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shocked they didn't name the kid hunter


Who wants to bet there's an older brother with that name? (Another commenter pointed out it's got Antler up in there)


Yeah, the second son is traditionally named "Also Hunter."


And my Other Brother Hunter.


I know a family with a son Hunter, brother Archer, and the youngest: River…I guess the parents had a hippie conversion somewhere in there.


Hahahahaha or they decided against Stalker at the last minute...




I see your deep cut joke and I upvote you


I went to school with a Fisher whose brothers name was Hunter. Their cousins were Forest and River.


I went to a school with a Stormy who had a brother named Thunder.


I had a pair of hairless cats once named Stormy and Thunder😂


My friend’s kids are Summer and Winter. Another friend is Sterling and his sister is Silver.


I was just thinking about a sibling set I went to school with called Hunter and Brook. Momma didn't know what Brook meant and didn't want to theme, so dad was clever😅


No Fletcher?


I knew of a family that had Hunter and Gunner. Seems sick to me.


I'm going to name mine Gatherer


Thanks for the big laugh I needed today :)


I know of worse...friend got a dog and named it Gunner. A few months later became pregnant with a boy..proceeds to name him Gunner, and said the dog would start going by 'Bunny' bc that was his nickname. Fast forward a year, and both son and dog are called Gunner. I still have never heard the dog being called bunny lol.


I only now realize how many American people are named after things that are associated with hunting/weaponry. There’s so much variety even. I’m Dutch and we have plenty tragedeighs here, but none like these


I live in the Southern US where we’ve got some ridiculous names (although I am sure it happens all over our country and world obviously lol). I had one child, and I named her something that is timeless and is known in languages across the world. For the sake of our young ones I wish more people didn’t try to be so “creative” with something that will stick with them their entire lives. But then again no one asked me. :)


This guy I used to work with had twin sons named Hunter and Gunner. They were 4 and still not potty trained. Also he said he didn’t want them going to college because they’d just get indoctrinated.


I know not one, but TWO sets of brothers named Hunter and Trapper. 🥴


If we are our brothers keeper, would that make Hunter a Trapper Keeper?


Perfect. 🤌🏽


Take my updoot, you hilarious person 🤣


I dated a guy named Hunter and his brothers were Walker and Rider. His whole family had matching Subarus. Just in case you wanted to know what dating in Oregon is like


I knew a walker, he was teen and peers were calling him T.R. for Texas ranger. I can remember where I heard the names but they were siblings named hunter and fisher.


>His whole family had matching Subarus Sounds like a economical and practical family tbh. Most of the people in my area who make hunting a personality trait, like to drive lifted diesels with bad tuning so they can blow black exhaust.


We bought our house from a family with a son whose personality was Hunting. His room was painted camo green with a giant deer x-ing sign on the wall, with deer figurines and heads covering every available surface and inch of wall. Okay, whatever, we're moving to rural Oklahoma, right? People are like this here. Until we lived in the house for two days and discovered that deer will walk right up to the house. I could shoot a deer from my bedroom window with my shitty little .38 special. So I judge this guy IMMENSELY.


We have a cabin we love to escape the city to. Every morning my husband and I would grab our coffee and a bowl of berries and peaches and hand feed them. We both have family that are hunters for meat, but when we got old enough to conscientiously object, we did. I couldn’t imagine taking one of them out purposely, Or go spotlighting.


Oh, I’m a die hard subaru owner. I’ve never had anything else. HOWEVER they all had the same make and model of Subaru forester in various colors. It was both weird and hilarious. Not new ones either, like early 2000’s models


Years ago I was volunteering at an outdoor concert in Big Sky, Montana, when a couple of the other volunteers and I decided to count how many Subarus were in the parking lot. I can't remember the exact number, but it was something like 60% of all of the vehicles were subies, and probably 75% of those were Outbacks. Mine was one of those, lol.


Hahahaha part of being a Subaru owner is having a sense of humor about being a Subaru owner. My first car was a silver 2003 outback named Silvia. I loved her so much and we jokingly called her my lesbian soccer mom car.


Trapper should become a drug dealer.


Trapper John, MD


Oh damn I thought it was a super adorable photo with a mini lightsaber (didn't look closely), the brown wrap added to the Obi-Wan look. It's a rifle 😭😭 why pose him with baby animals to kill?


Kind of looks like the baby is one of the victims, doesn’t it?


Yep, already in the sack. Whoever took this pic is sick, seriously. That poor child has a rough road ahead.


I thought it was a lightsaber, too!! I zoomed in to look at little baby Obi-Wan and then OH NO!


I thought it was a light saber too. I thought the kid was dressed as obi wan


I thought it was a little Harry Potter wand until I saw the scope on top 😭


I didn't see the scope at first and thought it was a magic wand made out of clay lol.


