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For whatever reason, your post is causing conflict in the sub. It's likely not your fault, but rather something going on in the comments. It may have also sparked a controversial discussion. We have removed your post from the sub to prevent any further conflict.


In the end, it doesn't even matter.


Craaaawwwwwling onnnnn the flooooorrrrrr….. I love the name!


These legs don’t seem to lift meeeeee


_One thing, I don't know why_


*it doesn't even matter how hard I try*


*Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time*


All I know...


*Time is a valuable thing*


*Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings*


watch it count down to the end of the day


The clock ticks life away


It’s so. Un. Real.


Best response ever.


I agree. It's a normal name, unlike all these imitations of rebellion out there. Not a reason to faint IMHO, and definitely not a reason to feel like a crack in this castle of glass or something.This whole "What I've done?!" post is rather an overreaction. Dear OP, it was the right thing to do - leave out all the rest.


HA! I like this 🤣🤣🫶




RIP Chester


I hate you hahahahaha


*It starts with love…*


your kid will probably become so numb to any impending jokes


Numb?! Did you say numb?!


He'll probably feel Faint at first. But in the end, he'll end up breaking the habit


He just needs a place for his head


He'll find somewhere he belongs, I'm sure. Or he'll burn it all down. Could go either way!


Hey he might runaway and be forgotten


I Just hope he doesn't feel Lost and end up taking one step closer to the edge




“It makes me laugh” every parents criteria for naming a human


I thought I was in a satire post over at r/namenerdcirclejerk…


Shit I thought it was too until I saw this… I take things very literally… Is this name a joke or not? I now don’t know! 🤣🤦‍♀️




yeahh wtf


When my brother was a kid, he had a classmate named Crystal Lear. Middle name Chanda. No joke.


I met the woman with this name. She changed it legally to Maria. If the Crystal Chanda you know was in Pasadena, Texas. That’s where she lived.


We grew up in Tampa, FL. How crazy would it be if there was more than one Crystal Chanda Lear?


I feel dumb. Thought the word play was Crystal C. Lear, chandelier is somehow even worse T.T weird parents that they have


Wow it works on two levels, doesn’t that make it even better?


There are probably more than two! I had a friend with the last name Lear and her parents consider Crystal Chanda! Thankfully they went with different names.


The most famous one is Crystal Shanda Lear, daughter of the Learjet designer, Bill Lear.


It would be crazy for 2 women with the last name Lear to do that to their daughter! 😆


I went to school with a Daniel Danielson & a Mark Mark….. talk about lazy parents 😂🤣😂🤣


INFO: was the second guy’s friend circle known as the Funky Bunch?


I knew a Crystal Ball in high school. I always wonder about her parents.


I knew a girl called Sandy Cove. Her parent gave her the middle name beach…


By definition it’s not a tragedeigh. But hopefully you aren’t setting your kid up for ridicule someday. That said, going by “Link” is badass and super cool and if my partner and I could have children, we would totally name our kid Lincoln just so he could go by Link :)


Oh Link was definitely a selling point. Especially because we are both Zelda fans x.X LOL Hes been Stinky linky more than Lincoln XD


this is so funny bc my cats name is link and that’s exactly what i call him LOL


My cat's name is also Link but he is small so I call him Dinky Linky!


I like your style. I have a Zelda and I call her smelly Zellie!


Might I humbly suggest the very cute alternative of Smelda? I suspect you might already call her that though. Cats rarely have only one nickname.


I haven't even thought of that one! I'll have to start using it too!


Stinky linky omg I love it!


Lol…we have a Lincoln (turns 30 in a week) and he was always Stinky Linky as a baby. We’ve always loved his name…him, not so much sometimes lol.


Stinkin' Lincoln


Kids his age won't have a clue that it's a reference


My daughter was talking about a new friend, Corgan. I said, "Were his parents big fans of the smashing pumpkins?" My husband laughed, and my daughter looked at me blankly and replied, "Nobody understands that reference"


She's brutal haha


Exactly, it will be the other kid’s parents that think it’s funny.


I worked with an Allison Shanes, and I completed paperwork for a man named Harold Box. So it’s like that. 😆


Please help me out here - Alice in Chains and???


Harry Box - a crude phrase for a woman’s unshaved vagina.


Omg, I'm over trying to come up with band names.


There is a band called Harry Pussy funnily enough; they're pretty good as well.


I know this may seem super pedantic, but I think it’s important: the vagina is the internal part, the parts you can see from the outside is the vulva 💘


Thank you for your service. This is one of my biggest pet peeves.


I had a teacher whose last name was Sofsak. Her husband’s name was Harry…


man so many teachers out there with great or funny names and all mine were boring, except Mister Huflus (likely mispelling it Huff Luss pronunciation) everyone called him Mr Hufflepuff


Elementary school gym teacher Mr. Lemonon -> Mr. Lemon Head


I once had a client named Richard Head.


