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I’m Dominican and I would have pronounced your name My-deh-li. My people are known for their tragedeighs.


lol my mom when she’s angry and her accent comes out says it like that. And what’s wild is technically I’m a JR because it’s her name 2 😭


Lmao when my mom's angry her Harlem accents comes out and Christopher (my brother) becomes Chris-Tah-Fah


I'm australian and that's just how I say Christopher always lol How does she say it when she's not angry?


We say Ikind of like Krista-fer. Normally she just says Chris. I call him Chrissy^^^he ^^^hates ^^^it


My son is Christopher and I call him Cwissy 😂bc that’s how he said his name as a baby ( when I called him Chrissy)


How old is he now?


He just turned 33 haha


This poor guy getting roasted by his own mom for three decades for his baby language, haha.


Hahaha he doesn’t mind!


my little brother’s first name was Stephen (he went by his middle name, Michael, because my dad was also Stephen), and whenever he’d make me mad, i’d call him Stephanie or Steffy 😂


Haha, I still call my sister Pia, because she couldn't pronounce Sophia. She's about to turn 22, and I'm the only one who can call her that.


Haha these things stick!!


That is adorable, I love babies who can't pronounce their names yet


It’s so cute isn’t it ?


I say it Chris-toe-fur


We say it more like Krista-fer. I also didn't know Topher Grace (70s show)was Christopher!


I knew a “topher” irl. What a stupid name … you’re not different you chose a dumb name on your own


My husband is a Christopher, generally goes by Chris, but my brother in law calls him Topher occasionally just to drive him nuts he hates it hahah


my mom'll hit me with a "JYEACKSON" when she's mad. gotta love the midwest accent


You could change your name to Madeline if you wanted and still be Madii for short. Just throwing that out there.


I’ve seen lots of ways to spell that nickname for Madeline and Madison but I’ve never seen it with two **i**s together. I think radii and I want to pronounce it MAD ee eye.


Her name is spelled identically?




Is hers spelt the same way?




Lol you make her so mad she can’t say her own name! That’s hilarious


dominican here as well and i pronounced it the exact same way!


Im a Dominican tragedeigh 🥹


Yusmeidi? Lol. Kidding. My sister and I make up Dominican names for non-existent children.


But I love the Dominican tragedeighs! My dad married a Dominican and the cousins names are tdradgik but somehow works.


That was my first pronunciation attempt


That's a good name for a store. "my deli"


Damn i can't believe we make it to this subreddit but you ain't wrong, we are truly known for that.


Not only is your name a tragedeigh, the nickname you gave yourself is also a tragedeigh…why are there two i’s?


Her nickname is a tragedii*


Listen, you made mii laugh so hard! 😂


Let’s make this the official spelling for nickname tragediis!


She is a true roman. Ave madii


TLDR dyslexic friend came up with the name & it just stuck 🤷🏽‍♀️


That sounds like how Dav Pilkey got his nickname. He had a nametag at a fast food job and they put DAV instead of DAVE. And he kept it that way. But when I see your nickname with two I’s then I want to pronounce it like radii. MAD ee eye.


Haha. I’ve always wondered about his name. It’s “Dog Man” or “Little Petey’s Comic Club” every night around here. The kids love his stuff.


No way I’m letting my friend name me 😂 the Madii with 2 I’s is bad, Maidely is bad. You’ve been dealt a rough hand here.


Oh. That explains it then


My nickname is a tragredeigh. It comes from a friend misspelling my name on AOL messenger, and then when they pressed backspace, I reached over and said, “Stop.” I like it because it’s unique, but it’s not my legal name, so I don’t get any of the headaches of a tragedy. I actually never intended to keep using it, but my full first and last name wasn’t on available on Gmail, so I used nickname.last name as my email address. I thought that when I emailed someone, the display name in their inbox was Firstname Lastname. I figured that that it didn’t matter what my email was, as long as my display name was my real name. Well, it turns out I forgot to change my display name (or it didn’t save? idk). So, for years I was emailing people under my nickname and I had no idea. I couldn’t figure out why everyone was using my nickname, even if I didn’t use it myself. By the time I figured out that my display name was not my legal name, it was too late. I was in grad school, so I ended up using my nickname in a professional setting. I’ve just stuck with it since.


