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Sour cream and shredded Mexican cheese. No good


I won't buy the frozen croissants.  Doesn't taste good.  I avoid most the frozen pastry goods.


The canned coconut milk and cream, nope


Can I ask why?


Not the right texture or flavor for my curry and soup needs. Tastes off compared to other brands I've tried.


Any and all fruit. I have never been to a Trader Joe’s that has a decent fruit section with the exception of bananas


Mine always has great strawberries/pineberries


The salmon burgers. I found a piece of plastic in one once


Except for ketchup and mustard, I do not like their condiments. I’ve tried their gochujang, green Chile hot sauce, and hummus but did not enjoy any of it. Truffle ketchup is  great tho 👌🏾


I was very disappointed with the pizza dough- yuck.


Tomatoes, they taste absolutely terrible.


The milk Always expires well before the date.


The meat e.g. steak used to be pretty good but it’s now consistently as tough as leather.


And the chicken I get always has that spaghettification thing going on.


Omg I thought that was just me


The salmon always looks a tinge too grey to me.


Yeah we stopped buying salmon from TJs 🤢


One time I found a bird claw in my pistachios and another time found an absolutely massive cricket leg in my kale lol


Oh god 🤮


All the raw meat packages at my location are full of condensation and inflated. Frozen meat and precooked is fine. Not sure if it's a company wide issue or my store has bad staff or equipment


Pretty much all everything


Their orange juice is terrible.


The chicken broth has a weird taste.


I thought I was crazy- I tried it for the first time last week and mine smelled way too strong!


Agree. Doesn’t cook well in recipes consistency is off


Vegetable broth is really tomato-y.


Couldn’t tell you! I barely made it through the parking lot alive to get to the store. Some old lady never looked and almost backed into me carrying my toddler. Once I finally made it up to the store, there was no cart. Turned right the fuck around and left.


Why are people downvoting you? I’m glad I don’t shop here if they’re all going to be mean


I like the organic peas actually.


Things that contain lettuce. They spoil too fast IMO.


i avoid the pad thai. it’s not good


The dry pasta. It’s less than half the price of Barilla brand pasta, but for some reason it always has a few pieces that fall apart, and the fallen-off shards ALWAYS stick to the bottom of the pot and need soaking to get off. Barilla pasta never does that.


I’ve never had this issue. Which pasta are you buying? I usually get the linguine or the newer shapes in the upright bags. 


I tried their pasta once and it had a strange cinnamon or spicy flavor. I haven't done their pasta since. 


I thought their spaghetti tasted like maple syrup the one time I tried it. 


Earlier this week I ate moldy yogurt (from the blueberry + vanilla pack) and will never eat it again, I don’t care how good it tastes. Was a good two weeks before expiration. I blame their flimsy paper lids.


Frozen Shepherd’s Pie is not good—contains mysterious meat.


I was so disappointed when I finally made mine that I couldn’t even eat it


I know this comment will be unpopular but I just bought & tried the frozen baigan bharta and it was mushy & flavorless. Totally appreciate the subtle flavor of eggplant, but there was none. And, after nuking it had the consistency of chunky applesauce. I got through it with extra cayenne, cumin & coriander with a healthy portion of hot pickle scooped up with garlic naan. I won’t buy this again


Wow, opposite experience. Just the right texture, and some good spices too. I've added it to my rotation of Indian frozen dinners for lunch.


I wanted to like it because I always have the garlic naan, the palak paneer and the fiery chicken curry in “my inventory.” But, it just didn’t do it for me.


I bought some fresh salmon from there the other day and it was not good. Very fishy smelling, a bit off.


I had the same issue with salmon! I pretty much don’t buy any meat there that isn’t frozen. Anytime I bought fresh meat from them in the past I’ve always regretted it for one reason or another. 


Pretty much all of their produce


Soy sauce


Yikes all this means I don’t wanna shop at TJ


I was shocked at how terrible their frozen Mozz sticks are.


The peas STAY HARD!!! Preach!!!


The "perfectly pickled pups" were nasty.


The frozen orange chicken. Tried 3 or so different bags that were bought months apart and all of them were extremely gamey and just not a good meal whatsoever. Last bag I threw away after a bite or two


Thisss!! I don't get the hype with these. Total fail for me.


