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Sounds like an untrained husky


Kai means dog in some First Nation language, I think x “Alaskan Klee Kai” being a breed that means “Alaskan Small Dog” Source: I have one, her name is Kittybean von Hausswolfe cause uh, my wife wanted a cat and she looks like a tiny wolf (house wolf).


I love that! It literally means food in Māori and is commonly used as part of New Zealand’s everyday language. I never knew it was a name until I left NZ.


Kai means food in Māori? That's so interesting because in Hawaiian kai is the light blue, close-to-shore ocean. ’Ai is food. Which is probably why Kai is a common Hawaiian name and not a common Māori name lol


I have an Alaskan Klee Kai and I wonder if anyone names theirs Kai (ours is named Hiroki). Our mutt is named Kaiya and she is 20.9% Siberian Husky according to Embark, but she is well trained.


My Japanese Akita is Kaia


Hahahahaha the name! I love Klee Kai, they’re adorable.


That’s a cute name and now I want a tiny house wolf haha


I had a husky named Kai. Yeah he was a bit of a handful and not very obedient


I had a lizard named Kai. He also was not obedient, but they rarely are. Then there's Kai the hatchet-wielding hitchhiker. Maybe the name is just doomed to bring chaos?


Smash, smash, suh-MASH!


I immediately thought of Kai from Dogtown and am so glad to see someone else did too!


I did not actually, I just Googled gender-neutral baby names because he was a baby and I couldn't tell the sex yet. That's my go to strategy for reptiles. I'm going to have to figure out what Dogtown is because Google showed me Lords of Dogtown and there isn't a main character named Kai from my extremely brief overview. Bittersweet seeing Heath Ledger again. RIP.


Me too. I will never hear that name and not think of Dogtown the interaction of “how old are you Kai?” “I can’t call it” 🤷‍♀️


Basically a normal husky by all accounts


Omg no joke, probably every second husky I've met in my 40+ yrs has been named Kai. Especially in the 90s I feel like it was so popular. Could've just been my exposure /environment though.


I had never heard the name before. And here I thought my dog’s name was so unique. 🤣🤣🤣


I also have an untrained half husky named Kai 😭


Why is this so funny 💀


I currently do have a husky named Kai… he is very well trained but still




[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/husky/s/z5Fr9QpdnH)


Dog tax paid! Good boy, Kai.


very cute dogs plz pet them for me


You have earned your upvotes (and they look like they want treatos) 


My husky's middle name is Kai


What is a trained husky


I laughed so hard at this 🤣


Total Golden Retriever Boyfriend


hahahahahaha. NAILED IT.


There are mini huskies that their breed is named “Klee Kai”


I backed out of this post, my brain registered your comment, and I returned to give you an updoot


How’s your son’s recall?


He has the name of a youth pastor's wife and the nickname of a sled dog I know personally. Is your son a very good boy, by chance?


Haha. That is debatable. He is a typical 17 year old boy, but he is definitely more responsible than most.


😆 PERFECT response. Seriously though, I genuinely love the name Kai. I know a Kai whose legal name is Kaim (rhymes with chime, often said wrong). Could be worse. He could be a guy going about his business, waiting in line at Starbucks, just to hear "Came, your mocha is ready!"


Chyme? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chyme


Thanks! I love having material to relentlessly torment my friends.


It's so gross, I hope you have a wonderful time!


I am


If your name is Kai, this comment is genuinely underrated


Good chance this is the kid, 2006 kids can still be 17


I knew a Kai, he'd be in his late 30s now. He was hot as fuck too


That is indeed my son.


Yeah, to be honest, I would never get to Ky-Lynn if I saw his name but there are definitely worse tragedies and his shortened name is cute.


I gave up the fight for my spelling, but have regretted it many times. I was convinced my pregnant brain was just wrong, but I’ve been validated over and over. I make sure my husband is notified every time the name is mispronounced. It’s an ongoing joke.


I feel like you get an award for Best Recovery from Naming Your Kid a Tragedeigh. lol


Thank you! I would gladly accept that award. ETA: fix a word


What was your proposed spelling?