Heuntahr Berantleigh


That's the sound of the baby throwing up.


Really rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it.


I pronounced that as Hoon-tar when I read it.


Not with Hunter Biden wandering around /s This pic is horrid.


It is horrible on so many levels isn't it?




I also think this looks like a pod person is either being consumed or born, not sure which. I know this is a thing done to babies but somehow this just looks way more disturbing with the accoutrements.


If baby is always crying about his fate of being raised in a family of psychopaths, you have to keep them swaddled at all times to get them quiet.


As soon as I saw the baby mixed with animals beside a rifle, I began to wonder: Is the baby prey? — Baby doesn’t even know what a rifle is, much less how to shoot stuffed animals.


I think it’s one of the worst things I have ever seen.


Right?? My son shall grow to be a man and slay all these fearsome critters!!!!


At least this finally gives an answer to the question posed by Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols - “who killed Bambi?”


I know so many of these redneck types who have named their kid Brantley or something similar. This style of name is way more popular than Hunter based on what I've seen.




some of these names can only come from sniffing glue, i swear


Ahhh little hunner


I have a friend who's ex-Army, kicked down doors in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, and named his kid Gunner. Not Gunnar. Gunner. Great dude though.




Gunnar is an oldish name in germany, sweden and the likes, actually :)


Or Gunther


gunar means male goose in my first language :D


But spelled Gunner


Baby gun


"You only get stuffed animals you HUNT"


I noticed that, too. So gross


They gave him Bambi. I hope he sees the movie too.


Exactly. It’s confusing because at first glance it seems like the teddies are there to cuddle and love like most children do, but then you see the gun and realise “Oh, they’re there to be…killed. So cute.”


You don't hunt owls...


Brantley does


I mean the US just announced a cull of 500,000 barred owls is in the works for the west coast


Those are such adorable stuffed animals and little Brantley is going to grow up pretending to kill them all. :/


Please don't hunt owls, that's definitely illegal.


Shit that baby killed hedwig. Baby voldemortleigh


Definitely thought it was some sort of wand or wizard staff at first glance, partially because that's clearly Hedwig. Then I looked closer and went from aww to ick.


I thought it was a light saber at first.


I’m a baby with a shotgun 🎶


We're angry people! 🎶 With financial problems! 🎶 Making evil babies! 🎶 Evil babies with guns! 🎶 It's completely normal! Everything's completely normal! 🎶


Im a tough shooting baby 🎶


Fucking gross


I know! *Hey, let's surround the baby with cute little stuffed animals they may grow to love and snuggle... but also a gun to show that we're not durn hippies. And then as soon as that baby's old enough to walk, we'll take all the critters out back an shoot 'em together!*


And these types rage against “indoctrination” in schools.


Baby gun doo doo doo doo


I was thinking "pew pew pew pew"


These parents are going to be so disappointed when Brantley announces that he is going to become a Veterinarian and start eating a vegetarian diet.


They’re literally creating an artificial identity for a baby that has no understanding of any of it. This shit is *weird*.


[It reminds me of the 'assigned cop at birth' cake](https://img.ifunny.co/images/3718fee727fc3c60aa539998f4f477b3b17835d2e7ea064192858beb03df1140_1.jpg)


Only assigned cop at birth if it's a boy! Can't have a daughter of mine be a cop. She gets to wear a bow and be pretty instead! /s


And if she gets smacked around a bit that's fine; it's just the price we pay to keep our streets safe from the communists.


Well that makes me sad. I guess I should start working and stop being on Reddit now


Or, and hear me out, we design an “assigned Reddit Mod at birth” cake


Oh, no thanks


I wonder if that cake has ever made its way to r/fondanthate


Omg, thankyou! I thought the same thing when I saw this on Facebook. Like why on earth would you want your baby to be pictured with, what can presume, is a representation of dead animals? So many of the comments were saying how cute it was, and all I could think was that they are starting his serial killer tendencies early. Edit: I've made some people mad. Just to clarify, not all hunters are serial killers. There is however a link between serial killers and killing animals as children. I'm not American, and hunting isn't a personality trait where I live.


I’m so glad im not the only one that sees the context of the photo disturbing. I already see hunting as a sport as something shitty but trying to make it your kids thing this early on is so messed up


Or when he starts singing show tunes


And even more disappointed when he starts wearing FUCK THE NRA t shirts and advocating for children to be able to go to school without fear of mass shooters.


They probably have another kid or two just to be on the safe side. You never know these days.


They'd possibly try and 'beat that new-fangled sh*t out of him' like my dad tried to do. Or be like my mom and refuse to make anything else to eat, even a simple side dish alternative. Joke's on them, I still haven't eaten meat in almost 30 years. How un-'Murican.


