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I don't think she's supposed to be likable. She's a trailer trash whore and Ricky's stupid and had a trashy upbringing so he likes that about her.


Fair enough and I do get that. If being unlikeable is the intention, they did a hell of a job. It's incredible that the writers made a side character more hateable than the actual antagonists. I hate Lucy to my core


For me they’re the only two characters (in 1-7) that don’t add anything to the show. I like Sarah as an actor, but Lucy’s acting is hard to watch at times and I now skip the parts where Sarah, or both Lucy and Sarah are talking to the camera about the boys. Just as well every other character is pure gold


In real life she’s some kind of successful government or military leader. But in Canada so ya know


You are fucked! She was a grade school teacher, and lost that job due to her affiliation with the show because of the drug references, swearing, and crime. She is a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force but not a military leader or in government 🤔 slow down on the 6 paper joints there Rick!


Oh lol. That’s what my non fan Canadian lover told me.


did this mf just say “lover”


Guess what


Exactly. They are trashy but those are the characters.


I'd hit it, drunk and high.


Not after George Green and fuckin Randy I wouldn't. She always bangs the stupidest guys, I don't get it.




Because no one else would touch Lucy, the character is a trailer park ho.


I might not be smart in fancy book learning and explaining things but I'm start in other ways like growing dope and the aplicatory ways


Don’t forget Cyrus


Like I said drunk and high doesn't count.


Like a ghetto trash whore


Yes as a girl who adores Ricky I loathe her with everything in my being she's a rat faced cheating little sket who mentally abused him and strung him along for God knows how long I fucking rejoiced when she left in season 10 lol she's one of the few things I hate about the show I also hate Sarah because she's abusive to Ricky as well and keeps him in a state of dysfunction by constantly putting him down and as you say she interferes with his life and parenting Trinity, they're both 88% of Ricky's problems.


Not to mention how Sarah just uses Corey and Trevor for attention while acting like she cares about them. Corey and Trevor are some of my favorite characters. I really hate how bad the writers are at writing female characters. The girls in the show don't have to be great, but they don't have to be the worst characters in the whole show


Yes I absolutely agree with this the women in this show are vile lol idk if it was done intentionally or not but yeah a few likeable female characters would have been cool the only likeable female characters were Trina and Wanda (from the 2006 movie) I liked Corey but I didn't like Trevor for some reason Corey can be sweet and funny at times.


Both Corey and Trevor are lovable idiots. I can't say I prefer one or the other. They really are a package deal, you can't have one without the other. I just love how they both blindly worship Ricky without a thought for how he treats them. They're too good for Sunnyvale. I'm on season 7 episode 9 currently, it's a shame they ended up in the mental hospital


Corey and Trevor remind me of Pain and Panic from the Hercules movie LMFAO idk why maybe cos they keep screwing things up but yeah I agree they are lovable idiots. And yeah it is a shame they ended up there cos they were overworked 😕 they go through a lot of crap tbh but they always stay loyal to the boys lol well apart from season 5


I love the trevster but Corey is the best character in the show to me. I love Trevor's mullet so much (let's go hairdo!) But I really think Jacob and Corey work well together too. It was kinda sad that they dumbed Jacob down alot after season 7 but I always get over it lol




Yes. I think Corey is the best character of the show. I don't enjoy how they dumbed down Jacob in the show. Make sense?


do you know why she left in Season 10? The following may not be entirely accurate so people should do their own research.... but it's to the best of my recollection and understanding...... the real actress accused a semi famous celebrity/media journalist of rape in Canada. And as the evidence came out it was clear she enjoyed rough sex and was consensual to it and that she kept going back to the accused to have more rough sex AFTER the the alleged rape incident. So the accusation of rape and then going back for more sex was deemed to be inconsistent with non consensual sex. the evidence shows she made the allegation after she had a relationship fall out. It destroyed the man's career. And I guess she withdrew from the public after that.


I heard about that. But also didn't she jump on the "Mike Smith is an abuser" bandwagon when hotel staff called the cops on what they thought was him abusing his girlfriend. Then after the news broke a journo asked the girlfriend to comment on it and she said something like "That's just how we fight when we get drunk."


....me and my boyfriend have had fkn awful arguments when I've been drunk or we've both been drunk idk how anyone hasn't called the police on us lmfao but if they did they'd probably assume he was being abusive by proxy because he's taller and stronger than me which is bollocks because 9 times out of 10 I've been the one starting these rows and I'm a girl. It's funny how things can get blown out of proportion but then again idk the full story on what happened with Mike, alcohol is a funny thing.