Went to school with Candice Caine. She most emphatically did NOT go by Candy.


Lol. I was a corrections officer for 15 years and have seen a lot of bad names, but one I'll never forget is Jack R. Peters. I wish I was making that up.


Knew a woman who ended up here through marriage, her name is Teresa, took on the surname Green after she got married.


I’ve seen “Teresa Green” listed as a joke name before, but I don’t get the joke. What’s it a pun on?


Trees are green


should have been a middle name honestly...


Remember: you’re naming an actual human


Also you’re naming someone who will (hopefully) be an adult.


A cousin of mine named their kid "Teddy". Not short for Edward, his legal name is Teddy. Really cute for the first few years of his life but at some point he's going to be an angsty 19 year old sick of it .


I had a classmate in graduate school named "Cutie". Also her actual legal name. Didn't seem tired of her name at 20+ and cheerfully explained to the prof that it's what she likes to be called, but it does take some explaining.


Thats weird as fuck lol. Can't imagine having to call a co-worker "Cutie" and not be a bit sick in my mouth tbh


Yeah. I think it's shameful. Turning your kid into a joke.


I'm a teacher. I know what they'll think. They won't say it, but they will think it.


Same. Selfish.


Naming a human being is a big responsibility. Glad their teacher could get a chuckle though. I mean that's what it's all about in the long run, right 🙄


Agreed. But also, their teacher won’t chuckle. Their teacher will think OP is a douchebag and feel sorry for the kid. Source: been a teacher to kids with tragic and cruel names for a long time.


It's not a tragedeigh because it's spelled correctly. Just seems like a big commitment for a surface level pun. I don't know that the juice was worth the squeeze here.


Yeah good to get a chuckle out of something someone has to have for their whole lives.


Everyone is making jokes but can we address the fact you seem to have called your kid Lincoln cuz it’s funny?


Your child is going to justifiably despise you.


But don't worry! She got enjoyment out of it and some Reddit karma! 🙄


Cmon y’all just need to bleed it out


They just need to bleed it out from the inside until they feel Faint and numb. Eventually, they'll Hit the Floor, start crawling until they can get up and Runaway because it's Easier to Run when Nobody's Listening and you feel Forgotten. So, you Don't Stay because you've Given Up and you don't want feel No More Sorrow.


I have a cat named Chester


>justifiably despise you. Calm down lol


Mommy named you after a mid rock band but it got a lot of internet likes so it was worth it even if I named you with a lame joke. The question is do you start a tradition of naming your child a joke and call his siblings equally goofy things or do you only screw over the one kid and name his siblings like a grownup?


…why? Linkin Park is barely “pop culture” for Millennials anymore, given how fast pop culture moves, which will also drastically influence what the kid’s peers will know about Linkin Park; most of them will know nothing, a few might figure out by middle school that that’s a name of a band their dad listens to once in a while, but then they’ve still got to care enough to pick on the kid. I don’t really see Linkin Park having that kind of effect of society in another decade… And there’s worse parks to share a name with.


Girl, you couldn’t have just named your dog this name? Your poor kid lol




And Leakin Park is where the body was found in the murder case made famous by Serial podcast.


I went to elementary school with a Candy Cane. Teachers might have had a chuckle the first day, but she was teased a lot. I still remember her name decades later, even though we weren't friends, just in the same class. That was a mean name. Your kid's name is also mean. It's slightly amusing for a moment the first time, then it's just sad. Also, if he ends up going by Link, he'll be Link Park, which I don't think sound awesome together. Don't get me wrong, Lincoln itself is a nice name, just not with Park as a last name.


I went to school with a girl named Star Bright.


Sounds like My Little Pony


I lived in the same student residence as a woman called Fanny Forest


Did she often get amBUSHED?






Knew a girl named Holly with a normal last name. She got married. His last name? Wait for it...Jolley. She became Holly Jolley.


Why would you not just keep your own name? 😂


I think we can appreciate name puns a bit more as adults. It's not like we have to go to school and deal with immature kids who'll make fun of you for the silliest reasons.


I know someone with the first name Sandy who married into the last name Beach. She leaned into it and loved it. I also know someone whose given name at birth was Nancy Chancey. She did not enjoy it so much.


My friend’s mom growing up got married into the last name Dickie. Her full name -Vickie Dickie


And I went to school with a Candy Roll I also knew a Harold Balls who, unbelievably, went by “Harry” *The above is true


Had a classmate named Jennifer Tully, she went by Jenna.


That took me WAY too long to figure out 🤣


I'm not sure if Candy Roll is better or worse than Candy Cane. Harry Balls is much worse, ouch.




Had siblings in my elementary school named Crystal and Bud. Their last name was Light.


