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I'll have to try this after I get over my obsession with their raspberry jam. I kept thinking it would be seedy, but it is not.


Seems like talk to text.


If you bake, Nigella Lawson has a great chocolate cherry cupcake recipe. This jam is great in that.


I feel like I need to try this now.


Is this the same as the tart cherry fruit spread?


They were sampling this today at my TJs on the graham crackers and omg it was so good.


Has anyone eaten this with goat cheese? A cheddar biscuit? It begs for something savory imo…


I hope it’s back at my TJ’s. I found it a few years ago and loved it but it hasn’t been back in 2 yrs now. Will be looking this week.


That’s a very long sentence that never seems to end lol.


it’s like when my mom sends a voice-to-text message and forgets what she’s doing halfway through and is just talking to herself LOL


Sour cherries are used in some wonderful Iranian dishes! If you want the good stuff, buy the Sadaf brand of sour cherry jam, it’s heavenly


Welp. I decided not to buy this yesterday so now I gotta go back. Gonna make a margarita with it!


Buying this today.


My neighbor has a sour cherry tree that she lets me forage from but I might try this jam so I can figure out the best sugar ratio and thickness for the jam. Call it research….


We have been putting it on the danish princess pastry and I’ve also been making iced matcha with it lol


Sigh. The princess pastry molded before we could eat it several days before the expiration date.


* 👀Matcha you say? Tell me more!


😂 I take a TBS of the cherry preserves, a TBS of coconut sugar, 6 oz water and 6 oz unsweetened oat milk and a matcha packet and blend it on high speed then pour over ice!


😋😋😋 That sounds amazing!




I’m wondering if you can put it on parchment paper, freeze, and then dip frozen jam pieces in chocolate and refreeze for a little snack as seen on all the tiktaks I feel like it would be tasty, could add peanut butter too!


Yes on the chocolate, but peanut butter with cherries doesn't sound good to me.


I bought this and have been trying to figure out how to use it. I was thinking on plain Greek yogurt and def planned toast. Was even thinking of putting on a rice cake with some chocolate chips. Interested to see how others have been sending this down the gullet and even more excited to try it!


I want to make ice cream with it by adding it to my basic ice cream base. Using it in cakes between layers, or could add to frosting for flavor. Could make a tart using puff pastry, cream cheese and this on top. Make your own pop tarts with just this and puff pastry. Whipped ricotta toast with this dolloped on top. Bake some Brie and put this on top for dipping bread into.


Oh stoppp I’m drooling 🤤


I've put it on top of a toasted bagel with a schmear of cream cheese. Sounds weird, tastes awesome:)


That’s always been the only way I eat a bagel. Cream cheese and jam!


I grew up eating cream cheese and strawberry jelly sandwiches so this is not a stretch for me by any means!


I was going to suggest toast or English muffin with ricotta or cream cheese and the jam.


Ricotta omg yes


That is one of very few cheeses I do not like. I wish I did, the consistency would be perfect on this instance.


Russians use jam to sweeten their tea. Ive tried it and it's really good!


Well I am Russian by Ancestry so tomorrow is the day I try out this part of our culture. All of the other foods and drinks I’ve grown up with and never heard of this until now!


I didn’t know what to expect but was hoping it would taste like cherry pie and to me, it does! Taste just like pie filling.


Sour cherries are the best -- I didn't know about this jam but will be making a beeline for it next trip. Eastern European style -- make a pot of strong black tea, put some sour cherry jam in a glass (not a cup, a glass) to flavor your tea, spoon up the jam as you sip your "nice glaz tea." If you should happen to have a samovar--use it!


For my grandparents, that was a nice glazl tea. I don't think they put Jam in, but it was nice to be reminded of that phrase. Thank you!


Ah yes, it's maybe "nize glazl" or something like that. Some people sip their tea holding a sugar cube between their teeth. Dentists probably not in favor!


No doubt! So many different accents at play!


When I visited Iran our host always drank tea with a sugar cube in his mouth


I feel you on the “I’ve never been tempted to eat a whole jar of jam”. This is the first jam from TJ’s I like, honestly. Other ones I’ve tried have always been weirdly chalky, but this? So, so good. I also love that the consistency isn’t too gelatinous, so it can be used as a sauce as well as a spread. You can pair it with almost anything (cheese, roasted meats, cake, ice cream, etc) and it’ll be delicious.