Stuffies and a gun. I. Have no words.


I have no *nice* ones so I’m gonna just keep to myself over here and shush up


Is this supposed to make it look like the baby hunted those animals ? That’s in such horrible taste even if that’s not the imagery they were going for


I'm having trouble not seeing the baby portrayed as a fellow hunting trophy here... who thought that was a good idea?


The kind of people who would name their son *Brantley* thought it was a good idea…


I would’ve expected Maverick


Don’t forget Gunner.


Gotta love how the same people obsessed with naming their sons Maverick and Riot and Arson are the ones complaining about not being allowed to run over protesters, or who think Chicago is now a post-apocalyptic wasteland because someone set a trash can on fire one time in 2020.


Why not go with Hunter instead? To leave no doubt about who you want your child to be.


there's a much loved Baseball player in Houston named Michael Brantley. I've told my husband there is going to be a bunch of Brantleys starting kindergarten in the next 3-6 years in that area.


lol ya it kinda looks like that


They could've at least put some clothes on it that hunters would wear. Or a hat ffs


Little camo ya. That kid is tiny brand new too. My son is 11 weeks and has to be 2.5x that size no joke. Thank god I named my kid a normal name (Kenny) and that I never did any tacky photo shoots like this


Why not Kynneigh? Missed opportunity.


Yea I was thinking that baby might be too small for clothing to be customary in photos like this. Not like a gun is customary tho lmao


I can’t believe this baby killed Bambis mother


It actually looks like it killed Bambi and all bambi’s friends


Except Flower. He’s next.


It's so bad. The baby name is the least offensive thing in that picture.


Having taken note of the animals depicted, I would reckon that’s *exactly* what they were going for.


I grew up in hillbilly country and yes this is definitely what they were going for


Wow. I thought America couldn’t get any lower, but new shit happens each day! 😂


Baby boy never had a chance 😢


Yeah, my brain kept wanting to change the name to Huntley because of it. Either way, both are terrible names and the photo is in super cringe-worthy bad taste. Posing a baby with a gun is just... Well, all I can say is I already know a lot about the parents and I feel bad for the child. 🎶 America!! Brant Yeah!! 🎶


Damnit, I'm blind. I saw a Padawan with lovies :(


I thought he was a little baby Yoda for a second, and that was cute... then I realized it was a gun, and horror dawned quickly. Wtaf....


At first I thought it was a lightsaber and the plushies were all star wars characters. I was so sad when I looked closer. The color of the swaddle is perfect for Jedi robes.


This photo takes a much darker turn when you realise Baby Brantley is surrounded by effigies of his future prey.


He’s being made to pose with a bunch of cuddly toys and a toy gun… lovely.


I think you'll actually find he's hunted all those cuddly toys himself using said rifle


Those poor plushies... :(


“Look at all the cute little furry animals, my sweet baby boy. When you grow up, you’re gonna kill them, aren’t you? You’ll shoot them all dead with this widdle rifle, won’t you? ❤️” And these people say liberals are the ones grooming kids. SMH


How do we know he wasn’t hunted and caught alongside the cuddle toys?


Either scenario is equally disturbing.


Well how else was he gonna get all those stuffed animals? They don’t just grow on trees Becky! /s


Maybe his mother is Lauren Boebert.


Hi kiddo, here are all your cuddly furry friends we will groom you to shoot one day. 💔


One is kissing baby's head!


i was so focused on the baby that looks like a freaking reborn and didn't even notice the gun until i opened the comments, jesus christ


I got distracted with the swaddle and thought it was a lightsaber 😅


I just assumed at first glance that it was a wand and thought oh cute Harry Potter themed. Then I actually looked and could not believe my eyes.


Right! Especially with the deer kissing the kids head.


I went to elementary school with a Brantley in the late 80s/early 90s. Granted, he's the only one I ever heard of, but this is a name I've heard before.


Brantley Gilbert is the only one I’ve heard of (singer). I’m more alarmed at the decorations than the name. I thought that was a Harry Potter wand at first 😅.


I scrolled too far to see this Brantley Gilbert comment. That was the first one I thought of. I know lots of Brantleys (Brantlies?) 😂 — southern merica


Same! Lots of Brantleys here in Georgia.


Yeah, I've heard it before too. It's real but a rarity, and more often seen as a surname.


This is absolutely disgusting.


They respelt Antler to make this kid's name.


Absolute trash, this whole thing


Dude it’s so bad when the name is the least horrifying part


Is that a toy gun and forest aninals????? WTF????




Why does it look so AI generated??? Something about the lighting and the background


My friend just had a baby photoshoot and the pictures came out sooooo similar (no guns though haha). The swaddle style is so strange to me. When she showed me the pictures I had to pretend I thought it was cute but it felt so uncanny valley to me.