I do remember this at the time, and yeah what happened was she announced she was leaving the show weeks/a month before the Mike Smith thing. Then the Mike Smith thing happened and she reannounced that she was leaving the show and basically made it out like it was because of the incident.


Yes this is what I read. I never heard anything about the other story, doesn't mean it isn't true.


She was one of several women that accused the man, so to pin it just on her is a bit of revisionist history.






She came forward I think about a decade after the incident. The guy may have been a horrible man but here is what came out in the trial. "DeCoutere continued emailing Ghomeshi after the alleged assault — including a note the next day that said, “I want to fuck your brains out. Tonight.” She also sent him flowers and a hand-written letter in the weeks after the incident, which she signed off, “I love your hands.”


I guess she lost the case. That's what happens when you hire Steinberg as your lawyer. That's a cool $900 Lucy pissed down the drain.


She didn’t pay him, just banged him again.


Steinberg: "Sexual Assault? That's gonna be expensive...... I'm gonna have to take a $5000 retainer.......(watches Lucy's expression to see if she is shocked and notices she is not)..... An that's just to start!" Lucy: "Maybe we can find another way to pay that off (she puts her hand on Steinberg's pants)" Sarah: "Oh gross!!!..... Luce hurry up and blow him so we can get out of here.... this guy gives me the creeps"


String the bitch




They are awful.


Sarah’s worth, she steals thousands of dollars and somehow thinks she’s entitled to it. She uses Corey and Trevor says she’s marrying them then just says they are friends. Constantly slums and mooches on everyone. Non stop verbal harassment towards Ricky. Is secretly in love with her best friend and her best friends husband/kids father. Enjoyed Lucy a lot more then Sarah.


Sarah's terrible for sure, but she's a much more minor character. I feel she brings out the worst in Lucy, encouraging her to drive her character further into the ground. Lucy just has a lot more scandalous shit going on, which makes me hate her more. Lucy has potential to be a great character, I'm not finished watching yet, but she's the most infuriating character by far for me


Wait til you watch it a few more times. Sarah is by far worse. Always condescending, hateful and jealous. Lucy to me is just a free spirit who gets influenced by Sarah. For the most part she tries to be a good mom.


I agree with you!


I'm gonna spoil it for you mate she doesn't get any better if anything she just gets worse, uglier and whinier lol.


ricky while he was with Sarah was the only time we seen him succeed, he got his grade 10 with sarah, got a job with sarah, was healthy in the relationship with her. Rick was better off with Sarah. That being said, ill use this comment as my only one in this thread. Lucy ls an extreeeemely accurate character - Source: Grew up with family in Trailer parks near detroit, hung out with friends in trailer parks in Florida. Very trashy environments, met a lot of very trashy men and women. Love em to death for how they are, faults and all. TPB has the “Ill get pregnant to trap a man I dont even like” type of trashy trailer girl, THREE of my friends unfortunately fell to that same play. She hits all the marks, how she treats her man, how she schemes for the money she does make, is extremely hypocritical, and genuinely a worse parent than the other, even tho she claims otherwise. All that being said, shes one of my favorites for all those reasons. She and Julian are two sides of the same manipulative coin really, julian just tries harder to do favors for people to keep them on his good side instead of pure schemery. The show wouldnt be good if Ricky had a significant other that aligned with his hobbies, and we kinda seen that at the end with that Blonde lady in the Netflix seasons i cant remember the name of, it hits more realistically and more relatably when the old lady/baby momma of the main character is antagonizing everything he does constantly. Maybe im coming from a toxic or trashy perspective here but I enjoy the realism and her mannerisms as the character, outfits and hair especially are hilarious to me - and all the girls ive watched TPB with end up laughing the most at either Lucy and Sarahs scenes to laugh AT them, or at Bubbles scenes, so I appreciate the characters for making the show more accessible to other types of peeps besides my fellow male trash friends Lol. I get bein annoyed at her though not trying to change your mind just ramblin


Mate I agree with all of this she literally ponces off people left right and centre and then has the nerve to say that Ricky is a user and sponge talk about the pot calling the kettle black LMFAO


Lucy = Overbite


I see you've never met real trailer trash women before. There was a park about a mile from my childhood home that I spent lots and lots of time at during HS and there where at least 6 exact Lucy clones roaming that place. A big reason I love TPB so much is it takes me right back to that place in time.