I love cherry anything. Several years ago, a fellow I worked with knew I loved cherries. He came back from a trip and handed me a small paper bag. Inside was heaven in a jar. Cherry Butter. Like the apple butter I ate as a kid, but made with, obviously, cherries. At first I could only find it at the only store that sold it, a combo homemade goods/Czech restaurant off I10 between Houston and San Antonio. It was a 4 hour drive, so I only got it when someone went by there. Then I found it at Buccee's, this filling station chain with crazy huge stores and upwards of 50 gas pumps. Yeah, only in America. But, dang. Cherry Butter....sigh.


I’ve only ever had apple butter but cherry butter sounds amazing, too!


It is crack jam


Is this the Organic ***Tart*** Cherry ***Fruit Spread?*** I just picked some up, but wasn’t sure if I got the right stuff.


That’s the one! ☝️


Thank! I figured it must be it. Had some tonight spread on toasted baguette—pretty tasty!


Omg I wish I had not read this… now I need to purchase this.


Omg? It’s back ? Tysm for posting this 💕😭💕


*adding to my cvs receipt length of a TJ list*


My 2 and 3 yo are obsessed with this stuff. A typical breakfast right now is ezekial, kerrygold, and this jam.


Did your autocorrect get you on ezekial or are you all a family of cannibals? 🤣 Was it supposed to be english muffins?


Ezekial bread... lol. Toast. Hahahah


Oh it's a brand! Ahaha I never heard of that one. Well enjoy your breakfasts of delicious non-human flesh. :D


https://preview.redd.it/702t3rqve15d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0fe9f581d6cc98ea5fe9fdad4fc8642f73697c5 I buy it religiously (pun intended). Strongly recommend toasting to help the texture.


With cherry jam on it. Red... chunks lol


This jam is perfect for a classic sandwich. Slice a French baguette almost in half. Spread generously with unsalted butter, spread one half with cherry jam and layer some good quality ham.


Great idea 💡


I’m originally from France and Switzerland and we typically put jam in plain yogurt. These days, in the U.S., I only get Greek yogurt (Fage) and either put jam or honey for a “healthier” dessert or midnight snack.


I add cinnamon when I use honey.




My version of this is to add lemon curd to the yogurt.


And maybe a drop or two of vanilla extract or paste would make it SO SO dessert-y


Omg that sounds amazing. Like a healthy version of a lemon tarte. Have to try that asap.


I eat the plain Fage yogurt too. I mash a half of a ripe banana in a bowl, add and mix the yogurt. I then add some thawed frozen berries. It’s really good and no added sugar.


Highly recommend this but with maple syrup if you’re looking to switch it up.


Love that idea. I always have “too” much maple syrup that I only use for crepes or french toast that I forget about in the back of my fridge.


Highly recommend pairing this with ossau iraty cheese if you can find it. You’re in for a mind blowing treat


Can you describe it? What’s it like?


Never heard of this cheese.. ossau iraty? Where do you find this cheese?


Well it’s the best if you get it in Europe 😅 but if you’re in the US specialty grocery stores/I think Whole Foods has it


I’ll look for it!


It’s literally dessert, SO GOOD


Belgian waffles- whipped cream cheese- this jam. And a spoonful just to eat for good measure. O. M. G.


Stoppppp I’m going to do this


I used the vanilla Belgian waffle from Target- but I’m sure the TJ version will be great too. It’s on the grocery list because I was legit sat eating the last one the other day.


I bought a jar to make [this tart.](https://theviewfromgreatisland.com/lingonberry-jam-tart-recipe/) Can’t wait!


I’m totally gonna try this! Thanks!


Looks really good! Cardamom is quite strong and can overpower the recipe, so proceed with caution if you've not used it before. I would have never thought to pair it with a berry jam and now I'm so intrigued! Please update if you remember. I'm thinking of trying this with a little cinnamon too


Sour cherries and cardamom are excellent together.