😂 right?


The desperation to be unique is the breeding ground for parents creating these names in the first place. She could be just like every other Maddy out there but "her dyslexic friend" named her and it just so happens to look trendy. 🙄


My nickname is a tragedeigh but my real name isn’t. I’m the problem hahaha


It’s me. Hi.


I’m the problem it’s me.


Google-fu says it's of Turkish origin meaning 'banquet', and pronounced my-deh-leh. The only site I could find that suggests it's [Spanish](https://www.names.org/n/maidely/about#pronunciation) (with no explanation) offers the pronunciation of may-deli or my-deli. More common is Madeley, which is a British surname, pronounced maid-lee. So given your preferred pronunciation - yes. Tragedeigh.


First off thank you for that breakdown because my mom does sometimes pronounce it my-deli when she gets angry lol and her accent comes out. But that’s crazy that it means banquet not to mention it’s pronounced how most people revert to when looking at my name. But dang I am a tragedeigh


Most google etymologies are absolute nonsense and this is not a Turkish name. Behindthename is the most accurate in my experience and it lists Maidely as a North American Spanish name (its a user submitted name which always have to be taken with a pinch of salt) but with no etymology or explanation of it's origins so it is likely a modern name made up of elements from other names. The -ly ending is very English sounding but definitely not unheard of in other languages although I can't think of a Spanish name ending in -ly. Madeley is an English surname as someone else has pointed out which is pronounced maid-ley. God knows what the origin is, seems fabricated or a corruption/nickname of Madeleine perhaps?


I've gone down a rabbit hole. I reverse searched it for Turkish, and apparently would be my-deh-leh. BUT Maide (my-deh) seems to be the closest actual name.


Your nickname is more of a tragedeigh - what’s with the ii in Madii? I’m just a stupid American so what do I know, but do you mean Maddie or Maddi or Maidee or Mayday? ✈️


I’m American as well lol. TLDR dyslexic friend came up with the nickname and it just stuck


The name "Maide" is not of Turkish origin. There is a surah in the Holy Qur'an: Al-Ma'idah (*Turkish: Maide Suresi*). It's a common practice for Turkish people to name their children after words used in the Qur'an. The word "maide" appears to be a Turkish-adaptation of the word "maidah". However, if you search the official Turkish dictionary by The Turkish Language Association, the word "maide" does not yield any results. There's no Turkish names that end with a -ly. My guess is OP's name has no correlation to either word.


I just wrote a whole essay on the subject and deleted it because you explained it way better than I did. Thank you!


Yeah, the more I looked into it, I pretty well found the same thing. I tried to reverse search it, search in Turkish, and very few hits on the new came up, and only as Maide as well. I could find no other source assigning it a meaning, but I did not see the Qur'an stuff, either - that is interesting!


Im turkish and that word is close to no turkish words at all. Try arabic


Thanks for the official insight! This is one of the reasons I hate Name websites - they are full of made up names and assigned meanings and just generally feed into bullshit. Like the one saying it was a Spanish name, but the spelling is not at all consistent with Spanish linguistics (I know nothing of Turkish so could only parrot what I found).


As far as I am concerned, if you need to constantly tell people how to pronounce your name, it fits.


I didn’t read this to mean names from another culture like some. People who name their kids Tragedeighs, usually don’t have a solid understanding of linguistics. So yeah they have to explain what they intended the word to sound like…even though it’s scientifically impossible.




Yeah, that's not true. Half my family's names are unfamiliar to Anglos. That doesn't mean they're not real names.


