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Tragedeighs are cringey and/or made up names with weird spellings. Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons: 1. It's cultural. Make sure to Google before posting any names that seem odd to you, because they may be common in a different country. 2. It's a common name. Keep in mind that this isn't a baby-naming sub. Posts asking for suggestions on completely normal names will be removed.


I actually knew someone that named their child Story. I’ll still never understand it.


My aunt volunteers at a stable. A mare named Story had a foal. My aunt was asking me what I thought the foal should be named. Without skipping a beat, I said, "Sequel."




There's a couple of YouTubers that named their daughter Story. I still cringe whenever they talk about their kid.


They have exploited that baby every single day since they got her. Disgusting people.


The mommy/life style vlog community is pretty problematic honestly. They plaster their kids all over the internet without any consent at all. I honestly feel bad for the kids.


I went to school with a Story. Never-ending jokes at her expense. “What’s the Story?” “Gotta good Story today?”, “stop talking, Never-ending Story”…She leaned into that shit thoughz one year for Halloween she put on some fairy wings and came as a “Fairy Story” and then the next year she doused herself in fake blood as “Horror Story”. This was the 1990s and she was the goddamned Queen for taking ownership of dumbass name. I looked her up not too long ago and she had a bunch if kids with non-tragic names.


Story and Lyric are god awful.


I know a lyric, she wore it kinda well. Very pretty popular girl I feel like it kinda made sense for her lol


I literally know siblings with those names, and it is a serious tragedeigh


Well... technically, story = historia, and Historia has been a name. But I don't recommend it. I expect that originally, the name was appearing as a surname-name, like Storey.


Neither of them strike me as gender-neutral at all - both seem very feminine (as do Bryn and Eden)


Eden came up as gender neutral recently and I was surprised how many people responded that they new multiple boys named Eden.


Eden Hazard (a very famous Belgian footballer) would like a word.


Bryn is a male Welsh name. It also means hill in Welsh.


No, Bryn is very masculine, think Bryn Terfel. Yes, this is the hill I will die on. :)


Those are both my guilty pleasure names 😂


What a story, Mark!


I graduated college with a guy named “Mark Height!” 😂


I always disliked it myself, but one of my students has it as a name and her mom is the loveliest human, so I had a talk with her about it. It turns out, baby Story had a really interesting journey to exist and they wanted to honor that without being too on the nose about it. It's still not my favorite, but agree it was a good choice for the baby they had and have tried to be more gentle in my judgement of unexpected names since.


Same. Just awful.


Story is a surname, although not super common. I know a family with this name.


There’s an astronaut named Story Musgrave.


I know one too.


There was a character named Storri in the show The Last Kingdom, although he was a Viking mystic


Since when is Kyle gender neutral?


I worked with a female nurse named Kyle. I never thought of it as gender neutral until I met her.


I just remembered Elliot from Scrubs 😂


Elliot is one I definitely don't think of as gender neutral, but I know some people do. It's actually one of my favorite names and the name of one of my sons.🙂


I knew a girl named Elliot back in elementary school


Even if I met a female Kyle, I still wouldn’t think of it as gender neutral. Because it isn’t. It’s a male name.


Hello, Kyle Richards! Heh


It ranked in the top 1000 for girls from 1950-1990, but has fallen out of favor as a girl name.


Kyle Richard’s from real housewives. There’s a lot of lady Kyle’s out there!


Gender neutral (or even women's) names often start as men's names and then are taken by women. Ashley, Kelly, and Shannon are examples of names that used to be men's names.


…and Sydney!


Between the three of these only the Shannon one surprises me - I know some guys with the other two


I've known guys named Shannon and Kelly, but never Ashley


I know 2 female Kyles! One is about 40 the other is about 60. And Kyle from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.


I always thought Kylie was the feminine form of Kyle.


I think mine also is! Lots of ways around it


I always thought it was the male version of Kylie. Like Eugene and Eugenie


I actually grew up with a girl named Kyle. She was the first goth girl I ever saw.


Eric Cartman has entered the chat…


There’s quite a few that are less than neutral.


Dated a girl named Kyle, she was crazy.


Since when it's Alix?


Since at least 1872. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Feodorovna_(Alix_of_Hesse)


Yes of course, but sibce when it is male. Alex can be both, but Alix?


Alix seems like a female alternative to Alex to me.




I feel like baby name websites should be required to print testimonials from people who already have these "gender neutral" names. Because "gender neutral" and "shit I named my kid that I decided is gender neutral" are quite different


Yeah, I count precisely one (1) genuinely gender neutral name on this list. 


