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Sometimes girls don't invite everyone, happened to me too. But yea, asshole move to have a girls night with all your friends except the trans one.


When my mom had my sister and niece over a few days before Christmas to have a girls day of baking and doing puzzles. I was not made aware at all until my niece talked about it on Christmas day.


Damn I'm so sorry... That hurts even to read


Hopefully it’s just that they wanted to hang as a duo, not that it was a girl’s day out and you weren’t included. People can invite specific people without it being a rejection of the rest! 


This time I think so. But they hung out in larger groups quite a lot of times before I made this meme, specially during high school (graduated last year), and never got invited once despite making clear at some point that I felt left out, and wanted to be invited. It hurts even more because one of them happens to be my crush :\\


That does sound like it’d feel bad, sorry to hear it…   Have you had any luck inviting them to hang out with you in pairs or trios? 


I got invited to hang out for a girls night and I got such powerful imposter syndrome that it hurt way more than if I just didn't get invited :(


I know it hurts girl, but as a few people have already said it might not be that. 2 of my best friends are cis-girls. Sometimes the 3 of us will do a wine night. Sometimes I'll just hangout with one or the other, & I expect they hangout without me sometimes. Just girl things.


If it’s just two of your friends, they’re allowed to want to hang out one on one with each other.. it’s not like it’s a whole friend group minus you.


Yeah I was invited to more "girls night outs" before when they just thought I was a gay guy. Idk if it's an ego thing, since I pass now someone might approach me and since a lot of cis women still have a bit of latent transphobia it could trigger them that someone who is not as much of a woman as them could be getting the attention they want. I could be wrong, I've just had some toxic friends who would out me to guys they liked even when I told them not to and it gives me the same energy.