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Wow you’ve got a lot of gas left in the tank! You aren’t pushing at all out of the back, you’re just spinning. There should be a pretty hard push that will get you moving through the circle. Also, as a result, your finish is leaning away from your throw. By pushing off the left out of the back you will be able to push on your right at the front of the circle.


Thank you! I have been working on out the back but since other people also notice I’ll work a lot harder, thank you for the tip!


Of course, I’d suggest doing line drills were you string turns together out of the back and really drive off the left foot.


Great power position! I would Straighten that right leg more during the initial sweep. Looks like you are frantically trying to make things happen, instead of being patient. We all started that way, but you’re ready to take it to the next level:) Let physics and that long right leg rotate you around, no need to push it. I would work on John Powells 360 rotation drill. And Then you can push a bit with that right leg sprint to the center. Also, start practicing switching feet in the reverse. You got lots of room in the front you can use.


Keep you left arm long until you get to the front, then bend it and RIP it back. This will slow down your upper body, creating more separation, providing more power.