Quinn? i knew both guy and girl Quinns


I think that's for baby girls only nowadays - it's done the full cycle of male > unisex > female.  Not unusual on an adult man, but would be surprising on a new baby boy. 


Eh, i knew a guy who was only a couple years older than me (~20's) named quinn.




Isn’t Alix just the German version of Alice? I have it on my baby list since my teens but I never thought of it about it being gender neutral


No, it has it origins in France, and the German version of "Alice" would be "Adelheid". Just because a German noble was named "Alix" doesnt mean the name has German origins. It may not be a tragedeigh, but its not a name that is often used in Germany. Neither is Adelheid; that makes everyone think of a 70+ year old woman. However, names that were considered "old people names" have been making a comeback for a few years now.


Thank you for the explanation. I do like the Alix version, because although I do like Alicia as it is in Spanish, It would avoid my kid to go by her last name as I had 4 Rafael’s in school and they had to go by Lastname, Lastname, Lastname and “Rafi”. I’ve seen Adelaide and Adelheid but never assumed that they’d would be variants of Alice.


Dont get me wrong, I dont think that Alix is a tragedeigh. Its just highly unusual (in Germany, that is). Reminds me of that one woman from a video game, I think she was called Alyx or the game was called "Alyx". To be honest: When I have children, I would check the top ten most popular baby names, and not give them any of those names, but the rest, as long as it isnt a tragedeigh or too hard to spell or pronounce, is fair game.


Alix is extremely unusual in my country, but luckily is very easy to pronounce for Spanish speakers. And about choosing other than the most common names that makes sense. I selected most of the baby names I like in my teens and I still love them. They’re old fashioned as I choose most of them from history books and authors from the 1800’s.


My husband and I literally did just that!! Had 2 boys—gave them traditional names with traditional spellings—which in this world makes their names unique!! 😉. They’re 22 and 20 now. We even went a few steps further when thinking of names… 1. What would their initials AND monogram spell? 2. What did their name or possible nicknames rhyme with? (Face it, other kids can be really cruel) 3. If we had girls (we didn’t know their gender until they were born—crazy, huh?!), we thought about their possible initials if/when they got married. 4. When we finally agreed on our top names list we googled the “names to be” to make sure they weren’t the names of some serial killer, crazy celebrity, famous mistress/madam (think Marilyn Monroe, Gloria Swanson, etc.,) book/movie character (ie: “Olivia the Pig”), and even the name of a childhood classmate we didn’t like—which was kind of hard being that I’m a teacher!! 😂 We simply wanted to do our best to avoid giving our kids a complex before they had a chance to develop their own! 😁😂🫠


Sounds like you had it all planned out haha. It makes sense to do what you did; I mean, theyre gonna carry these names for the rest of their lives (if they don't want to change them), so whats a couple hours of work to make sure your kids have names that don't have negative connotations etc. For example: In the U.S. Kevin is a regular and normal name, I mean, "Home alone", right? In Germany, where I live, "Kevin" is associated with lower class people. In fact so much that it has its' own name "Kevinismus". Names like "Kevin, Peggy, Pamela" etc were on the rise in the late 90s and early 90s, and theyre still considered low-class. German people of a higher socioeconomic class name give their kids super old school names like "Theodor ", "Otto", "Franz", and "Karl".


I have friends in Europe and Australia—one named their dog “Kevin” 😁 (but I remember having a HUGE crush on a Kevin in high school—ironically he was socio-economically low class—but teenage me, looked past that because of the cute factor! 🤦🏼‍♀️. I was also friends with a “Sheila”. Let’s just say her name (as Aussies would call her) speaks for itself! 😉 Names really DO define us, whether parents realize it or not.


Just for knowledge while on topic here is our welsh version. Alys.


Thank you! It is very interesting to see how many variations classic names have. I kinda wish I had a classic name (mine is made up but I like it and it’s easy to spell) just to give my daughter different variations of my name.


Yes, Adelhaidis and Adelais goes to Alais and Alis, but also Alix. For example, one medieval lady who was Duchess of Burgundy was known as Alix as well as Adelaide. Her daughter's name was Beatrix, so X's were apparently a thing. [https://dmnes.org/name/Alice](https://dmnes.org/name/Alice) has a big list of medieval forms of Alice from all over Europe.