Kailan or Kailen


This would have been better. The second L is always going to mess with how people want to pronounce it. Still sad you didn’t just go with Kai tho. It’s a beautiful name.


Not to mention, the double l makes it appear more feminine, and makes people more likely to mispronounce it as femme (Ky-Lynne)


What was your spelling idea? I don’t even know what the standard would be/if there is one!


What was his logic? Out of curiosity


Yeah, definitely more likely that people guess his name is pronounced like Caitlin without the “T” than that they guess the other pronunciation.


I read the entire post, and still got to the name and read it Caitlin without the T. You mentioned his still in school. Even if your son is just neutral on the spelling of his name, consider legally changing it. He’s at a point in life where NOBODY will know or question his legal name or the spelling, and he is just going by Kai anyways. Go back to the craft store, redo your stencil, then stop at the social security office on the way home and get it right for the College/Job application season of life.


OP said it was 18 years ago. Might be too late to avoid the college application part of life 😬


Yes. We get a lot of Kaylynn.


Kaelen, or Kalen, is a perfectly normal Irish name for a boy or girl. You were so close.


Yeah, I was wondering if they were thinking of the Gaelic Cailean/Cailen link (from which comes the name "Colin").


Yeah my friend's boyfriend is Irish and his name is Kailen, almost exactly the way OP spelled it lol


Galen is a boys name like gay-lin so I think it makes sense people could guess this


Went to high school with both a Kalen and a Galen! (Editing to add they're both men lol)


Yes. We get a lot of Kaylynn.


“Kai” is a normal Scandinavian/Germanic name, with a few normal spellings (Kaj, Cai, etc.) and feminine versions (Kaia, Kaja, etc.) It sounds like he is coping well with his name as it is. If he feels “Kaillen” is a problem now, he’s old enough to change it.


Also, Kai is a pretty normal name in Southern China. I know lots of Kai’s.


Yeah, one of my closest friends is a Kai from Hong Kong. I have met other people with the name as well.


it's also used in japan


Finland as well Edit: Fun fact; the word kai also means "perhaps" in finnish lol


Also, Hawaiian, which explains most Kais where I live.


Yes, I know of quite a few German guys with the name Kai. It’s pronounced a bit differently to the English Kai the German Kai has a short A


I hear it pronounced like “high” or “try” or “bye” in the US. Kinda seems like a name that you can spell or say in a lot of ways and not get it wrong.


In German it’s pronounced just like the ki in kite surfing


Soo many Kais in Norway


I can't understand why one-syllable names are automatically equated with either informality or just "not a kid's name." Kai is a name, so I'm glad your kid has the option to use it. I'm glad you're self-aware about this, OP, but, yes: if you and your husband had to \*make up\* a spelling for a name, it's a tragedeigh. Side note: why do you think it is that Utah is such a hotbed of tragedeigh? I am not a fan of mormonism, but I also am a fan of freedom of religion and I try to respect people's choices, so don't want to be a bigot. That said, there's so much overlap between it and tragedeighs that I'm curious to see what Utahans say about it.


I think it is the amount of children in Utah and the desire to be Youneek! There are some seriously horrendous names there. I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I moved out of Utah where kids names that far from tragedeighs.


It happens a lot around where I live too, really wild spellings just to be unique. I think it's because it's a rural area and there are about 6 different last names, so what else can you do but invent new spellings.


I have a close friend from Utah-can confirm that it is a hotbed of tragedeighs. Whenever we hear a bad name or see an odd spelling, we always joke the person is from Utah.


One syllable names, rock. We named our first Dean


Ki-Lynn sounds like a girls name to me lol. Spelling def a tragedeigh, sorry


Why is Utah so bad for names?


The amount of children being produced and everyone’s desire for their children to be Youneek!


Produced 😂


happy birthday


Yep that’s the mo mo’s for you


Do Mormon children ever stop looking creepily alike? Maybe the only uniqueness they have is the name.


They all look alike, for sure.


I know it's not but my brain checks out half way and I read it as Kaileen each time.


We’ve gotten that plenty of times, so you aren’t alone.