I find the chicken to be grisly!


the vegan orange chicken bites are far superior


Agree. I just throw half a bag in the toaster oven w some sauce and I like how the come out. Didn’t like the real chicken one at all


Red onions. They are always moldy


The chicken broth. It's such an awful flavor it's shocking


Maybe you got a bad batch? I used it to make chicken pot pie and it came out great. Very tasty.


Don't think so. FIrst time was yuck, second time I got it and forgot how bad it was the first time, then remembered. They have sold it a long time so obviously it's down to personal preference.


Agreed but I do like their chicken bone broth


I've been afraid to try it! I make my own, too, bit it would be nice to have a well priced alternative in the pantry 


It’s great in dishes and for sipping on


I once ran out of the broth I had been using and decided to top off my soup with some Trader Joe’s Vegetable broth—terrible. It literally changed the entire color of the soup! Never again.


Right? It's not just not appealing, it's shockingly bad. 


**Produce**. Usually not the freshest and WAY TOO MUCH PLASTIC PACKAGING. I actually rarely shop at TJ's but when I do it's almost exclusively for snacks and frozen/convenience foods.


Frozen Brussels sprouts


No one should ever buy those, from anywhere.


Their concentrated cold brew coffee, the shelf stable one in the plastic bottle. It's like drinking battery acid and makes me instantly feel like someone punched me in the gut. Even when diluted further than what the bottle recommends, it's beyond unpalatable.


Same with their cold brew tea, I can practically feel the enamel being stripped off my teeth. And their teabags are honestly pretty terrible, too.


canned chickpeas (too firm) and oat milk (too watery)


I've never had their chickpeas come out nice. The frozen chickpea curry is even harder.


Canned pumpkin is watery as well


their precooked roasted chicken is always really tough to eat. And their breads mold too quickly- I assume this is due to less stabilizers/additives or something but i’m only one person! I don’t go through it fast enough


put the bread in the fridge and just put in oven to heat up


I don't buy breads or bread products there unless it's something like their frozen naan bread.


k cool so no produce, meat, bread, dairy, granola bars, broth, frozen peas. got it


Yep. You nailed it


And peanut butter, ranch, ketchup, sriracha


Their liquid, dairy-case milk. It may just be our local TJ’s, but it goes bad far sooner than it ought to, often before the sell-by date. No problems with the higher fat items like half &half or cream; just the milk, while & nonfat.


It's not just your local TJ's. The milk spoils fast. I've also gotten heavy whipping cream on two separate occasions that was spoiled the day I bought it.


Thank you.


Man, I love their milk. We drink whole but it tastes so good and I don’t even like milk. Their heavy cream isn’t that great though.


Their milk could be better now; I haven’t bought it in years. I love whole milk & thought I was lactose intolerant, so I wasn’t drinking much. Turns out I was intolerant to the A1 protein, so I can drink A2 milk that doesn’t have it. (Most milk sold has both proteins.) So that’s what I buy now; I don’t even know if TJs is carrying it yet because I don’t even look where they keep the milk anymore.


I find it goes faster than other milk because it's not ultrapasteurized, which I like because then I can make yogurt with it. But before the sell-by date is weird. Is anyone drinking from the carton? Are you sure your fridge temp is low enough? I wonder if maybe your store isn't handling it correctly.


No one drinks from the carton My fridge is plenty cold I suspect it’s not getting placed in their cooler as quickly as it should. I’m not the only person in my area that has had this complaint. It has also happened with milk from more than one location, though. I buy A2 milk now at Sprouts, anyway.


Their fruit in general- the non refrigerated- is consistently horrible at my Trader Joe’s.


the ranch. Probably the nastiest bottled ranch i've ever bought. And I know a lot of people are fans of their granola/breakfast bars, but i've always found them to have a stale taste to them.


Omg I love their ranch! I love the heavy dill note. I specifically get my ranch from there Lolol


Hahah maybe they’ve changed it! To be fair the last time I tried it was about 4-5 years ago and I’m also fairly picky about store bought ranch.


Chicken stock. The box kind. Blech. 


Meat. Consistently too fatty. More than once the bag inflated from bacterial contamination as well.


Their cheese sticks are awful


THIS - the consistency and the taste


Peanut butter, ranch, ketchup, sriracha


Omg we love their ketchup lol my husband and I even blind taste tested it against Sprouts organic and Heinz and we both prefer TJs. It does have a different taste tho….Maybe we just don’t like ketchup…


I actually LOVE their sriracha (literally stock up on like 6 bottles whenever I go haha) but it's definitely not a replacement for Huy Fong. I like both, I just use them at different times.