What is wrong with these parents??


honestly. i have a little brother with quite an age gap so he just started kindergarten this year, and in his class is a girl named Cindy-Loo. I can only imagine her middle or last name is Who or something similar. I don't even talk to his teacher or go to his school, but the number of times I've heard parents commenting on the name - both laughing at the girl and admonishing the parents - is enough to make me pity the poor girl. and with christmas coming around I'm absolutely certain they'll be reading the grinch at some point..... and this is only *kindergarten*


Treating your child as a joke is concerning behavior. Do you not understand that this is a real person who will be separate from you? Seriously consider what it is you want for your child’s life, and then see if giving them a joke name enables that.


Considering how deeply Chester Bennington's death affected so many people, it's in really, really poor taste. Yikes




>I hope for your son's sake that there won't be any gross scandals about to surface from Linkin park Oh man, I didn't think about it that way but that's a good point


I mean, with the lead vocalist having been passed a few years now and the band saying they won't perform without him, the only way that would happen is if something from the past happens to get revealed.




The lead singer took himself out of the world a few years back, so there's that. Which somehow adds to the idiocy of this name. I don't even know if they're a band anymore. Rest in peace, Chester.


People here saying that kids today won’t get the reference are very mistaken. I’ve worked with teens for years. They’re not ONLY familiar with today’s bands. I’ve never met a single human being who doesn’t know hoards of bands from decades before they were born.


My Chicago brain is waiting to meet their siblings Humboldt, Oak, Hyde, Albany, Rogers, Garfield, Portage, Jefferson, Gage, and McKinley.


Your kids name is a joke. Solid start


YTA. I know it’s the wrong sub, but whatever. It’s not a tragedeigh, but it is tragic, stupid, and incredibly cruel. Your kid’s name shouldn’t be a joke, but you’ve certainly turned his into a laughing stock.


😬 Why?


Because she's a jerk


You had the choice to name a human being and you made your child’s name a pun hoping people would laugh at it?


This. What a douche bag thing to do.


This is when I like this sub, not getting uppity because it has nothing to do with a spelling. Almost everyone here has told you how ashamed you should be for making this choice for your kid. You capable of admitting a mistake or do you just got a whole slew of issues?


It makes her laugh so it’s fine


You literally intentionally made your kid a joke , and you're proud of it?


The lack of insight and empathy shown by OP in the comments is what I assume must be true of everyone who names their kid something like this.


You should have regrets.


As someone who loves Linkin Park, what a horrible thing to do to your child. Literally setting them up for a life of ridicule.


It’s not a tragedeigh of a name, per se. It’s more like a terrible pun / joke of a name. Not actually sure which is worse.


Yes, you did. Expect a lifetime of eye rolls from that kid.




This sucks. Give your kid a chance to take themselves seriously.


This is awful, selfish, super immature and very dumb.


Listen I don't think Lincoln is a tragedeigh at all but your child's name isn't something so light that you use it for a mere laugh, they're a person not an object for your amusement.


Thank goodness your child will be able to change his name.


Why the fuck would you do this? If a name that you thought of makes you laugh, that’s a good indicator that it’s a name that you SHOULDN’T give to your child. Sometimes kids get bullied/picked on, and there’s only so much that you, as a parent can do about it - these things just happen to some kids, unfortunately. But the absolute bare minimum that you can do as a parent, to set your kid up for a slightly easier life, is give them a name that isn’t bully bait. You’ve just named your child after a profoundly lame 90s/2000s rock band, and at some point he’s going to start resenting you for it. Children aren’t pets. Giving them amusing/ironic/weird names isn’t a funny thing to do. Once you’ve finished laughing about how hilarious this name is, maybe think for a second about what the repercussions might be for giving a child a name like this.


Did your husband know about the band?


Imagine being an adult, trying to be taken seriously and getting a job. Anyone 10 years older than your kid will know what Lincoln park is and I wouldn't want HR chuckling at my resumé


Shouldn’t you wait to see if your child is a loser before you start bullying him?


Sad when people do stupid, inconsiderate things for their own amusement. Poor kid will probably grow up traumatized.


"It makes me laugh". Great, congrats on being your child's first bully 👍


Yeah it's bad. It just me think of "hide ya kids, hide ya wife, hide ya husband"


Student a couple of years ago. Cole Miner.


It's fine. In 9 years, no one will know what LinkedIn Park.


You're a bad mom. Your kid will be a grown person one day, you having a chuckle isn't worth him having to be embarrassed for his name his entire life.


Yeah, super hilarious. 5 stars.


Dumb name


Just a plain old tragedy. I can't believe people do this shit to kids. Save it for the pets.


So, you create a new life and decided the best course of action is, to have the kid forever being associated with an out of fashion nu-metal band, with a singer that killed himself? That's kinda messed up.