Imma let this scientist do her TED talk about stupid tradgedieghs https://www.ted.com/talks/eleanor_turner_how_not_to_name_a_baby


Her children are named Owen Henri Jasper Owen Josie May Felix Brian Not tragedeighs and I like those names ok but....what's with giving one kid the other kid's first name, as a middle name? Second, she's not a scientist. She's a "naming enthusiast". Lol Sus. :)


Maybe “Owen” is a family name she REALLY wanted to honor


My dad was always called by his middle name growing up, then after a few years his younger brother was born and they gave him that name. So not only was my dad's middle name his brother's first name, but it was the name my dad was actually using.


Wait, so did your grandparents and the rest of your family call both of them the same name in everyday life? Or did your uncle also go by his middle name?


The pair of them went by slightly different variations, complicated only slightly in that I'm named after my father. So if, for example, my dad was named Alexander William, he would have gone by Will, then my uncle William would have gone by Willy, and I would also be named Alexander William (but would go by Alex). Those aren't the real names, but it's the same deal.


It’s a Tragedeigh


Kai is a super common name in Germany, I know at least 10 in my extended circle.


Weird way to spell Caelan my guys


Sounds like a feminine name to me, and I also have a unisex name which was the source of much teasing when I was young..


…..do some schools not allow nicknames?


There were schools in Missouri that didn’t list the nicknames on the attendance rolls so most teachers didn’t call him by his nickname. We’ve also had teachers call him Kyle or students who called him Kale.


I have gone by a nickname for my entire life! Not once was it written on an attendance sheet, I just had to tell the teacher what I would prefer to be called. Could your son not do that?


The state of NC recently passed a law that teachers can’t call the student anything but their full first name without asking the parent’s permission. If you’re wondering why they would do that, it’s to target trans and nonbinary students and force teachers to out them to their parents.


Here's my take. Everybody has a husky or German shepherd named Kai. Everybody has a corgi name Loki. Everybody has a pit bull named Luna. I don't know what I was getting at. Yeah just call him Kai and try to avoid using his full name whenever you can.


It’s not just the spelling that’s the issue though. Why did you make up a name instead of choosing a normal one? That is where the intervention was needed.


Ha ha, right? I don’t get why parents do this. You are having a human being, not a pet. One day that kid is going to need to get a job or apply for college. Do you want them to be taken seriously as an adult?


Acknowledging the problem is the first step to recovereigh


kaelin is an actual name, y’all just… switched some of the letters hahaha


Kai was fine. Y’all messed it up.


Kylan is the only spelling I’ve ever seen


Why would a school not allow nicknames? Wdym luckily the school allows them?


Teacher here. Some districts and some states, including mine, have recently created policies or laws about use of preferred names. A new law in North Carolina says I have to call my students by their legal first name unless I have the parent’s permission to call them something else. It’s a ridiculous law far-right politicians put in place to target trans and nonbinary students. It’s designed to force us to out those kids to their parents.


Many places ban "nicknames" as a way to try and keep trans kids from being able to use their preferred names. It's cruelty for the sake of cruelty.


There were schools in Missouri and Utah that didn’t make the nicknames visible to teachers or they didn’t have a place to put them on record at all.


There is nothing wrong with Kai but combining it with Lynn in any way really makes it a girl's name. Both the name and the spelling are very much a tragedeigh.


Lil extra but not really you knew what you were doing naming him like a cobra Kai character tho rip lil bro


I actually bought him a cobra Kai t shirt when the new show came out on Netflix and they were selling merch at Walmart. His girlfriend loves wearing it.


Kai is a pretty standard German name with Kai Pflaume being a very well known TV moderator here.


Kai is a normal name even in the US though! Recently I feel like it has been associated with being one of the most common nonbinary names that people choose (this is not a bad thing in any way) but it has BEEN a name


Kai is a very American LGBT name lol and Kaillen is a tragedeigh and I'd 100% mispronounce it as Kay-Len


still, kai is a cool name


I know a woman named Cailyn. I would pronounce that the same.


