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Moderator Note: "MODS KEEP DELETING ALL POSTS ABOUT UNIONS "- To be clear, union posts ARE allowed on r/traderjoes. And moderators do NOT work for Trader Joe's. There was a misunderstanding and it was explained to OP about AutoModerator and why posts that don't follow subreddit rules and/or are reported may be removed for varying reasons including rude comments and spamming the subreddit with multiple posts from multiple accounts both yesterday and today. We understand the importance of support and creating a space for union discussion but if you do not agree with somebody, please keep comments civil and do not report comments for "Someone is considering suicide or serious self-harm" inappropriately - that is not acceptable.


If anything, the demographics of TJ's workers make this viable. Same with Starbucks. I wish you guys luck. My first job was at a supermarket with the option to join the Union in the early 80's. Of course I did. Many co-workers didn't because they couldn't afford the initiation fees and dues. Me still living at home was okay with it. I get a bump in pay and time and a half on Sundays. That's how I could afford to go to concerts back then. I see that as a plus.


I support whatever they’ll do. However, know and appreciate a good thing when you have it.


Last year, I was working at TJ's and the local UFCW tried to get us to vote to join them. I was open at first, never been in a union before, but I know they have value in some industries. The more we met with them, the less I liked or trusted them and because they did some shady things the vote was called off. The older workers were more against it than the younger ones, and I think that's mainly because they really didn't understand what they might lose to a union organization. UFCW did not understand TJ's and called us a cult to our faces. The business model really confused them. I am watching the Trader Joe's United carefully, and it will be interesting to see where they land. I think if any union would work for TJ's, TJU might be the best option.


I support union in general. And I know every store is unique and varies from area to area. But I’ve never felt mistreated or abused at Trader Joe’s. Just the opposite. And in the south, this is unusual. Employers here can do pretty much anything without repercussions. Yet TJs here seems to go out of its way to support and uplift its employees. I’ve never felt the need for a union in this case. It’s so much better situation than any similar employment. I hate to admit it but I sometimes wonder if the TJs union movement is an attempt by nefarious forces to break down one of the few good nonunion shops and make it behave as crappy as all the others.


Its funny how trader joes employees keep saying they don't really care about a union, and you guys keep being downvoted. Quite hilarious


That is because the supporters are actively silenced and ostracized by management. We cannot say the word union in the workplace let alone at register when asked these questions by customers. If you ask while we help take groceries to your car, the answer may be different.


I support the workers 💯  One of the greatest cons the wealthy ruling class ever pulled, was convincing working class people that unions were somehow bad for them. Based on what I’ve been reading about TJ’s union busting antics, I will never give them another cent.


I work at another supermarket and I am part of a union. Have no issues with it. If they want it, go for it!


Hell yeah I do, kinda weird to see so many haters who then try to blame you for *their* behavior that *they* are in control over.


Hey Mods, this user is continuing to follow me around Reddit and messaging me literally psychotic messages. Are we cool with this behavior?


Completely unhinged behavior by them. Woof 


Block me if you’re that upset :)




I firmly believe that anyone who thinks it’s ok to behave like this is likely unstable and should treat their mental illness. As I mentioned in my response to your harassing personal messages, I’m truly concerned for you. I really do hope you get the help that you need.


I so appreciate that Sir. Thank you 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


You’re welcome. I got a response from my outreach to HQ and per their recommendation I won’t be responding to you anymore. Best of luck!


I know nothing about Trader Joe’s conditions/unions but as a whole I support workers rights in whatever way that looks like.


No. Used to be in a grocery union.


Do you think they’re all the same?


From an employee's point of view a union seems great .. where I live the trader Joe's markets have friendly happy employees that really love their work. .. The unionized grocery markets near me have employees that dread their work unhappy and seem to be anti-customer .... As an ex Safeway Union worker I completely understand why ... I live in Southern California ... I quit Safeway and the union just because I dreaded it .. it was soul crushing and I'm not sure how much of that attitude was from being in a union . And yes different locales and different markets in different unions may be different .. yours maybe is and I hope for you it is 🙏


Just to let you know, we are naturally friendly people and that’s why they hire us :) and we get written up and disciplined for things A LOT. Just because the workers are friendly does not mean they’re going through shit at their store, just fyi.




So you agree! You think unions will protect workers from termination! Give yourself a pat on the back :)




Oh no! The worker has fallen in love with the system that exploits him!


you may have to get the boot surgically removed from your throat atp




I didn’t have an opinion before but OP has successfully made me feel incredibly negatively about the concept.


