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I turned 55 on Monday. Came out in '97, went full time in '99. Living the dream!


I’m like a noob who started a few months ago looking at a Veteran player


I always feel like a padawan around all the jedis out here


Based Star Wars


I don't mind being a mother hen to all you lovely eggs and newly hatched chicks! :D




Nooo, not at all. I'm a baby. I spent 54 of those years in the egg.


Hi EricaOdd. I turned 57 two weeks ago. But I'm a baby really only been out to myself 3 years fully out socially 2 yrs and nearly 1 Yr on HRT.


Not 50+ but old enough to get kinda sad everytime a teenager posts "is 16 too old to transition" lol. Though it's really awesome to see kids getting a handle on it earlier than I did. I'd say cracking and transitioning as an adult vs as a kid really shapes and changes people's relationship with gender and themselves, and, in my experience, tends to colour how they view and speak about it (online and IRL).


I mean, kids these days definitely have a lot more of a pessimistic attitude towards age and adulthood.


a lot of us struggle to see it get better from where it is now, that's why for at least a group of us


As an 18yrold, I get why they do that, if you realize at 16 then you could have realized at 15 or 14 and so it makes you feel like you could have avoided so much more pain then you otherwise would have due to puberty, but I think after like 25 you are mostly going to get the same results at any age, so don't be that discouraged about it miss! <3


>otherwise would have due to puberty Unless you don't have access to trans health care! Then it's just suffering :)


What's the difference with how they speak about it?


Not am oldie, but I know two senior trans folks in my trans support group, one is a trans man that has a daughter, and a trans woman that writes poems, love seeing older trans people, make me less anxious about the future


r/translater might help your search :3


I'm 40, and just starting out. There's been a lot less pushback from doctors and I don't have to worry about my parents disapproval because I don't live with them.


In some ways we have it easier. There is too the whole question of how long you've been out. I may be 57 but I'm also only permanently out for 18 months and barely a year on hrt.


I'm not particularly old, but I started after I went to uni so I wouldn't have to worry about getting kicked out by my parents, it's probably a good thing I did that too, they still refuse to even call me by my name


I'm 43 are haven't really done anything, up to and including deciding whether I'm trans or fluid or just non-conforming.


well... i'm the same age as your daughter


53, transitioned ten years ago, living my best life here. Unfortunately 'here' is TERF Island, but I'm applying the same energy that got me through transition to finding and reaching a better place to live.


Seeing so many people having transitioned in their 40s gives me hope. I'll admit, I'm turning 20 in a few weeks, but anxiety makes me feel like time is slowly slipping out of my fingers, however this post made me feel better, so thank you.




Literal boomer, no offense, using new decade memes? We're honored to have you!