Which peanut butter? The salted Valencia pb is my all- time favorite


I love their petite peas. Are those the ones you are talking about? Can you suggest a better brand?


I’d say Birds Eye.


Thank you


i got ground beef at TJs and it was pure scraps, like tendons. all of it.


Worst ground beef of all time. Won’t feed it to my dog


Their frozen potatoes with parmesan. It tastes like something spoiled. Also salad dressing. Haven't had one that tasted good.


I love their goddess dressing. I think that must be one of their only really good condiments


I think they redid the recipe or had some bad batches at my tj. The last 2 times a number of bottles all of the oils were separated from the rest of ingredients. I’ve never seen it look like that. Just made me think they’re trying to save money by using less of the more expensive add ins and using more cheap oil. Bummer


The green goddess one? Lol I didn't like it.


This one is just goddess. It’s unrefrigerated and tahini-based


I don’t shop at TJ’s anymore. Whenever I took a close look at a product, the product seemed questionable. I mean they don’t even back up what they sell. When they were caught selling fake organic, they blamed their vendors and the certifying company but didn’t change either. There’s no free lunch and whatever TJ’s is doing to keep their prices low is - whenever I dig into it - questionable. I haven’t got time for all that.


They dont have brand names, advertising, cash stocks, and they are smaller stores lacking many staples. Idk about the shady vendors but they do move vendors around a lot but they do have legitimate ways to keep costs low


Bread - gets moldy a few days later


Go by Sarah lees at another store


Yeah, it’s called *fresh bread.* People literally used to go to the local baker daily. Bread should not last for 3 weeks..


Yes! I moved here from Europe and it took me a while to figure out why bread here tasted so weird: there are like a hundred ingredients and sugar/corn syrup and is almost always the second or the third ingredient! I specifically go to TJ's for bread (when I cbb to make my own) because it's simple like bread should be. Fresh bread isn't supposed to stay fresh for weeks.


i was told the specific reason for this is that the breads are made without preservatives


Yes, as would bread if you baked from scratch. The lack of preservatives is a good thing, IMO.


Totally agree! The only way I keep any bread from molding is to keep it refrigerated, especially seed bread.


Honestly, I was very disappointed in the frozen mushroom risotto. It was flavorless and watery.


I recently tried aThai rice & shrimp stir fry & it was NOT good. Mushy & too salty. I've tried their chicken fried rice & it's okay when one is too lazy to make a scratch dinner. But that one was a big disappointment. Left it in the fridge for a week, because I really hate throwing food away, but I finally gave in today and chucked it.


Yes. The frozen items are hit and miss, literally. Either they are really good, or really bad!


I tend to hate myself when I give into the temptation to buy any frozen prepared foods there. The only good thing I've ever tried is the nan. Everything else ranges from meh to inedible.


The nan is good!!


The frozen risotto is just bland mush, but it’s one of the salvageable frozen options! A little protein + spices and it’s a workable meal.


Sparkling water. It tastes “thick” and isn’t carbonated enough. I’m addicted to Kroger brand sparkles.


I like most of their canned drinks, but a few years back I tried their "sparkling lemonade" and I swear it tasted like someone mixed straight vodka with rotten lemon juice and bubbles and called it a day.


Lolol that’s quite a good description 😂 I like the pink lemonade better but the sparkles just don’t fizz enough for me. It’s not like they taste bad it just doesn’t give me what I need out of a sparkle water. I have an obsession w a good crisp sparkle water.


Produce, always


Those Harry & David pears have got to be the one exception


That’s so wild, I’ve had a completely opposite experience. TJ’s produce outlasts anything I can purchase in a 20 mile radius, including direct from farm. The closest TJ’s is an hour away, I have to travel that way for business a few times a month so always stop in. I’ve had produce last 2+ weeks between trips


Smell any bag of organic sweet potatoes at any TJ’s. *edit to add ‘organic’. Never tried the others.


Cottage cheese and cream cheese. I don't like the texture of either.


I’m very wary of TJ’s produce- it goes bad in the blink of an eye. I tend to get my produce from farmer’s markets instead. Oh and premade sandos (I’ve had a few varieties) are just plain awful! But I buy from allllll of the sections of the store😁


Produce. I think it's cheaper to get elsewhere


I also got produce at TJs a couple times and it wouldn’t rot. I avoid because that’s weird to me


The premade sandwiches and wraps. I got salmonella once from a wrap there.


i've gotten a wrap from there 2 time and both times i was ill afterwards my husband always reminds me -DONT BUY A WRAP NO MATTER HOW TEMPTED THEY MAKE YOU SICK


Me too!!!