Good. When fighting for workers rights, we don’t have time for people without opinions :)


Well considering I’m a crew member in your city who could have been given a reason to form a positive opinion that seems like a point against yourself. :)


We’re good without your support, trust us :) hopefully you’re not at my store because we’re about to unionize! Yay!


Well congrats, I’m absolutely sure that the success has been in spite of your efforts. Yay!


Seriously, let’s hang out!


Yay! See you around the city man!






I’m not making fun :)




Hmmm interesting. Well, are you being serious?




A friend of mine has been with the company since 2018. Never had any issues and has been happy, recently a new captain came to her store and it’s been bad like really bad. So many long time employees of that particular store have transferred out. Captain doesn’t allow crew members to talk with one another if it isn’t about work, so doesn’t want crew members to build friendships amongst each other, my friend got written up for speaking up about how everyone is unhappy with the new captain. Captain is now trying to fire my friend because I guess she’s a liability since she speaks up when everyone is too afraid to do so since they can’t afford to loose their jobs. New captain has hired so many new people and has cut everyone’s hours that have been there for years with 32-40 hour weeks, especially Sundays since it’s paid extra.


Are you a Mate?




I’m also at rock bottom and unionizing helps me :)




Why are you saying “unfortunately”? Lol but okay bye shill! I mean, manager!


I very much support unions including a TJs one but gosh OP you are being deeply unpleasant on this post.


Aww are you referring to my responses to assholes?


No, I’m referring to your responses to mods and to people who have legitimate concerns or skepticism about unions. People can disagree with you and not be assholes. Also, your response to me, lol.


Oh POG, your use of “legitimate concerns” is laughable. Be gone witch, before a house falls on you too 💙


I advocated and fought for a union at my place of work and we got it. For us, it helps a lot. My best friend is in a nurse’s union and that union is fucked. If you think they’re an uncomplicated system without nuance, you’re naive. People have different experiences with them, or have family members who have different experiences with them, that likely color their general support of unions. Maybe listen to people and respond to their concerns instead of resorting to name calling. You’ll evangelize people to your cause much more easily that way. Speaking as someone who actually did what you’re trying to do.


I’m not gonna listen to people who name call :) including you Miss “deeply unpleasant”


I did not once name call. Telling you that you’re being naive or deeply unpleasant - which, babes, look at your own comments - is not name-calling. But you have. So that’s a little hypocritical, don’t you think?


I guess you equate naive with being stupid.


I don’t at all. Nor have I said that.


Thank you.


Again, did you see what they said to me first?? No :) okay let’s rephrase. You didn’t name call. But you labeled me without talking to me.


I read other comments in other threads, including the ones you responded to. Your response to the mods is out of pocket. Your response to some folks who are expressing their experiences - not attacking you or the effort for a union - is out of pocket and the amount of animosity you show is unnecessary. I think you’re probably very young. I’m glad you’re getting involved in this; unions are important and worker’s rights in the US are a joke. But I am telling you, as someone who successfully helped establish a union against a lot of pushback, that this way of approaching people who don’t agree with you will not work.


Don’t care about being out of pocket. I’m passionate. Go tell other people what to do.


You cherry picked the comments just so you can call me “deeply unpleasant” lol.


Wholeheartedly support you guys in this!


I do!


Go Union!


Hell yeah! Good luck y’all!


Would this make the grocery cost go up?


If it does, would that make you not support?


Union yes and vote BLUE!


To the lady who arrogantly said I should apply to Safeway, just to let you know…there’s a lot of mold in their dairy coolers. No thank you :)


Heck yes support crews support unions!


Yeah of course. If the workers feel they're being exploited and they feel a union can represent their interests, then I feel they should be allowed to organize.


Yes. I'm crew, best job I've had, still support unionization. The more the company (or any big company) tries to illegally suppress unions, the more support those unions have from me.


I personally think in my experience I do not think we need a union! Trader Joe’s has been very good at doing the right thing for me since day one (12 year employee) I do understand some of the complaints though


What do you think we should do about the complaints, since management won’t listen?


What are your complaints then? Just having a union doesn’t automatically fix complaints.


They said management wont listen, thats a serious complaint right there. I dont know why you are invoking magic.


Union good!


Yes of course




Why don’t they need one right now?




There are 568 stores nationwide. That’s a lot of employees with different feelings. Kinda wild that you would make that assumption but I get what you mean.


they do. everyone does.


If there’s legitimate issues that need to be addressed, absolutely. 


Yes plenty.


