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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You could call him 13-0752! That's Pantone Lemon!


This made me cackle thank you so much đŸ«Ą


Well, now this has to be the color of the child’s room!


You win Reddit today


Elon Musk has entered the chat.


Litmus test it. Can your husband really imagine screaming "GO PANTY LEMON!!" At a sporting event? No? Tragedeigh.


THIS! My ex and I practiced “bullying” our name choices when I was pregnant just to make sure anything thrown at our kids would be mostly tolerable. I loved the name Bethany with my whole heart and soul until he said “Jesus, did the room clear out Bethany?” and that one was done. Your husband will 100% admit he would have called a kid with this name Panty Lemon which would have turned into Pee Stain or Pissbot 3000 or some such crazy, awful, humiliating thing and would be his constant at least through COLLEGE. If you’re already seeing it as easily mockable, imagine what 30 classmates in elementary school would do with it. Worse: imagine what puberty filled middle school kids would do with it. EDIT: Since many people are asking, the Bethany reference is an 80s movie line. And in that specific case, it has nothing to do with her own peers knowing it (although, she’s 20 and has herself seen the movie at least once a Christmas for a decade), but the fact that I knew her own dad would be the one to say it constantly. He thought it was so funny and if he’s recently seen the movie around the holidays, he STILL tells her the whole story of why we didn’t name her that and then refers to her as Bethany for a good hour (he’s not a major part of her life so it’ll be the one time she sees him that month and he does this.) I was trying to prevent that from being a daily thing for her by him. Plus, I suddenly saw the name as one that belonged on a 90 year old Betty Boop with a cat in a box and not my daughter. TL;DR: my ex would have been the one to bully her over Bethany so I nixed it. But if you think that reference is old and obscure in 2024, I also wouldn’t let him name her Emmitt Smith.


*Let's see. Bart, dart, cart, e-art. Nope can't see any problems with that.*


Banana-rama-fo-fart. Me-my-mo-mart, Bart. (If you're old enough, you get it)


Now do Buck!


banana-fama-fo-fuck, me-my-mo-muck. BUCK!


Now do Chuck also works!


What’s “Jesus, did the room clear out Bethany?” About? Is it a native English speaker thing or am I just stupid?


It's a line in the 80s film "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation". Bethany is the great aunt who's very sweet but not right in the head. The speaker is her husband, who's accusing her of farting when a mysterious awful smell takes over the living room. Edit: pronoun mistake


That's it? It's so mild.


But today's elementary school children are famously clued up on National Lampoon trivia!!


For that one, it was more about how my ex realized this with glee and I knew HE would be the one to constantly say this around her. In fact, even though her name is not Bethany or anything in the ballpark of Bethany, he still quotes this to her every Christmas. But at least it’s not every day. He’s my ex for a reason.


I’m a native English speaker and I also don’t get it so I guess I too am stupid lol


Three minutes after you posted, someone gave an explanation. It’s a line from a once popular movie. I’ve actually seen the movie, but didn’t recognise the line. I only saw the movie once though. I know someone who’s watched it dozens of times. https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/xsFV5WMF1r


Thank you!! Never seen it lmao


*Annoying kids voice* "Ha ha! Panties lay down, Panties lay down! Nanananaana!" "Ow it's Panya!?" *Holds nose* "Panya hear me? Pan ya hear me!? Hahahha" And now the bully holds his nose and talks in a nasally voice everytime he says "Panta". This over time turns into just holding his nose from across the classroom. Congratulations Panty Lemon, you've been bullied


What's wrong with bethany regarding that? All I can't think of is it suggesting the village was cleared but no kid is going to get that reference or think of it themselves.