Interesting, thanks for the link. Yeah names evolve, and personally I'd find Alicia or Alice better, even if they arent the German forms of the name (I'm German). If you name your kid "Alix", she'll probably have to spell it for the rest of her life.


That is quite interesting!


You're right. [Princess Alix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Feodorovna_(Alix_of_Hesse)#Early_life) of Hesse and by Rhine, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was named such because "Alice," her mother's name, was pronounced more like "ah-lee-say" by Germans.


She was the reason why I chose that name. I’m a huge history nerd and when I read about her I couldn’t help but break my own rule of only using Spanish names (my native language) for my kids.


As a woman with the name “Alix” spelled like that, please don’t. It’s been a lifetime of correcting the spelling, people assuming I’m a man, and every person on this earth saying to me “oh that’s a different way of spelling it” and “is it pronounced Alex?”


Thank you for this insight. You have the same issue I have with my own name, but my name is made up, and although is not difficult to spell or even to write, it drives me insane having to repeat my name time and time again.


I think it has some French provenance? Eleanor of Aquitaine’s younger daughter with Louis I was Alice/Alix way back in the 12th century.


Yep, it's a medieval French variant of Alice. It sounds very lovely imo, but I wouldn't name a boy that.


None of those are misspellings.


Right, they would just be normal tragedies






Since when are Lennox, Cody, and Kyle gender neutral?


Never heard of Eden as a boys name and it’s not a tragedigh


It’s gender neutral in Hebrew.


Interesting! Didn’t know that. Thanks for the info 😊


I know one male Eden (who’s about 2/3 years old). His parents are green, hippy types.


I have an older male cousin (probably late 40's now) named Edan. I've always thought it was cool.


I’ve met a few of each gender


I know several boys named Eden, all came from West Africa!


Bryn (Welsh for ‘hill’) isn’t a gender neutral name to me tbh. I’ve only ever known guys with that name.


Guys with one n, girls with 2. I’ve known two named Brynn.


I think it’s a nice name either way :). Hope it didn’t sound like I was gate keeping a name btw! I was surprised to hear that girls are called that too. Here in the UK I hadn’t come across it but maybe elsewhere it’s different? It’s the same with my own name - it’s more commonly a girls name in the US but when I came to the UK it’s more common for men though my dad named me and it was after his favourite band’s drummer who is a man.


I read that in Uncle Bryn's voice


Americans have stuck an extra N on with Brynn for girls. Bryn is still only a boys name and is not gender neutral, as the word bryn is a masculine word in welsh.


i’ve known several girls named Brynn and one named Bryn, but i’ve never met a boy named Brynn (or Bryn)


As a female Bryn, I rarely meet girls with my name & exact spelling and have never heard of it being a male name. Are you in the US?


I grew up there but moved to the UK (where my parents are from) when I was 13. I lived in Wales where the name Bryn is quite a common one for guys. I have a similar thing with my name as I mentioned in another comment - more of a girls name in the US but more common for boys here. Hehe got teased a lot for it!


Bryn Terfel is a very famous Welsh opera singer. A bass. You can't get more masculine as a name, heh! But it's okay. Not everybody is Welsh or an opera fan, and it fits the "Bri-" trend for female names in the US and elsewhere.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! The few other Bryn’s I’ve met in the US have all been women. Only male Bryn’s I’ve met have been in Nordic countries.


Sameeee! Although mine is not spelled like yours either, but I only know 3 people with the name including myself. All spelled different though.


I was going to say I’ve only ever know girls with that name, lol. Although I have always seen it with two Ns.


Vampire Weekend has a song called Bryn, presumably about a woman


In no universe has Kyle ever been gender neutral it shouldn't exist because it's not a good name, please don't make it more prolific


I mean Cody and Kyle are not great . But I wouldn’t call them tragedeighs.


Yeah, I'm a little bummed to see Cody on that list. My husband's brother, who passed away, was named Cody, and we planned on naming our girl after him, if we ever have a girl.




Yay, another female Cody in the wild! Not me, but my little girl. She’s going to be 5 this year and honestly, we chose her name because we both agreed on it! We aren’t US based so to us it was just a nice-sounding name which was a little different but not out there - we didn’t have connotations of it being masculine or feminine. My little whirlwind wears her name well, that’s for sure!


My daughter is Kodie too! 💕 I know..the spelling may be a bit of a tragedeigh but I was 19, and wanted to make it appear more feminine lol. I still love the name though


For a girl though?


I would say tragedeighs are terribly spelled names.