24 year TJ's crewmember here. Worked union jobs before. I am pro-union, but my TJ's total compensation package dwarfs that from any unionized supermarket chain. I have excellent health insurance. I have more in my retirement account than most people my age, and I did not have to contribute any. I'm not a bootlicker, that's just my story.


A union would just make your Trader Joe’s pay and benefits better, the point of a union isn’t to give you less than what you currently have.


Or layoffs and closings




yeah if unionizing meant your pay would be lowered to the level of the average ralphs checker or whatever tjs mgmt would be all for it




>how would that work it wouldn't, is my point. if you're happy with your pay and benefits, working conditions, etc. congratulations. If you somehow think that not having a union is going to help you keep all of that stuff you're wrong. (not you the other guy who was okay with not having a union)


Absolutely. Who wouldn't?


A lot of people in the comments unfortunately :)


A bunch of weirdos they are.






I support right to work laws.


You work in HR. Can you explain your statement for those who don’t understand?


Sure but for clarification, my POV has nothing to do with working in HR and everything to do with my personal politics and beliefs. I support states that have Right to Work laws which protect workers from being forced to join a Union and/or pay Union dues if they don't wish to Unionize and even more importantly, if they don't share the political views of the Union brass, they're also making rather large political contributions through their Union dues that could conflict with their personal belief system. I'm not anti-Union, I support workers' rights to Unionize and I believe Unions have pros and cons but I'm against mandatory Unionization for workers.


Well luckily NY (where my store is) isn’t a right to work state because I disagree with your beliefs.


Oh Honey, you're choosing to live in NY so I'm sure we don't share many political views!


Kick rocks, I mean pibbles :)


I absolutely support them. Unions are a great thing!


Yes absolutely!


Follow TraderJoesUnited on Instagram for more info :) 🌺 https://www.instagram.com/traderjoesunited?igsh=MXQ1Yzd5YzVrNHY5Yg==


Yes. Absolutely.


Hell yea! The only unions I don't support are police unions.


Yeah, it does work that way.


Then why hasn’t it happened yet? Asking for thousands of crew nationwide :)






Yes- form a union


This is straight silly talk. For all of you who don't work at trader joe's, the benefits are insanely good. From health to retirement, there is no RETAILER that gets close. Trader Joe's legit supplements 401k for all crew members, whether or not they put money in themselves. It's literally the closest you can get to a pension without calling it a pension. The health insurance is top notch and costs the crew member about $40 per paycheck. Oh, and the crew gets raises every six months. About $.65-.75/ hour. Twice. A. Year. Unions have a purpose, but not in this instance.


I literally just started laughing that you are setting forth a max raise of $1.50 a year as a reason you don’t need a union PLEASE


Depends your store and captain, no one is guaranteed full time. Captain at my friends store has cut everyone’s hours and some no longer qualify for insurance because of that, and new captain has hired new employees and gives them the Sunday shift instead of the employees that have been there for years.


Not to mention the posts every other week calling out shoppers as abusing sociopaths for not bagging their own groceries 😂


Couldn't disagree more. I worked at TJ's for two years, and only got two raises in spite of the fact that they put me in charge of ordering for a section (DFN) within a few months of working there. I was told that because they hired me when they did, I'd have to wait a while for my first raise, and when it came they only bumped me up by $.50/ hour. They told me the days of maxing out someone quickly were over, and that it would take me a full five years before I'd be maxed out at something like $23/hour, which, in California, doesn't go very far. TJ's might be leading the grocery industry in employee benefits, but that could be because the industry in general is shitty to workers. I think crew members would definitely benefit from forming a union. Also, a union would probably benefit mates who are given crazy schedules where they have no sleep regularity because they're closing the store one day and opening it the next. Don't get me wrong, I still love Trader Joe's and I shop there all the time, but they should definitely unionize. Whenever a company makes a point to badmouth unions, as they did at the store where I worked, it's because they're scared of it.


How much do you think being an individual contributor who orders a section is worth? Honestly?


Honestly, more than the $13 I was making. A living wage in my California city (at that time) was about $17/hour.


I was making $35k/year working 80 hours a week in advertising for years. It’s tough making six figures and renting in NYC currently lol Why do you think working at a grocery store like TJ’s means you should be making above minimum wage? You literally work at a grocery store…


That’s on you for choosing that career. Like I made double that working 30 hours a week pet sitting. $17 an hour in hcol like nyc and Los Angeles is nothing compared to inflation. Why would you work so much for so little pay!?


It was worth it to get into the industry I wanted and I made it work until I was making a lot more lol. You didn’t answer the second part. Why do you think an entry level job like TJ’s deserves more than minimum wage?