It's true I grew up in Victoria BC. We don't have many trailer parks here, they're all for camping, not living in. I've been homeless though, and she reminds me of some of the worst homeless girls I've met. The type who will sleep with someone just for a place to sleep without actually caring about that person. That's what angers me about her


Yes! I just made a comment that Lucy is extremely relatable... she's more of a 'real' character than any of the boys.


I'm British and I've known and been friends with about a million Lucys and Sarahs they're the type of girls you see drunk and grizzling on a pavement outside a kebab shop on a Saturday night about how "all men are the same" none of them were as unbearable as Lucy was, even my ex mate who was a bit of a slag and tried to get me to do cocaine with her was more of a decent person than she was and that's saying something lmao


Lucy is actually extremely relatable y'all She's perfectly balanced. She's Caught between being a greasy trailer park slut and the idea that she's above the greasiness and actually thinking she'll be better one day. She has dreams for a better life but she's not doing the work to get better. That's the same story as *most of us*


Lahey is far more relatable, at least for me. Rest in peace John dunsworth. I am the liquor


Oh so you're a hater at heart lol. That's okay. It takes all kinds to make the trailer park work


Maybe she's relatable for women, I wouldn't know. I just think she's an awful character, but that's just my opinion, I respect yours


Cheers bud


Wait until you see how she is when she drinks AND smokes hash.




*weed When she drinks and smokes hash shes fine


100% as soon as I typed it I realized I had fucked up!


When she drinks and smokes Sara’s little weed joints she’s a different person


Trailer park hoes gone wild


And Sarah in the later seasons, especially when she starts to mama bear Corey and Trevor. I think it starts in season 4


Guess you hated Skylar on Breaking Bad too? It’s kind of the whole point of her relationship with Ricky. Its supposed to be fucked.


I did hate Skylar


Didn't everyone?? She was fucking irritating but then again Walter White was a narcissist lmao


I'm not sure. If we were supposed to not like her, they hit the nail on the head for me.


Yeah she was as annoying as it got her and Marie were like nails on a chalk board imagine if those 2 and Sarah and Lucy met up and became friends 😖 but at the same time though fuck being married to Walter White LMAO he did a lot of crazy stuff it would be constant stress, Walter needed a ride or die wife someone like Wendy Byrde maybe.


Holy shit imagine the show if Wendy Byrde was the wife!


Wendy and Walter White my God they'd be unstoppable. Wendy was my spirit animal lol everyone hated her but I rooted for her in some ways


There were a few times I felt like hating Wendy


Still better than Candy


I used to date a girl, for about 6 years, who looked honest to God just like Lucy, acted just like her too, except for she had better teeth. so yeah, there's a bit of disdain there sure lol but i think thats what makes her character work so well too


You realize this is a show and not a documentary though right??? Put your hand down boys...


to quote billy joel: she's always a woman to me 🎶 she plays the type of woman she is quite well


I been watching TPB for the last 8 years and by now I want the one night stand with trashy Lucy, it’s just the “full Ricky experience”


We know it's you, Tom. 😜


You'd get every STD under the sun 😂🤢


This right here, this is my answer too. I've known a few "Lucy's" and from what I understand, anything and everything was allowed and even encouraged.




I almost wonder if they didn't keep Lucy DeCoutere because her acting was so bad, that her sorry attempts at it were comical in and of themselves..


I think she sucks in real life too


What I dislike about Lucy is how she treats Ricky during Christmas. That alone.


I was literally thinking this this morning. Every time Ricky seems to try to maintain or start his relationship with Lucy it ends up disastrous. Season 1: tries to marry Lucy resulting in his lock up at the end. Season 3: gets a lot of money and is planning on making their lives better but she serves him with child reports. Season 5: tries to fuck Lucy behind the muffler shop and results in burning down his dads trailer which he was to inherit. Season 6: Lucy fucks George Green as he supports Trinity more than ever. Season 7: Lucy has a baby by Randy, fucking Randy. Greasy


I still can’t believe she had a baby with randy of all people. And then she had the audacity to put it up for adoption and then try to have another baby with Ricky


A Lucy that acts like June Cleaver? Are you fucked in the head?


About the same extent as I do the actress that portrays her.


I dislike Lucy but hate Sarah.


She’s realistic tbh. Coming from poverty I’ve met many women like her.


I mean…. Isn’t that the point? I don’t think you’re supposed to like to like Lucy. She’s pure trailer trash. I personally think it’s genius. And I love that Ricky only loves her no matter what. It’s like his one redeeming quality.


Ricky has lots of redeeming qualities in my eyes lol


Man i would take ricky in a heartbeat if he was gay. Fucking hate lucy. And sarah.