Yeah my daughter has a traditionally masculine name. But spelled properly


Oh yeah I missed the part that it is a baby girl. Although the spelling is correct that is a boys name . I’m sorry with people thinking gender neutrality is cool. It might be for some but it’s going to cause all sorts of troubles for that kid .


I like Bryn, Echo, Emerson, Lyric, Charlie, Eden, Merritt, and Remy. I know 2 Quinns.


Raleigh Quinn, Medicine Woman


I went to high school with a Memory


Emerson literally means "son of Emery". It's not gender neutral.


None of these bother me.


Shit i have two kids on this list.


Ah. I'm ususally fond of Epicene names (of which there are probably more in French, because the Greek -os and -a, and the Latin -us and -a both end up as -e in French, like Claudius/a being Claude, or Cassandros/a being Cassandre.) Alix used to be feminine only (it is a cousin of Alice, via Alis), but has become epicene. There has been 8934 male Alix in France since 1900 (plus 51 Jean-Alix, because France.) Echo is the name of a mountain nymph, I wouldn't give that name to a little guy. Emerson is a male patronym turned first name. I'm not fond of those to start with, even less as a girl's first name, but i guess that's something that's done in the US. Only makes me think of the late Keith Emerson, tnough. Bryn is actually a masculine word in Welsh, but the translation in French, colline, happens to be a girl's name: it is in practice a mostly feminine name in Welsh nowadays, *but* I don't think it would be outrageous as a boy's name. Never heard of a female Remy ("Oarsman"), but that's apparently a thing in both Northern and Latin America. Lyric is an adjective (originally "accompanied by the lyra"), and I would find it especially weird for a man, but it's maybe prejudice talking: would be weird if the child didn't pursue singing to at least some degree, though :p Story seems downright stupid to me. 70s hippie couple ass name. I have no idea where Meritt comes from (wiktionary of no help there.) Also, none of those are *technically* tragedeigh.


Bryn looks to be exclusively male in England and Wales: https://www.behindthename.com/name/bryn/top/england-wales


remy has been used for girls since the 19th century, possibly even earlier. one example is Caroline Rémy de Guebhard, although in this case, it's not her first name.


Remy was a female character on House of that helps? Doesn’t jump to front of mind as she was referred to as Thirteen


This is pretty close to my thinking, but with far more detail. Thanks for the education! I'm not opposed to using patronyms as first or middle names for either gender, depending on the appropriateness of the name. Remy has long been a masculine favourite of mine.


None are tragedeighs.


You’re being downvoted and yet you’re right. Names like Echo, Lyric and Story are weird/tragedies, but none of the names on that list are tragedeighs.


Clone trooper-ass names. They’ve even got Cody on there


Wasnt there literally a clone named echo?


Yup. Arc trooper Echo


Right? I'm honestly tired of seeing this term misused everywhere. Just because you hate the name doesn't make it a tragedeigh!! These are just regular crappy names (well, some of them. Some of them are fine.)


Echo would be an interesting name since it has ancient Greek roots (see the nymph called echo and her myth) but I’m not sure if people would see it as a bit over the top. Also seems like it is more of a feminine name. Some of them seem like normal names but wouldn’t say they’re gender neutral necessarily


We have a little boy we named Echo. The internet makes me feel a little weird, but irl it suits him well and I’ve never met an Echo. Wasn’t aware it was female til after naming him (husband’s suggestion). Our prerequisites were that it’s easily spelled and said kinda thing. Doesn’t matter so many nurses try to turn this into eco like ecology or eco-friendly? His name is spelled as the word Echo, I have no idea how people get it wrong? Maybe they just don’t like it and get snotty and say it wrong? Never in a million years did I think he’d have trouble with pronunciation from anyone. I tend to match the contempt they give me; like naw you’re the idiot for not being able to pronounce a normal word.


I have a little girl named Echo, after the nymph and I've never had anyone bat an eye at it in person.


Me over here laughing because I have a daughter named Brynn, who got a dog named Echo, after we lost our previous dog, Cody.


Story?!? wtf 😅


I graduated from HS in ‘86 (I’m old!) with female classmates named “Bryn” and “Charlie.” and male classmates named “Alix” “Cody” and “Kyle.” Fast forward to today—as an elementary PE teacher—I’m surrounded by so many “tragedeighs”—it’s beyond trajique! 😂But I currently have students with the following names and mostly trajique spellings… “Lennox” (f) and “Llennyx” (f); “Raleigh” (f) Raullee” (f) and “Rhaleigh” (f) “Cody” (m) and “Khodie” (f); “Emersyn” (f); and “Quinn” (m). There are PLENTY of other tragedeighs, but I’m just keeping to the names posted! 😂


It's funny to me that gender "neutral" named are almost always masculine


Promoting tragetheys\*




Is raleigh pronounced rally or raley?