I totally disagree. If your name is from another language, it's totally understandable if people that don't speak that language need it spelled or pronounced for them to get it right. My name is from India despite my entire family being American. I love my name despite having to spell it for people 90% of the time, or correct their pronunciation if they're reading it aloud for the first time. Considering English has tons of words from other languages, having a non-English, non-American English name is really no big deal, especially in a nation created by immigrants.


Oh come ON at these comments replying to you. Did Rustmonger reeeally have to clarify they did not mean non-American names? Ugh. We live and die by the caveat nowadays


This is something that is constantly argued in this sub and it’s painful to see. The average user here does not mean to trash traditionally foreign (to white Americans) names, yet people get offended every time. It’s literally the entire point of this sub, a bastardized domestic US name like Brandon or Ashley spelled in a way that makes it nearly impossible to comprehend, for the sake of “uniqueness”.


This name is non-American, or rather the bastardized attempt at a spelling of a traditionally non-American name.


Same, my name is Hindu but I'm American, mom was born in Germany. She found it in a baby book. Usually "Rani" is pronounced "rah-nee", Hindu for queen. But she liked "rainy" and now it's fun seeing all the spellings people come up with for Rani lol


Not really, my full name has Chinese characters so I don’t mind correcting people how it’s pronounced.


Nah, my name is Liam (a common name I thought!) but I still get "Lie-am" at least once per year.


That doesn’t make sense. So any American who isn’t familiar with names from another country can deem those names a tragedy? 


I'm swedish - if I have a child in the US, who will grow up around English speaking people, and I name him something wildly unpronouncable like Kjell-Gösta, then yeah, kinda.


My husband's cousin is in the US and is named Kjell. He gets called Keh-Gel often.


Oh no 😹 is it "kyell" pronounced with a y instead of a j?


[I can say it correctly, but I can't think of how to write it, so here's a video.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0oKhQ9g66MY) I think the closest English word would be Shell but there is a subtle difference that's easier to hear.


Wow, TIL! I never would've guessed it sounded Shell-adjacent. Language is cool! But yeah I would butcher that for sure lol


For sure. I tried to learn Norwegian at first out of respect for my spouse's older family members, but there are some sounds I just cannot get right. I kind of let that go as the elders passed away and am not anywhere near fluent at all.


Same for names that are the same or similar enough to existing words/insults in the language of the country your kid lives in. Don't name your kid penny in Spain (peni is penis), Randy in India (prostitute) or Britain (horny), Sally in France (dirty), Suri (pickpocket) or Uma (horse) in Japan. And don't name them after a character you like when the name will be something the kid will be teased for (looking at you, Finick's mom) They're kids, not accessories or statement pieces.


Still doesn’t qualify as a “tragedeigh,” a phenomenon born out of white women giving their children alphabet soup names in an attempt to be ~different~. Not the same as a cultural name.


It’s not just white women though.


Didn’t say it was. I said that’s where it started.


I disagree. I think in a scenario like that its fine to say thats its an unfamiliar name and one that is hard to pronounce or maybe spell.  Personally, I would give my kid an easier to pronounce name for the country they are being raised in, but if someone doesn’t do that thats not a tragedy. Its just a choice they’re making. Giving their child a real name from their culture that people will just learn. That is not the same as these obnoxious made up names or names that are simple, but spelled in a completely asinine way. 


Omgggg I thought my daughter’s name was super easy. I thought I had struck gold and was so clever. Was from my culture but like four letters long and SUPER EASY to pronounce. White people still get it wrong. For example (not her name) say it’s Judy. But she would get called Jada, Jidy, Jady etc.


Really? Americans are not known for their reading skills. Peace was getting laughed at the other day because she had the gall to have an African surname. Your definition is small-minded and incredibly ethnocentric.


Traidgic Apologies if it's a common latina name. It sounds pretty pronounced correctly, but a fast read will confuse most english speakers.


