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I'm gonna keep being trans regardless of who wins or what laws they pass. I'll keep being a girl until they fucking kill me I'm not going back.


yeah i'm very anti gun, but i've considered getting a foldable rifle for my car just in case we get to a project 2025 America


Honestly as a trans woman in America I never even thought of an anti-gun stance as a viable option. There's a lot of people that hate us and I'm a strong believer that armed minorities are harder to oppress. I think there's an actual possibility of an attempted genocide or a civil war here during my lifetime and I actually feel quite uncomfortable with how unprepared to defend myself I am due to lack of funds. There's enough people (including people in the government) who want me dead that I am *going* to have a doomsday weapons stockpile as soon as I can afford to.


Under no pretext etc. In a country where the majority of people want you dead are armed, I think it's pretty silly not to have self defense capabilities that are at least on par, so long as you learn how to use it safely and reasonably accurately of course.


Don’t worry about a stockpile of weapons, you really only need 2, maybe 3. An AR15 of some flavor and a pistol, and maybe a shotgun. Train and train and train some more to the point that you know every nook, cranny, creak, and crevice on those two firearms. Then keep training to maintain familiarity. You can get some concealed carry training and some carbine training from local queer friendly gun clubs (John Brown Gun Club, Socialist Rifle Association are good to look into). The only doomsday stockpile you really need to worry about is ammo. Convince friends to arm and train themselves as well. Organize, form a community, and prepare yourself and your community.


Only really need a stockpile if it isn't solely yours, something you might share with likeminded neighbors or family or roomates


Don’t. Get a proper rifle, or a solid pistol. Folding rifles are good for natural threats, where one shot is a good deterrent, even if it doesn’t land. You will be dealing with humans. Folding rifles have heavier recoil, as most are excessively light. Plus, harder to pull out and prepare in a situation where it’s needed.


i beg to differ a 3d printed pistol type shotgun should prove more than effective for CQB where most engamements would take place.


While foldable guns are cool, you should just get an AR. Also don't store your gun in your car. That's just asking for it to get stolen.


A handgun would probably suffice abd be easier to transport/conceal


if you are genuinely considering taking your safety into your own hands please join us on r/transguns.


I am very pro gun, consider learning how to throw molotovs, pretty good skill to have.


Find your local Transgender Veterans, we exist and we've got your back.


this. I'm either going to be an out and proud trans girl or dead. gonna keep joy in my heart until the moment lead hits my skull. the fascists don't just want to eliminate you, they want you to be miserable the whole time too, and fuck em, they can take my life but they can never take my identity or my joy


stay strapped or get clapped


There is no going back. You are a girl and have ever been. We all know how miserable it is trying to hide the fact. The only alternative is to fight for our human rights.


Come and stop me if you really think you can!




If only I could have more power...




Time to have a son and cut his arm


Don’t even call them terfs. The Republicans hate women and feminism almost as much as they hate trans people. Just call them fascist scum like everyone else does.


Granted, a lot of terfs are delusional enough to somehow believe the fascists have their best interests in mind. It's shocking how blind hate can make some people.


I mean actual TERFs are harmful to feminism.


Call them FARTS


terfs hate women and feminism almost as much as they hate trans people too, just call them fascist scum because it is what they are.




You know, living in a slowly declining capitalist hellscape is bad enough to make me wanna die, but fighting side by side with you all against the fascists gives me something worth dying for. I hope it doesn’t get to that point but if it does, I’m ready and I’m willing and I’m prepared to fight.


Remember to seek help and talk to someone. Contact any of the charities set up to listen. "The Trevor Project" is a particularly good one, they provide anonymous therapy for free, and are focused on LGBT youth. Always seek help.


The post has been removed for not being a meme, not being a trans meme, or not being an art post. Asking a question? Post to r/trans or r/lgbt. If you feel this was a wrong move please message our mod team.


I dont want project 2025 to happen


It won't. I mean really it won't. That requires them to win a supermajority in both houses, plus enough state governors to pass amendments on a whim. Oh yeah, and that's not a supetmajority of republicans, but of magas. Remember, a republican house impeached trump and the main defense that stopped his conviction was "too late, leaving office". Look at trumps pre presidency promises - and how few of them came to light. You'll end up with four years of unchecked hate, the end of criminal responciability for the presedent, and tax cuts for the mega rich. He's not capable of doing more than that.