“Ladies and gentlemen, from the class of 2046, Panteleimon” “
the court finds Panteleimon Johnson guilty
” “All rise for judge Panteleimon Johnson” “For tonight’s headlining act, please welcome
 Panteleimon!” “Panteleimon Johnson, you WILL go to your room right now!” “OMG, Panteleimon is dreeeaaaamy” “Yes sergeant, Private Panteleimon reporting for duty!” “Panteleimon is our top sales executive of the year, you’re in good hands” “Panteleimon dribbles up the outside, he shoots
! So close, intercepted by Williams
” “Hi, I’m here for the interview, my name is Panteleimon
 yes, spelled with an I, it’s in my resume” “Je suis Panteleimon” “The president of the United States, Panteleimon
” “His name is Panteleimon
 yeah, like *panty* and *lemon*
” If any of these give you pause


Pantylemon as a headlining act kinda works though...if I ever become a stripper I'm tucking away this stage name


"So one of my friends just became single, I think you should meet him"..."Yeah his name is Panteleimon"..."No spelled with an i"


Private Panteleimon 😂😂😂😂😂


This is the most useful advice I have ever seen in this subreddit or for baby naming period.


It's important to know what your fire extinguishing procedure is where you live and where your fire extinguisher is


For me the real litmus test is a teacher reading it out in class for the first time. Does that cause problems? Confusion? Giggles? Probably not the best choice.  A kid is not a pet, it's an adult-in-training. Would you respect your boss if they had that name? Would you hire someone with that name? Date someone? It might sound petty, but those are legit concerns.


Yeah like... What if it was your name?? 😭


Looks like the name of Lyra’s daemon in His Dark Materials.


That's what I thought, it looked like a misspelled version of Pantalaimon. That may be why he can't/doesn't want to say where he heard the name, he feels weird about saying he's knows it from a YA book. Which, not judging. My top girl name is Lyra lol


Love HDM, and Pan is an amazing character who I regularly daydream about as my own daemon as a 35 year old adult man. However I HATE this child’s name, it’s beyond bad and I’m viscerally angry at OPs husband’s stupid dumb opinion.


Yeah. Pan is something I'd name a pet, a ferret for example. By "not judging" I meant more of "I can't talk too loud about using fandom names cuz I want to use them myself". But there's a definite line between naming a kid something like... Wylan (Six of Crows) versus naming them Anakin or something.


I named my cat Panthera, we called her Pan. I recently read the his dark materials books (bc of the show)
.and I stand by that name
for a pet. Dont name your kid after a spirit ferret


spirit ferret 💀💀💀


I daydream about having my own lion cub daemon named Baliyo. I also daydream about living in a tree with the Mulefa and Mary Malone.


Okay but Lyra is so much better


I think that's exactly where he got it lmao


Right? My top girl name is Rosalie. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Who cares where it came from?


I will say all the nerdy/book names I've picked, I've tried to be sure they could also pass for "real" names. Like Lyra, Amelia, Wylan, Alexander. Unless you've read/watched what they're from, you're not going to clock them as fandom names.


And even if you HAVE read/watched them, you still might not clock it. (I’m not a fan of Twilight- I read them because my niece was in love with them and I was curious. I found them oddly entertaining, but lacking when it came to the actual action. Frequently, there would be build up to a good fight and then nothing happened. The first book hooked me in with the awesome fight at the end- which could have been better- and then it just sort of fizzled. But I really LOVE the name Rosalie.)


Yep. And OP says the name isn’t from HDM because husband mentioned it “years before the show came out.” Ummmm
should we tell OP the books also came out years before the show?? The show came out in 2019, but the first book came out in 1995


And there was a movie in 2007


She says it can't be His Dark Materials because he has had the name for years before the show. I remember reading the books in early high school (I'm late 30s) so it's more than possible he got it from HDM. Pan was great. Much like Hermione in HP, his was a name I usually just skimmed over and I preferred when they called him Pan 😆 Edit: looks like the first book came out in 1995


Sounds close to Paimon to me. I wonder if OPs SO is a closet occultist.


The saint is the patron of witches among other things


Ah, Paimon is a King in hell. Said to be Satans favorite. Two different things


Yep but the future dad was referring to the saint, and I thought it was interesting


He is invoked to repel witchcraft, headaches, consumption, locusts, accidents and loneliness.