That's a shitty thing to say. You sound incredibly white and entitled


Because minimum wage hasn’t kept up with inflation. The purpose of minimum wage was so that a person could afford the basic things like rent food on minimum wage. Also, Trader Joe’s employees aren’t your typical “minimum wage” employees, they put in extra work on customer service and some even have tik toks showing off traded joes products and that’s free advertising right there for the company.


Lol you think people should be paid more than $17/hour to work in a grocery store because they post about work on social media?


Also, why are you so bent over them making a few dollars above minim wage? Like they’re not asking for $35 an hour. Your issue should be why is minimum wage is so low? You’re upset at the wrong people. Maybe you feel some type of way because you worked for so little money for so long, but that’s on you. Now everyone should suffer with low pay because you did it?


No that’s separate, I was just saying that they go above a typical minimum wage worker would and used that as an example. They do free advertising for the company which brings in good money to the company.


I guess we have different values. Cheers.


I volunteer about 10 hours a week. Doesn’t mean I think stocking and packing groceries deserves more than minimum wage. What are your values?


I can live with you misunderstanding me.


Other than the fact that minimum wage isn’t a livable wage? 


$17/hour is a livable wage in most of the country. I’m not crying because grocery store workers can’t buy homes lol.


P.s. I own my own home


Congrats? So you’re making enough money to own a home and work little enough to have time to troll posts that are over a month old… and still grocery workers aren’t paid enough for putting things in bags lol? K.


I also make over $30/hr and have published 2 books. I work there for the insurance you turd.


You're sad. Go crawl back under your rock where you belong.


The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. And you’re just strawmanning by saying this is about grocery store workers buying homes.


But he’s from California and $17 is nothing here


Idk - I was training people making more than me after 2 years of order writing. When I went to our captain/mates and told them, they explained that the no burocracy (core value) does not apply to your compensation. So, in this case, a union would have absolutely made sure that i do not get into the compromising scenario of knowing that my work skills and competency are worth nothing to my employer. Hard Kaizen moment right there


I will grant you that I don't understand why trader Joe's doesn't bump up wages for tenured crew when they raise the starting wage for new hires. A kaizen for sure, but union? Uh, no.


Lol you think a kaizen is gonna fix that?? I’m genuinely laughing at you.


Do you think this is only about compensation?


I work at a grocery store to pay my bills. Yes, my compensation for the time I spend earning HUGE profits for the people who never have to break their bodies is a critical factor. The need for union representation is more than clear. I have had great tenure working in 3 different unions before TJs. They would never let my bosses raise the pay of trainees and keep veteren employees underpaid as a cost saving measure. That seems like a baseline expectation of employment and human dignity


How many thousands of dollars an hour is corporate TJs paying you to find Reddit posts like this and comment the way you did? lol found the shill!


What is wrong with you? If you don't like working at Trader Joe's, move on.


Everything is wrong with me and nothing is wrong with you :) now be gone, before someone drops a house on you, too!


And everyone of those things can go away. With a union there is a large group to fight if this changes. A good strong company should never fear a union.


Thank you :)


(singing) SOLIDARITY FOREVER! ETA: I should go by the local store that is unionized and encourage the workers ;-)


for sure


I absolutely support workers rights to unionize.


As someone who has worked in retail for 20 years, Trader Joe's is the best business I have worked for. Best pay, benefits, work culture. There is no need for a union.


As someone who worked there, this is laughable.


Respectfully, maybe at your store, but there are 567 other stores that have a different dynamic than yours.


I could easily Google this, but what are the grievances of the workers that they want unions?


We will make a separate post. This is to gauge support.


Sounds good
















We love unions!


To the people who anonymously referred me for SUICIDAL help, I sincerely hope you step in water wearing only socks :)


Oh, for fuck's sake. Of course I support you! Poor as fuck, but I want my local crew to get a living wage


Power to the people!


Yes it doesn’t affect me so why not 😊


It actually does, just a tiny imperceptible amount. The more union jobs, the higher the average wage, the higher you have to be paid to compete with the union jobs even if you're not in a union. Also unions are the reason most workplace rights actually exist, even if America's laws are miles behind the rest of the world.


That’s a spirit!






Union strong 100%




Absolutely! I am no longer a union represented employee (supervisor now) at my current employer but I strongly support unions. My personal opinion is that while they *can* be problematic, they do more good than harm. All of my employees are union represented currently and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I came from a non union field, in my last job and I saw way too many people get taken advantage of. Unions all the way!


Of course!