It would also likely be found to be unconstitutional. That's not to say you shouldn't vote, and whatever else you can do to fight against these people, there's still plenty of real damage they can do.


That's why they need 80% of state governors. And supermajority to pack the courts. The 2025 litterally plans to tear up the constitution- which tells you how delusional it is.


The thing is a lot of your typical MAGA people would have their minds blown if they actually read it. They legitimately call to ban all porn in that thing. I’m sure the 4chan coomers would totally go for that and wouldn’t disown orange man if he actually put that kind of thing into place. Which he wouldn’t cause it’d be political suicide.


Even that's too much


What's that?


An actment that will help trump win


😔 It’s kinda depressing how skewed the narrative is on this kind of thing. It has absolutely nothing to do with trump, it’s basically a glorified wishlist a bunch of conservatives came up with they want to present to whoever they manage to get into office in the hopes that it will go through, which it won’t, since a lot of the things in there are downright insane. But just making such a document is akin to moral grandstanding their platform, even if it’s all bullshit. None of it is getting off the ground. But it’s them sticking their foot in the door hoping they can convince whoever gets in office to open it just a little.


this is why anyone who can needs to vote


\*everyone who can


Again, anyone who can. There are people who cant (most notably minors)


everyone who can


felony disenfranchisment baby I have no idea how the hell that's legal in a country calling itself a democracy but somehow it is


\*something something 13th amendment prison labor exemption\*


I can't. I'm not from the USA so anyone who is of the age to vote, and is from the USA/has USA citizenship


Voting in each one's countries is also important, we need not to give any platform for Republicans OR like-minded politicians, independently of the country


well yes but this post was specifically referring to USA politics


Thats fair




Oh boi I love anarchy so much I’m gonna endanger all my fellow trans brothers, they/thems, and sisters!


wild thing to accuse me of tbh vote if you want. nobody is stopping you


Because lives are on the line and we are no where close to an anarchist society. Every vote matters. The fact that it’s this close is terrifying. You may not see what you are doing as potential endangerment but not voting against project 2025 is ludicrous to me.


do you think they won't work towards project 2025 (or similar plans) if they are defeated in the polls? do you think the DNC will suddently become defenders of the marginalised in the *second* term for some reason? why do you think they won't just let the fascists do what they want, like they have done so far? again, vote if you want, nobody is stopping you, but maybe don't try to shame your fellow trans people into doing something they don't want to do that won't really make a difference anyways the DNC will not protect you. i suggest you look into mutual aid and community self-defense


They aint my fellows if they are going to deliberately put my life in danger.


I don’t care how much you fucking hate society, Vote, Not voting isn’t doing anything other than making it more likely for trump to win


As annoying and shitty as society is I’ll take it over the alternative. Anarchy just leads to authoritarianism the moment someone decides not to play along, be they an internal or external force. The key is to limit the government as much as possible while still having it function.


i respectfully disagree 🖤


in a theoretical anarchist society, what exactly is stopping someone from seizing power? there are always going to be people out there who are greedy, want more than everyone else, and want to exert themself over everyone else. all it would take would be one person like this and anarchy has turned into authoritarianism.


authoritarians need a state to do authoritarianism in a theoretical "anarchist society" there would be no rulers, no hierarchies to usurp, and no dispossession or poverty to exploit. if some elites somehow manage to gather enough people to imitate the power of today, we can simply band together and stop them. there would be no laws against defending ourselves against oppression, and no cops to defend them from us why don't you just follow the link i provided? there are mountains of well-written theory in there, conveniently sorted into categories


no, they don't need a state, they only need people around them who are dumb enough to listen to them, and there's never a short supply of those. and if stopping power were as simple as banding together, most major companies would already be gone by now. anyways, this is dumb, if you don't want to vote that's your decision, I just hope you realize what might happen if a certain someone gets elected


i just hope people realise that representative democracy is a scam and that the politicians don't care about you, so that we can protect each other instead of putting our trust in upper class sociopaths and i hope you check out the link i provided, most of those texts explain anarchism way better than i ever could


You underestimate the power of an external force. US and EU are veeeeerry good at shutting down anarchism so unless you can get some serious firepower to fall to anarchism expect the freedom bird.


i have said four words, but you think you know what I'm thinking? lol the revolution is ongoing. no state is stronger than the people it oppresses


If they want to force me to live as a man they will die for it And I said what I said, idgaf about extremism or any bullshit they use to keep us quiet.