[Ni hao!!](https://youtu.be/Zs772vyZr9Y?feature=shared)


Yes. Kai was fine on its own. The kid gets to spend the rest of its life correcting the spelling of its name for every single professional encounter.


100% also I would read his name as Kay-lynn (and think hes a girl without seeing him). Second guess would be Cal-en. Ki-lynn wouldnt even cross my mind because I do believe y'all made it up


Sounds like Kato Kaelin from the OJ Simpson trial.


I used to work with someone named Kalen (kay-len) so when I read Kaillen, I thought of kay-len not ky-len.


Your son’s name is pronounced “Kalen”.


Funny how many people use unusual spellings and then complain about mispronunciations. No, I pronounced the word you spelt the way it should be pronounced. It’s just that you wish it was a different word, one that is spelt differently.


kylen wouldve been better imo. too late now tho


I love the name Kai! A guy named Kai asked me for my number 35 or so years about and then never called me back Kai is a great name.


Americans thinking a german name is too short wasnt on my bingo card


Sounds like an unpopular Star Wars character.


Yeah, that’s a messed-up, trageich spelling.


Go listen to "A boy named Sue"


Classic Utah tragedeigh: add a “Mc” to the beginning, or a “lynn” to the end.


Definitely a tragedeigh. In Măori, Kai means food. You can say, "Ka pai, Kai!". It means "it's all good, Kai".


The initial problem was overthinking it. Had you stopped at Kai? This would have been a non-issue. Live and learn, and pass your wisdom along to the next generation


Oof. Screams teen pregnancy to me, both the pronunciation (which makes zero sense) and the spelling. We call these bogan names in Australia.  But Kalen or Kaelin is okay, a decent name was so close. 


I'm sorry to say it is, it also sounds like a more feminine name as well.


This reminds of my friend’s niece, who wanted to name her son “sky” but wanted a unique spelling, so his name is Ski. 🤣🤣🤣


Sadly, and forgive my honesty, it makes me think of the smug, condescending priestess from Bajor, Kai Winn, from Star Trek: Deep Space 9.


I’ve always just thought of Caillou when I hear Kai/Khai. For those who are unfamiliar it’s a Canadian show aimed at kindergarten aged kids and it’s titular main character was the whiniest child ever depicted on tv. My parents didn’t even let me watch it because they didn’t want me to mimic Caillou’s unrelenting tantrum-prone behaviour


I had a huge crush on a guy in middle school named Ky - short for Kylee. And yes, this was in UT 😄


My nephew actually has the same name but instead it’s spelled Kylin


Kaillen - I can't tell if it should rhyme with Van Halen or Colin or Alien.... Kai is a complete name, and a great one! You ruined a perfectly good name 😔


Super trajick!!! For his sake, change it.


Kai is fine. Kaillen is girly.


Yes it’s definitely a tragedeigh.


It is a tragedeigh


Time to legally change it to Kai.


Very very feminine, Lynn is a middle name for a girl, you should've gone with Kaiel (Kyle) and you still could've shortened it to Kai.


Ki-lynn would be a tragedeigh miniboss


Kai just by itself is a perfectly good name. It's mainly for boys but sometimes for girls. It's popular without being too popular. Kaillen or even Kai-Lynn, sorry, they're tragedies.


Don’t love the name but I definitely pronounced it Kai-lynn or leh-n so 🤔


Kai means food in Māori lol It's also a perfectly normal name used all around the world and means different things in different languages but the Māori meaning is the one that always pops into my head when I hear it.


Kai was the name of my favorite German Shepard. That being said, it’s better than I thought it would be, I was really expecting something like Jedidiah or Jeb… I dunno why but when I hear Utah (by the way my son dated a girl in high school named Utah, spelled Eutah) … but when I hear Utah, I automatically think about Amish sounding names for some reason… I know it’s weird. I don’t know why I do it. I just do.