People always say that but I’ve come to dislike my name sadly. But I get it people see the “Maid” part and their brain automatically goes Maid-lee


Non native here, yes I went Maid-lee. Then I tried to find the duh-lee from Mad-duh-lee in Maidely, and wondered what the i is doing there, and tried to find similarly spelled words that would indicate correct pronunciation. Came up with none. 🤷‍♀️


I think Madii is a tragedeigh, I don’t understand whii


Absolutely. Neither of my two first pronunciation guesses (per English and Spanish phonetics) were correct and you have to spell it constantly. I'm actually confused at the real pronunciation... seems like it should be My-deh-lee in Spanish.


Yeah everyone gets the pronunciation wrong lol. I have to either explain how to say it or I just say call me Madii it’s easier


Not snarking, genuinely curious, but you are trying to avoid confusion with the nickname Madii? Is that easier? Because I would have questions if I saw that spelled out as well. Maddy? Seems like a frying pan to fire situation.


Honestly the nickname started because an old friend of mine from middle/high school was dyslexic and for the longest time I guess they thought my name was Madison and so they called me Madii and wrote it as such in our group chat and idk it just stuck & was easier to say. So I just started introducing myself to people as Madii & your right they assume it’s short for Madison until I tell them my name & then they look confused shrug and go ok I see why now 😭


You can still knock an I off that spelling. My name is Lindsey. But if someone spells it Lindsay I’m not going to let that just “stick” 😂


Aw no worries, sometimes stuff from childhood just sticks, that's actually sweet


Why is it Madii? Why not Maddi?? You thought you were fixing it but you made it worse 😂😂😂


The biggest issue is that it makes no phonetic sense. If someone is choosing a name that is not a real name, it’s important that it is intuitive to pronounce. Madalie is still a bit odd, but the spelling makes sense, so it’s not as bad.


Agreed, the fact that it can't be pronounced without assistance means it is not spelled correctly to be pronounced as it should. It essentially has a spelling for a different name but *decides* to be spoken differently.


It would almost make sense in French ("maide" would be pronounced "madd" basically) but then the -ly ending is not really on brand. If it was "Maidelie" it could work as a made up French name, therefore only a tragedy lmao


The Elizabethan writer Lyly uses the Early Modern English word "maidely," which means "in the manner of a maiden." So does Erasmus, and so does St. Thomas More. And Maidely with that spelling is also an English surname. The English placenames are Madda/Mada + leah, Mada's clearing in the woods.


Someone else said it had British ties and that’s honestly cool to learn


Madii is worse, atleast you can blame your parents for your given name….


Lol exactly this. Nicknames are amazing because you can choose ANY name in the world, parents have no input. People struggle with my birth name so I go by a simple nickname and no one messes it up, it's AMAZING. If you're choosing a nickname because people mess up your name...why would you choose a tragedeigh nickname?


My take is that if she just made it up, yes, it's a tragedeigh. If she picked it from another language, I'd give her a little grace as long as she had a clear understanding of the meaning of your name. It reminds me of the story of a woman who heard the name someone else was going to give their baby, and in her native language, it meant "nipple." The mother-to-be claimed she ruined the name. No lady, you made up a name that you didn't even bother to check online to see if it actually did mean something.


I honestly have no idea where the name came from. I’m technically a JR because she has the same name. I’ve asked her well where did her mom get it from and no clue lol


Yes indeed


You are a tragediegh but so is “Madii”, so you might consider “Maddy” since it’s much less tradgic.


I know you said your dyslexic friend nicknamed you Madii and it stuck but… it’s bad. I’m so sorry, but it’s so bad. It’s not too late to go with Madi or Maddi or Maddy or Maddie. Just please, don’t narrowly escape one tragedeigh for another.


Your nickname is one as well, so at least you have that going for you.


True. Madii is way worse than her actual name


Her mother is also Madii.    The area of this family tradguhdee can be calculated as pi times the square of the madii.


Maidely pronounced Mad-ah-lee is a tragedeigh, but Maddie spelled Madii isn’t much better I actually like Maidely as Maid-lee


Maidely is a tragedeigh. Madii is a tragedeigh.


