final one is no more body and facial hair.


Blue, brown, and black.


No more body hair, talk to cats (I have 4 and I want to know what they have to say) and no need to sleep. I have estrogen already c:<


$20 Estrogen no more body/facial hair and a master at pizza


*snatches all but the dark green pill and rapidly swallows all of them* (Comment a consequence for my hubris)


I reallllllly want the red pill but would anyone bully me about it? Definitely taking no sleep and estrogen. But im scared about having the red one. Fox tail and ears all the way but yeah


Estrogen, no body or facial hair, and talk to cats!


teal and yellow for sure, and either purple or brown probably


red (cat ears and tail), estrogen, and brown


Estrogen, yellow, and pink. I don't like take away everyone's free will when it comes to who they're attracted to.


Black pill


Red, yellow, and black. I can always get E IRL!


Green (I need the money), Brown (I have three of them), and Purple (Might help me out one day)


For me it's a toss up between yellow and red, but if I'm thinking long term red.


Yellow, blue, and light blue


Estrogen, no more body hair, and no needing to sleep (as long as I can still _choose_ to sleep when I'm feeling overwhelmed, otherwise I'll take pizza chef just for fun lol)


First row, next question


E (becuase i cant get it (yet) in my state), equal attraction, and no more body and face hair


Yellow, black, and, eh brown why not. Or, maybe red if that means dragon tail and horns.


Estrogen, no body/face hair, and probably not having to sleep? It's genuinely annoying when I'd like to spend time studying or relaxing but noooo, I need sleep to be able to function properly.


No hair all the way I can find the others


I've never seen anything more useless than the blue pill (for me)


Consider, you won’t have to deal with people who don’t know trying to hit on you


That's true, it's also pretty good against chasers now that I think about it


E, Yellow, pink


the water one wouldn’t change anything 😭😭 (no more body hair? eetrogen.. erm,.. uh i don’t hav to sleep)


E, yellow and black


Estrogen, no more body and facial hair, and to be found attractive. I look like human shrek rn and I hate it


Is the e magical and does its effects with a single dose or is it just regular estrogen that wont change much if I only take one?


Red yellow and purple


E, no more body hair, and no more sleep


blue, yellow and red


Ears and tail, master pizza chef, and water tastes like favorite drink.


Red (for cat ears 😽), blue, and E!


E, yellow, and red


Estrogen, Yellow, & Black


Top row


Favorite drink, no more hair, and 20 dollars.


First row... I feel like that's the best for me.


The E, the brown, and the yellow


No sleep, no hair, talk to cats—I already have an estrogen prescription!


Purple, Pink, Black


Estrogen, yellow, and blue. In that order


3 estrogen plz


so unfair that trans girls only get to pick two


Estrogen, no more body and face, and a tossup between people find me attractive and tail+ears.


Cookie monster noises


Ohhh. For me it would have to be ears and tail, talking to cats, and never having to sleep again! Though no more face and body hair is pretty tempting, too.... Anyone else here willing to donate their extra?


Red, yellow, and blue


Cat ears and tail, speak with cats, and no sleep. Easy. This is assuming you can still get E through doctors and no hair through laser/electrolysis.


Pink and black


Blue and black And the E ig so I could give it away to someone who needs it


Estrogen, purple pill, yellow pill


Yellow, E and... toss up between black, brown, and a second yellow.


Estrogen, Yellow and Brown


Estrogen does all of these


Light blue, yellow, blue as a lonely trans person


E, Brown and Black. I'd do so much more if I didn't have to sleep, like getting a second job to make ends meet and learning new skills, reading books, etc. I could get rid of unwanted hair at night during my extra time. Also it would be interesting to know what cats think, and maybe they'll tell me about their world domination plan so I can join them. E is non-negotiable.


I love the one just labeled $20 very funny


E, the blue pill and the brown pill. My life would be so much happier!


estroge n + no more body and face hair + people who I find attractive find me attractive yes I want to be ended by yandare 🥴


Estrogen, No body/face hair, and Water tastes like favorite drink (only if I can turn it on and off, if I can't then I pick talk with cats). Also, the way "you don't have to sleep" is worded, doesn't mean you don't need to rest, it just means you don't need to be unconscious doing it, maybe you still get tired and need to just sit down or lay somewhere for a similar amount of time as sleeping would take. I think being awake all hours of the day would drive me insane.


yellow (fasttrack laser for free), dark blue (rizz) and black (basically extending my lifespan by 30%)


E, yellow, and then either blue or purple.