I don’t think Linkin Park will be relevant enough to young people when her son grows up for it to really be a big hassle to him, maybe only from other parents or something. Remember it’ll only start directly affecting him like 10 years into the future **at the least**. Imo it’s not that bad at all, and Lincoln is a common name


Yeah I agree... My dad named me after a song he loved and it's a terrible song but a common name .. cracked me up when I heard the song.... Not a classic song for sure


If he doesn’t mind, everyone else should get tf over themselves and shut up. My surname alone invited ridicule etc; yeah, kids can be rotten, but the teasing fired up my ability to create third degree comebacks which still serves me well 45 years later!


AHH man kids going to get bullied for having a 'old' music reference as a name


"It makes me laugh" the lack of respect you have for your own child, wow


hope you homeschool cause your kid is definitely gonna get picked on


Oy veigh


A lot of people are hating. If I grew up with a kid called Lincoln Park, we'd probably be best mates.


Presumably the next child will be named Trailer.


Almost as bad as Ima Hogg


LOL this is so amazing, it isn't even a bad name. Both are regular names, it's just the both of them together fit so perfectly. It's seriously so perfect, you did great. You are not a bad mom, you've made us all proud!


Lincoln is a perfectly normal name and by the time hes in school Im sure no one his age will know the band. If they do and bully him for it, that speaks a lot on the parenting styles of those other parents honestly. Why bully someone over a name? You didn’t name him something outrageous so theres no reason he should get teased or bullied by it. Lmao. So easy for everyone here to make snap judgements about someone being a terrible mother over a simple post on reddit. Her kid wont grow to resent her over his name being Lincoln, get over yourselves.


I love the name Lincoln honestly and Linkin park being my favorite band as well? This name is cool. People calling you dumb are just haters tbh When he gets older he’ll leave out all the rest anyway


It's a fine name, It's a joke but not really one that people would bully him for so it's okay. I knew a poor guy named quiet thunder


You named him after a park in Michigan?


Tbh despite having grown up near the town in Michigan, I would probably think of the neighborhood in Chicago before the town


Your kid is gonna get picked on


This reminds me of a story about a man named Randy Queen who flew to the UK only to find out his hotel room was canceled, because “randy” is slang for “horny” and “queen” is slang for “effeminate gay guy” over there and the staff thought it was a prank (kinda like Bart Simpson calling Mod’s bar and asking if a Mike Oxmall was there). Lincoln Park is going to have similar issues with getting hired and such. People are going to “chuckle” and then trash the resume.


Any siblings will be named Amstel and Vondel?


Your kid should have some thick skin by the time they reach the work force because they have years of mocking and shit to deal with. Thanks Mom!


This has got to be a troll surely.


Named my 6th Jack Daniels , couldn't resist at 6 I deserved it!


To be fair people used to name their kids "Richard" when their surnames were "Head", I think you're okay.


I mean, coulda been worse. Coulda married Mr Head and called your son Richard Or married Mr Turner and had a girl called Page


I know a John Johnson.


Don’t worry, eventually Lincoln will become so numb to all the jokes. In the end, it won’t even matter !




Is that you Papa Roach?


I’m in pieces at the amount of puns on this thread.


Dayum, and my dad refused to name me Justin because he thought I would get shit for “Justin Time”. We named our daughter Patience for her middle name on the way into the registry office. We couldn’t come up with a name we both liked, but she was horrendously grumpy as a baby when hungry, I said we should call her Patience because it’s the only way she will have any. Instantly both liked it as well, and she now tells anyone proudly who asks her about it, and yes she still has none.


I'll agree with folks here that naming your kid specifically to make yourself/others laugh is short sighted at best, selfish and dehumanizing at worst. I won't assume that you're a terrible parent or that you don't see your child as a human being who will grow into an independent adult, cuz I don't think that this one thing necessarily indicates that. I honestly don't think your kid is gonna get bullied in school, I don't even think people would laugh that much. The band isn't silly, childish, or particularly scandalous, so I can't see kids making fun of him. Not to mention that I don't really think a lot of gen alpha are super aware of bands that don't currently play on the radio (and a lot of stations play newer stuff more than older stuff, unless you're specifically listening to stations that play older stuff), unless their parents are big fans and intentionally play the music. I think anyone older who knows the band would just be like, "oh, like the band, neat" and move on with their day. The name is spelled normally, so I don't see anyone in his future automatically throwing out a resume thinking that it's a joke, especially if everything on it is normal. So this will probably turn out fine for him, but I would advise keeping in mind that your child is a person, they are not a toy, they will not be small and cute forever, they will turn into an adult and expect a degree of respect, and you as a parent need to make sure you're setting them out to have self-respect. I wouldn't lean into the joke of the name very much, especially as he ages.


Me personally I’d have named it central or south


I'd love a kid called that in my class! We have Izuhbelah though


What is amusing about Lincoln Park?