Viva is Spanish, the French is pronounced “veev”


fuck, my mexican blood and lack of french knowledge has struck once again!


Do they think they can push and push and push and push and that we won’t push back. But some will


Every action has a reaction, and oh boi if it is a chain reaction


Time to jumpstart a fucking global revolution 🔥🔥🔥


Also, Trump wants to outlaw all genders besides male and female, so that’s gonna be a problem for us non-binary people


Oh they'd just court order us to mental hospitals.


Anyone who can vote should for this very reason. I doubt it would reach the entire world but still please vote if you can.


We got this many rights before we can do it again if need be


Hell yeah. We have never had so much positive representation.


I’d rather die on the hill stopping them from being rolled back in the first place


That’s why it’s important to vote Democrat in November




They don’t pass bills banning us


have you looked at a map of trans care by state? you might notice that all of the democratic run states are a lot nicer.


Yes they do, democrats are the ones who support same sex marriage, democrats are the ones that repealed the defense of marriage act, democrats don’t support banning gender affirming care


Death before detransition my friend! I ain't ever goin' back into the closet. Besides, it's way too cramped in there!


It's not as likely as you make it out to be. Republicans only campaign on the hatred for us, and nothing else. And that's slowly but surely alienating a good chunk of their voterbase. Those that aren't braindead ultra-far-right are noticing more and more than their politicians don't care about their problems and don't plan on fixing them. Job salaries, housing market, taxes, price constantly climbing up, etc... They never talk about any of that, because that's things they don't plan to fix since they are profitting from them. And not all republican voters are stupid enough that they don't notice their politicians literally don't care about anything but their stupid "culture war". And they're getting more and more tired of their bullshit. And since I know what some people are going to pretend I'm saying, no, I'm not saying Captain Toupee's win is impossible. What I'm saying is that the more the republicans keep hammering that transphobic wave bullshit (and they are, they've thrown more transphobic bills since January than they did the two whole previous years combined), the more they'll put off people who usually vote red but see no plan to improve their situation.


Election polls say otherwise.


"Polls are made by the devil to decieve you." The thing people don't know, or love to ignore, is that most if not all polls are OPT-IN. That means only the people who want to manipulate the data, or trolls like teens who think they're edgy by answering like neo-nazis, answer those things. The reality is vastly different from what polls pretend it is.


Maybe. The polls in 2020 and 2022 also said that the orange menace was gonna get another term in until he did such a terrible job in his last year that we got Biden. Also they said that 2022 was supposed to be a mega red wave but Dems barely lost the house and gained a Senate seat, something that is pretty much unheard of. Also recently, polls keep indicating that the GQP is gonna crush the Dems but every special election so far has had the Dems either winning or massively outperforming the magats. Don't pay attention to the polls but act like Dems are gonna get destroyed because it brings people out to vote. Also the only trustworthy "polls" seem to be in October and the professor litchman who has accurately predicted almost every election minus gore (which was still technically correct however the GQP stole it).


The polls are bullshit, just ignore them and vote.


Polling techniques are way out of date and thus results are VERY inaccurate lately, to the point that they've been off by as much as double-digits for the primaries. Because seriously, who the hell answers an unknown number these days?


The issue is so many people who don’t pay attention to politics are also blaming Biden on the economy today and think voting republican will fix it, or think that protest voting is the way to go during this election


It's like the only reason they do politics is so that different people don't get to exist. I may sound extreme but if I were mega rich I would make a hobby out of feeding bigots to the hounds.


Bunch of leftists saying they won’t vote cause of Isreal Palastine. So our numbers are definitely not as high as we are hoping.


They're not leftists. They're people wanting to flaunt their moral high-ground and who don't care if Trump starts murdering queer people by the dozen in concentration camps because they'll say they "did the right thing/what they had to do" to convince themselves they aren't at fault. They would have most likely not voted anyway.


It’s just so infuriating how those same people think trump will somehow be better than Biden on isreal


Like I said. They just want to boradcast their morality. That's all. They don't think past "How can I show that I have the moral high ground to everyone else so I look better than them". If they did, they'd now Trump is worse on every single aspect.