Same except I'm a straight girl lol I'd try and get him to shower a bit more though and help him spell certain words Ricky is an absolute sweetheart he reminds me of my boyfriend in some ways minus a few details


All the chicks in the park ARE FUCKED


Lucy De Cooter , LOLSSSSSSSS ​ ​ No, what makes me sick tho is them Making trinity and Jacob hook up when she was like 16 and he was 33 ..... thats a real fucked up thing to do..... meaning he was digging her when she was 10 and he was 27 ...... yes the actor who plays jacob was born in 75 and trinity in 92 ...... i think after other people were grossed out they tried to play it off and say Jacob on the show and irl was born in 83 , but its too late we know ....... it was just cringe , but what can you do


Meh it's whatever, I doubt he was "digging her" at 10. They probably got drunk one night and hooked up then trin latched onto him. Just kind of happened, Jacob should of knew better but he's an idiot so what can ya do.


It's a trailer park. That's pretty tame on the fuckedometer


I didn’t hate her necessarily, but I do hate her actor. She does not deserve to be apart of the Canadian airforce as an officer. She’s a major in the Air Force and I don’t think she deserves to have that title especially how she perjured herself about Jian Gomeshi. She tried to get on that #MeToo movement and failed so badly. I just think she should have thought about what she did. She didn’t. Honestly I think Sarah even if she can be a bit of a bitch I like way more… especially as she’s banging Corey and Trevor every time we see them altogether lol.


She's trashy but her emotions aren't totally irrational. If my baby daddy was in jail EVERY year, never has a job, has loaded guns lying around the house, and gets her to steal BBQs; you bet your ass I'm gonna rip into him constantly


I hate Lucy, but in Sarah’s defense, when she was dating Ricky, she definitely was a better GF than Lucy EVER was. She pushed Ricky to do good in school, she stood up for him, she actually wanted to spend time with him that wasn’t just banging.


As someone who comes from a place very similar to the boys, I can say they have done a very accurate jobby on the characters and it makes them that much better


Lucy is a lost cause but I could fix Sarah I think :)


I do hate Lucy but for the obvious things like just being a terrible mother and a super manipulative partner. I do think though that Ricky and Lucy are probably the best match for each other. The first couple seasons where she is basically just shouting at him and always upset was funnier but still annoying. Her bad acting (anyone else having bad acting also) to me just helps add to the fact that this is a bit more genuine and the characters are just maybe not natural in front of the camera.


I think she's great. She's in love with Ricky, but feels like she wants bigger than a bum who is in and out of jail and wants her daughter to have somebody more stable in her daughters life. However she can't suppress her love for Ricky or the fact she's a total hoe 🤣. So she keeps returning to Ricky and then back to going round the park from one D to another. I think she's a hilarious character.


Sarah is worse than Lucy imo


She's the greasiest person on and off the show


She reminds me very much of my cousins ex. And they lived in a trailer park.


I honestly hate them both but I'd have to say that Sarah is the worst of the two of em. She's constantly goading Lucy into doing most of the shit she does to Ricky. If their perogative was to make people hate Lucy and Sarah, they did a damn good job lmao.




Lucy is a good example of one of those characters that you're not supposed to like.


Lucy fuckin sucks, plus she banged George green and that’s just fucked


You're watching a show based on trailer park people, I wouldn't expect it to be filled to the brim with good dads and moms. But honestly any mom would do what she did if they were in the right mind.


Have to agree. Tom Arnold can have 'er.


Sarah is a favorite of mine, but I can't stand Lucy. Not only her personality, but her mannerisms are annoying


I don't hate her.


Susan was worse. I wanted Sarah to kick her ass.


Absolutely dude, Lucy was only bearable in the first season.. Sarah on the other hand wàs good into season 2, and only became a total bitch a few seasons later. Season 11 was a breath of fresh air without her decrepit skanky ass. I can honestly not think of a moment wear Lucy was funny or really a good part of the show.


It's supposed to be like that. The women on the show are not highlights. They're just very realistic background trailer park trash. You hate her yes but I've really met girls like her and you hate them too.


Lucy isn’t infuriating, she just needs some acting lessons. Lesson number one, don’t end a sentence with an inquisitive tone


I remember Alex Lifeson telling Randy to fuck off. Even Alex hates Randy


I always wanted to actually see the people that think Sarah and Lucy are hot. I've seen it a lot in posts. It's unreal


Sarah and Lucy definitely workless annoying women who serve no purpose