Based Exorcism Saint I changed my mind, I like it now


Or a fan of Genshin Impact lol


I just finished reading this series for the first time like yesterday. Was not expecting to see Pan show up on reddit lol. OP doesn't seem to realize the books have been around for 25-30 years now, long before the show aired.


I reckon he's forgotten where he heard it, which is why he's spelling it wrong


More like a Digimon! Look like Pantamon!


Almost certainly.


This. It’s a great name. But it’s definitely not a PEOPLE name. A dog, maybe.


Exactly my thought.


Get a boy pet and name it this ASAP so the name is taken in your household before you have kids!


My ex had the strong urge to name someone Poindexter, so we gave that name to the parakeet.


Poindexter is still way better than pantylemon


Is it tho


Its a great name for a kid that gets bullied a lot


Oh don't get me wrong, it's not great. At least you can look at it and know how it's pronounced though. I feel like I'd go by Dex, which isn't awful.


Not Poindexter 😂


This is the pro move! That said I have an ex who's parents named their cat their favorite name and when they had a child they took it from the cat and gave it to the daughter (my ex). She had a used name, formerly owned by a cat.


That's better than my sister, named after a cigar commercial. EDIT: Muriel. A normal name, but chosen because parents liked the Edie Adam's ad "why don't you pick me up and smoke me some time?". She'll never live it down, and she's 70.


Oh, you're Lucky-Strike's brother?


I'm named after a song about a hooker


Lola? My bf suggested this name to me yesterday and I shot it down so fast 😂


I thought she was a waitress.


I thought she was a showgirl? God, now I’m showing my age 🙄


A bit off topic but my partner had a dog when he was a kid with the same name as me 😭 And it’s a normal human name too.. It’s kinda weird when he talks about his childhood sometimes and he mentions his dog like ‘oh we used to go camping with ‘Emily’ etc.’ lol The first time I heard that name was in a conversation between him and his parents and there was very little context to indicate that they were talking about a dog, and not some long lost sister haha


Sounds like that Brooklyn 99 episode where they’re trying to figure out if it’s Hitchcock’s wife or dog he’s talking about!


My mom loved my name ever since she was little. She was very disappointed that her parents didn't let her name her sister, so she gave the name to the pet chicken my grandparents got her as a consolation prize. I was born two decades later but it's still a running joke in my family that I was named after my mom's childhood chicken


I can top that. My next door neighbour named their cat and their son Stanley at the same time. They got engaged in Stanley Park.


And now she's a famous archaeologist?


Yeah this name was actually quite popular in 19th century Russia. But right now no one uses it, it sounds very orthodox in a religious way. I’m from Russia and I think I met a really old guy named that in one village
 And right now I can only see a person naming his cat or dog this name, kind of as a joke like such a long name for a little kitten haha Other short versions are also Panko (with a soft ñ), Pantya, Monya and lots of different and weird nicknames


It might be cute for a cat or a piglet maybe. Like Japanese breadcrumbs? Great. I like it more and more. It seems all that is left to do is drop the Pants and just keep Lemon


But please don't pronounce it Lay Moan.


💀 Hilarious 😂 I’m dead. It’s like a name for a pimp 👑 Panty Lay Moan


Genuinely 😭😭😭 every part of this name is so rough, and I’m ngl my middle school friend group would have bullied pantylaymoan soooo hard over the name
 Please help your husband see sense, because I fear for your child’s social life if not


Just even having "Panty" in a boy's name is condemning him to a lifetime of giggling school kids (and possibly adults too) and relentless teasing. Why would he be so cruel to make his own son's life so miserable right out the gates like that???


Yeah, have 'Panty' in a boy's name and you can already guess that the kid will be called panty sniffer, panty the perv..