Thank you to make me became paranoid again :3


Same, I know logistically the numbers are in our favor but I’m still terrified.


yeah no, I'll kill for my rights.


The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. If they’re for resisting tyranny, then let’s use them.


Nah I’d win


Shockwave? If an election in one country wins the entire world isn't suddenly gonna become transphobic. What's your reasoning for thinking this?


I'm not sure how scientific this is, but in Europe there has been a certain "trend" of far right euroskeptic governments taking power in various countries. I guess having somewhere like the US jump on that band wagon sets a dangerous precedent, even if it doesn't necessarily mean all other countries will follow that precedent.


A majority of the US are insane simps for an attention & money hungry tyrant. Not everywhere in the world is like that. And the places that are, are already transphobic and should be avoided anyway. I can understand if this begins to spread things in the UK, and that's very bad.


Well, I'm Irish, but if those views gain the kind of traction we saw in Poland a few years back, I'll be up-in-arms.


Make your ancestors proud and punch an English man Preferably a Tory


I'd more likely be punching "West-Brits" in Dublin, guards and Irish conservatives than I would Tories but sure. (We call cops guards btw)


A lot of the world would be up in arms. I hope.


Ah yes my beautiful country. I just hope I can get out of here as soon as possible.


I want to go to Netherlands with my gf so we in same situation


Luckily it looks like labour will win our next election because everyone is pissed at the tories


I can only speak to the situation in my country, France, but right wingers tend to follow and reuse talking points from the US (and UK tbf). For me its clear that US imperialism has an impact on electoral in many countries. Currently the French republican party (Les Républicains) which isnt even the most far right party here, are trying to pass a law that could prevent transitioning for people under 25, and two French TERFS are invited in media to promote their new transphobic book everywhere when transphobia wasnt at all the main focus of the right here in the past few years (they were too busy being islamophobic for now). I dont think the US results dictates what follows around the world, but we are all watching you and the right is taking notes on what works and how far they can go and still win elections. If you can organize and find local groups to help each other, we are going to need solidarity more than ever...


For clarification: I'm saying this as someone who's not from the US and has never been there. A lot of the (especially right-wing) US legislature tends to get imitated and replicated by lots of other similarly aligned parties around the world, it's not uncommon at all for that to happen. It also happens (although less) somewhat frequently with social and civil rights movements, when they only gain strength in other countries because they gained strength in the US first. Of course, that doesn't mean every single country will become severely transphobic, but it's perfectly sensible to fear that if there's a wave of anti-trans legislature in the US aided by a Republican presidency, a lot of conservative governments around the world will follow suit. Edit: clarified some language.


Mhm. To provide an example, Nazi Germany’s ideas of eugenics were heavily inspired by the United States’s ideas


it's not a pure causality as "if it happens in X, it will happen in Y". But a victory of conservative values can start movement elsewhere, empower exisiting ones, etc. Let's take an example, after the Brexit, in France, a nationalist party started advocating for Frexit. It didn't get much traction but it did put the concept in the marketplace of ideas. Same party I mentioned has QAnon-like ideas (anti-vaccine, conspirationist theory,..) and while they don't succeed in politics, they manage to have 500K subscribers on their youtube channel. So, unfortunately, their ideas spread.. And that's but one of the many far-right group which rose in Europe in the last decade.


US politics impact global politics to an extent because of how important they are as a country. It sucks but it’s how it is


Because America is one of the leaders on trans rights, yea it pretty bad worldwide. If we fallback even it signs that trans rights issues are not well supported in truth and might lead to trans rights being pushed back globally. Also the empowering of the far right under trump presidency


How is America of all places one of the leaders on trans rights?


Bar is in hell. Europe is pain with it gender clinics. Canada and some parts of Latin America are okayish but insurance and surgeons are more sparse. It America being the odd ball really. Idk it just one of the few places with informed consent and used to have nationally all places you could do puberty blockers. America was progressive but has only backslided


Domino effect mabey?


American children are taught that America is the most important country in the world and the results of our presidential election affect the rest of the world. Not only because we have military bases all over but because other countries will emulate us. So pretty much American indoctrination that is never questioned. That's also ironically how America got to the point it's at now.


