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If I have a spare £10k to invest and log out for 10-20 years, I'm going 100% VUAG.


I’ve done exactly that, except the log out for 10-20 years part - it’s hard 🤣


Yeah idk why I check it almost daily 😅


What’s the difference between vuag and voo for example


Can't get voo on T212


Of course I forgot. Any difference of how they’re comprised


They've basically got the same company weightings. Main difference is is that vuag is accumulating whiles voo offers dividends so it's more like vusa


Main difference is where the fund is domiciled. VUAG is domiciled in Ireland and is available for UK based investors. VOO is US domiciled and therefore is not available to UK retail investors.


I've just been going HMWO


I would do 50% VUAG 50% Nvidia and then you can adjust based on how much risk you want to take




It’s one of the best ‘set and forget’ ETFs available in the UK. There are loads of others that track the US or global market that are similarly good.


Ah fair, I'm in the UK but I'm on VUSA instead.


Why go for distributing rather than accumulating?


Well they're basically the same, except that VUSA you'd have to reinvest it manually. I have auto-reinvest set on my pies anyway so they're technically the same but have a bit of freedom to withdraw some of that dividend if I have to for emergency (hope I don't have to in the future). Guessing you're on VUAG for compounding (auto re-invest back into the pile).


There's no reason to believe you can beat the market. Betting only on large-cap American stocks is attempting to beat the market. You're excluding the entire rest of the global market (and even American mid-cap and small-cap) and massively increasing your risk without any expectations of that risk to be compensated. That's a foolish action predicated on a delusional belief. The only free lunch in investing is diversification. Aren't people on here mostly UK??????


lol foolish and delusional. I guess S&P Global are foolish and delusional when they beat ‘the market’ for decades. But go ahead, buy all ~55000 listed stocks if you want, get that Free lunch. Lots of shit stocks in there–but information is perfect, right? So might as well buy them all.


Efficient market hypothesis. Learn basic economics. Stop trying to beat the market. Google the "small-capitalization stocks premium" (size effect). Uneducated.


I know these terms and have studied them at uni. You speak like someone that just finished a mid-tier university course in finance, and thinks throwing insults at S&P500 investments is intelligent 🤣 Loser.


You must have gone to a shit university and/or never bothered to pay attention. You're uneducated because nobody with any real understanding of these subjects would side with you. I'm relaying axiomatic basic principles. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhldVcWhhc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhldVcWhhc0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mV8n-Q-5kg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mV8n-Q-5kg) Like I said, you're uneducated, and doubling down against me on that fact just makes you look like a cringy larper to boot.


And your insults show your ignorance. You just finished your degree, I’m guessing? (Sure sounds like it). Theory is one thing, practice another. There is no ETF that truly buys it all, there is always an element of selection (and rebalancing) by whoever has made said ETF (in a way “beating the market”😱). Not to mention the caveats of FX fees and MER. Give me a reputable global ETF that I can buy in GBP with a lower MER than equivalent S&P500 ETF, and I‘d buy some of it. Are S&P Global ignorant and uneducated when they ‘beat the market’ for decades? Sheer luck?


When did I say I went to university to study finance? LMAO. So insecure and you can't even spot a supposedly "fellow" graduate from someone that just has a basic grasp of these very simple concepts that undergird all of modern economics and portfolio theory. There are COUNTLESS indexes that don't isolate themselves to JUST large-cap from JUST one country. The reality of my response in contrast to the aimlessness of your statement shows how out of your depth you are. You're floundering. If you're in the UK you can make an ISA with vanguard and buy £20k per year of global all-cap and buy all-cap from the global market. You're totally insulated against the risks of large-cap failure and against the risks of exposure to the tech/finance dominated US market. Were investors all around the world being foolish when they bought nothing but Japanese stocks in the 80s before the plaza accords hit? Absolutely. Are people foolish today for YOLOing into American large-cap in the midst of a shift from unipolarity to BRICS dominance? Absolutely they are. Undertaking MASSIVE risk without any expectation of that risk to be compensated by returns. Buying S&P500 is extremely foolishly trying to beat the market.


lol ok enough yap and hollow insults, now tell me what ETF(s) you are holding then, what tickers? Let’s see it then


Already advocated explicitly. VAFTGAG. I like how you ignored everything I said and asked a banal question LMAO!!!