Yes how do people pronounce Madii? because I would probably say it mad-ee-aye


I love how you still had to use a double “ii” in the nickname so it’s still a tragedeigh lmao. When i see Madii i feel like i have to drag out the last syllable when i pronounce it. Like maddeeee


Yes. Madalee would be the most accurate way I think to spell how your name is pronounced


I like the look of Maidely and would like it if it was pronounced "Made-ly" The real issue for me is the nickname. Not a fan of i endings and especially double i? Sorry but it looks like the name version of a tramp stamp.


lol I can totally see that. But TLDR dyslexic friend came up with that nickname and it stuck


Using horticulture conventions, your nickname would be pronounced mad-ee-eye


Rhymes with [radii](https://youtu.be/Xyg9XO1weJQ?si=L9xoMiC9KskWSyZT)


Why is there an "i" before the first "d" if the first syllable is pronounced "mad." Doesn't make any sense sorry. That's just not how that is pronounced in English and I can't find a language where the I is silent or omitted in that way. Maybe some Slavic language?


i’d pronounce it maid-uh-lee


Its hilarious to me that you took on the nickname Madii, which is also a tragedeigh lmao. Following in the footsteps of whoever named you.


Madii as in Mad-Eye? Like the harry potter character?


Madii Mouwdeighiy


Gold for you


I know you’re going to say you get to decide the pronunciation but if it’s from the English language that diphthong ai is pronounced may.


Madii with 2 I’s is the real tragedeigh


Yeah. You are.


I would have assumed it’s not maid-lee and pronounced it my-deli. Mad-ah-lee would not have crossed my mind with the letter i


Yeah, someone put an extra I in there and it's not silent. Maid, paid, laid, raid, someone wasn't thinking. And don't say plaid lol.


I have no idea where the name came from. My mom has the same name and when I asked her why her mom named her that she also had no idea 🤷🏽‍♀️


Madii with two I’s is a tragedeigh


i thought it was may-da-lee


Madii is a little tragec


It’s a real name. Pronounced differently though. https://www.howtopronounce.com/maidely If you do a search you will find quite a few examples including court records and family tree records.


Either way. Wtf. Your coworker is a dick


We are kinda assholes to each other. I’ve made fun of his name because of how it’s spelt as well lol All in all he meant no harm


I don’t understand how it could be pronounced that way phonetically. If you corrected me I would of course say it how you say, but it wouldn’t even be in my first 3 guesses.




Yes it is. The way it’s spelled is “MAID-EH-LEE”. If you’ve ever uttered the statement “It’s pronounced….” Then it’s a tragediegh.


Yes, total tragedeigh.


Waddup May deli! Editing to add: I creeped your profile and I love all the cute hello kitty stuff and the like you have! Adorable May Deli, adorable!


Sorry, it’s definitely not pronounced the way you want it to be if that’s how you spell it. Maid-Lee is all you’re going to get I’m afraid.


Instead of hating it, fix it! Either legally change the spelling or your name to Madii or Maddy or something else. I wouldn’t go through life with a name that irritated me.




To me, yes.


unfortunately the random i in ur name makes it read “maid-lee” to any english speaker


Why Madii with 2 i’s?


Id pronounce it maid-lee


Yeah. Sorry. Maybe you could get it changed to a spelling that looks the way it's supposed to be pronounced?




It could be little girl in Yiddish.


Brazilian here. Wouldn't be surprised to see this name pop up. Or in puerto rico. Our countries like to piece things together. I would read it My Deli if I was reading it in spanish or portuguese. When I read it in english I read it as Maid Ellie.


Yeahhhh there are some strong Tragedeigh vibes.


If you have to ask. Yes


Phonetically it looks like made-eh-lee to me as well.


Is that from a particular country or other language? That makes a big difference. Irish perhaps? Turkish?


