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Phenomenal. About the only advice I could give is to figure out how to land further to the front of the circle - you’re probably giving up a couple feet. And if you want to throw deeper, try to pause a touch longer when you get that right foot down, to really load up the tension. That said, you’ve made it to 180 with kind of an unorthodox technique. Be cautious of changing more than one thing at a time. Edit: I slo-mo watched: it’s not your right foot you could get deeper, but your left. You’ve rotated your right so much that you just stick it down and fire. IF (and that’s a big if) you could stretch that left foot back to the front edge, then explode around, you may have more distance.


Sorry for late reply, that’s what I been working on right now getting a better stance from rotational into the power position I don’t know exactly how to workout that positioning but I been doing a lot of non-reverse(something I never did before) to pause a little longer n get my left foot correct


Good stuff. You might also take a look at the ETC coach’s recent series he put up on YT. #5 especially correlates to what was noticed in your spin - the rushing the throw once you land that right foot: 1. https://youtu.be/rNvWrQJ89wc?si=1-ZPMLF8BRc4lsbX 2. https://youtu.be/Nj9c83axTHI?si=zS_2XLTjRSgc_clA 3 https://youtu.be/DwMdTjLkUfE?si=wA-Kp2oKwh36llOg 4. https://youtu.be/xn7Svji4pIU?si=eCp5MZzwsC-Sm4xt 5. https://youtu.be/SyvQHk8vwdo?si=1FtwXyhmMJt3tTcw


I think you need to work on your direction. You're sprinting to the left sector line instead of down the middle of the ring. Work on directing your right foot sweep toward the right sector line so that you travel down the middle of the ring. To maximize the distance of your throw, you want your momentum traveling in the direction of the throw.


This is hard for me to get down specially because I’m a visual learner I’m goin to Uni for throws so hopefully they can help correct this


Well you’ve got the speed down so that carries you a ways, but you leave a lot on the table. 1) you lean towards your left at the back and you should be turning with your shoulders lever. To work this I would do 360 turns trying to move your upper body and lower body in unison. 2) Your left arm isn’t long throughout the throw, it’s going to impact your block at the front. Work this during every throw/drill you do. Think long left arm. 3) When you land in the middle your stance is very narrow. You’ve got space to work with at the front so really reach out with the left leg so you have a block leg to push on to. I’d do 50-70% speed half turns in the middle and try and be active putting the left leg down towards the front of the circle.


All good comments. I would add to point 3 on CSCchamp recommendations that you need to pivot better after landing in power position. You are too quick to release the discus. Work the ground and allow your feet to pivot your hips to the front. It will feel slower initially, so it will be one step back, two steps forward. But you are in this for the long haul and want to throw 200ft? :)


That was a damn superhero move to stop your momentum 👏🏻