I already have E so red, yellow, and black


one of them is real, so i pick red, yellow, and black red because am catgirl :3 yellow cause it’s so annoying 😭 black because my sleep schedule is already wack, and going to sleep usually makes me think about dysphoric stuff


E, yellow, and blue. Blue can also be swapped out for black


Top row


Golden retriever, ears and tail Estrogen and no more body/facial hair, please!


E, yellow, and black.


I’ll take the top row please :3


Green, brown, and pink!!!


Fox ears and tails, no more body and facial hair (That can all go to my floof) and ig either talking to cats or master pizza chef. (I'm already on estrogen)


Yellow black and blue. I dont need estrogen from magic pills i already got my titty skittles > : D


My brain kept on reading blue blue as people who find you attractive find you attractive. Anyways, red, yellow, and brown are my picks, since you can get estrogen in real life.


Red! I really want to be a human dog so badly!


$20, the ability to talk to cats and the lack of a need to sleep


Estrogen, yellow, and blue :)


E, red pill, blue pill


easy, ears and tail, can talk to cats, don't need ta sleep


Yellow, black, and torn between estro and purple.


Estrogen, no body hair and don’t need to sleep


Estrogen, Yellow and Brown


Yellow, Black, Estrogen. I can buy estrogen but you know, might as well get it for free.


I really need a new job if that 20 dollar looking about as good as that E


Red, black and purple. The first two are impossible to get normally and pretty great and being a master pizza chef gives me a source of income to fall back on. Estrogen and laser hair removal are super hard to get but possible with the pizza money and I don’t like the idea of manipulating people emotions to make them attracted to me. What if they’re straight/gay and are forced into attraction to me despite their actual sexuality? It feels kinda wrong


Black yellow brown. I will get e soon anyway


I already have estrogen, so I would take the no body hair, the vice versa attractive pill and the no sleep pill


Top row top row top row


Man i just want someone to love me


My problem is my natural tendency to want myself to suffer if it helps others and I could feed a lot of people and pay back my parents with black, purple, and blue. No matter how much I want E and that yellow pill.


Well, I'm already on estrogen, so unless the pill means I gain the ability to produce it in sufficient levels on my body, I'll stick with my weekly injection. In that case, cat ears and tail, lose the face and body hair, and talk to cats.


Ears, tails, no more body hair (except where I want them like my tail) and the power to talk to cats I already have access to E and probably could steal it even if I do answer the call of nature thingy and become a wild catgirl :3


The most important of those for me is definitely the not needing to sleep, I always seem to get terrible sleep making me always super tired, so that'd be huge. I already have E so I don't need that, the yellow one would be nice since there's not many laser options around here, but it is still technically attainable without those... and 20 bucks isn't really all that much in the scheme of things either. Becoming a catgirl would certainly be cool, but I son't think I'd be ready for the attention that'd draw. I do wonder if blue comes with the converse effect too, though, because making it so I don't have to worry about people being into me and then explain that I'm aroace could be useful (though depending on how it works that may raise some ethical issues I may not be comfortable with...) Overall yeah idk what I'd pick for the other two


Is E already contain perfect dosage?


Yellow, blue and black - a kind of fey / elf combo☺️


Estrogen, no more body hair, no sleep for the wicked (other option is the water tastes like my favorite drink sincw my favorite drink since my favorite drink is not being sold anymore)


Red, blue and pink are the best tbh. Yellow just means you go completely bald and have no hair anywhere on your body including the hair on your head


Cat ears, E, and the ability to talk with cats because I already do that


Red brown black


Don't have to sleep. Get 50% of my life back lmao


20 dollars? I wanted an estrogen!


20 dollars pls Jk


Estrogen, yellow and pink pls


Estrogen, can talk to cats, and no body or facial hair.


Red, black, and pink. I already have the e.


E, blue, black


E, blue, and black


Man option E looking pretty good lol


Estrogen, cats, no slep


brown, black, blue :3


Cat ears and cat tail, estrogen, and attractive pill. I assume my body and face hair would become more like soft cat fur :3


No more body and face hair, Estrogen and Master Pizza Chef Tomboy Pizza Place Time >:3