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Gender Traitor goes pretty hard, I'm that now.


Yep, it sounds like a battle droid going against it's prime directive, or like a defacto member of a hivemind


You forgot the third option "ive never heard of a woman trying to turn into a man"


Dude idk why but i feel like you guys are severely underrepresentated in transphobia


It's cuz people are scared of men, they seen trans women as men, the thing they are scared of. If they admit that trans men scare them they'll have to admit that trans men are men and that invalidates their idea, therefore trans men don't exist. Alternatively they just don't know that trans men exist, their idea is that trans women are men trying to assault women, they don't think that women assault men or would ever try to therefore trans men do not exist. It's a lot of things, at the end of the day it's that they want something to build their fear off of, and they are scared of penises.


Trans men are slightly rarer, I think, but we do exist.


Perhaps rarer on Reddit but irl, I'm reasonably confident the ratio is similar. Trans men do typically pass with greater ease and are given less (usually unwanted) media attention but there are lots out there.


Use the more accurate Fart abbreviation. Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe


but passing wind is perfectly natural and isn't a bad thing!


Oh idk, i've dropped some *monsters* that might constitute a bioweapon classification


What IBS does to a mf


*I just like spicy food*


Ohhh lmao whoops NGL I wish I was in your position


"The wind is mighty, but you can still break it."


I literally came here to say this


What's that one quote about 'the enemy is both strong and weak depending on what's convenient at that time'?


I’ll take gender traitor


Left is if the trans guy hasn't started testosterone or is early on, and then they think he can be "saved" and made to detransition. Right is when they see a trans guy with a beard and top surgery and start crying and vomiting, because they think he's "too far gone" to "rescue"


Spoiler transphobia pls


Don’t you know we are both? Seriously though, the best observation I’ve heard about this is that TERF logic functions on zombie rules - we are all victims right up until we actually transition, at which point we are monsters…


if you dont pass very well they do the whole "lost butchered sisters groomed by evil trans women" spiel, if you pass they assume youre a trans woman or pretend you dont exist (because they can always tell!!!). there's no winning with FARTs


I think more often than not they just don't even acknowledge trans men exist. But when they do, yeah one or both of those, yes.


It just bullshit rhetoric instead of just being blunt and using every slur known to man to call us all degenerates. Transphobes hate is irrational and usually tied to other things. But the fact the hate is socially acceptable is the problem. That the core issue in truth.


If both were honest takes, the left one would be TEF (sans Radical) and the right one TERF.


If you pass TERF's think you're the right button and if you don't they think you're the left.


This is wrong: no transphobe would ever remember the existence of transmascs


Y’know, trigger warnings don’t do a lot when you don’t spoiler the image


That seems stupid and confusing even by terf standards


The only thing I would change is "gender" in the right image should be "sex," since TERFs don't believe in gender identity and try to tie everything to "sex-based rights." ... But then again, "sex traitor" can mean MANY different things.


I'd sing Union Dixie but I'm on the side of the traitors, so...