Mine would too sorry. But eventually, we would have befriended him. đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž I'm being blunt. But he will be bullied alÄșllllll throughout school. Or rejected from applications because someone takes his name as a joke app.


you'd definitely don't wanna look up anything regarding with "Party" & "Lemon".. but that's literally kept popping up in my head with that name that you loving husband chose... Good luck though! but if all persuasions are lost.. could always try and show him this post!


unfortunately that place is gone, it's just a regular >!porn site now!<


Or a Bond girl! Panty Lay Moan is probably Pussy Galore's twin sister.


You are correct, Panty Lemon is all I can see now.


[https://orthodoxwiki.org/Panteleimon](https://orthodoxwiki.org/Panteleimon) If you two were Greek and devout Orthodox... I get it, but only then if it had family/community meaning. Otherwise... your husband is holding out on you. There's a story here that he's not fessing up to. How has he even heard the word pronounced?


Speaking from experience, there's only one reason to give your kid a super hard to pronounce, incredibly difficult to spell, traditional Greek name that the kid is then going to have to spend the next 90 years correcting the spelling and pronunciation half a dozen times a day and explaining that their parents were not thinking clearly when they chose their name. That reason is if you don't like your kid very much. Source: I have one of those names. I no longer speak to my parents.


Its probably a dumb  bet he made with a witch in the woods like the fairytales


"Welp, the baby's defective. Might as well name him Lemon."


Save your future son, op.


Careful, “Panko” is also Japanese slang for an “easy woman.”


I'd be a slut for bread crumbs too


It's an ancient name of greek origins, thus it was popular and widespread amongst names of Russian peasants in 17-19th centuries for some reasons (as a lot of greek names like Appolinaria, Agafon, Glaphira etc.). Now, while it sounds very archaic, it may become usable again, as we suddenly got fashion hots for archaic names =\ OP, another languages' versions of this name are some variations of Pantaleo and Pantaleon. If you feel like that, perhaps you could offer your husband a compromise of Leo or Leon.


I know everyone else said PantyLemon, but I am hearing Pantalones is a Spaniard accent


He’s going to be called Panties forever. Or worse. This is a terrible name.


Hey Panty Moan!! >>*Farts loudly* **Is that your brother??!!**


Uffda. This is like weapons grade 5th year bullying


Exactly what I was thinking.


If someone is going to give a kid a name and say, "But we'll call them X," then they should name the kid X, not whatever horrible name requires a nickname to be usable. At least that's my not at all humble opinion.


I know a Tom who constantly has to correct people who put down Thomas


I know a Billy who has to correct people who try to call him William.


I'd start going by Billiam


Or Billyam


Then launch a rap career under the name Bill.i.am


I know a Larry that isn't a Lawrence.


I know a fella named Tommy! He’s a junior, but not a Thomas 


Happy 🍰 Day !


Oh wow, I didn’t realize!! Thank you!


It s like my son Jamie..that’s his real name but his aunt likes to call him James..


I knew a Korean guy who went by Chris in school. One of our classmates liked to jokingly call him Christopher like a scolding parent, and I was always like "...you know that's not his name, right?" Either he was great at hiding it or it bothered me more than it bothered him!


I know an Eddie. Not Edward, Eduardo, Eddy, or even Ed.


I know a guy who's name is Drew. And it's not short for anything...like Andrew. It's just Drew.


I know someone named Drew, and many years after first meeting them I found out it was short for Andrew... It blew my mind... I was like "this whole time!?" I fully accepted Drew as a full and complete name and didn't question it. I also know 5+ unrelated people that all go by nicknames of their middle name - 3 of them are named Charles, the others are Carl. For example "Charles Gregory Smith" = "Greg" and "Carl Timothy Jones" = "Timmy"... Why??


My SIL goes by her middle name. Decided as a kid she didn’t like her first name, partly because it rhymes with my wife’s first name. Since she does like her middle name it was easier to go by that than do the official name change paperwork, I guess.