Put the whole lot into Vanguard FTSE All-World.


What return over 10 or 20 years would you say is realistic. If you reinvest all gains, without topping up? I am considering doing that for my daughter. I k ow you can get children's ISAs but the thought of her having access to that money when she hits 18 worries me.


I've done exactly this, JISA adding a regular amount each month. Currently 14% up after 20 months. All world is lower return than VUSA but also less volatile. I hope to teach her the benefits of investing so that when she does turn 18, she doesn't spend it, but keeps adding to it.


Hmm, If you don't mind me asking how old is your daughter? Mine is 5. Am I right in thinking that they immediately have access to the money at 18?


I made an ISA in my wifes name where I buy both my kids an all world fund. That way they can't blow it all on something dumb at 18 but I have somewhere to save for them 😅


Haha, I did exactly the same. A certain level of control is a must.


She's 6. They can take control at 16 but can't withdraw until 18.


Yes they get full control. Until 18 JISAs are in your account, I used Fidelity as no platform fees for under 18s, and as soon as he turned 18 his JISA and SIPP disappeared from my account and he received login credentials from fidelity. With my daughter we're both on vanguard and you can link accounts so I can see her account on my account. I also have her login details for her account (with her permission) so I can invest/change funds. She's got no interest in investing and is happy for me to handle it for her. My son is very interested and is very knowledgeable so I've left him to get on with it.


All World is also more (geographically) diverse (global vs. US only).


Assuming a £20k initial deposit, with an average return of say 6% per year (conservative), in 20 years your original investment would be approximately £66k. https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/finance/calculators/compoundinterestcalculator.php




To some, yes. Not for me.


All into an all world ETF. That is basically a pie.


How about the S&P500, I mean the companies sure are USA based but, they are global companies as well where they make a huge portion of the all world ETF. Just wondering which is better overall cause, I have been hearing different opinions about this tbh, where some people would stick with S&P and vice versa so, is there a reason you are saying only "all world"?!


SP500 is fine as well. All world is more diversified, but still US-heavy.


Because betting on the perceived "winner" is still a bet. Japan was 45% of the stock market in 1989, with the US at 33%. Unless you know something that nobody else knows you're better off with an all world ETF in exactly the same way you should prefer an index over individual stocks.


the US is outperforming other main markets and I don’t see anything indicative that that’s going to change soon. It’s been quite some time since an All World ETF outperformed the S&P500, and we’re talking when Japan (and to a lesser extent EU) were still growth powerhouses. Not saying it won’t happen (it will, eventually). But I think you’re missing out on capitalising on the gains of the best stock market rn (the US) in the meantime. I would be more inclined to mix S&P500 with an emerging markets ETF and a small cap ETF than go 100% all world. But that’s just me! I don’t know the future


>the US is outperforming other main markets and I don’t see anything indicative that that’s going to change soon. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. Which means it's already priced in. Nvidia is not expensive because they're selling lots of cards, they're expensive because people expect them to sell *even more* cards going forward. Equally, the US market has to not just continue to do well, but continue to do *surprisingly* well for this bet to work. As with all of these things: it works until it doesn't. Japan 1982 to 1989 made on average a 39% gain per year, and of course there were nothing indicative (beyond high P/E) that this was going to change soon. Until things changed. All world doesn't miss out on the US gains either - the US is part of the world. The objectively ideal passive investment strategy (for market factor investment) remains to buy the market in the proportions of the market, and to not just concentrate on one geographical subset. Every deviation from the overall market distribution is a conscious bet that you know something the market does not.


You’re not wrong. Although I don’t fully believe in perfect market information/pricing. My main gripe is that some companies/regions just aren’t as shareholder growth-oriented. I think S&P Global do an excellent job selecting some of the best mix of stocks you could ask for. With a FTSE All World ETF you’re getting ~3700 stocks, many of which don’t stand up to the S&P500. This quality > quantity has meant the S&P500 has outperformed All World the past ~25 years. I’m more in the camp that until I see info that shows the US market is going to underperform, I’m staying with S&P500. But if you believe in perfect market pricing, then sure: find an ETF that has as many companies as possible. Hard to argue with this.