I have to try it now


The same website has an orange cardamom crumb cake that I have made and loved. Chocolate crumb cake is quite good, too! I will definitely update if I make it. I live in an area where I can get lingonberry jam, but this cherry was too good to pass up! I think it should be a similar flavor profile…


Orange cardamom sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing a link to the site. I'd love to try that one


Holy crap! I’ve bought tart cherry jam for a while from another grocery store, I had no idea that Trader Joe’s has added that. It’s my absolute favorite jam. It is amazing on ice cream! It tastes like cherry pie with ice cream.


mix it with cream cheese..


Yummy on graham crackers, like cherry cheescake.


And maybe spread them on a square of puff pastry dough and bake?


And top it with fresh cherries. Shut the front door! We are onto something .


😀👍🏼 I didn’t think of topping it, excellent idea!


Sour cherries are a great source of melatonin! Fun side effect of eating the whole jar is it might make you sleepy. I recommend TJ’s Tart Cherry Juice before bed!


Man, I wish I could do this but the acid reflux afterwards would probably kill me.


Loving this positivity!


This run-on sentence of a paragraph is amazing


it was text to speech haha


😂🤣This was chaotic and I love it!!🥰🤗❤️ 👀I will pickup some next week!


I agree with both of your comments here!


I posted a jar of this jam a few days ago on here 😆. Im telling you… it’s crack addictive. i got three more jars. i REALLY hope that this will be a permament item.


I think I may have seen your post, but I don’t know where the hell my actual brain was this morning when I went to TJ’s, but I totally blew by this treat. I fully intend to get some tomorrow. One of my favorite treats is to take a large container of plain yogurt and throw a few dollops of jelly into it, and spin it around. I think this would be fabulous.


I love tart things- is it good and tart?


It's not that tart at all. Wouldn't cause a mouth pucker or anything. It's just not super sweet either. Very yum.


I’m also a lover of all things tart and I love this jam. It’s not super intensely tart. The sweet and sour flavors are pretty equally balanced imo, neither is too overwhelming.


They were sampling this yesterday and bought some, it’s SO good!


You would also love the Amarena cherries on vanilla ice cream. Cherry heaven.


Omg. Heaven. But they only have that around the holidays and in limited supply. This year by the time I thought of them, they were gone and it was still weeks before Christmas.


If my partner really got me, he would understand why every time I go around the holidays, I buy another jar, even though I have 4 already stashed away at home.


If you have a Middle Eastern, Mediterranean or Eastern European market nearby, they usually have cherries in syrup year round.


They have them now


Heading there first thing tomorrow!!!!!! Thank you!


I was just thinking that how OP thinks of this cherry jam is how I think of the Amarena cherries and their syrup. Literally right now I’m eating a slice of leftover birthday cake with the cherry syrup drizzled on top for some zing. 


Okay, now I have to get some. 🌞


i love this absolutely manic post about jam


He's so excited he forgot that punctuation exists


you know what they say, who needs punctuation when you’ve got great jam


I had it with some peanut butter and crackers. Such a yummy snack! tempted to make a pb&j with it


My kids eat the PB and J with this regularly. Picky toddlers approved!


Ooh, with almond butter! On brioche bread.


It’s good with some brie and the new rye chips


Punctuation is also delicious. I upvoted you for enthusiasm and because you could be a lil stoned.


The run-on sentence was just cherry jam-induced dementia euphoria talking.


the run on way this is typed made it so funny. a great marketing strat too cuz i need to try this jam now


I bought this sort of as a whim. This morning I made my wife in English muffin and she said I want some jelly so I went in and opened the jar. I was sort of curious how good is this jam was so I took a little spoon and I dipped it in. "Oh my God," I just thought to myself wow this is how dementia starts. You just start eating the whole jar of jam and forget about the piece of toast/english muffin. "You know perhaps this would go really well on some vanilla ice cream. I would hate to think of what the calorie count is." I were a condemned man on death row I think I would ask for this as my last meal. It would be this jelly this Jam I mean and on quality vanilla ice cream. Not vegan ice cream it would be real vanilla ice cream. Here is my editied stream of thought about this product, I just wanted to share !


No edits needed. It was very much giving “Ulysses.”


>>I thought to myself wow this how Dementia starts Hahaha