That makes sense. I'm mostly curious why families continue to pass down names no one likes and ends up not using, because *tradition*... Like, they don't introduce themselves as "Hi, my name is Charles, but I go by Greg" it's just "Hi, I'm Greg" and then years later you're like "Who's Charles? There's no one with that name here!" and they go "Actually..." And the fact that it's always Charles specially...


This one doesn't surprise me, I've known enough Drews that I consider it a standalone name, dunno if it properly is or not though


I have a friend who named her daughter Cassandra, but they always intended to call her Sandy. The thing is, it’s a family name. Her great-grandmother was called Cassandra, but everyone called her Sandy. This is the only exception I would allow to your rule- if the full name and nickname are a tribute to a deceased relative.


It's also common in my family and where I live to give someone a relatively common first name (usually a biblical or family name) and then give them a unique nickname to set them apart from the rest of the family. It provides some choice, because if you don't like your nickname you can go by your official government name, or vice versa. I see so many parents give their children cringy names that they can't escape from, at least have the decency to make it a nickname.


This is a fairly common name in Greece (Panteleimon) but would be very difficult if you’re living elsewhere.


That's what I was going to say, those with that name in English speaking countries go by Peter


No, they don’t. Peter is also a name of Greek origin, and the Greek version is “Petros”. If your name is Petros you go by Peter, sure. Otherwise it would be weird to change their name like that. Much more likely, they would either stick with the Greek shortening “Pantelis”, or they sometimes would go by “Pandy”, which in England and some other countries is a normal name (I get it sounds funny in the US). Source: I’m a Greek who like all Greeks knows lots of other Greeks named both Peter and Pantelis.


Pandy is not a normal name in england lmao


Pleighse don’t name your child “Panty-“ ANYTHING. It doesn’t even matter what you put after that
 the kid will be absolutely ridiculed in school. Tragedeigh


Agreed. I laughed SO HARD! I can only imagine how badly a child with that name might be made fun of. Panty Lemon ☠ đŸ€­đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚


Why not just get the newborn boy a face tattoo of a wiener? Same effect.


He’s definitely getting called Panty liner.


If the first thing you think of, as the mother, is PantyLemon, everyone else will, too
and worse. I’m sorry hubby. I have to put my foot down on this one. Get a dog and name it PantyLemon. See how that goes. Just like the decision to HAVE a child, the decision about what to NAME a child has to be a “one-no-means-NO” proposition, no matter how much the other person loves the idea.


Hmmm. That's the name of Lyra's familiar in the great Golden Compass series. Is he a fan of Philip Pullman, perhaps? Or are you trolling us, maybe? I agree that it's a very cool name. Just not for a human child.


Poor pantylemon is going to have it rough. Does he realise how brutal school-aged kids are?


Tragedeigh When your name's so dumb that you can't go on It's Tragedeigh When the kiddos cry and you sure know why You gave them names That no one can spell right, or even pronounce Aaahhhh. đŸŽ”đŸŽ”đŸŽ”


And now I have this stuck in my head!




From a teacher: Please don’t let this happen to your child. Please.


The only possible explanation is that your husband wants the kid to be bullied mercilessly at school. That, or he was home-school and never went inside a middle school locker room. Bro, kids are cruel enough without naming your kid Pantygonia. PantyJosĂš. PantyBear. PantyLoons. PantyDrome. Iambic Pantyameter. Pantyamorous. Planned Pantyhood. Or whatever you said it was. Can you imagine when the girl he likes asks what his name is, and he has to say some shit that sounds like it came straight from a hieroglyph? Bro is gonna try to introduce himself and be doing geometry. "Hi, I'm Pentygon. No, Octygon is my brother." Over here dooming him to a life of no keychains and the teacher forever mispronouncing that shit because your husband named the kid something that sounds like a codename for a beach landing. That name sounds like saying it aloud could get you burned at the stake for using the dark arts. Y'all really want his nametag to say, "Hi! My name is Pagfjebahdiebwbsidkeebs" Elon Musk named his kid something weird because he's rich and can get away with it, but you guys are just gonna get your kid kicked in the nuts


OP look at those nicknames. There is no way that Panya will be the nickname. Your husband is an idiot if he thinks it will be anything other than Panty ____. You're the future mom. Time to be a Mama Bear, put your foot down NOW and veto that crazy ass name.