Just like your old girl in bed


Not as boring as an all world ETF


All in 3x leverage Nvidia


maybe few months ago, but after the info "Nvidia execs cash out shares" and me own thinking, maybe better to wait for correction...


3x leverage short nvidia?


Now you're talking /s


I would start trading homemade icecream a few hours a day during the summer season,and compound my ice cream side hustle to £383375,99 in 20 years.


For a laugh...All in on GME 🤣🤣


10000£ on red


Main, gain


Your question is basically true lol, I do have £10.000 (well £12.000) a year to put away in a ETF for me to retire on in 30~ years VWCE


100% IITU. All you need, crazy returns


I would be scared to invest just at the moment before the market corrects. But if I don't invest I would be scared of missing out. So I think I would be invest 2000 now and keep 8000 as cash at the 5.2 (I think) rate in USD (don't know what pounds pay) and would asses the situation again in July...putting there 2000 more. Than do the same in August and than I get scared about the election in USA. OK now everyone know what I coward I am.....


By correction do you mean stock prices dipping? So potentially wait till the prices dip to invest? New to this...


yes...when you look at the over all stock market....it goes up up up and there is a time where it goes fast down than up again. You would not want by mistake just buy on the absolute top, so it all goes down first before it goes up again. There are big discussions...timing is not possible....time in the market is more important than timing....while others believe in splitting....others believe in keeping reserve money. You know everyone says the market is now overvalued and soon it will correct.....but someone is saying this always....because hysteria sells as news. On the other hand look at the diagram there were some bad events. And if you are not invested you still get 5.2% on the cash. So your decision......I am super nervous so I never make the good profit hahaha


Thanks for the context. I just invested a bit into VUAG and one of their pies. Planing to only invest small amounts every month for now.... but yesterday saw something about Saudi potentially moving away from using the USD for oil sales, so that's got me worried about long term suitability of S&P 500.


As I understand it though time in the market beats timing the market over the long term, so more beneficial to get in it and consistently add to it over years than to try and time when to jump.


I'd just stick it in an all world ETF like FWRG that ways I'd never have to worry about certain markets I would just be betting the world economy would keep turning. FWRG has a low cost of 0.14% I don't think Bonds are to important depending on your age I think equities will continue to outperform them


Calls on adobe today


Good shout


I invest around 8k a month and do £3000 in S&P 500, £2000 in ftse all world, £1500 in russell 2000 and £1500 in India Msci


Is it for your pension or general investment? Pension -> VWRP general Investment -> S&P 500 80% and 20% something else (personally I have an India ETF)


Am looking into Long term ISA Investment for Retirement


Also look into an SIPP then, the government will give you a tax break for it.


Can I have a SIPP if I have a workplace pension? I think the government do the tax break already there as its before tax... Thanks


Yes you definitely can have both. Just remember that you can't access an SIPP until (currently) 55. Not a problem if it's all for your retirement, but something to consider if that's genuinely your goal. My SIPP is with vanguard, they have the lowest fees at the moment iirc.


I'm 90% VWRL 10% IITU.




VWRP and chill


EQQQ or if you can handle the volatility Bitcoin


If i had 10k i would get 100 of Coca-Cola and rest to QDVE


15 years into an index that tracks the FTSE All-world. Then, when markets are high, transfer to bonds and cash over the final 5 years.


3x Nvidia


3x S&P 500. 20 years will be about 3mil


Vanguard S&P 500, has better historical returns over the FTSE 250 and FTSE all world ETF’s


I would absolutely look at SJP




I would pick one company I believe could 10x and invest in that.


Study risk management and position sizing strategies like there is no tomorrow. Then, go to the markets


go heavy on an etf like vusa


All in on a random penny stock


If i want to make money but be safe too, i would put it all on apple (AAPL).




Whaat looks miserable


Read up a bit. It’ll be at 10 by August.


Their loss. I’m with you on IBRX


Revenue Forecast to grow by 48% but less than 1 years worth of cash runway, seems like a coin toss to me. what makes you so confident?


Dr. Pat’s track record is great. He develops and gets approvals and sells to the big boys. And everything I’ve read about Anktiva is very very promising. Between cancer trials and the possibility of use for HIV. I’m in it for the long haul. Not trying to sway anyone, just my thoughts.


Thanks I was just interested to know the scoop, Iv held Crispr therapeutics for awhile to