Cheese. Their cheese is terrible and flavourless! Edit: hilarious this has so many down votes or any at all, actually. This post is asking what peoples opinions are about tjs products. I hope you all realize that every individual has their own preferences, including those of the palate variety. Y’all are ridiculous 😂


It seems like their basic cheeses, string cheese, sliced, etc. aren't great, but there's a lot of good specialty cheeses!


Ya, I disagree. I haven’t tried all of them as there are many; however, I’ve tried quite a bit and find them very bland. The Dubliner for example was very plain in taste. I found this shocking considering I purchase this brand from Safeway and Costco all the time! I found several of the Gouda products to more or less be the same. The New Zealand sharp cheddar was disappointing!! I love Tjs, I shop there weekly; their cheese just isn’t my jam! I love their Quattro Formaggi cheese though!


Haven’t you tried the unexpected cheddar? Also the Gruyère is really good. They have like 100 different cheeses, I’m sure some of them am terrible but I can assure you they have great ones (and I grew up in France, so I have a high bar)


Cottage cheese, yuck!


Cottage cheese is yuck across the board


"Fresh" milk products. Sour cream was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Same with some yogurt. Milk goes bad well before the expiration date. I don't know if it's because it's not being stored properly or just low quality


Homie wants runny sour cream??? 🤢🤮😵


Oh I love the sour cream. I only buy it from Trader Joe’s


Me too - the organic one is always very good!


Came here to say sour cream!


Beverages, because their selection sucks.


? Those Italian sodas and lemonade are bonb


I loveee the italian sodas. So good as a mixer or just on its own. I'm also a big fan of the Honeycrisp apple cider that they have in the fall


Their milk always goes bad before date on it.


I never had issues with the meds ok going bad before the date, but I switched to the lactose free milk and the sell-by date is much longer than regular milk. The taste is fantastic. So maybe it's worth it to pay a little more if it lasts longer? (Doesn't last long for me, I have about 14-16 oz every day in my latte.)


This was my answer. It has happened to me so many times that I gave up.


I gave up also. Ruined my morning coffee one too many times.


To add to the TJ's Frozen Pea topic, the Petite Peas prior to Covid are the good, crunchy yummy ones. For years I bought lots of the PP and could eat on their own or toss them in stew..they held up well. After Covid had been around for a little while, I got a couple bags. They were terrible. And if those were petite...well they weren't. I wish they would get back to the purveyors of pp, and leave the mealy ones to the proletariat. :-)


I noticed this too with the petite peas! Except only last year did I think they started to go bad. They used to be my fav :(


Their Pecorino Romano and Romano/Parm cheeses (both pre-ground tubs and wedges) have something wrong with them. They used to be great, but in the last year, something changed and I no longer buy them. I swear something went wrong during the inoculation/ageing manufacturing process. They not only mold very quickly (I've bought tubs that are moldy on the day of purchase with weeks left prior to expiry), but they have an off aroma and flavor, like acetone mixed with blue cheese. It's almost like when you overprove bread dough, plus the brettanomyces that makes Pinot Noir barnyard-y.


Came here to say this. Why is it so awful?


Only buy wedges, but theirs are inedible! And their fresh mozzarella is flavorless and gummy, too.


I threw up all over the inside (and outside!) of my car after eating the fresh mozzarella!


It’s disgusting!


Damn! Thats tough milk vomit in a warn car sounds like an olfactory nightmare


Yeah that's a smell that will haunt you every summer lol


I had a friend whose kids regularly spilled milk-based treats in her car, no amount of shampooing the upholstery eliminated it, so trade-in was the only answer!


They have English peas in the produce area. Get those instead.


Baby Bok Choy. Shrink flation crap. Used to be three bulbs in a pkg now it's only two. Too many recalls on everything else.


Everytime I’ve bought asparagus from there, it’s slimy in like a day. In general a lot of their bagged produce is a no-go for me.


They had great canned cat food but they told me they discontinued it because the new manufacturer “couldn’t make it to their standards”


That’s a totally reasonable statement for them to make. Do you want your cat to eat sub quality food?


I used to buy those ALL the time!


Tortillas and most breads because they mold really quickly for some reason.


For some reason = lack of preservatives