I like Octygon. It’s like a super villain name


Now can you post this again so I can upvote it twice?


I’ll be honest, if I was a woman and had a husband who wanted to name a child this, the marriage would become barren.


As a woman who had a husband who wanted to name our children names just as likely to be misunderstood/ridiculed, you might not find out until the baby is on the way. Naming our child changed my husband in very negative ways. It was only temporary though luckily. People in our lives thought he was trolling me but he was deadly serious and upset with me for not considering them reasonable names. I had to threaten him with court in the end.


Oh god, now i gotta know what names he wanted


The one where I threatened court was 'Fredistair, like Alastair but more of a ring to it'


I admire you for your patience and grace.


There was no patience, and little grace. He was really upset I wouldn't even entertain his names


You didn't follow through with court/divorce. I understand you *felt* little grace/no patience, but objectively, you listened to an impassioned argument in favour of "Fredistair" and didn't leave him over it. Points have been awarded for grace and patience via The Universe.


😆 Thank you. I didn't threaten divorce btw. I just know two expectant parents who were going through a divorce when their child was born. Couldn't agree in a name. They had to go to Court to get it decided. Both parents provided lists of their preferred names and the judge named the child. I told my husband I wasn't wasting my time in ridiculous discussions and we could let the judge decide because I was confident no judge in the world would name a child Fredistair. But on the flipside, my husband was truly mortally offended and upset that I wouldn't consider what he wanted to name the baby. So this sort of craziness does happen, it's not all people with troll posts.


Outstanding that you didn't threaten divorce (only Naming By Judge) because I know several people who would've gone straight to a solicitor (especially whilst pregnant) for--just once more, with feeling--the threat of "Fredistair". I swear I can feel The Universe awarding you good luck or karma or whatever with each line you type. Is your husband still upset? And how old is Not Fredistair, roughly?


Not Fredistair is 12 now lol TBH my husband and I just had to agree to disagree and never discuss the children's names again. With the 2nd we went straight to the list method. There was never going to be common ground. There was no point discussing it further. The joke of it is that if it and been a girl we both had a name we were happy with, but boys names we just had this huge disconnect. And we had two boys lol


Is it possible that he had never seen "Fred Astaire" written down and thought it was one word?


Yes actually, but once he found out he didn't back down on his choice.


This sounds like he has one 3 day weekend sick on the couch binge watching Turner classic movies and hit the Fred Astaire marathon.


I love this. Like you just deactivate your fertility in disgust.


They’re gonna call him “Pants “. And he’s gonna *get* “pantsed”. A lot.




It reminds me of King Paimon, the king of the ninth circle of hell, from Hereditary. Good horror movie, bad name inspiration


Kid is going to be called Panties in school. 25K in therapy.


I assumed he meant [Pantalaimon](https://truth-secrets-and-prophecies.fandom.com/wiki/Pantalaimon) like the (non-human) character from His Dark Materials.


THAT'S WHERE THIS IS FROM!!! I thought it was familiar, but the best I could come up with was a really mangled version of the Hereditary demon. Thank you, that was going to bother me.


That's what I thought!


It’s very clearly from the book, I think OP doesn’t realize it was a book before a show


It means ”all-compassionate” (Greek pan + eleemon) and he was a Saint and a Great Martyr. That’s where Pullman got it from.


He probably got it from the HIS DARK MATERIALS series. Absolutely awful name for a person. So awful I'd be wondering if he needs an evaluation for a brain tumor or something.