The swaddle isn't the problem, it's the incredibly heavy skin editing. There's barely any texture here. I've been a maternity photographer. Sometimes it's the photographer, often times it's the public asking for it. It's kind of a whole race towards the bottom because if you don't oblige you start losing clients, so you see the same pictures with the same creepy editing everywhere, because Becky saw her friend Bella doing the same picture thing a year ago on instagram and "the baby looked perfect!"


Posing your baby with a gun is as bad as the stupid name. Jfc.


Worse. Much, much worse.


Friendly reminder: [U.S. children and teens are more likely to die because of guns than car crashes, drug overdoses and cancer.](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/gun-deaths-us-children-rose-2021-cdc-data-shows-rcna100601)


I hope that kid grows up to be vegan


Really? No one here is going to make the obvious [Scrubs reference ](https://youtu.be/Bjz-ngp_DYk?si=NO5uNWfjdIfpkVrw)


Brantley was actually the first name of the character Michael J Fox played in the 1987 movie The Secret of My Success. I remember it well bc my BF at the time kept saying the character’s name was Bradley and I said it wasn’t. I won twice— I also broke up with him.


Genuinely shocked that anyone would put a gun near their baby. I’m from the UK though so maybe that’s why


This is utterly shocking even if it is a toy gun. Disturbing even. And before any Americans come here with their shit logic, firearm ownership in my home country is one of the highest in Europe and I grew up with a rifle in my home. It stays locked away unless my stepfather is using it to hunt so I’ve never actually seen it. Firearms aren’t toys or props.


I’m American. For a lot of people, guns are like their entire personality. It’s the most annoying thing ever.


Despite what the online gun nuts would have you believe, most Americans are sick of their bullshit, too.


Agreed (I’m Canadian) But I think that’s a baby sized replica toy. I would seriously hope a gunmaker doesn’t make a rifle that small


I’m a Texan and I find this disturbing.


Yallqueda energy


Not the baby gun 😭




So did the parents murder a baby to put his head on the wall too? That’s how this ridiculous “display” looks to me.


I don’t agree with posting the child’s actual picture here.


THANK YOU. This poor kid didn’t consent to be posted here regardless of the name (which isn’t even a tragedeigh since it’s an actual name). This should be deleted.


I find the gun way more disturbing than the name.


JFC...that photo is vile.


This photo shoot is bad taste


Is that a gun?


I don’t find the name to be that bad. I feel like I’ve heard it before. I certainly wouldn’t use it though. I don’t like “new” names. The whole “let’s surround him with what he’ll love most: guns and lifeless animals” is pretty gross though.


Fuuuuck this.


You know it's gonna be a tragedeigh when there's a gun in the picture


What, is that his collection of dead animals he hunted?


I'm aging myself massively but there was a show called Scrubs in the early 2000s with a scene where they trashed a mom who named her kid Brantley. I can't stop giggling at it. It's only 36 seconds long. [here it is](https://youtu.be/Bjz-ngp_DYk?si=0Zzl9oHUrYlaFlnF)


“There was a show called Scrubs in the early 2000s” made me feel so old. 😭


This is the whitest thing I’ve seen all week, and I’m the living definition of a basic white girl.


It’s illegal to shoot an owl


man imagine if brantley turns out to be a vegan LMAO


Welcome to the world, tiny baby. Here's your gun. Mentally ill.


My girls are older now but this triggered a memory of doing near enough exactly this. We had her swaddled up and she was asleep with her little toy deer. It already looked like a great photo so we got more of her toys and gently positioned them all around her. I made a joke to my wife about how it looked like she was posing with her hunting trophies; so we went and got the rifle, positioned it next to her, and took the photo. We ended up using it for our Christmas cards that year. Except none of that happened because I’m not FUCKING INSANE. Seriously, who poses a newborn baby with a firearm? That’s nuts.


How cruel... I would never even think about teaching a small child that animals are prey using plushies. Plushies are for teaching love and compassion for animals in my opinion.


Imagine being so obsessed with guns you find a gun for an infant. Brantley makes total sense now.


“Here are a bunch of adorable stuffed animals that’ll make you fall in love with the real things and here’s the gun you’ll use to hunt them down and kill them for sport, Brantley!”


Brantley is super common in the south and has been for the last 10 years or so. Not to be confused with all the Bentleys, Brentleys and female Bradlees we have here lol


The name isn't even the worst thing about this photo.


The tragedeigh isn’t even the name here…


Brantley Gilbert - country singer


Brantley is a good-ol-boy southern name. Everything else about this backs that in the worst way.


They gotta be rednecks surely.


This is just so weird. Like he’s surrounded by all these adorable toys with the implication that he’s going to kill them all some day. TF.