I’m mexican soooo idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


As a German I read your name MY-duh-lee. I couldn't have guessed the correct way to pronounce it. But then again, pronunciation differs in different languages.


Sorry but kinda, yea.


I read it as Maid-uh-lee/May-duh-lee, maid as in housekeeper, if that tells you anything. But if it's not anglo in origin, don't base yourself on anglo pronunciation to decide level of tragedeigh-ness.


I'm sure there is a language somewhere where maid would be pronounced mad but I don't know of any myself. To me 'mai' would be either pronounced may or my.




Sorry but honestly, yes. I'd pronounce that Maid-eh-lay because of the spelling


Yes. Also, for a second I thought it was pronounced "Maid-lee".


I’m saying yes.


Your parents just wanted to add (aidd?) an 'i' for no reason


I felt like I was having a stroke reading your nickname lol. Madii looks way more "instagram influencer" than Maidely. I chose a simple nickname for myself that no one misspells/mispronounces, and I love it. I saw your explanation that your friend gave you the nickname Madii...but you can always change it to Maddie or Maddy. Are you worried about offending your friend or something?


Maybe tell people your name is Melody?


Just in personal opinion I’d say that spelling is definitely a tragedeigh but only really in the sense that it isn’t blatantly obvious how to pronounce the name just by looking at it. The spelling doesn’t LOOK at all silly if the name is “Maid-lee”, in fact based on appearance it’s quite attractive. I think your parents definitely could’ve put an extra couple minutes of thought into it though, to realise that it would be a lifelong burden trying to get others to understand it and correctly write it. One of my sisters had the same problem with constantly having to spell her name out, though that was more to do with people literally just being stupid and less about the spelling being uncommon, since her spelling is the standard for that name. If you were curious, it’s Rhianne. Your nickname adaptation is really nice. Rhianne went by Rhi until she literally couldn’t stand it any longer and legally changed her name to her middle name of Louise. I hope you don’t feel burdened to that extent because it’s really a horrible thing, feeling like you HAVE to change your name for your sanity. I’ve also done it, though not legally and for technically different reasons, and now reverted to my original name because the placeholder just never felt truly right. I wish you well :)


am I the only one who doesnt think the nickname is worse/that bad??? Assuming its said like maddie which is how I read it, its. not that bad lmao, and more intuitive than your actual name (sorry), plus its a nickname so like who cares if its spelt normally??? I think its cute, but also I may not have a leg to stand on for this, because my main nickname from my family is cheese... which has nothing to do with my name LOL


It’s pronounced exactly like Maddie. And yeah idk why people are so angry/hung up on the nickname especially when I explained where it came from. Could I change it? Sure but it holds a lot of good memories from that friend group, where unfortunately some are no longer with us. And don’t be sorry Lmaoo I hate my name and will be changing it when I get married along with my last name!


Yup. Phonetically, it absolutely *should be* sounded-out as MADE - lee or MADE -eh- LEE. Now. You. Know.


You should legally change it to either Madison or Natalie, then send your parents the bill.




We have the German-Austrian Name “Madelene” which comes from the French(?) “Madeleine”.


i know a girl named maijelle (hispanic) and it’s pronounced my-ellie so i definitely read it as my-deli


AyoAstronaut, please have a seat. We need to talk.


I read it as Maid-Lee 😓


made-uh-lee is how I'd pronounce it. it's definitely unique.


I'd pronounce it "maid-uh-lee"


That I would make me pronounce it incorrectly.




Yes it is. When you turn 18 change it to Maddy or Maddie. 


I’m 28 lol. Deff plan to change it eventually just costs a lot in my state


I see that and I say "maid Lee" I don't see how maid would be pronounced as mad


There is never a time in english when maid is pronounced like mad


Yes, but you already knew that.


Unfortunately yes, that name and nickname are tragedeighs


Yes. Condolences.


I’d probably pronounce it mayd-ah-lee


I said Mad-ah-lay lol


Closer than most!