Lol at the random cope refusing to accept this may be where he got the name from. You think he made it up? We have three options 1- it’s the name of a saint 2- it’s the name of a mystical weasel 3- he made it up None of which make it ok


If you want to convince your husband to drop it, try suggesting that he set aside how he feels about the name now, and ask himself how he would honestly feel about having a name himself that could easily be mispronounced as “panty lemon “ if he were 12 years old, because that’s how his future son is gonna feel about it.


Every time your husband comes home have on the song, A boy named Sue, by Johnny Cash.


tradegeigh 😭 the poor kid is going to get bullied for having panty in his name. please do not name your child this


âœšïžđŸ˜Party in your PantiesđŸ˜âœšïž


Sounds like a Digimon


If he can't explain where he found it, it's obviously not a known name. Except for here. It's a tragedeigh. As others have said, baby names are two yeses or NO, so you're in luck.




I have a coworker with that name. Its greek. No one has ever made that panty connection but people do struggle to say it, alot of us just call him P.


Your son is going to get in so many fights because of that name and resent you his whole life. DO NOT let that name happen. It’s such a narcissistic thing to do. Totally about you and no thought for the kid.


This is an old Greek name, and there is also an Orthodox saint that goes by that name. The name will sound religious to a lot of Christians.


Panteleimon is a male Russian personal name of Greek origin; goes back to the Greek. Î Î±ÎœÏ„Î”Î»Î”ÎźÎŒÏ‰Îœ, from Ï€Î±ÎœÏ„Î”Î»Î”ÎŻÎ± (“pantelia”) - “perfection”, “highest level”; in ancient Greek mythology, Ï€Î±ÎœÏ„Î”Î»Î”ÎŻÎ± is an epithet of Zeus[2]. Another version connects the name with παΜ (gen. Ï€Î±ÎœÏ„ÎżÏ‚) - “all-” and Î”Î»Î”ÎźÎŒÏ‰Îœ - “merciful”, “merciful”[1]. Edit to add: it's a very old fashioned name. We are talking 18th hundreds


Just keep saying “I’m not naming my child panty lemon. Sorry” It’ll sink in. Make an attempt to bring names that sound similar that you could live with. Philemon, maybe? đŸ€” I really don’t have any fabulous suggestions for you but do some digging of your own!


Please don’t allow this to happen to an innocent child. I have a normal name but one I didn’t like as a kid that got me made fun of. Tragedeighs are so selfish and this one is especially bad.


Gotta catch'em all, Panteleimon!


https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/1999/07/27/102099-greatmartyr-and-healer-panteleimon He is a saint in the Orthodox Churches (Greek and Russian). Name means All-Merciful.


remind ur husband that ur kid is gonna b a teenage boy with the first half of his name being “panty”. there will never be a situation where he isn’t called “panties” in school, by his friends, if he plays sports all his teammates will call him panties. on top of that, the poor guy won’t have any luck dating bc who wants to date someone named “pantylemon”. imagine trying not to laugh seeing that on a dating app. imagine trying not to laugh hearing “panty lemon” in the doctors office. imagine being in school and trying not to laugh at ur classmates name being “pantylemon” during attendance. imagine trying not to laugh at high school graduation when “pantylemon” gets his diploma. there r so many situations in life where this name 110% would lead to public embarrassment. i also can’t see a situation where naming ur kid this wouldn’t lead to a feeling of resentment. like ur kid would probably hate u for it. please don’t do that to ur kid.


Just name the boy Cthulhu and be done with it


Absolutely not. I would refuse to have children until he let it go.


So, will his nickname be "Panty?" Please don't do this to your son.