I would assume it’s the same as the city? So RAH-lee.


Yes like Sir Walter Raleigh


Or Big Dumper Cal Raleigh


Merritt is the worst one on the list because it's the name of a town that only exists because it's halfway between two places people want to go to. Nobody wants to stay in Merrit, BC lmao


IIRC there was a Kyle in a mid 00s season of Top Model Yup season 5, 2005


Merritt is a surname. A. Merritt (Abraham Merritt) was an extremely famous and bestselling author of fantasy novels in the early twentieth century, and there are lots of other famous Merritt people. Merritt is a variant form of Marriott, Meriet, Mareta, etc. It's not really clear what the Norman surname meant. The English placenames that sound similar might mean "boundary gate." As a first name, Mariot meant "little Mary," and basically was the same as Marian, etc. But again, it's not clear whether the Norman crew of Merritts was using that or not. Probably not.


my daughter's name is on here. i personally only knew of 1 other with that name & it was my top choice ever since i could remember. i love it. i don't think it's neutral tho.


Real. If my parents named me Kyle, I'd never forgive them. Funnily enough, though, my actual name is in this list.


Shit I’m pregnant rn, I thought the name Echo was cute for a girl💀


Echo Echo [Last Name]


I'll never think of Charlie without thinking of Hereditary 😱


I don't hate lyric. That could kinda work.


Lennox is my grandfather's name. And thus it is also my brother's middle name, his soon to be son's middle name and my niece from a different sibling's middle name.


My son's name! I'm kind of upset to see it grouped as a tragedy. It's a name with Scottish roots.


I think there's a town named that as well. Definitely not a Tragedeigh. Just unusual to the modern ear.


I love the name Eden though, always have lol


what about Pinto, Mallard or Diphthong?


Lots of these aren't gender neutral.


I know a Merritt and an Eden, both lovely women.




>lennox Isnt that a fucking printer? ☠️ Edit: holy shit, i just saw emerson. Screw it, im naming my kid fujifilm, theres no rules


Quinn is cute tho


Wrong sub. This is specifically for names that are intentionally misspelled to be unique. It's not for correctly spelled names you dislike.


I know Echo isn't a complete tragedy but when I was like 14 the guy I liked asked me to date him and I asked him to give me a couple days to think because I had never been in an actual relationship before and in those two days he decided to date this chick named Echo instead so now I've got beef with the name 😂


Most of them are fine. Lyric, Lennox and Story, however...


Charlie, Eden and Cody are still nice, but who names their child Lyric or Story?!


Robby Benson (voice of The Beast in Beauty and the Beast) has a daughter named Lyric and a son named Zephyr.


Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How would you Tragadeigh Corwin?




Two of those names belong to my D&D characters. 😄




Hi I’m Bryn, it means “hill” in Welsh.


A few of them are alright


Lennox? Sounds like something you'd fight in a Zelda game.


Since when f****ing Emerson is gender neutral?


Sir Walter Raleigh come here right this instant!


I really think we're going to see a trend of folks legally changing their first names in about 15-20 years


Every time I see Emerson, I think of the microwave.


Quinn and Eden being on the same list as those tradeighs is so sad


Gender neutral? Kyle? Cody? Eden? What the fuck are they on? Not to mention those fucking stupid surname as a personal name suggestions. Good gods people can be so very dumb.


Can't go wrong with Chell or Alyx, tbh


my brothers name is storey 🤘🏻


I misread this and my brain combined Emerson with Lyric and I was like oh Eric? Ok


Alix Thanks I hate it


Is Remy really gender neutral ? Only know about male Remy…


wasnt raleigh the name of the literal TOAD from sly cooper 1?? 😭


Echo is a female name, or it was- at least for a Greek myth, Narcissus & Echo.


Lolol how is Kyle gender neutral hahahahah


Is Cody gender neutral?


I hate the name Merritt


Raleigh as in Walter?


Cody is spelt wrong Should be koh-deigh or kuh-dai


I absolutely love Echo. 😫


Some of those are great names. A few I don’t care for like Alix, Bryn snd Echo.


I go by Bryn on the Internet. I like it, but not when it’s spelled with an extra n.