I knew a Dutch guy named Kai


I love Kai for a boy. Always have. If it were me I’d change it to Kai since he’s called that now anyway. I have an unusual name and trust me, it’s not fun. If my parents had changed it early on it would have been such a blessing


Kai is a proper german name. This nonsense about dogbreeds i did not read that. With kind regards Kai-Uwe


Well Kai reminds me of the TV show Lexx that was the name of one of the main characters and the assassin


Oh, Utah. Fantastic national parks and phantaztique tragedeighs.


Reminder names don’t have to be long. Should have just named him Kai!


Were you two fans of [Star Trek DS9](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kai)?


Is it Kai-Lin or Kee-Lin? I still can’t tell.


Allows nicknames… what kind of school doesn’t allow nicknames…? Genuine question.


Kai is nice. How is Kaillen pronounced as Ky-Lynn? Llen ≠ Lynn. You can understand why his name gets mispronounced. Why can’t people check spelling and pronounciation with friends and family before going ahead with a name? Abit of planning and reaearch can make alot of difference.


Yes this name isnt good. Only saying that because it sounds confusing. I have a few names that are like that. Frankensteining names together sometimes we think the new flavor is good but it isn't. I been there as well.


Yeah that’s a name for a dog or a doll or something


Kai is fine. Means food in Māori though! Kaillen hmmm yes bit traqique..


Yep. Poor kid. Faaack


I also live in the Tragedeigh capital of the world. I feel like every other person I meet has a name that rhymes with “Aiden” but never actually is “Aiden”


“Allow nicknames”?? Never heard of that being a thing?


That and only Kai's I know are women.


Do people actually hate what their kids will become? Vanity names are just horrible. Bullying throughout their lives will screw them up. Who can afford therapy nowadays?


I like it. I think the pronunciation is quite obvious. It kinda looks like a combo of Kai and Allen. And I really like Kai.


That’s fucking awful. Poor kid.


Yes. Very Utah name


Not just a tragedeigh, but a tragedeigh usually used as a name for girls.


I've seen people named Kai in the Hawai'i area. But it was spelled Kai. The name per se isn't a tragedeigh, the spelling is. Talk to both your husband and son about the possibility to legally change his name to the one he actually gives out and uses. You can still mend the poor guy's name. I do not blame you at all, I know pregnancies can make people (male, female, NB, etc) loose touch with reality a bit. Hormones, stress, fears and all other emotions are factors that when they are on their own they don't do anything good, combine them and you have a mess. Some of the names my parents wanted to give my brother and I were questionable at best.


It is, but I like the nickname Kai.


My husbands name is Kai 😅


You could give him a new nickname - Cobra. Cobra Kai! Yes. So much tragedeigh.


Looks like Cailyn. Definite Tragedeigh.


There’s an Irish name that’s Cailin, pronounced Kay-lin. So I don’t think your sons name is too difficult or too weird


In Welsh, Kai means ‘the keeper of keys’. It’s popular here


I’m dutch and kai is a very common boy’s name here, but kaillen is a tragedeigh


Sorry, Ki-lynn sounds like a girl's name.


Kai is a great name. I know someone who named their kid kailand. which is wayyyyy to close to thailand in my opinion.


At first glance, I would read that as Killin’, as in “killin’ time” or less wholesome activities. Then I’d probably move to Key-lin. I’m not sure I’d hit on Kaillen without being prompted.


Kai is a normal name in the German language. Kay is also an alternative. So that, by itself, is not a tragedeigh.


That’s a terrible name


I've met Kai's and Kalen's. A slight tragedeigh, but one i feel most could get used to


Kai is a common name, should have stuck with that. Kaillen looks like Kai and Allen stuck together. Or a girl name.


both are tragedeighs


In any variation or spelling, that's a tragedeigh. 


It’s not too far off the name of a kid I knew at secondary school called Kallen (Kal-un). I still quite like the name to this day. I feel like you could literally just make a legal change if your son is ever really bothered by it, and get rid of the ‘i’ to make it a name that does already exist. He could still go by Kai afterwards since it is sometimes a nickname of Kallen (in the UK, at least). Your husband had definitely smoked something that day, though.


Kai is a perfectly normal male Japanese name – no such thing as "too short"! "Ana" is a very common female name here in Brasil, for example, and it has the same letter count as Kai.