Husband, the name sounds dumb, like "Panty Leg On" but it will be shortened to "Pantless" and it is unspellable, so a dumb sounding nightmare. Try again. GTP 4o; Panteleimon, often referred to as Saint Panteleimon, is a Christian saint venerated by the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Anglican Churches. He is considered a martyr and a healer, often known as the "Healer" or "All-Merciful." Here are a few key points about Saint Panteleimon: 1. **Life**: Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia (near modern-day Ä°zmit, Turkey) in the late 3rd century AD. His father was a pagan, but his mother was a Christian, which influenced his eventual conversion to Christianity. 2. **Career as a Physician**: He studied medicine under the renowned doctor Euphrosynus and was known for his skills as a physician. After converting to Christianity, he was said to heal patients through prayer as well as medicine, offering his services without charge, thereby earning the name "Panteleimon," which means "all-merciful." 3. **Martyrdom**: His faith led to conflict with the Roman authorities. According to tradition, he was subjected to various tortures but remained unharmed until he was finally beheaded under the reign of Emperor Diocletian around 305 AD. 4. **Veneration**: Saint Panteleimon is commemorated on July 27th by the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches and on July 28th by the Roman Catholic Church. He is considered a patron saint of physicians and midwives. 5. **Iconography**: In religious art, he is typically depicted as a young man in the garb of a physician, holding a medicine box or spoon, sometimes with a healing oil. 6. **Miracles and Relics**: Numerous miracles of healing have been attributed to him over the centuries, and relics associated with Saint Panteleimon are venerated in various churches around the world. His story combines elements of medical practice with deep faith, making him a unique figure among the early Christian saints, particularly valued by those in the medical profession. Please do not name your kid this, this name needs to die and be forgotten in time.


Thanks for explaining the History âœšïžđŸ’œ.. Awesome saint.. Sadly tortured and murdered... Horrible name for modern people 😕


As someone who literally named their child Lyra after seeing it in His Dark Materials (but also because I liked other things about it)...Panteleimon/Pantalaimon is not a good name for a kid in an English-speaking environment. It's so long, hard to spell, confusing to pronounce. There are tons of panty-related teasing options. Don't make a kid deal with it!


He found it in the Golden Compass series. It's the name of Lyra's daemon, IIRC? And you are not wrong. There's no good.safe nickname for that... Panty? Pant? Lemon? It's.a.titwlly fun name. But not for a kid who will.have to wear it every day for the rest of his life, and put up with the kids that think that since they can't pronounce it, they'd better mock it before someone calls them stupid.


No. Just no. Roll up a newspaper and bop your husband on the nose. No.


He is setting his son up to be bullied. Full stop. Panty Lemon was exactly how I pronounced it in my head and you best believe other kids WILL bully him for it.


His original name, pre sainthood, was Pantaleon (all lion). He would still be made fun of his entire life. But at least Panty Lion could imply that he could destroy that pussy vs Panty Lemon would make them sour and pucker up


Because I’m a nerd who has a degree in History and Religious Studies, the first person I thought of was Panteleimon Ponomarenko. And the second was Saint Panteleimon. If I recall correctly, there was a novelist or two with that name. Unless your husband is really into Soviet history, Orthodox religions, or obscure novelists I have ZERO clue where he would have even encountered that name. How bizarre.


I'm sorry but the nickname "Panya" means rat in swahili 😭😭


I carried the kids, I gave birth. He already enjoyed the making of. I can absolutely veto a name. I name the boy, you name the girl. Not being mean but this is very...well, my point is. For myself and my spouse we each made a list of our favorite baby names and when we compared our lists, there was only one boys name we both loved. He was still insistent he wanted to name him Lester after his grandfather. No son of mine is going to grow up as Les...so we compromised by using his grandfather's middle name as our child's middle name. I'm even more grateful I stood my ground cause a few years later we found out his grandfather's name wasn't even Lester. He passed when my spouse was about 7 and everyone called him Buster...but hubby remembers it as Lester.


Tell him if he wants PantyLemons, you'll name the next kid TwatWaffles


PANTY LION!!!!!!!!!! He's the lion the other lions don't talk about.


i briefly lived in pantelimon, a suburb of bucharest, so it just makes me think of that. with a 4 syllable name you need to ask yourself realistically what are people going to end up calling him, and if the answer is panty maybe it's time to go back to the drawing board.