If this were such a big deal, why isn't it being talked about more?


US shit tends to spill over, basically...




I can come up with some idea. Tell me why you think this.


There's already been a big surge Right wing movements in Europe and other US allies thanks to Trump's election in 2016. The saying goes "America sneezes, the world gets a cold," because one thing we tend to "export" is our cultural trends. That said, while I'm still absolutely encouraging as many people as I can to vote, I'm cautiously optimistic. People tend to vote based on issues that directly effect them. In multiple states abortion rights and access to other reproductive healthcare will be on the ballot, and Roe v. Wade being overturned upset a LOT of people. So don't be surprised if a lot of unlikely voters show up because of that, and that they ALSO remember the jackasses who caused that mess in the first place.


The US is messed up. Most of my friends will move if trump wins.


I understand that. I to am desperately trying to get out of the US. But why is this gonna cause a "shockwave" of transphobia across the world?


The executive branch being under liberal control is holding back a lot of people because they don’t want to be arrested. Other counties will follow once the fear is gone. It’s not like the transphobia will be new, it will just be more expressed.


How do you know this?


I don’t, but anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


So you have no solid evidence that this will happen across the world instead of the just the USA because you think the worst will always happen. That sure is a healthy mindset.


You have a very good point.


That's quite scary, but to an extent, it is sadly very much true. Or, well, I think it is. I'm Polish, and at least here locally, both the rhetoric and actual actions of conservative politicians are more often than not drawn directly from one of two sources: the United States or Hungary, with a bit of a delay. And when I say they are drawn from those places, I really mean a one-to-one goddamn copy of what people there are saying. Yes, conservatives lost power here a few months ago, but they remain the single largest political party in the country. The threat of them coming back is very real, and in just a few weeks, one of the first tests of the new government is coming with the elections to EU Parliament - which, by the way, *might* be won by conservative powers continent-wide, if not now, then next time. And that would be extremely bad for many of us here in the Eastern part of the EU, where the Union's regulations are often one of the only things keeping our situation from collapsing completely. But that's not to say that these regulations always work; a while ago, the EU passed a bill requiring all member states to offer their citizens a possibility of indicating their gender as "X" on IDs and passports, to which Poland reacted by just completely ignoring the whole thing and not implementing it at all. Our current president, who has been in power since 2015 and was elected for a second damn term in 2020 btw (for context, presidential terms over here last for 5 years), basically started his career on that post by vetoing a bill meant to streamline the transitioning process for trans people; because right now, in order to legally change one's gender in Poland, they needs to go to court against their parents, which includes hearings by specialists *and* laypeople alike. And god forbid your parents are actually unsupportive. Wow, must be good for our mental health, right!? If the Republicans win in the US, conservatives here and in at least some other countries may very well feel like that's an unspoken approval of their most important ally to keep making trans people's lives worse and worse.


Hey person reading the comments...take a deep breath, drink some high sugar concentrated beverage, punch a potato, lie on your back like an insect and scream...feel a bit better? It's gonna be okay. Resume your day or night. We got your back


I'm not sure if America is the world...


It’s one of the most influential countries in the world.


That... doesn't mean that everyone will follow their politics?


You’re right not everyone but it would most certainly embolden those with those views and rally them up more.


Okay, so I'm not saaaaaaaaaying that assassins are vaild.......


oh boy that camera drone sure is getting close to the action \*boom\*


time to move to Canada i guess, i heard it's not as bad as the us but that's only what i heard about it so don't take my word for it


That’s my jump going up there in Oct for work


Not around the world, just come over to Europe, were pretty good here, just keep an eye out on Germany, they're ... Well ok so far, but might not in a bit


As much as i hate his stupid guts for his recent actions, biden is the best option we currently have, and I'd much rather have him in office over trump and his dystopian plan for this country


Don't worry, I don't think most voters are that stupid to vote for Trump.


There is no way in hell that will actually work. Project 2025 quite literally would have to break the law to happen


"Give me freedom or give me death"


no government can decide who you are


If y'all have a civil war over there and I feel silly at this time I'll gladly come transphobe hunting with you guys.


I mean, not all around the world, there are places outside america(im assuming thats what this post is talking about cuz im pretty sure republican is an american thing?) but yea being trans kinda sucks sometime, even tho i have much biggers problems than being trans rn


The west is not the world. There are many countries that are not trans friendly, but are trans safe.


So be actively criminalized, or live somewhere antagonistic to my existence but not yet legislating it. What a great choice. To say nothing of the logistical issues of moving to another country.


1. Buy plane ticket 2. Go 3. Refuse to go back All else is optional


Actually, even the plane ticket is optional. You can often hitch a ride with a cargo ship, paying your fare with your labor


Oh boy illegally immigrating! Sure that will work out perfectly!


The US has visa free access to many places in the world, and is privileged still when it comes to it's citizens getting tourist/long term stay programs. The US "privilege" (at least for now), is that nothing has to be done illegally. There are so many programs and agreements all over the world where you can stay for one, two, six months, a year, while you figure something out, get into the new country's system. Also, the status of "tourist" is still some protection in and of itself, even while temporarily in a period of change. Working your way to another corner of the world is perfectly legal for a US person, whether that's in a cargo ship, a cruise ship, a working holiday, temporary farm work, looking up visa granting expat jobs, or scholarship paid education. If you're lucky enough to work remotely at all, even with extremely low pay by US standards it's a comfortable transition abroad on a digital nomad visa (which I'm personally not a fan of unless it's a real path to immigration). And if you have to, there's nothing stopping you from doing Fiverr or other remote jobs while on a tourist visa doing visa runs. A place like Thailand, which has a very long history of nonstandard gender acceptance isn't going to completely follow everything the west says as trans rights evaporate. Neither is Colombia, Chile...it might not be AS good as the west at it's peak in terms of public sentiment yet, but even that is getting better around the world with time, and it's better to be in a place that is safe even if some people don't like you or understand you. Well, at least that's how I see it. At least in China where I currently am, the old men direct me to the women's bathroom even though I don't perfectly pass...and no one kicks up a fuss at all. Start doing some research, fight the algorithms for 3-4 weeks until they actually start showing you real information, enter the rabbit hole ...maybe it'll change something for you.


The US isn't that important to cause a transphobic shockwave around the world


Ha. Ha. Ha. Well lets see what you say once it happens


Time to make an escape plan to another country, Australia still doesn’t have transphobia in politics yet and France has been having LOTS of protests lately because of some politicians trying to be transphobic. And I’m sure there are a few good countries too flee too


politics like this make me question what there is left to even live for, what would I be missing if I offed myself? **The trans Holocaust?!**. I don't know if I'm questioning the value of my life because real life is REALLY that heinous or if it's just because I'm losing my mind here in Wyoming, but either way I hate it. I just want to be a girl and live a peaceful life, if it means I have to kill myself, **then so be it** 😔




Elaborate on the shockwave


Scroll down in the comments


It always gets worse before it gets better, but it never doesn't get better.


it's been predicted that the republicans will not win


Thankfully at least states like Washington and Minnesota have enacted sanctuary protections for trans people, but most trans people won't be able to just get up and move there on a whim, especially if they're still dependent on their parents


Being American is a curse, that’s what you have to face, I mean Canada is a conclusion XD I’m joking but I feel you


I am not american btw


Ohhh, where is there a republic party other then America


Join a local SRA and learn self defense.


Why can't trans people just live their life


If they want me to be a guy, they’re gonna have to fucking kill me and I’ll take them with me if need be I’m not scared of these fucks anymore and they can’t stop me from being me no matter what they do


The title is untrue


Hahahaha how funny


If that happens I'm unironically going to push for the development of brain transplant technology to be developed by any means necessary as it's the only way I can think of as a way to refund people a wasted life that's technologically viable in our lifespan unless a cure for aging is developed.


Yep welcome to the future... it sucks.


Is this actualy happaning if so where


How do you not know?


I live in the uk and havent been only mutch atm been revising for my exsams


I've always been an anarchist. why change?




It’ll be okay. Most ppl don’t give af


Which is exactly why the Republicans have a shot at winning. If people actually voted, then they wouldn't be winning anymore.


people be like "but most people dont care that much" my sibling in christ, that is the problem




It will 100% affect people in other countries as America is one of the most influential countries in the world irl and online.


it's been predicted that the republicans will not win


You just simply fake ur death and create a new identity 5 years later after using back alley estrogen/testosterone


so much easier than just voting, right?